“If You Saw Me - Cry ": The Massive Appearance In Central Europe Of Frightening Ancient Stones - Alternative View

“If You Saw Me - Cry ": The Massive Appearance In Central Europe Of Frightening Ancient Stones - Alternative View
“If You Saw Me - Cry ": The Massive Appearance In Central Europe Of Frightening Ancient Stones - Alternative View

Video: “If You Saw Me - Cry ": The Massive Appearance In Central Europe Of Frightening Ancient Stones - Alternative View

Video: “If You Saw Me - Cry
Video: Soldiers Encounter Mysterious Monsters in Vietnam War 2024, October

Today, many, if not all, know about the pyramids, dolmens and other megalithic monuments of Central Europe, but even researchers with a radical alternative view of the official's “history” for some reason ignored such a phenomenon as the Hunger stones of Central Europe. Europe. What is this anyway?

The so-called "Hungry Stones" are small rocks, or just large rocks, lying under water, but near the shores of European lakes and rivers. When the water level in these reservoirs falls, stones appear on the surface and the locals read with horror the inscriptions carved on the stones, the general meaning of which boils down to the message of ancestors to descendants: "If you saw me, cry."


The traditional point of view of the officials on these artifacts is that the stones are, as it were, markers of the critical water level in the rivers and lakes of Europe, that is, the stones say that a drought has come and, as a result, there will soon be crop failure and famine.

The explanation is logical and it would be quite possible to agree with it, however, there are very weak points in this explanation. Why, for example, does this tradition exist only in Central Europe, while in China and America there are no such stones? Or is there no drought?

Further, the strange dating of the stones attracts attention: 1616, 1417, and so on. But in the 15th century they did not write that way, everything was counted from the creation of the world, from some far-fetched dates!

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According to the official history, only in 1627, some Scaliger and Petavius proposed a system of counting dates from the Nativity of Christ, and this system became generally accepted (in particular, in the villages of Bohemia and Germany, where Hunger Stones are found) only by the end of the 18th century. Therefore, it is completely incomprehensible who carved dates like “year 1417” on the stones and when he did it. So it's not at all a fact that the inscriptions like “If you saw me - cry” and the dates of the water level drops were made by the same people at the same time.

In the summer of 2018 in Europe, as everyone knows perfectly well, there was an unprecedented heat - the heat was such that nuclear power plants all over the EU stopped, and social networks were packed with photos of reindeer taking water procedures, stunned by the heat. Naturally, this temperature led to a drop in water levels in lakes and rivers of Europe, and the level dropped so much that "Hunger Stones" appeared everywhere, as reported even by Fox News.

Officials explain this all by a drought, they say it got hot, the water evaporated and stones appeared, that is, it's okay. But let's remember what Wanga said in 1988:

“The day will come when the treasures buried under the ground will come to the surface of the earth, but the water will disappear. Can we drink gold instead of water? What do you think is more valuable? I see a ring that is gradually tightening around the Earth, I experience the torment of all people and I can’t, and I don’t dare to explain it, because one very stern voice continuously warns me not to try to explain anything, since people deserve that life, which is being led. How to help these people, who respect no one, rush to the ferry for money and things … as if a person has no other goal than the desire to trample everything light and holy, which he achieved at the cost of such dear sacrifices.

Again Vanga, 1995: “Do you know what awaits us in a few years? Earthquakes, fires, floods, disasters … Many people will be affected. Misfortunes will appear from everywhere, all nations will be affected … There will be fewer people, which means there will be fewer goods … meat of sheep, cows, goats will not be allowed to eat. And you do not think about anything and do not see what awaits you. People will walk without shoes, without clothes, live without food, fuel and light. The bees will disappear. Milk will become unhealthy to drink. Bottled water! Water, water! Since when do I tell you that water will be more expensive than gold, and this will happen. The situation will improve over time. There will be enough water, but you can't trade it."

We already see a lot of the above: bees have disappeared, GMO products have flooded supermarket shelves, and water has already begun to disappear - from all over the world there are reports that whole rivers or lakes are suddenly drying up. Sometimes everything happens very quickly: a hole appears in the ground and a freshwater lake or lagoon flows into it.

Is the prophecy starting to come true? Moreover, we note: not only Vanga, but also many other prophets, sensitives and mystics warned about the disappearance of fresh water. Medieval manuscripts are also full of such warnings, saying that the disappearance of water will be a sign of the End of the World. So is it really the same thing, that is, the Hunger Stones warn about the Apocalypse?

As far as can be judged from the surviving strange buildings of past eras, our planet from time to time encounters some kind of recurring cyclical cataclysm, after the last of which, in particular, Rome, Moscow, Paris and Petersburg were dug out of silt.


The cataclysm occurs with a frequency of approximately once every 500 years, completely destroying civilization, destroying written sources and interrupting the connection between generations.

Judging by what is happening to the planet today, the next end of the world is clearly not far off and, as far as can be judged from what is happening around, one of the signs of the approaching hour of H is the disappearance of fresh water. Most likely, the same thing happened the last time, that is, about 500 years ago: volcanoes intensified, M6.0 - M9.0 began around the world, the earth cracked and fresh water began to leave everywhere.

Now imagine that a cataclysm (pole shift, Nibiru, and so on) has just happened. Many died, but there were also survivors - that is, not just some people living on Earth, but people who survived a catastrophe that unfolded right before their eyes. While it was all starting, many of these people with laughter read the blogs of different citizens “in foil hats”, who warned about a cyclical catastrophe, but until the last moment they did not believe in this catastrophe. And when the catastrophe nevertheless happened, there is no longer the Internet, not even paper to pass on invaluable knowledge to descendants, in order to somehow warn those living in 500 years that a global catastrophe awaits them all.

As it seems to us, the most optimal way of transmitting information in this situation will be a stone. People will remember that before the disaster, fresh water disappeared, lakes and rivers became shallow. Therefore, they will drag large stones into the nearest reservoirs and carve a warning inscription on them, the essence of which boils down to the fact that "If you see me, then BP is coming soon."

In the most general terms and approximately in this way, we see the emergence of the "Hunger Stones" in Central Europe. Whether we are right or not, the further development of events will show.
