Post-Flood Version Of The Aether Theory - Alternative View

Post-Flood Version Of The Aether Theory - Alternative View
Post-Flood Version Of The Aether Theory - Alternative View

Video: Post-Flood Version Of The Aether Theory - Alternative View

Video: Post-Flood Version Of The Aether Theory - Alternative View
Video: The Aether : against the biggest mistake in the history of physics. 2024, July

Topchi-Khan was in excellent spirits since morning. He loved hunting, and devoted himself to it selflessly. On the hunt, he could afford not to think about business, but to surrender to the excitement of confrontation with a clever and cunning beast. And now, he was sitting on his horse, holding a bow and an arrow in his hands, ready at any moment to raise him and lower the bowstring, sending a smashing shell at a deer, or a wild boar. The shouts of the beaters drew near. The falconers lined up behind Khan prepared to lower the birds. And the horse under the Khan tensed, and began to open its nostrils wide.

But contrary to expectations, instead of the beast, a group of foot travelers poured out onto the edge of the forest. Topchi-Khan screamed angrily and kicked his heels into the horse's belly. He galloped up to the travelers, sharply pulled the bridle, setting his beloved Onchu with a candle. He looked menacingly from under his brows at the violators, and having identified the eldest of them by his clothes and age, he asked irritably:

- Who are they? Why do you break the law prohibiting being in the forest during the khan's hunt?

- Don't be angry, dear man! We are strangers. We are leaving the city of Samarov, and therefore did not have a notification that a hunt would be arranged on our way.

- Samarov? In a country where half of summer is night and half is day?

- The truth is yours, father.

- Call me Topchi-Khan. Who are you?

- My name is Rimma. I am Sheikh Samarovsky. And these are youths from the city of Vladimir. They came to my symposium.

Promotional video:

- What did you come to?

- At the symposium. Simpoza is a kind of establishing the truth, when everyone has his own posture regarding a certain issue in science, and each one presents his opinion from his posture.

- So you are scientists?

- The truth is yours, Topchi-Khan.

- And what was your symposium about this time?

- About apir, Topchi-Khan.

- Apir? Is it a stone? I see we will have to speak carefully, so follow me to the tent. There you will be given bread, meat and well-fed.

The Khan ordered the solicitor to take care of the travelers, ordered him to bring food to the tent, and invited the Sheikh to go inside first. The Sheikh took off the ichigi at the entrance to the tent, took out white slippers from his shoulder bag, and went inside, taking off his turban and bowing to Topchi-Khan's belt. Khan, also changed his shoes on the threshold into sneakers, bared his head, and entered after the guest. He sat down on the pillows spread out on an expensive Adirbajan carpet and nodded to the place to his right, inviting the guest to sit down.

The Sheikh bowed again in gratitude for the honor, and sat down on the pillows next to the Khan.

- So, Rimma. Tell me what is apir?

- Apir, this is the opposite of fire. Feast, in the language of our ancestors, the great Mogulls, means fire. Apir is the complete opposite of him.

- Fire gives us light and warmth. There is no man in the light who has not seen fire. But I have not met anyone who would dare to claim that he saw the apir. What do you say to this sheikh?

- Let me ask you first, have you seen a cut diamond at the bottom of a jug filled with water?

- You are a cunning brother! I realized that in an empty jug the diamond will be visible, but if you fill the vessel with clean water, the diamond will become almost invisible.

“You are telling the truth, Topchi-Khan. The diamond exists, but the person does not see it. Likewise, the apir exists, but it is indistinguishable to our eye, because everything that we see consists of the apir. You, me, a jug of well-fed, a dish of hot meat and cups of thick, aromatic bread.

- Oh, Sheikh, forgive me stupid, I was so carried away by the conversation that I forgot to offer you a treat. Eat dear man, just do not interrupt your story. I know that in many lands it is considered a sin to eat while speaking.

- In the land of the Dwarfs, where the capital city of Samarov is located, it is not forbidden to speak over food, because our traditions of good faith are sacredly honored, despite the fact that we adhere to the orthodox law given by the prophet Mohammed. - Sheikh Rimma gladly took a bite of a fat piece of boiled lamb and washed it down with a sip of hot bread. - So, I will continue, dear Topchi-Khan.

It is difficult to say anything complete about what is invisible. Therefore, I will simply list what is known to me from our Magi, and the knowledge of the Magi of the Russ, told to the chosen Vladimir youths. Apir can be called a kind of "water" or "liquid". Although, to be precise, water is part of the apir (many of its properties, called magic, are associated with this).

We now live in a kind of "dried up" world, and therefore we suffer from "thirst", in this sense, apir can be called the "father of raw air" as opposed to the "mother of raw earth". The presence of apir gives us the opportunity to use the gift of our creator, one God - the Father of Allah. Apir, like a riverbed, allows the holy spirit to be carried easily, without hindrance, enhancing its power and swiftness.

Apir has real weight, and natural pressure is similar to that which creates steam in a cauldron filled with water hanging over a fire. Do you know the essence of salt on Earth? And the point is that in ancient times, the air was much heavier, and pressed on our ancestors times more than it is now. But then there was a flood, and most of the air left through the cracks in the firmament. The remaining air became so small that it almost completely stopped pressing on us. It became liquid transparent, it became impossible to lean on it, and so many birds have forgotten how to fly.

This is almost so, only part of the air has disappeared, but it is the apir that has left. He left, winter, spring and wild oats appeared, the current of the holy spirit weakened, and we were "left alone." For example, giants who moved their bodies more through thought than leg muscles were forced to leave or fall asleep. There are many of their remains around the world. Mammoths frozen in an instant from the universal cold, the remains of which are great in the land of the Dwarfs and in all the lands of noon by the rising of the Sun are victims of the man-made end of the world. As well as the general climate change on the earth towards greater dryness, less acidic air in the earth's air, and the appearance of a large difference between heat and cold.

- I beg your pardon, Sheikh Rimma, you said: - "climate change". What is climate?

- Climate is a new word brought by the Russians of Vladimir. It means a long-term stable type of heat or cold that reigns in a particular land. So in the land of the Dwarfs there is a cold climate, in the land of Russ it is temperate, in the land of Cherkasy it is warm, and in the land of Khorassan it is hot. Thank you for the noble treat, Topchi-Khan. Velma's meat is tender, the bread is thick and fragrant, and it is fed from the finest honey, probably from the land of the Bashkirs. However, I will continue:

The world of apir is, figuratively speaking, the world of water. Apir, by its presence, presses on the surface of the earth, and squeezes out water from it (by the way, during many of the described floods, "excess" water, which then stood for a long time and did not go anywhere, came out of the ground and then went into it). The large surface of the okiyans and the humidity of the air in the past, and even earlier, the existence of a universal fog and equally warm throughout the Earth are direct consequences of this circumstance.

As a person who is a little versed in the preparation of medicinal herbs, I can say that, in general, the very art of drying them (making plants as a whole more useful from all sides) is nothing more than cooking in conditions of "old air" (high humidity and heat) … That is, now it is necessary to prepare something specially to obtain special tastes or increase the general usefulness of herbs, but before it simply dried up, only in the "fog - haze", in our opinion, in moisture and "shade", that is, without direct sunlight. rays.

In my opinion, this is another confirmation, along with the new role of salt in our life, which speaks of a sudden (man-made), recent change in the essential and spiritual climate on Earth. And the magical properties of plants (for example, the expulsion of divas and shaitans), so widely described in the treatises of the Bukharian sages, also took place and are not any invention. People have lost the gift of magic, and so have plants. Allah teaches us that everything that exists is one whole: - fish, birds, grass, animals, reptiles and gnats, all together are one essence. And each of the constituent parts of the essence, one without the other, does not perish.

But the one who commands not for the good of his subjects, but for the sake of fattening at the expense of others, keeping them in slavery and ignorance, they themselves are buried from the holy spirit that the apir endures, and become weaker and stupider, like a pig, which is fattened without letting go from the pen to the barn. Together with the herd of their slaves, such themselves become ignorant slaves, because their life is short.

Truly I tell you Khan, we will all be there, and the apir returns? Literally. He returns, as he left, to the whole Earth at once. A clear confirmation of this is the increasing number of "awakening" people every summer, even if the gift of magic returns to not all of them, but many began to look for answers to questions that no one has even asked recently. Why can't we survive this? Yes, because his return will be accompanied by a very great increase in severity for each person. Including mental severity. This is the spiritual pressure of apir.

Now imagine a simple person who is almost constantly tormented by sorrows and hardships, who has no time to understand about anything else but how to survive. Imagine yourself now, with only double the number of worries. Not just “another burden”, but such a long string of “failures” of such force that it has no boundaries and is not foreseen. Will it be easy for you? Of course not. Now imagine some ordinary layman, not burdened with practical understanding (of whom there are many among the guests, officers and nobles) in these conditions. How does he feel? Yes, he will simply completely go crazy in the new world in the most literal sense, which is also observed everywhere.

Even Khans and Princes began to indulge in all seriousness. They sin in the world, drink, commit adultery, gluttony, covetousness, shed each other's blood, and the people groan beneath them. Where have you seen such that Khan would not be an example for everyone? Now, whole generations go to all the trouble after their owner, and everyone believes that since one is permissible, it is permissible for all others.

And imagine this person in such a state, and even with the ability to more quickly fulfill desires. This will give him the opportunity to kill everyone and himself much faster, not so much in his angry aspirations, but in reality. By the way, this is how those who lived on Earth before humans ended their existence. As a rule, they just went crazy, and began to fight each other with weapons of terrible destructive power, which we, praise be to Allah, do not know

For every individual, the return of the apir is akin to a journey into another world. That is, I wished myself and went crazy from what I actually got. Lost from the fact that the highest spirits are not only magical skills, but also no less extensive responsibilities. The average layman is completely unprepared for such a turn. That is, both there and there require not so much the ability to “imagine”, constantly killing hundreds of shaitans inside your head, as the ability to live according to the Faithful Law.

Appreciating yourself for many qualities, without “closing your eyes” to the unsightly sides of yourself - the ability to live happily, a simple human life, so contradictory and full of all sorts of hardships. Among other things, this is also a vivid example of the fact that righteousness is not measured by education. This will be in great demand in the very near future all over the world.

And who is the “simplest” one on Earth? Wild children of Parma, steppes and deserts. Those who are closest to nature, who have not forgotten how to stop the rain, or send a fierce cold. Who heals with the mind, and the mind makes the fish itself jump to the shore. They are naive and natural, they understand the language of animals and birds. They do not know greed and lust for power. They will not even notice the return of the apir. They will survive, and then in the form of fairy tales they will pass from generation to generation the truth about the existence of an unknown world in the distant past.

How else can an ordinary person tell? A common man - simple images, simple words. When those with power and weapons will fight with each other, the "simple" will simply scatter to their caves, mountains and other remote places - and survive. After all, those who have gone crazy will destroy the cities, and in them no one will find salvation. And remote desert areas will remain untouched. Where will it be easier to survive, on the ruins of a city or in a deep forest? The answer is obvious.

- Yes, dear man, you have set a task for my understanding. At first I was angry about the frustration of hunting, but now I have changed, and I praise our heavenly father for sending me you, Sheikh Rimma. May he send a blessing on your head, and assist in your deeds to promote wisdom. I give you and your people of Vladimir one good horse each, and ten gold rials. And I will also give you accompanying guards led by an experienced tenth officer. And don't thank! You have done much more for me and my subjects than I could repay you.

Yes, one more thing. You will be in Vladimir, tell this - Khan took off his neck a leather cord with a gold plate, on which was inscribed an image of a gyrfalcon falling from heaven for prey - to my cousin, Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavovich, as a sign of respect and love. Follow me. Now I will give the order to the groom and the housekeeper to give you horses and money for travel.

When the cavalcade of the youths of Vladimir, led by a sheikh and surrounded by ten soldiers, disappeared from sight, Topchi-Khan clapped his hands and shouted loudly:

- And call here my sage adviser! Let him talk to me about the apir, - and sincerely burst out laughing, throwing his head back, looking into the bottomless sky.

More than a hundred years remained before the next flood …

The pre-Flood Theory of Ether can be found HERE.

Author: kadykchanskiy