How The Vatican Changed The History Of Russia - Alternative View

How The Vatican Changed The History Of Russia - Alternative View
How The Vatican Changed The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Recently, researchers of alternative history have been able, with the help of many medieval maps and atlases with the image of Great Tartary, preserved in the West, to come closer to solving the mystery of the existence and death of the ancient Vedic civilization, the successor of which was Great Tartary, which until the time of Genghis Khan was called Great Scythia. Seems strange. that the servants of parasites, who for many centuries under the leadership of the Vatican, carried out a total falsification of history and almost completely "cleaned up" and falsified historical sources on the territory of Romanov's Russia, in the West left in the West in the open access references, descriptions and atlase maps indicating the Great Tartary. This is not at all like them.

So is the injection of information about Great Tartary into the territory of the Russian Federation deliberate? Independent researchers in the field of alternative (real) history of mankind A. Kadykchansky and O. Pavlyuchenko believe that the Vatican (which is actually the main focal point for falsifying history) has deliberately declassified all this information and threw it into our country. But why was this done? Are the falsifiers "seized by conscience" for centuries-old lies about our country and our people? Of course not. It was this information that the parasites and their servants wanted to use to introduce ethnic hatred in our country and the growth of marginal (primarily Siberian) separatism.

However, they miscalculated in relation to peoples who have lived together in the same territory for thousands of years: first as part of Great Scythia, then Great Tartary, after the death of which part of its territory - Siberia and the Far East - went to the Russian Empire. Then it was on the same territory that the USSR existed, and now the Russian Federation.

Also, they miscalculated in the ability of researchers of alternative history to get to the bottom of the truth. And they, these researchers have unequivocally proved that Great Tartary has nothing to do with the present Tatars. which are known in the ancient chronicles as "Volga Bulgars". And of course, there was no mythical "Mongol-Tatra yoke" in Russia, and I have written about this more than once, as well as the fact that neither the current Tatars, nor the current Mongols have anything to do with the mythical "Mongol-Tatars" from the army of Batu. These are completely different peoples. And the pseudo-historical myth about the "Great Mongol Empire" was created by the Vatican Jesuit monks in parallel with the falsification of the history of China, just for the sake of concealing the very fact of the existence of the Great Tartary.

In addition, alternative researchers found that the population of the Siberian part of Great Tartary for the most part did not differ either genetically or in general ancient history and Vedic culture from the population of Russia and had only a small percentage of "small peoples of Siberia" and that is why there were no Mongoloid "traces" neither in Russia, nor in Eastern and Central Europe, where Batu's army passed, has not yet been found. Thus, the interethnic conflict between the Russians and the Tatars, planned by the Vatican, was prevented, as well as the carefully fueled and promoted Siberian separatism.

I hope there is no need to explain that parasites have long been "sharpening their teeth" on our Siberia, which is so rich in various minerals, and openly talking about this, suggesting through the UN structures to make it "the property of all mankind." But we must clearly understand that this "all of humanity" primarily means the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire, which throughout its history secretly or openly harmed and intrigued against Russia, trying to seize its territory and natural resources, as well as enslave and significantly reduce the indigenous population … That is why various structures of parasites have been actively pursuing anti-Russian activities in the Urals and Siberia in recent decades. And only on the territory of Siberia, the parasites are planning to create 7 "independent states" under the protectorate of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire. Clear,that these "independent" territories will in fact become colonies with a puppet regime, full access to the resources of which will be given to transnational corporations.

But, given that on the territory of Siberia, despite the efforts of parasites and a lot of spent funds, there were not so many thugs and corrupt creatures who supported this idea, recently a new plan has been actively implemented by the structures of parasites, the purpose of which is to inflate separatism into northern arctic territories of Russia. It is clear that recently a real "battle for the Arctic" has unfolded between Russia and the northern colonies of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire, the purpose of which is to control the northern sea route, which will significantly shorten the sea route to Southeast Asia, as well as access to rich mineral resources. Arctic shelf. But these are only visible and officially stated goals. There is also an unspoken goal - access to the artifacts of the ancient Arctic at the bottom of our northern seas.

For all this, the parasites and their servants began to actively play the "Pomor card", trying to tear the indigenous population of the Russian North away from a single centuries-old tradition and culture, and arouse separatist sentiments in it. That is why paid "trolls" and entire "troll factories" have developed active propaganda in the network in recent years, the purpose of which is to convince the Pomors that they have nothing to do with the Russian people, but are "Finno-Ugric" by their genetic nature. This means that the peoples of the north of Europe, and not Russia, should "stick to" the type.

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For example. a typical comment of one such "troll" of parasites on the portal "Chronicles of the Earth": "Neither genetically nor by language the Pomors have anything in common with the Great Russians, the Estonians are closer genetically to the Russians than the Pomors, and the language has features that bring it closer to the West Slavic ones, but here is the name of the commercial fish used Finnish Pomors. There are official studies of genetics, maps of gene distribution, studies of linguists, all of this can be found. That is, at first, there was a slavicization simply due to migration processes and interethnic communication, then the involvement of the free land in the orbit of Moscow and Russification with the formation of Russian dialects based on Slavic languages other than Russian, which has now led to the loss of regional dialects. In any case, the Onega dialect is considered extinct. Linguists have proven that the boundaries of dialects,if we consider the history of the region, they coincide with the boundaries of the settlement of different peoples in the past, i.e. differences fade very slowly, and this regional difference often goes back to the Stone Age."

But how real are such custom “fantasies” of this and many other “trolls” of parasites actively writing such disinformation on the Internet? To be objective, let's turn to the official data of Russian and foreign geneticists and anthropologists. As one of the most recent, consider a table with data from genetic studies of various regions of Europe, which were carried out in 2005-2009.


What do we see from these data, where are they given in an average form for the Russian people? According to Balanovsky's data, in general, 53.1% of Russians living in Russia have the "Aryan" haplogroup R1a and 12.2% - the "Finno-Ugric" haplogroup N. The largest number of the latter is found in the northern regions of Russia (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov) … But is the percentage of this haplogroup so high among local residents that it would be possible to declare that, allegedly, "Neither genetically nor by tongue the Pomors have anything in common with the Great Russians"? And the assertion that Estonians are supposedly closer to Russians genetically than Pomors is, in general, complete nonsense. This could only be said by a person who did not know that Estonians, just like the Finns, Mari and Hungarians, are precisely the Ugro-Finns.

Here, a scientific article entitled "Two Sources of the Russian Patrilineal Heritage in Their Eurasian Context", which was published in the American scientific journal "The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2008" gives us the following text: "Every second Russian Y-chromosome belongs haplogroup R1a. Figure 3A shows the distribution of this haplogroup in the studied historical Russian area (indicated by the gray line) in a pan-European context. with the exclusion of the population of Central and South Asia, the map demonstrates that within Europe, R1a is typical of the Balto-Slavic populations, with two exceptions: Slavs20 southern and northern Russians (Figure 3A). The frequency of R1a is reduced in the northeastern populations of Russia to 20% -30%, in contrast to central and southern Russia, where its frequency is twice as high.

It must be said that in the northern regions of Russia the percentage of haplogroup R1a is indeed slightly lower, and the percentage of haplogroup N is slightly higher than in the central and southern regions. We read in the same source: “21-23 Figure 3C illustrates the fact that the Area of Russia, N3 frequency decreases significantly from north (> 35%) to south (<10%). Thus, N3 follows a trend opposite to that observed for R1a. ". Translation from English is a machine translation, but the essence can be understood: in the North, the “Finno-Ugric” haplogroup in the northern Russian regions is about 35% and decreases to 10% in the south of Russia. For a more detailed comparative analysis, let us consider another table, where the regions of the North, Center and South of European Russia are given separately.


What can you see from this data? And the fact that our "northerners" have two main haplogroups. the percentage of which is approximately the same: 35% N1c1 and 34% R1a1. And on what, excuse me, are the "profound" conclusions of the Russophobic "trolls" that "the Pomors have nothing to do with the Great Russians"? Both have the same basic haplogroups. Only northerners have smaller R1 and more N1. Moreover, the "northerners" have an approximate equality between these haplogroups. As you can see, comments are superfluous, and the goals of this entire false information campaign emanating from the servants of the parasites were indicated above.

Therefore, before you believe their sweet and deceitful speeches, check the accuracy of their information yourself. And know: the servants of the parasites will continue to try to implement the plans of their masters in order to bring hatred between the peoples of Russia and seize its territory and natural resources. But also remember that the one who persistently digs a hole for another will certainly fall into it himself. Therefore, the time of the collapse of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire itself is not far off.