Witchcraft Holidays - Alternative View

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Witchcraft Holidays - Alternative View
Witchcraft Holidays - Alternative View

Video: Witchcraft Holidays - Alternative View

Video: Witchcraft Holidays - Alternative View
Video: Samhain || Wiccan Sabbats || Wiccan Holidays 2024, September

The calendar of sorcerers consists of thirteen holidays held on the full moon, and in addition to this of eight sabbats (sabbats). Many witches and sorcerers rightfully call all calendar holidays days of power. The fact is that only on these days occultists get an excellent opportunity to replenish their witchcraft powers and skill spent for a long time …


Yodem. It is celebrated every time on December 21st. It is on this day that the festive cycle receives a new round, in which occultists greet the gods and ask for mercy and help from them. Yule - the day of the revival of the Sun - the beginning of the beginning of everything on Earth.


Imbolc. Celebrated on February 2. On this day, according to ancient texts and beliefs, deities descend to Earth in the name of the revival of the Sun. It is customary to light hundreds of lights and torches on Imbolk. If you walk past the houses of Catholics on February 2, then at the time of dusk you can see burning candles on the windowsills. Usually they are built in a pyramid or triangle - these are signs of power and inspiration. In different parts of the world, this holiday is called differently. Here are some variations of its name: Torchlight Festival, Pan's Day, Oymelk, Brigitte's Day, Snowdrop Festival, Lupercalia.


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According to ancient witchcraft traditions, it is customary to go outside at midnight and draw an image of the sun on the snow, thereby invoking warmth. After that, they enter the house and say a holiday prayer right on the doorstep of the following content:

Oh God! The long-awaited torch holiday has finally arrived … All the candles in my abode are lit! Greetings to all the gods who have visited me on this joyful day, I praise you! I praise all the gods! Although Mother Earth is still asleep, But the time of her awakening is near, Like melted snow! I glorify the sun and the sky, giving life!

Then they light the fireplace, sit down next to it and speak in a chant.

Frosty wind - away! Dark night away! Spirits of the North calm down, bow to Mother Earth! Oh, the Horned One, Patron of virgins and animals, Come down to earth and give it warmth! Kiss the mistress of fertility with your lips … O Horned One, O Great God!

On Imbolk, it is customary to eat milk, spicy and fatty food dedicated to the sun. Peppers, onions and garlic are usually used for dressing dishes. A few raisins must be placed in spicy wines and dishes


Ostara. This holiday is celebrated on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox. During it, occultists ask for blessings and fertility from the earth in the new sowing season, and also make all kinds of offerings to strengthen the coming to earth of the gods who have recently awakened from sleep.


Beltane. Celebrated according to ancient traditions from April 30 to May 1. This holiday is considered sacred for all pagans, without exception, in whatever areas of the globe they live. This is one of the fire festivals, originally called Fire festivals. As soon as the first holiday comes, people sprinkle primrose petals on the thresholds of houses, and lay green branches at the steps. This feature has distant roots. In the Middle Ages, people thought that in the period from April 30 to May 1, hordes of demons would approach their homes. In order to be safe, people decided that the most sure thing was to protect their homes with primrose petals, since everyone knew that evil spirits were afraid of them, like devils of incense.


Lita. This holiday falls on the period of the summer solstice, on June 21 of each new year. The earth is already bearing the future harvest and is, as it were, on the eve of the copulation of the goddess with God. We offer you excerpts from the "Textbook on Witchcraft" by the famous occultist Scott Cunningham:

“… Before the ceremony, make a small bag and fill it with dry herbs: lavender, verbena or others. Make a mental list of your troubles, problems, griefs, regrets, and illnesses. Write it down on paper and tie it up with red ribbon. Place it on the altar to be used during the ritual. The cauldron should also be on or near the altar. Even if you use candles to indicate elemental directions, the red candle in the candlestick should still be present on the altar. If the ritual is performed outside, a small fire is lit and a bag of herbs is thrown into it. “… Take the altar, light candles and incense, make a circle. Recite a song of blessing. Call on goddess and god. Stand in front of the altar, raise the rod and recite:

I praise the arrival of the summer noon … In the name of this I conduct my ritual! Oh, come at last! Oh Great Goddess and God! The strength of the earth, the strength of the wind, the strength of the spirit and the underworld, Let God and the Goddess come to me! Since the universal warmth and piety came to the earth … Sorrows and worries went into the kingdom of darkness and eternal peace! It's time to cleanse. O shining Sun! O wandering wind! Burn all unnecessary, Blow all suffering into the water, Ako all sorrows and ailments. Cleanse me! Cleanse me! Cleanse me!

… Put the rod on the altar. Take your list and burn it on a red candle (or at the stake). When it lights up, throw it into the cauldron (or other vessel) and say:

I drive you out by the powers of the Goddess and God! I drive you out by the forces of the Sun, Moon and Stars! I drive you out by the forces of Earth, Air, Fire and Water!

Stop, contemplate your misery turning into nothing. Then say: O Beautiful Goddess! Oh Beautiful God! On this night of summer magic, I pray that you will fill my life with surprise and joy. Help me tune in to the energies Flowing in the night singing air! Thank you.

Feel the natural forces flowing through you, washing you with spiritual energy. Do some magic if necessary. Mark the treat. Remove the circle. On these days, it is customary to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.


Lagnasad. It is customary to celebrate this ancient holiday at the time of the first harvest, namely on August 1. Nature is gradually parting with its beauty, the grass dries, the fruits wrinkle, and the seeds of plants begin to crumble in order to be reborn next year. For the occult ceremony of celebration, a sheaf of wheat is placed on the threshold of the house. In addition to wheat, you can use: barley, oats, any fruits and even pieces of rye bread.

People with an innate culinary imagination are advised to bake bread in the form of the sun or a human figure on this day. After laying offerings, the gods should stand in front of the threshold, raise a sheaf of wheat in their hands and say with expression:

It's time, The first harvest is on the doorstep! His nature has given me in the name of you: mother and father! The cold and snow will now turn for me Into a reflection in the mirror! O God of ripe fields! O master of all things! I sacrifice myself to you (myself) For your eternal journey To the land of eternal rest! Oh Goddess of the Dark Moon, Come again, After the Sun again Illuminates the earth with its hot rays! When the cold of winter will disappear And a new time will come for revival! I shower the ears, I give you bread and grain!


Then you need to bite off a piece of the sacrificial apple and hold it in your mouth for a short time in order to get a taste of its taste. After that, eat the rest of the apple and say:

I have tasted the sacrifice brought to you, I have tasted part of the fruits brought to you! I now yearn to receive wisdom, Patience and hope from you! Oh Lady of the Moon and Lord of the Sun, I fall at your feet, Thank you entirely for peace and love for me, your humble admirer!

During the celebration, it is recommended to consume the following foods: rye bread, fruits of black currant or any other berries, acorns (soaked in salted water), wild apples, cider is drunk instead of wine.


Mabon. This holiday is celebrated on September 21, the day of the autumnal equinox. This means that day and night have become equal in time. Nature falls asleep, and the deities are ready to cross the thorny forest path to the world of eternal rest. To see the departing gods, you should put on the table: acorns, oak branches, pine or cypress cones, ears of corn, stalks of wheat. And by the table there should be a small bucket filled with fallen leaves. Raising it above your head, you need to begin to slowly pour the leaves on the table and chant the following spell:

Oh Gods, This golden shower has already fallen!

Oh gods, a fierce cold is descending on Mother Earth! O gods, cover it with a curtain of your warm clothes. Leaving for the world of eternal rest, I ask: Do not forget about your humble slave! For this I prayed and sacrificed you! Oh gods, I'm sure you will come again! How a new harvest will come and bear fruit! And then the cold will leave Mother Earth, And death itself will come from me!

Then the empty bucket must be put on the floor and the spell continues:

Beautiful Goddess of fertility, I thank you for the fruits given to me!

I thank you for the fertility given to the earth!

Now I ask you to give me: Will!


The strength and wisdom that you have been sowing for many, many years!

Teach me the secrets of everything

Oh great gods!

Food on the day of the Mabon holiday: any cereals, fruits, vegetables, corn, beans, dried zucchini.


Samhain. It is customary to celebrate this holiday on October 31. In many places on the planet it is known under a different name, namely, Halloween. October 31 is a special sacrificial day on which almost all occultists depend. To hold a holiday, you need to lay on the table in the house: autumn flowers (marigolds or chrysanthemums), pomegranates, apples, pumpkins, zucchini. Then you need to write on a piece of paper the quality of your character that harms you (for example, anger, bad habits, fussiness).

On a large plate, a circle is drawn along the border, which can be drawn with a simple pencil. Draw eight rays from the center of the plate to the edge, thus you will depict the symbol of the Sabbat - the annual wheel. After these "arts" think about your friends and relatives, about those who have already left this world (died). You need to think without feeling desperate. Then take one of the pomegranates in your hands and cut a small piece from it with a knife. Take out a couple of grains, put them on a plate with the annual wheel depicted on it. Close your eyes for a moment and then say loudly:


The hour of Samhain has come!

The road to the east has opened

Where will I go in search of light and truth …

I remember the dead

Ako how about living

And I do not even regret that they are no longer with me!

I remember alive

Who can visit my home at any time!

Oh Gods!

Show me the way

I will walk through darkness and oblivion

In search of light and truth!

Put a few pomegranate seeds in your mouth. Bite through them, feel the taste of reddish juice … After that, take a quick glance at the plate and think that the old year is over and now the road to the new is open. Light a candle set on the table, pick up a piece of paper with the written down and burn it. The ashes should soon be scattered to the wind. On the night of Samhain, it is customary to put on the street at the doorstep a plate of food intended for deceased relatives. And candles should be burning on the window at this time, showing them the right path in the kingdom of eternal peace and silence. The food of this most interesting festival: apples, beets, gingerbread, turnips, corn, nuts, cider (as well as heated spicy wine), pumpkin dishes, any meat dishes.


Rite of passage in Heloween (Haitian Santeria). Since we started talking about the monotony of occult holidays in different parts of the world, let us tell you about one of them, once observed by us … Halloween …

Haiti, Port-au-Prince, night from 30 to 31 October. A large congestion of residents of the De Palma Rios area can be seen near the Catholic church. On this night, perhaps the most mysterious of all the ancient pagan holidays is celebrated - All Saints' Day, or otherwise Samhein. It represents some semblance of the well-known New Year. They begin to prepare for the celebration, as a rule, a month before its onset, appeasing all relatives who have gone to another world. A week before the start of the festivities, many adherents of the faith begin to atone for their sins accumulated over a whole year. They lie on their stomachs or on their backs and thus begin their rather painful journey on their bellies from the door of their house to the gate of the temple, where the culminating celebration will be held. Sometimes "sinners" travel several tens of kilometers,despite the bleeding elbows and knees. According to African American legends, the creator god, sometimes referred to as Zambi or Olodumare, made exactly the same journey in order to create the world we still live in. Then, having created the world in three days, he looked at his creation, and it terrified him so much that he had to turn his back on it. Thus, he forced to atone for their sins and all the people whom he created exactly the same suffering as himself. Dozens, and sometimes Augni, of people crawling on such a strange journey, never cause embarrassment to anyone except tourists. Such an action is considered a real feat, and never a single priest, or bokor, will reproach a parishioner who crawled to the gate of the church. When the last "sinner" gets to his goal, the main ceremony begins. Apples, pomegranates, pumpkins, zucchini and other fruits and fruits, autumn flowers, for example, marigolds and chrysanthemums, are placed on the high altar. Parishioners write on pieces of paper the traits of their character that they want to get rid of: anger, bad habits, fussiness, illness. In the middle of the temple at Gueda Point (at the point), a special cauldron is installed on a stand with small legs, around which white clay plates are placed with small wheels with eight spokes painted on their bottoms. Before the ritual, everyone sits calmly and thinks about their friends and loved ones, about those who are already lost forever, without any despair. The parishioners know that they (that is, the dead) help them in the most difficult things. Then the growing noise of drums is heard, altar candles and incense burners are lit, around which a circle of sea stones is folded. A Catholic priest, or bokor, enters the center of the concession (meeting) and recites a song of blessing, thereby invoking God. Everyone takes the broken pomegranates in their hands and puts several grains on the dishes with painted wheels, goes around the cauldron and puts three grains into their mouths, biting them and feeling a bittersweet taste. The very wheel on the plates is a seasonal cycle, that is, the end and beginning of all that exists. A fire is lit in the cauldron and candles attached to the walls of the temple. Everyone begins to gaze into the fire, calling all that exists to the gates of the divine abode. Pieces of paper with the negative qualities of each parishioner written on them are ignited from the boiler's flame, and then they rush there. While the fire is burning in the cauldron, everyone knows that their pain decreases and leaves them, as if burning in a universal flame. Then the souls of the dead are summoned. It is necessary to take the fact of their death calmly. At about two o'clock in the morning, the whole procession moves to the cemetery, where the deceased relatives are buried. Plates with food for dead souls are displayed on the graves. Sometimes at this time you can also see local sorcerers helping to solve certain problems of their clients. Candles burning in the morning on the windows of many houses indicate that their owners show the way for the dead to the land of eternal summer, and apples buried under the windows are food for those who have gone on their long journey. Candles burning in the morning on the windows of many houses indicate that their owners show the way for the dead to the land of eternal summer, and apples buried under the windows are food for those who have gone on their long journey. Candles burning in the morning on the windows of many houses indicate that their owners show the way for the dead to the land of eternal summer, and apples buried under the windows are food for those who have gone on their long journey.