About The Sources Of Ancient Knowledge - Alternative View

About The Sources Of Ancient Knowledge - Alternative View
About The Sources Of Ancient Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: About The Sources Of Ancient Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: About The Sources Of Ancient Knowledge - Alternative View
Video: The Study of Ancient DNA: Knowledge from Unexpected Sources 2024, October

Quite often, critics of the works of the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov ask many questions typical for "officials":

- Where did he get the information for his books?

- On the basis of what ancient sources did he receive this knowledge and why is it not freely available?

- Where did he get the idea that the Russian language is one of the most ancient, and the Rus had a written language long before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius in Russia?

There are answers to all these questions in his books, and if these unfounded critics had bothered to study them carefully, they could well find out the answers to these questions on their own. However, the reluctance to study the "primary sources" only indicates that the truth is not really interested in them. Their main task is to protect by any means from the encroachments of outdated pseudoscientific dogmas - in this case, the very collection of fantastic works written on the basis of the Torah, which is the so-called. "Official history". Otherwise, the long and persistent "work" of many generations of history falsifiers will simply go down the drain. Therefore, dialogue with such figures is only a waste of time.

For the same honest people who were misled by these paid balabolki, I give an excerpt from G … Sidorov's book "The Legacy of the White Gods", which gives an answer to all these questions emanating from the faithful servants of those forces who for several centuries purposefully carried out a project of total falsification of history. Here is a dialogue with one of the Siberian hermit elders that G. Sidorov had on this topic:

As you can see, many of the myths of the falsifiers of history are based on outright lies disguised as an "immutable truth" in which we are asked to blindly believe. But even in the "Life of Saint Cyril" there is a detailed description of the fact that having arrived in Khorsun, he studied the language of the Rus according to the "Psalter" and "Gospel", written in "Russian letters", which were given to him by one of the local residents. Could he then be the creators of our writing? Obviously not. And similar Russophobic myths telling "about savagery and barbarism" of the ancient Rus in the so-called. The "official history" is complete. But before we blindly believe in them, and in those Russophobic songs that modern Russophobic historians also sing to us (based on the "works" of history falsifiers, and not on personal research),it is better to check their truth independently and from a variety of independent sources.

The servants of darkness just hope that they have managed to turn you into a submissive, mindless herd, taking any words of various kinds of "authorities" for the ultimate truth. And if, on instructions from “above,” “official information” is voiced from those in power, it is not yet a fact that it is sufficiently truthful. All the same fully applies to the "official history" written in textbooks for the preparation of new slaves of the parasitic system.

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