The Gospel Of Athanasius And The Pre-Flood Theory Of The Ether. How Does This World Work - Alternative View

The Gospel Of Athanasius And The Pre-Flood Theory Of The Ether. How Does This World Work - Alternative View
The Gospel Of Athanasius And The Pre-Flood Theory Of The Ether. How Does This World Work - Alternative View

Video: The Gospel Of Athanasius And The Pre-Flood Theory Of The Ether. How Does This World Work - Alternative View

Video: The Gospel Of Athanasius And The Pre-Flood Theory Of The Ether. How Does This World Work - Alternative View
Video: What was the World Like Before the Flood? - Dr. Kurt Wise (Conf Lecture) 2024, July

The post-Flood version of the Aether Theory can be read HERE.

- Andre-she! What are you going to do this weekend? - To chant, as only the original inhabitants of the Samara region can do it, my colleague at work, an aviation technician of the Smyshlyaevka Airport, Dima Romanov, asked me.

- I do not know. My girlfriend, a sailor Tanya, went on a flight to Astrakhan and back. So I'm free. What? Is there football again at Metalist?

- I need to take the old junk to the village. Kolya-asku there, a children's shelter, all the little things. Can you help me?

- Yes, easily, what is the conversation! What time?

- At seven in the morning wait at the entrance.

- Good.

In the morning Dima drives up in an old Izh-Kombi inherited from his late father. First we go to his garage, load through the back door a full van of old things, right next to the front seats, and drive out onto Moskovsky Prospekt.

Promotional video:

There are not many cars, because it is a weekday, and soon we find ourselves outside the city.

- How far is your Maksimovka, Dim?

- No, not really. Have you had breakfast?

- Yes, so, whipped up eggs. Fine.

- So you won't have time to get hungry. And we'll come, grandfather Afanasy will feed us so much that you won't get out of the table. You just … Do not express yourself in front of him. My grandfather is strict. Starover. Besides, he is an educated person. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

- What are you? Don't you fill it?

- Why should I!

- And what did you not say before? What institute did he teach?

- Why should I walk around the city with a poster: - "My grandfather DTN"? He didn't teach. He was the Leading Designer at the Berezhny Design Bureau.

- Wow! It's just some kind of holiday! - I quote, imitating the voice of the actor Vladimir Etush, who played the role of Karabas Barabas in an old film about Pinocchio and his friends. We laugh with Dimka, and the rest of the road, without stopping joking, did not notice how we got to Maksimovka.

- Wow! Dim, there is a river here!

- Yes. Small truth, but you can plunge. Grandfather says that Moses and his people stayed here when he brought them out of Egypt. - My jaw even dropped.

- What are you? He led them through the desert. Where is Israel, and where is your Maximovka! - I bulged my eyes.

“But you’ll ask your grandfather.

Contrary to my expectations, on the porch of an old hut, made of thick logs blackened with time, with windows decorated with carved platbands and a roof covered with ordinary chips in the old-fashioned way, we were met by a man of quite ordinary appearance. This is not how I imagined the old believers. Neither boots for you, nor leggings belted with an embroidered belt. We were met by a man of the most ordinary appearance. Is that a gray beard to the chest. Otherwise, he looked more like a city dude. In a denim suit, sneakers, and a cap with a wide long visor.

- Hello to you guys! Dima, give me a hug. And who did you bring to us?

- Meet, grandfather: - This is Andrey, we work at the airport with him in one shift. Andrey, this is my grandfather, Afanasy Prokhorovich. Like me - Romanov.

“It's you, like me, Romanov,” grandfather Afanasy smiled good-naturedly into his thick mustache, patted his grandson on the cheek, and held out a weighty palm to me. I shook it, noting with pleasure how heavy and strong he was. But the strength of his handshake was calibrated just as much as it takes in order not to hurt.

Unloading took us no more than three minutes. And now the things are stacked in the barn, carefully covered by old bedspreads by the grandfather, and we go inside the hut. At the entrance, grandfather took off his cap and crossed himself at the Red Corner, where under the icons, blackened from time and soot, a tiny light of an icon lamp shone. Dima crossed himself. And I followed him. Awkward, but how did it happen.

I love the smells that permeate old country houses. As usual, in the center of the hut there is a five-walled, solid Russian stove, with a grab and a long poker with a wooden handle standing next to it. Nearby, a huge chest with iron-bound corners, painted with red roosters and rosettes with curving rays. Above is a feather bed covered with a patchwork blanket. On the floor there are paths made of thick linen. And to the right of the wall is a huge table and two benches on either side of it, all of thick heavy boards. Dima and I sit down opposite each other, and the grandfather, like a magician, with several movements of his hand sends unexpectedly abundant food to the table. How can you not remember the fabulous self-assembled tablecloth!

A cast iron pot with steaming fragrant turnips baked in milk, a wooden bowl with homemade bread cut into thick slices. Deep bowl with grated green radish, generously seasoned with sunflower oil and spicy horseradish. A frying pan with fried crucians with sour cream, and a huge cast-iron frying pan with slices of ruddy pork sizzling with heat. And that's not counting pickled cucumbers, bunches of wild garlic, pickled milk mushrooms and other food. “Help yourself, boys. The more they are rich and happy”- Afanasy Prokhorovich invites us to start feasting. But Dima and I are sitting still. The grandfather grinned contentedly, and took the first loaf of bread from the bowl. As soon as the bread was in the grandfather's plate, Dima stretched out his hand for the bread.

I repeated everything exactly, copying the actions of a friend. They ate with undisguised appetite, but not greedily. For a long time no one said a word. Only when the grandfather broke the silence with a short question: - "How"? - Dima uguk nodded, nodding his head, and answered admiringly: - "Grandfather, I would not leave you because of food alone!"

- I don’t drive. I ought to train you for something, so as not to ruin the economy when you get the house.

- I am still far from retirement. You will have time to train. You tell Andryukha about Moses, he is interested.

- What is there to tell, old-timers have been transmitting this story from generation to generation for more than a thousand years. Well, yes, here on the bank of the river the Kaliks, led by Moses, stopped.

- So there were kaliki? - I dared to join the conversation. - Dima told me about the Jews, and the biblical Moses, who for forty years led them through the desert.

- Lies. - He said how Afanasy Prokhorovich cut off, flashing a sharp look from under his shaggy eyebrows, forcing me to fade.

- Sorry, I thought …

- Turkey also thought … - My grandfather interrupted me. - There is no mention of Jews in the ancient Orthodox scriptures. And it is said about Moses. And not for forty years he led his people, but forty forties. Here you need to think with your head, and not listen to priests' tales. Forty forties, lamb's head, not years. Do you know what one forty is?

- Forty, that's four dozen days. That is, forty days, what is now called a month lasted. And before, there were magpies on the calendar, and each had forty days. In one summer there are nine forty forty days, and that three hundred and sixty days a year. - Satisfied that he can teach me something, Dima gave me an instructive tone, like a first-grader.

- AND! - I slapped myself with a palm, - it turns out that they walked in the desert not forty years, but forty months! This is how old it is … This is … About four and a half years.

- Four years and four months and a week. How do they teach in schools now? The simplest mathematical action in the mind cannot be mastered - the grandfather grumbled displeased, but at the same time his eyes shone slyly.

- Well then, it is clear. From Egypt on foot to Samara in four years, this is normal. And where is the desert in Samara?

- So after the flood it was. So everything was deserted then on the Volga. - Explained Afanasy Prokhorovich.

- And where is the “promised land”? Where did Moses go with the Kalikas? I asked in bewilderment.

- “Promised” she began to be called already in the Nikonian scripture, where everything is turned upside down. Not the “promised”, it is, but the “Land of the Vow”. That is, not “promised as a gift to the Jews,” but the Land to which people vowed to return. And this land is called Belovodye. It was there, in Belovodye, where before seven rivers flowed, the water in which was white as milk. There, to this day, an alatyr stone is buried, guarded by twelve holy elders.

These elders are immortal. That is why they caused the main blow of God's punishment, sent down on humanity for its sins. Somewhere in Siberia, under a multi-meter layer of mudflows that came from the north, an alatyr was buried. Many people are still looking for it, but they cannot find it.

- Afanasy Prokhorovich, is there someone who knows where Belovodye is, and Alatyr is a stone? - I asked.

- There is. Only nobody knows them. They live among us, go to work, ride the subway, and no one around us even suspects that there are keepers living next to us. Once in the city of Samarov, as Khanty-Mansiysk was called before the revolution, there was a school of the Magi. There, far to the north, teachers passed on their secret knowledge to their descendants. From all over Russia, the most capable youths went there for training. Their path lay through the city, which was the last on the plain, and it was named Samara.

It was there, in Siberian Samarov, that the first treatise on ether was written. True, at that time he was called apir.

- Ether? - Dima and I exhaled in chorus.

- Yes, brothers, rabbits. Exactly. And the Nikonians did not manage to root out this teaching for a very long time. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did they completely gain the upper hand and declare doctrine a pseudoscience.

- Grandfather, why did you never tell me about this?

- Do I have to walk around the city with a poster: - “Telling everyone about the air”? - Here my friend and I burst out laughing.

- Don't be angry grandfather. It just coincided like this. I answered Andryukha word for word to his question about why I didn’t tell you that you are a doctor of sciences.

- Please tell us, Afanasy Prokhorovich, what is this broadcast! Is it a chemical element?

Grandfather Afanasy looked intently at Dima and me one by one, probably assessing whether we are capable of perceiving information and whether it is worth continuing the conversation. He cleared his throat into a fist, crossed himself over the icons, and began his story: -

Ether is not even matter. It has no particles, has no positive or negative charges, but behaves like water, or spirit, as the ancient wise men said.

That is, water, earth, air, fire are just external manifestations of the properties of Matter laid down by the Creator initially, at the level of interaction of microparticles. The rules for the interaction of these microparticles determine all conceivable and inconceivable phenomena observed in our world. If we change, even a little, the same hydrogen atom, and in such a way that it cannot interact in any way with our ordinary hydrogen atom, then, in practice, we will create a new world - based on the new hydrogen atom we have already changed, which will interact, exclusively with the same ones, but with our hydrogen atom will no longer be able to.

In other words, the impossibility of interaction between our ordinary hydrogen atom and the newly created one will create that impenetrable border of the worlds in the material plane, since due to the absence of an interaction mechanism, they will no longer be able to exchange energy or information with each other. Moreover, these two Worlds can exist in a single space - such worlds are called parallel.

What does it mean? This means that by changing the hydrogen atom, we form new laws and rules of the Universe, in fact, we create a completely new world!

Connected together, in a certain way, two hydrogen atoms give rise to helium. Helium, adding hydrogen to itself, becomes lithium and so on. Moreover, all these elements, depending on their structure, acquire new properties that were initially absent from the same hydrogen atom. That is, the primary cause of all interactions is the hydrogen atom - as the main element of the matter of our World.

The hydrogen atom can be called the "Program", or the "Plan" of our world. And here is the Creator who created this “plan” of interaction, that is, “our hydrogen” and the ether that surrounds it - is the creator of everything - both earth, and air, and water - which are just in essence a consequence of the structure and interaction of hydrogen atoms.

This means that the entire "program" associated with any interactions is "recorded" in just one single hydrogen atom and the surrounding space, which our wise predecessors called Apir. Everything is in this, in our world, and there are no other interactions!

All of the above is the self-organization of inanimate matter. The organization of living matter, without a creature called the Creator, would be impossible.

Ether is the "smallest" substance of our material World - smaller, there is simply no, and there is no sense in the fact that there would be something smaller, the same, since it has all the necessary and sufficient system-forming properties for our world. On the other hand, of course, there are things smaller than a particle of our ether, but this no longer has any meaning for “Our World”, since they already belong to completely different Worlds, and do not intersect with ours in any way.

In other words, one cannot infinitely divide the substance of our World, as our scientists are trying (foolishly) to do, and at the same time remain in our world. Here the border of our world is determined by the law on the transition of quantity to quality. It works both in one and the other direction. Consequently, the "necessary" amount of a substance disappears and the system-forming qualities of this substance disappear. Example: dismembering an ant into atoms - we still will not be able to understand the principles of building an anthill, and our "scientists" are trying to do this …

Ether is a "dark unmanifest substance" without information, more precisely, energy without poles (plus and minus) ready to manifest any information. Ether can be a particle, a wave, an element, a connecting medium, space, solid, liquid, gaseous … whatever, since it has an inherent potential for materialization from a simple hydrogen atom to galaxies and the Universe. Every second we experience the influence of the ether as "gravity". In Jung's experiment, a ray of light behaved like photons (particles) when Jung observed the experience, precisely at the moment at which he, with his intention of this experience, gave the ether the properties of particles, that is, creating all the prerequisites for this, such as an apparatus with a light source, a plate with two slits, and a shield on which a directed beam of light fell.

When he was not looking, the beam of light behaved like a wave, i.e. not electrons behaved like a wave, but ether, (like a medium) carried electrons with the properties of a wave. That is, in its usual state, without a directed information component. When he observed, he changed the property of the medium (ether) according to his expectations, i.e. gave the ether the property of matter (particles), and not waves. Perhaps he could observe all this not as a stream of particles, or wave interference, but as multi-colored circles on a shield, if he expected this.

This rather indicates that thoughts are material, and not that any energy is intelligent and deliberately "fooling" the researcher. To put it more simply, any "observer" participating in the experience becomes an integral part of this experience, thereby introducing his own "distortions" that affect the final result.

Ether is endless. This field, space, environment, radiation, if you will. But the definition “Spirit” expresses its essence most accurately. Ether permeates the entire visible and invisible universe. Has a different density and flow rate in different measures, or dimensions. I will repeat myself, but our entire universe consists of a hydrogen atom. But the hydrogen atom itself could not combine with another hydrogen atom and form helium, if there was no ether.

He would have spun in the void, or hung motionless where the Creator left him, if the ether had not delivered him to another hydrogen atom. Truth is easy to understand, and for Truth it makes no difference whether we understand it or not. Scientists have invented many types of elementary particles: - photons, electrons, quarks and others, as if competing who can discover an even smaller particle, proving their presence with the most complex mathematical calculations and formulas and no less complex devices of the proton accelerator.

At the same time, denying the presence of ether, but not being able to ignore it, they had to invent all sorts of substitutes for ether, like "dark matter". All the presence of visible and invisible matter, all the manifestation of matter in the form of waves, particles, absolutely everything is the manifested properties of matter in the ether. If ether did not deliver hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms, water would not appear.

If it were not for ether, the same oxygen atoms would not have combined with carbon atoms in the wood and would not have released heat in combustion, from which our water boiled. But even in this case, nothing would have happened if we had not made a "push" in the form of a lighted match under firewood. Do you catch the thought? Nothing happens by itself, everything needs a "push". Ether was before the manifested Universe and could have remained unmanifested in matter, if not for the "push" of the Creator. But matter is not a kind of ether, but a manifestation of atoms as matter in ether.

The same atoms can manifest themselves in different ways in different streams of ether. Some "those who have seen" are now writing about the vacuum of ether, explaining UFO flights and other phenomena by this. But they do not even ask such a simple question, for example, why should a UFO necessarily fly? Perhaps a UFO can fly like our planes in our midst, but why should it fly like our rockets in space?

It is much easier to "break the space". So the ether, as a single medium, fully admits the possibility of not moving an object in space, but, like a blanket, pulling the desired point in space towards itself.

They write that all elements known and unknown to us consist of ether. Yes, the entire periodic table is formed in the bowels of our planet, but not from ether. Ether here plays the role of a catalyst and a transport system at the same time. With the help of pressure, temperature, vibration, sound and other factors that manifest themselves with the help of the same ether, a favorable environment is created for the synthesis of various complex elements from simpler elements, but not from the ether, but with its help.

Researchers - enthusiasts are racking their brains, where does the entire stream of ether that the planet receives from the sun go? After all, the law of conservation of energy simply breaks down here? The answer is obvious if we allow the ether to flow back to the sun, but already through the fourth dimension. That is, the flow of ether permeates the entire planet, creating different elements of matter in different layers and leaves through the center of the planet's core, through the fourth dimension, back to the sun.

And the formed matter cannot pass the "strainer" in the center of the planet and remains, thereby increasing the mass of the planet. In fact, this is an unimaginably complex process, and here I am trying to convey my thoughts to you in the simplest possible way. Here it is still necessary to accept as a fact that beyond matter, i.e. of the manifested space, the measures are two-dimensional, and between galaxies are generally one-dimensional. Here do not confuse higher dimensions with "emptiness", because we are accustomed to the fact that if nothing is visible, it means nothing.

In fact, we do not see measures above the third and partly the fourth. Many axioms put forward by official science are true, but only for our world, or measurements, where the manifestation of matter in the ether is just like that. But the same explosion of an atomic charge in outer space will have completely different characteristics. The most obvious example is that in zero gravity, our body behaves differently, because there is no one of the factors of its stability, i.e. gravity. So where did gravity go?

It hasn't gone anywhere, it exists, but it is so weak that it is necessary to find a way to influence the ether so that gravity manifests itself sufficiently. In other words, ether is a medium, space, Spirit, God, in which the manifestation of any form of living and non-living matter that can be imagined is possible. Now imagine a picture when the planets not only revolve and fly around the Sun, but each planet also revolves not only around its axis, but also around the axis from toroidal energy, which is not round at all, as in the figures, but may be different for different planets …

And all the planets, together with the Sun, also fly in a spiral in a huge space, while still spinning around their orbits. And the whole galaxy also spins and flies in a spiral. And then you will understand the error about the expanding space and the removal of planets from each other. Nothing expands or moves away from each other. We are just flying in space along such a clever trajectory that our minds make such ambiguous conclusions.

- Sorry guys, it turned out a little confused, but I tried to explain without loading you with scientific terms and definitions.

- Thank you, Afanasy Prokhorovich! This is the most amazing and understandable lecture in my life! Let me shake your hand! - I jumped up from my seat, and rushed with handshakes to my grandfather.

- I thank you guys too. It is very pleasant for me to contemplate understanding and interest on faces that are not distorted by excessive intelligence. It's much easier to talk to people like you than to literacy collectors who collect dissertations. How many I have seen them in my life, do not count.

- Grandfather. What do you want? Can I throw some money? - Dima asked in a husky voice.

- Thank you, granddaughter, I don't need anything. I'll help you myself. Come on, follow me into the cellar.

Afanasy Prokhorovich, ignoring our excuses, forced everyone to take several cans of salted milk mushrooms, cucumbers, soaked cranberries and strawberry jam. They loaded it all into Dimka's Izh, and began to say goodbye. I could not resist, and warmly hugged grandfather Afanasy. For some half a day, he became almost dear to me. It was a truly happy day. A day that will remain in your memory as a bright memory for the rest of your life.

Dima drove out of the yard onto a dusty dirt road, and directed the car on the way back to Samara. The ancient city, standing on the ancient path of the Magi. Despite the inspiration, and the charge of energy received from a surprisingly wise person, I did not want to speak at all, and we drove in silence to the city itself, immersed in thoughts, inspired by an unexpected touch of the great mystery of the universe. It seemed that we now know how to create new worlds.

But we did not know that less than forty years were left before the next flood …

Author: kadykchanskiy
