Anomalous Events Associated With The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Anomalous Events Associated With The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View
Anomalous Events Associated With The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Events Associated With The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Events Associated With The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View
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Relatively recently, the archives of the US Senate Commission of Inquiry on the death of 1,500 passengers of the Titanic ship were declassified, there were also a number of documents labeled "Top Secret", among which were the "Rules for the Safety of Maritime Ships", approved by a conference of the Department of Maritime immediately after the investigation. How far have the investigators in the case of a banal collision with an iceberg been able to get to the bottom, if they classified the result of the investigation?

In the documentary titanic. Report from the Other World”, tells about some of the unexplained phenomena that surrounded the Titanic before and after its death.

For example, on the night the disaster struck, some of the ship's passengers, who were among the few hundred lucky ones who managed to get into the boats and sail further from the sinking liner, described a very strange phenomenon.

Testimony of Titanic passenger Anna White:

Many eyewitnesses described strange lights that were seen near the crash site. These testimonies were classified. The judicial commission, which investigated the circumstances of the sinking of the Titanic, ruled that the ship died from a collision with an iceberg. Documents that did not fit this version were discarded or hidden under the heading "secret".

Vladimir Zamoroka - candidate of technical sciences states:

The fact that the cause of the death of the Titanic is not in the iceberg is obvious. During the shipwreck, hundreds of people saw mysterious lights, saw strange objects appearing from under the water and flying into the sky. Here we can confidently say about the presence of UFOs, as evidenced by the classified documents in the archives of the special services.

Promotional video:

For some reason, in the documents of the National Archives of Great Britain in the Titanic case, a report is attached by the US astronomer George Harris, who, on the day of the shipwreck - April 14, 1912 - reported a dark object, 80 km in diameter, moving from the Moon towards our planet. The same afternoon, the Stanfield couple while walking along the pier in the port in Belfast reported that they saw a huge ball of light slowly sink into the sea, as reported in the Guardian newspaper. At this time, the "Titanic" rushed towards its death …

But this is far from the only mystical thing associated with the death of the largest liner in the history of mankind.

Among the lists of third-class passengers, which recently became public, the researchers drew attention to the name - a modest Englishwoman Vinnie Coates, with two sons - Neville, three years old, William - nine. In New York, a woman was expected by her husband, who had taken a job in the United States a few months earlier. Along with the lists was attached a ticket to Winnie Coates, bought in England.

It seems inconceivable, but 78 years later, in 1990, Icelandic fishermen picked up a woman with the same name near the coast. Wet, frozen, in tattered clothes, she cried and screamed that she was the passenger of the Titanic. And her name is Winnie Coates!

The woman was taken to a psychiatric hospital, she was mistaken for a long time. Until one of the journalists found her name in the handwritten lists of passengers on the Titanic at number 213. The woman told in detail the entire chronology of the tragedy on the Titanic. And I never got confused.

Vladimir Zamoroka is sure:

“This case is proof of the existence of temporary wormholes, where Vinnie Coates ended up. She actually moved in time. If we had the data obtained by scientists who studied this phenomenon, then maybe you and I could also travel in time right now."

1912, April 15 - in a unique document - a copy of the logbook of the Norwegian ship "Kukjen", there was a record that the captain observed a huge crater in the Atlantic Ocean. It was like a giant whirlpool!

This is from the field of quantum physics or even quantum magic. The funnel is a trace of a space-time wormhole. Matter, according to the principle of a black hole, collapses and absorbs, draws objects, people, and so on. Winnie Coates fell into just such a funnel,”explains Vladimir Zamoroka.

And a few hours later, the Titanic passed in the same area! The mystics have put forward their own version - the liner was in the so-called "space-time trap"!

The existence of this kind of phenomena is not denied by the well-known Anatoly Wasserman: “There are already quite a few hypotheses related to space-time holes, tunnels, channels. Moreover, physicists in general terms imagine under what circumstances the formation of such channels is possible. These circumstances are very complex, associated with high energies …"

The anomalous events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic were carefully hidden for a long time. It is known that no one was able to officially confirm the identity of Winnie Coates, but it was possible to establish a portrait similarity between the photograph of the Titanic passenger and the woman found in Iceland 78 years later. For a long time, scientists at Tavistock University investigated her, later newspapers wrote that the woman was sent to a secret CIA base in Dallas.

"Interesting newspaper"