You Have No Idea What Your Outlet Is Exuding. Scientists Too - Alternative View

You Have No Idea What Your Outlet Is Exuding. Scientists Too - Alternative View
You Have No Idea What Your Outlet Is Exuding. Scientists Too - Alternative View

Video: You Have No Idea What Your Outlet Is Exuding. Scientists Too - Alternative View

Video: You Have No Idea What Your Outlet Is Exuding. Scientists Too - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, July

It is very easy to write about the broadcast that I marked in the last article - no one saw it and did not pass it at school. Moreover, official science denies it and drives it away when it catches its eye. You can ascribe to him at least some properties, we are still officially in the field of fantasy.

Einstein's theory, mentioned with him, can also be easily described in a journalistic style - roughly, sort of, in general terms. Unlike the broadcast, no one banned it, and even, they still extol it. And, of course, they teach in parts at school, but this is not dangerous. All the same, there are very few people in it that have understood and will not cling to inaccuracies.

Electricity is more complicated. Here, an error in the description of a phenomenon, theory or effect may be noticed, it is necessary to check the sources more often.

Everyone encounters electricity every day. Many consider themselves to be practical experts in setting up and sometimes designing electrical networks at home, in the country and at any electrical panel. It really cost the lives of more than one million fuses, popularly called plugs, but it never stopped anyone. By the way, they are called that not from the name of the tree, but from the word "breakdown".

For some, fragmentary information about Ohm's law, amperes, volts, and sometimes, looking at a woman's breasts, even about pendants, emerge through the veil.

The best way to understand that electricity is not ephemeral.

Some individuals got acquainted with the subject, using a purely empirical way using two fingers and a socket.

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Therefore, perhaps I will not now retell the entire history of electrical engineering with illustrations and examples of equations. In the end, this series of notes was not planned as a desire to disturb your long-dead school knowledge, but to show that we, in fact, will not do anything about familiar physical phenomena, even if we can somehow pacify them. Moreover, "nothing" is here in a direct meaning, and not in a literary metaphorical one.

If you look at the root, electricity is more of a mystery to us than a scientifically explained natural phenomenon. It is closely related to magnetism and gravitational fields. And all three of them greatly annoy physicists, although they may not admit it, because we have no information about the nature of their formation and the mechanism of action.

It is clear that now it was an exaggeration, but as I try to show it is not very big. But first, a few moving pictures.

The movement of charged electrons.

Movement of molecules in an ideal gas.

Different electric fields generated by two particles.

A graph showing parallel electric field lines of a constant electric field between two charged metal plates. The strength of the electric field is represented by the density of the field lines. (don't expect a cartoon, the picture is static)
A graph showing parallel electric field lines of a constant electric field between two charged metal plates. The strength of the electric field is represented by the density of the field lines. (don't expect a cartoon, the picture is static)

A graph showing parallel electric field lines of a constant electric field between two charged metal plates. The strength of the electric field is represented by the density of the field lines. (don't expect a cartoon, the picture is static).

You can attach a million more pictures here, but I hope you remembered what an electric current is, how it is generated by magnetic fields and where it flows.

All applied electricity is based on Maxwell's (James Clarke's) 1873 theory. He summarized all the works on this topic known by that time, put together, added a little from himself and issued it in the form of a treatise.

Illumination at one of the weird American exhibitions.

I hope you noticed that the entire legacy was made in 20 years in the 19th century. Now I will even miss the fact that his whole theory is based on the presence of ether. Another thing is important - this work is still the basis of all our practical use of electricity. Right now, everything is made in accordance with the knowledge of the late 19th century.

And it would be fine if it was comprehensive and complete. You could put it on a shelf, put it in a frame and blow off the dust as if it were a complete finished object, but this is not the case.

It turns out we know some "how", but all the "why" is very unclear. Most of the theoretical works from that time to the present day, which tried to explain, develop or supplement this treatise, fell either into conflict with practice, or practice did not fit with theory.

In the latter case, it was easier. They introduced a new practical guide, and put a big and thick bolt on the theory and declared it a paradox, or wrote in a third force of unknown nature and promised to catch it later.

But despite all the tricks of physicists, science does not have a clear explanation of the basis of what an electric charge is.

From this it is clear that we can describe the mechanisms of interaction of electrons, even draw a field around them so that they can interact at a distance, but all this will only be a description of the effect, not the cause.

The field concept has completely decided to leave the physical world and abandoned mechanics. According to modern physics, the charges can interact with each other by the power of sight, thought, fantasy, or whatever they have intangible. Because, after the removal of the ether, the material disappeared from them and remained, only this very field, which in an obscure way builds material interaction without matter.

Do you now understand why physicist Sheldon Cooper from TBV, despite all his scientific degrees, believes that he can blow the head of an opponent with the power of thought? Because the foundations of modern physics are built on this.

The funny thing is that neither Maxwell with the equations on which everything is based so far, nor Lorentz, who described their physical model in compliance with all the laws of the material world, could not think that it would be possible to remove the basis of the interaction (tension and vortices) between electrons - ether.

Having invented a new reality for itself, physics lost touch with the old one, where the rest of the world remained. And without it, she cannot even explain the transition of electrical energy into magnetic. Mathematically it can - the formulas work, physically it does not work. There is no such world in their reality.

And if you try to explain the interaction using their physical model, then Maxwell's mathematics falls apart. But all practice is based on it and everyone can see that it works. Because it was created on the basis of the real world, and not created by the decree of the Academies of Sciences.

In general, the further you go, the more you can see that in electricity (electrodynamics and electromagnetism) everything goes through the ass, because the foundation of these, yes, in general, and all other sections is made of it.

As you may have guessed under "ass" here is meant the SRT and GRT of the name and the authorship of the genius, infallible in scientific circles Herr Einstein.

There are so many unexplained paradoxes that I will even attach a book about them. Here I will mention a couple of examples of how a pile of strange and sucked theories was built.

Magnetization goes through the electron spin. There is no physical model. Worse, there are not even experiments confirming the presence of a spin in a free electron. How did it appear on paper?

There is a permanent magnet that generates a field and does not heat up. Why should he bask? Because it is believed that there is no transfer of electricity without transfer of matter. Why doesn't it happen? But because the charges of protons and electrons are the same and constant, and an atom can have their equality. As a consequence, there is zero charge. What will flow where? Free electrons remain. So they hung them up. But the magnet seems to have stopped heating up.

How to deal with superconductivity? No way. In our world, she has no place, so she was quietly thrown into the field of quantum physics, where everything is so magical that you can do any tricks.

Ball lightning does not fit into modern physics so much that after fruitless attempts to explain its nature and attach it to some described behavior of charged particles, I will probably soon recognize it, like ether, simply non-existent. If not already recognized.

The funny thing is that they do not want to throw out such an unnecessary concept as a magnet and a magnetic field and rest against all horns, although it is clear that the same charge field can only be slightly deformed.

Honestly, I wanted to show that we do not know the basis of electricity, that is, the nature of an electric charge, but it turned out to be a hit on a whole science. Moreover, it seems that if you return the ether and cancel Einstein, then everything will immediately fall into place and we will fly to the stars.

This is not true. I gave ether as an example only because it is the only alternative known to me, under which there is a scientific basis, research and a large number of real experiments described.

Perhaps they have already come up with another and I will be all for it. I follow physics with my left heel, so I could have missed it.

But it is clear that contradictions, paradoxes and phenomena of electricity will not disappear until Einstein is thrown out.

Or let the asshole get out of the coffin and finish everything in the right way. And then fix your service station on itself. He licked where it bristled, grunted and went to lie in the coffin. It is round and fluffy, and everything else is so distorted that documented phenomena and working models are canceled for the sake of its integrity.

I hope I'm not talking to myself now, otherwise it seems to me that those who were interested in these questions closed the text when they realized that they would not find anything new here, and those who were never interested in physics left in the pictures, when they realized that this is one cartoon.