Basilica At The Heavenly Altar - Santa Maria In Aracheli - Alternative View

Basilica At The Heavenly Altar - Santa Maria In Aracheli - Alternative View
Basilica At The Heavenly Altar - Santa Maria In Aracheli - Alternative View

Video: Basilica At The Heavenly Altar - Santa Maria In Aracheli - Alternative View

Video: Basilica At The Heavenly Altar - Santa Maria In Aracheli - Alternative View
Video: Basilica Santa Maria in Aracoeli / tar of Heaven - Rome Italy - ECTV 2024, September

The appearance of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracheli, which translates as the Church of St. Mary at the Heavenly Altar, is very strict and even harsh. Its walls seem to protect those in the temple from the city, from the outside world. The modest central façade is decorated only with Gothic rose windows. And the basilica is located right on the top of the Capitoline Hill between the Senatorial Palace and the memorial complex in honor of Victor Emmanuel II. A staircase of 124 steps leads to it, built in 1348 in gratitude to the Madonna for ridding Rome of the plague.

At this place in ancient times stood the temple of the goddess Juno Coin (“Coin” in Latin means “warning” or “counselor”). Then the temple on the Capitol belonged to Greek monks, in the 9th century - to the Benedictines, and from 1250 - to the Franciscans. During the Middle Ages, popular meetings took place here and laws were proclaimed. On the territory of the temple, Roman money was minted, which was named after Juno Coins - coins. In 1285-1287, the temple acquired Roman-Gothic features, and in 1291 it was consecrated again.

According to legend, the basilica houses the world's oldest Christian altar, which existed even before the birth of Jesus. Tradition says that the emperor Octavian Augustus asked the Sibyl of Tiburtine: will a person greater than him appear? In response, he received a vision of the Holy Virgin with a baby - the son of God. Shocked by the fact that he saw the Son of God, Augustus ordered to build an altar on the top of the hill, which he called "Aracheli" - the Altar of Heaven. The inscription on the erected altar read: Dedicated to the "Firstborn of God." A material confirmation of this legend is one of the columns inside the temple. The photo shows the side entrance to the basilica.


In contrast to the harsh appearance, the interior decoration of the temple amazes with its elegant and light beauty. The church has three naves, separated by galleries of semicircular arches on antique columns. The columns were collected from various ancient Roman buildings. The third to the left of the entrance of 22 columns is taken from the house of Emperor Augustus, about which there is a corresponding inscription “A cubiculo Augustorum” (Bedchamber of Augustus). The floor is made in the "cosmatesco" style, traditional for medieval Roman churches.


The central arch of the three-nave basilica is decorated with crystal chandeliers. To the left of the altar (as it is believed, on the site of the altar) is the side-altar of St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine (about 250-330 years).


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The chapel dedicated to Saint Helena has the shape of a small temple. Its dome is carried by 8 columns of red marble, under the altar there is a porphyry reliquary with relics.


Saint Helena, the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine I, became famous for her activities in spreading Christianity and for her excavations in Jerusalem, during which the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-giving Cross and other relics of the Passion were found. Helen is revered by a number of Christian churches as the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen. Only 5 more women in Christian history were awarded this honor (Mary Magdalene, the first martyr Thekla, martyr Apphia, Princess Olga and the educator of Georgia Nina).


The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine was the first Christian emperor. Thanks to him, Christianity became the dominant religion in the state.


In the main altar of the basilica is an icon of the Mother of God, which (according to legend) was written by the Evangelist Luke himself and is considered miraculous.


In a separate chapel, to the left of the altar, there is a wooden figurine of the Infant Jesus hidden from human eyes. It is believed that the figurine was made from a tree that grew in the Garden of Gethsemane, and that it healed from diseases. The Italians believed in the miraculousness of Santo Bambino unconditionally. Towards Christmas, at the foot of the statue, heaps of telegrams and letters sent to the infant Christ piled up. However, the original 15th century figurine was stolen in 1994, and a copy was placed in the temple instead. The Italians claim that the new figurine is also miraculous. On the right photo below you can see letters, telegrams, notes.


All chapels are covered with bars. In one of the chapels of the left nave, there is a figurine of the Virgin Mary.


At the back of the temple, to the right of the altar, is a magnificent 13th century mosaic depicting the Madonna and the saints.


View of the right nave. In the chapels of the church, you can see frescoes depicting Saints Bernardine of Siena and Anthony of Padua, belonging to the brush of Pinturicio, Pomarancho, Gozzoli.


The coffered (cassette) wooden ceiling of the church was created in the 16th century in honor of the victory of the Italian fleet over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto (1571). This victory dispelled the myth of the "invincibility" of the Turkish fleet. Frescoes depicting allegorical battle scenes are located directly in the center of the ceiling.


A look towards the main entrance to the basilica.


Above the main entrance there is a stained glass window with three bees.


Three golden bees are associated with the name of Pope Urbana VIII of the Barberini family. Bees are the heraldic sign of the papal family and are depicted on the Barberini coat of arms.


The left nave is towards the main entrance.


In the first chapel of the left nave, when viewed from the entrance, you can see such a miracle.


On the left side of the main nave there is an icon depicting the Madonna and Child.


Right nave with a Gothic rose above the entrance. The second chapel on the right is called the Pieta Chapel and is decorated with frescoes from the Pomarancio. The third chapel contains gilded frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli dedicated to Saint Antonio.


In the first chapel to the right of the entrance there is a masterpiece "The Life of St. Bernardine of Siena", especially revered for his selfless deed in the fight against the plague, by Pinturicchio (1480s).


In general, wherever you look, there are masterpieces everywhere …


Among the treasures of the Capitoline Basilica, one can list the tombstone of Pope Honorius IV, and the tombs of various aristocratic families of Rome with tombstones made by Donatello and Michelangelo, among others, and many more interesting things.


Recommended reading: "Frescoes by Pinturicchio in Santa Maria in Aracheli".