The Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Prohibit A Fuel-free Generator - Alternative View

The Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Prohibit A Fuel-free Generator - Alternative View
The Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Prohibit A Fuel-free Generator - Alternative View

Video: The Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Prohibit A Fuel-free Generator - Alternative View

Video: The Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Prohibit A Fuel-free Generator - Alternative View
Video: The Real Truth about Free Energy Fuelless Generator 2024, July

Most of modern society believes that it is impossible to draw energy from the air. But what if modern science simply imposes its opinion to enrich the pockets of the oil magnates? Let me show you the evidence for a new technology that may be banned very soon.


Here is DENNY DANZIG - the developer of the American generator EARTH ENGINE. The Wall Street Journal, in a page and a half article, praised his disruptive technology, which could mark the end of the "hydrocarbon era." Thus, the American fuel-free magnetic drive generator developed by IEC received strong media support from the most influential business publication on the planet.


The device, developed by IEC, is a massive rotor rotating evenly without any external power supply. The device generates about 25 kW of electricity and is intended for autonomous power supply.

It turns out that the technology, which from the point of view of official science cannot work, not only exists, but also works, providing electricity to a company that produces modular shooting ranges in Las Vegas. But even if so, will this development reach the mass consumer?


Similar companies began to appear since the time of Nikola Tesla, who came out with interesting energy devices, but they were all successfully suppressed. There are several important factors to note.

Promotional video:

  • Powerful promotion in the central press.
  • Firm CEO William Heinz is a man from the aerospace industry with great experience. He led a team of 50,000 people. Suffice it to say that the turnover of his firm ALLIEDSIGNAL AEROSPACE was $ 15 billion.
  • A split in the global elites. Hybrid, electric, hydrogen cars are becoming not homemade garage products, but industrial designs created by car giant concerns. Therefore, hiding alternative technologies in the digital age is incredibly difficult.

But of course the question arises - "Where does the energy come from in such generators?" Energy comes from the etheric stream that washes over the Earth.


But it turns out that this kind of technique with permanent magnets has long been used in the USSR on airplanes and submarines. And the energy conservation law is NOT VIOLATED at all, because it was written for closed systems, and permanent magnet generators are open systems, so they do not break the law, but reinforce it.

I believe that clean and ecological energy may well exist without wires and oil pipes, but some influential group is trying to keep these technologies out of the light.