The City Where Souls Live After Death: A Mystical Story About Wonderful Dreams - Alternative View

The City Where Souls Live After Death: A Mystical Story About  Wonderful Dreams - Alternative View
The City Where Souls Live After Death: A Mystical Story About Wonderful Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The City Where Souls Live After Death: A Mystical Story About Wonderful Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The City Where Souls Live After Death: A Mystical Story About  Wonderful Dreams - Alternative View
Video: The TRUTH About LIFE After DEATH - Does The SOUL Live After DEATH? | Tom Campbell [2020] 2024, July

Probably, there is no person who would not think about what happens to us after death. And is there anything at all.

Many people have probably heard the stories that people who have experienced clinical death tell, and if not, then at least read about them. So I have one such story, I would very much like to hope that it turns out to be true.

Ten years ago I studied at the university - in my third or fourth year, now I don't remember exactly. I had a couple of friends who lived in a rented apartment.

I often went to see them when there was money, we went somewhere to have fun, and when the money ran out, we just stayed at home and had different conversations over beer.

Once a new guy, Denis, joined them. It was during one of these evening gatherings that I heard a story from him, which, according to him, happened to his cousin.

As Denis said, they became friends with Lyonka in childhood, they lived in the same village. Then Leonid grew up, went to the city, wanted to go to study, but it didn't work out, either he didn't pass the competition, or he failed the exams … Then - the army, and after that he went to work.

And so, when he was 25 years old, he had a serious accident: an old Zhiguli, in which he and his friends were driving somewhere, collided with a truck on the highway. Lyonka was sitting next to the driver, and therefore the whole blow fell on him.

The rest escaped with mild fright and minor injuries, and Lenya was hospitalized with a depressed fracture of the chest. It can be said that he was still lucky, it is good that the heart was not punctured by fragments of the ribs and the arteries were not damaged.

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But he spent several months in the hospital. Of course, Denis often visited him. He told us that he had stopped recognizing his friend - he had become not like himself: he used to be whimsical, cheerful, but in the hospital he somehow became serious, often began to frown and think about something.

Once Denis, after several unsuccessful attempts, would stir him up, asked directly what was happening to him. Then he told him (after taking his word not to tell anyone about this) that he often sees unusual dreams at night. More precisely, according to him, these were not dreams at all, but some visions.

It all started with the fact that waking up at night from severe pain in the heart area, Lyonka sat on the bed for a while, and then decided to go to the toilet - then he was just starting to walk on his own.

Well, I went, came back down the hospital corridor and stopped by the window to rest on the way. The building was located close to the hospital fence, and almost immediately behind it there were several three-story residential buildings, where in the courtyard of the hostess they hung out the laundry to dry.

Suddenly Lyonka saw that one sheet, swaying in the wind, suddenly slid off the rope. But for some reason, she did not fall to the ground, but rose into the air and flew towards the hospital window.

It means that this sheet flies up to the hospital, and stops a few meters away. And now Lyonka realizes that this is no longer a sheet at all, this is a cape that fits a human figure. But there was no person inside her.

Lyonka got scared and recoiled from the window, sank to the floor, sat for a while, then got up again, looked - everything was normal outside the window, no sheets. He decided that it seemed to him, calmed down a little and wandered into the room.

He sat down on the bed, sat a little, and he remembered all this sheet, he could not sleep. So he then got up and went back to the window, but this time to another, the one in the ward. I wanted to open it up and sip some fresh air.

And as soon as he approached, he immediately saw again all the same white sheet hanging outside the window in the form of a cape or a cloak - he no longer knew how to call it correctly. Lyonka again drew back from the window, sat down on his bed - and sat there until morning.

The next night, his greatest fear was that he would see that damned sheet again. And although the linen was already removed, at night he did not dare to look out the window. And after that, these very dreams began.

Although they were so real that it would be somehow wrong to call them dreams. He fell into sleep suddenly. He simply closed his eyes and immediately found himself in some unfamiliar place.

As he said, it was an amazingly beautiful city - in fact, he was not in the city itself, but saw its buildings and turrets through some kind of silvery haze in the distance.

He could not even explain what exactly attracted him to this city - he was somehow amazing: lacy, weightless, incomprehensible.

Lenya could make out individual buildings, green trees and a bright blue sky - but he did not see people, perhaps they were not there at all, he did not know, because he could never get close to this city, no matter how he tried.

A month later he was discharged, and he asked me to go with him somewhere in nature. Of course, Denis agreed. First they drove into the forest. Then they just started dating and wandering in the parks.

Lenya was somehow thoughtful, and then at some point admitted that he had not paid attention to many things before, he simply did not see them, he took it for granted.

And now he sees how unusually beautiful the clouds are at sunset, or how the sun's rays fall on the grass, piercing through the foliage that is already starting to turn yellow. Or what an amazing light the moon path shines on the surface of the river.

Well, and much more in the same spirit. That is, he could walk, and then suddenly stopped, falling into a stupor from some kind of picture in which Denis himself did not see anything unusual.

And Lyonka also said that all this reminds him of the very city that he saw in his dreams. But the real earthly city in which they lived seemed to him now unreal, inanimate. As happens when cardboard sets are installed for a theatrical performance, for example.

Denis sometimes tried to make fun of him at first, asking if he had seen angels with wings behind his back and shining halos in that city, but then, when Lyonka suddenly almost burst into tears several times - a healthy adult guy - all jokes on this topic stopped.

And a year later, Lyonka died. The consequences of that very injury affected, his heart ached, ached, and then stopped altogether. Denis couldn't recover for several months. And then he had a dream.

He seems to be walking along some high fence, walking and walking, but the end is not visible. And it is also impossible to look behind it. He dreamed that he moved away from the fence to the side in order to assess how long he still had to go.

And when he walked away, he saw that the sun was shining on the other side of the fence, and on the other side where he was, on the contrary, it was shadow and cold. And then a head appeared over Lenkin's fence - it seemed like he pulled himself up in his arms, looked at Denis and smiled.

Denis saw him, was delighted, approached, asks how are you - is this your silver city? And he does not answer, only continues to smile. Denis started jumping up to reach his brother, only very high - wherever there.

And Lyonka shows him with his hand and says, go, they say, further, there is a door. Denis nodded to him and went where he showed. And then he even ran, so he really wanted to get over the fence faster and see a friend. I just stumbled, fell and woke up at that moment.

And now he is sure that after death this silver city awaits all of us. At least he wanted to think so. And there - the time will come, we'll see.