Mysterious Rock Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

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Mysterious Rock Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View
Mysterious Rock Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Rock Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Rock Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View
Video: Mystery Files - The Romanovs 2024, September

One of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century is the death of the family of Emperor Nicholas II. One can state with a sigh: “The time was like that”. But researchers inclined to the irrational are convinced that the shooting in Yekaterinburg is not at all the result of an unfortunate coincidence, but only the last link in a chain of bloody and terrible events with a mystical background …


Take, for example, strange coincidences and inexplicable cause-and-effect relationships in the life of the Romanov dynasty. Its founder Filaret (Fedor) Romanov, the father of Tsar Mikhail, was tonsured at the Ipatiev Monastery. Nicholas II and his family were shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg.

For Emperor Nicholas II, the number 17 became unlucky. The revolution that deprived him of power, and then of life, took place in 1917 … Another fatal figure for him is 23. He reigned for 23 years. 23 steps led to the basement, where the execution of the royal family took place …


The election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne was preceded by cruel crimes - the murder in Uglich of the heir to the Rurikovich family, Tsarevich Dimitri: the violent, in all likelihood, death of Boris Godunov; the execution of two False Dmitrys and, finally, the brutal murder of a four-year-old child - the son of Marina Mnishek and False Dmitry II, “Tushinsky thief”.

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Three hundred years of the rule of the new dynasty turned into a nightmare of conspiracies, coups, attempts and atrocities. Peter I almost died in childhood at the hands of conspirators. He ordered to kill his son, Tsarevich Alexei, because he dared to go against his father. Elizaveta Petrovna, his daughter, came to power through the head of the legitimate heir of Ivan Antonovich, who died in captivity. Catherine II took the throne from her husband Peter III, who was also killed on her orders. Paul I was strangled with the consent of the native support of the ska Alexander, who later died himself …

There was a talk among the people that it was not without purpose that the Romanov Higher powers were angered, they would not live on the throne. Therefore, Russian rulers have always been sensitive to various prophecies and predictions …


When the future Tsar Alexander II was born, his mother turned to the famous holy fool Fyodor with a request to predict the fate of her son. The holy fool replied: "He will be mighty, glorious and strong, will be one of the greatest sovereigns in the world, but still he will die in red boots."

Once one of the novices of the Sergius Hermitage, at times suffering from a mental breakdown, came to the bakery, suddenly grabbed a poker, heated it in the oven, then rushed into the archimandrite's chambers, where a portrait of the sovereign hung in full growth, and burned the emperor's legs to the knees with a red-hot poker.

14 years later, a member of the Narodnaya Volya, Grine-vitsky, threw a bomb at the Tsar's feet on the embankment of the Catherine Canal. Alexandra's legs were crushed to the knees, blood was flowing down them (“red boots”!). Soon he died without regaining consciousness … Even during the reign of Alexander I, the elder Iliodor from the Glinsk Hermitage had visions of the future of Russian monarchs. It was revealed to him that after the current tsar Nicholas would come to the throne (although in seniority the next brother was the Grand Duke Constantine), then Alexander, whose life would be cut short by an atrocity, and after him another Alexander (Alexander III), who was destined to reign for a short time, and for Nicholas (Nicholas II), and with the end of the reign of this latter, the world will plunge into darkness. And this will be connected with the arrival of a great sinner, posing as God (Lenin?) …

In 1891, while traveling across Japan, the future Emperor Nicholas II visited the blind soothsayer Terakuto. What he heard from the blind man was by no means comforting: he said that the whole family of Nicholas would face a martyr's death, and Russia - "great sorrows and upheavals." In addition, Terakuto warned the Tsarevich about the impending attempt on his life: "Danger hovers over your head, but death will recede and the cane will be stronger than the sword … and the cane will shine with brilliance."

A few days later, in Kyoto, a Japanese man struck Nikolai on the head with a saber, but the wound turned out to be harmless. Prince George of Greece, who was present, struck the attacker with a bamboo cane, which saved the heir's life. When Nicholas and George returned to Russia, Emperor Alexander III ordered to make a frame of gold and diamonds for the prince's cane. Thus the prophecy of the blind man came true …

During the coronation of Nicholas II in Moscow, on the Khodynskoye field, tragic events took place: a terrible crush began during the distribution of gifts, there were many dead and wounded. This was a bad omen. Mindful of the predictions made by Iliodor and Terakuto, the king tried to find out details about the future for himself and his family.

The once renowned seer Abel left a sealed message in the Gatchina Palace, which was to be opened at the appointed time by the ruling Russian emperor. This term expired on March 12, 1901.

On that day, in the morning, Nikolai and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, in a cheerful and lively mood, went to Gatchina, where they were to open the chest with the cherished letter. They returned in sadness and thoughtfulness. Since then, according to the testimony of those close to him, the emperor has repeatedly mentioned 1918 as a kind of fatal milestone for the Romanov family. What was contained in the mysterious letter? Nobody knew this …

Nikolay often repeated that unprecedented suffering and trials awaited their family and Russia. This premonition (or knowledge!) Was also confirmed by the blessed Paraskeva of Sarov, who also predicted the birth of an heir to the tsar and tsarina, the beginning of the First World War, and much more.

It is not surprising that Grigory Rasputin also acquired such an influence on the royal family. No matter how charlatan he may be considered, Rasputin's visionary abilities are not in doubt. So, he dissuaded the tsar from taking Stolypin with him to Kiev: "they will kill him there." The tsar did not obey, and one of the most talented Russian politicians died before completing his progressive reforms.

Rasputin told the queen: “As long as I live, nothing will happen to you. If there is no me, there will be no you either. Two months after the murder of this amazing man, Nicholas II was dethroned, and a year later his family was destroyed by the Bolsheviks who came to power. Rasputin's prediction came true, like many other sinister prophecies about the mighty of this world …


Some of these "powerful of this world" themselves had remarkable visionary abilities. They say that the last Russian empress Alexandra Feodorovna was subject to bouts of the so-called shamanic illness, during which she awakened the gift of clairvoyance.

Shortly before leaving for Russia, where Princess Alice of Darmstadt was to marry the Tsarevich, the future Emperor Nicholas II, she had a seizure. The empress later told a narrow circle of those close to her about the vision that had visited her. And she dreamed of her fiance, dressed in a long white shirt On his head - a crown. He sat on the box of the carriage and tried to drive the horses. But they did not smell the reins, rushed, not disassembling the road, knocking down passers-by who got in the way. A bloody trail followed the carriage. The king could not stop her. But then the crew was blocked by two strangers - a young girl in a black veil and a pockmarked bearded man in a simple country shirt worn out. Alyx was struck by the peasant's eyes - there was something bestial, wild in them.

Later, the empress recognized the girl from an old dream in the young Anna Taneeva (married to Vyrubova). At one of the balls, Anya was introduced to the empress. Alexandra brought her closer to her, made her a maid of honor … Once, with the assistance of Anna, a Siberian monk-magician with crazy eyes - Grigory Rasputin - was brought to the emperor. He turned out to be a peasant, then, in a dream, who stopped the royal carriage. The guest claimed that he would be able to help Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia.

Both - Rasputin and Vyrubova - became the empress's most confidants. She hoped that they would indeed help save the tsar's house, save Russia from mockery.

However, 1918 was the last year for the Romanovs. And again, like three hundred years ago, an innocent youth, Tsarevich Alexei, died. Whether the Romanovs were overtaken by well-deserved retribution, or simply the whole history of mankind consists of cycles of endless repetitions - we do not know about that …