Materialization Of Water From The Ether - Alternative View

Materialization Of Water From The Ether - Alternative View
Materialization Of Water From The Ether - Alternative View

Video: Materialization Of Water From The Ether - Alternative View

Video: Materialization Of Water From The Ether - Alternative View
Video: Materialization - When E=Mc2 happenS RIGHT in front of your eyes! 2024, July

This is not magic, not hocus-pocus. This is a demonstration of the real mystery of nature + Nikola Tesla's technology. The name of the author in the magic book is lost in the American accent of the speaker, as is the name of the piece of iron that is put in the glass (sulfenium?)

Tesla's transformer (Tesla coil) produces plasma, the bulbs start to glow without electricity. Apparently in the space around the transformer everything is seething with invisible energy. The guy brings the glass to the plasma wire and … !!!

Water begins to materialize from the ether! From nowhere!

Someone will think that this is a joke, and an invisible tube from the experimenter's sleeve goes into the glass. And someone (including me) has long guessed that scientists are hiding something from us, slipping a surrogate and a snag as a science. Horse science, in the words of the great scientist Khatybov. In nature, everything is not arranged as described in a physics textbook. Matter, for example, is taken from nowhere, from quanta, and they are known to be woven from light. You can't touch it, this quantum.

So if every apartment has a transformer, then it turns out that no water supply is needed? As well as electricity? And who will trade oil and gas then? This "free energy" is a dangerous thing. Nikola Tesla paid with his life for his discoveries.

For skeptics, here's another funny video of an Iranian friend who demonstrates tricks with the Tesla generator. I collected it myself with a screwdriver and a soldering iron.

Promotional video:

Where does water come from?

Out of Space!

Proton matter arises when seven forms of primary matter merge into a hybrid form in the corresponding zone of curvature of space. And if this curvature is different, then the mass of the proton matter will be different and will bend the space of the microcosm in different ways. This makes the atoms different in their properties and qualities. This is the reason that, falling into different energy levels of the spatial grid of our planet, atoms form new compounds - molecules or crystalline structures that are familiar to us as minerals. At the beginning of its formation, our planet consisted only of solid matter, like many other planets in our solar system. On almost all planets, water has been found in the state of ice. After a lot of free hydrogen and OH groups appeared, liquid water began to be synthesized,oceans, seas and rivers arose, an atmosphere arose …

Currently, there are known cases of the appearance of new minerals (emeralds) in developed and abandoned mines. That is, the synthesis of substances is constantly going on at a certain speed. It is impossible for a person to notice it for one generation. This can only be traced by accumulating information and data over several generations.

Other minerals, such as oil, are also replenished. Where does this new substance come from?

It is synthesized from PM, which, even after the formation of the planet in the zone of curvature of space, continue to flow to the center of this deformation, forming nodes and inhomogeneities. As a matter of fact. Our planet is an inhomogeneous crystalline structure, with nodes according to Hartman, positive and negative zones and changes in the dimension or frequency of waves. As soon as in specific levels of dimensionality of the Atmosphere (the Atomosphere - the physically dense sphere of the planet, consisting of ATOMS) there is a lack of FP of the substance, there again a synthesis takes place due to the merging of primary matters. It is only necessary to have the right materials in the right place. Their absence is replenished by water, which becomes the building material of a new proton substance, changing its octave according to A. M. Khatybov.