Space Is Unsafe: A Message To Descendants In The Ancient Temple Of Gebekli Tepe - Alternative View

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Space Is Unsafe: A Message To Descendants In The Ancient Temple Of Gebekli Tepe - Alternative View
Space Is Unsafe: A Message To Descendants In The Ancient Temple Of Gebekli Tepe - Alternative View

Video: Space Is Unsafe: A Message To Descendants In The Ancient Temple Of Gebekli Tepe - Alternative View

Video: Space Is Unsafe: A Message To Descendants In The Ancient Temple Of Gebekli Tepe - Alternative View
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The existence on the territory of modern Turkey of the ancient temple Gebekli-Tepe ("Pot-bellied temple"), covered with earth, has been known to archaeologists since the 60s of the last century. However, scientists began to excavate this structure only in 1994.

Round temple

In the excavated Gebekle Tepe, which turned out to be the most ancient temple in the world, built 12-13 thousand years ago, experts found, among other things, very strange drawings and symbols. Most scientists at the moment consider these images to be a common manifestation of the traditional religious animism of ancient people who believed in the animality of nature.


However, there is an alternative point of view regarding these really remarkable images and symbols, which is adhered to by quite a few scientists.


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According to some experts, about 13 thousand years ago, a terrible catastrophe occurred on Earth. The fall of a huge meteorite on the American continent caused terrible destruction in the Western Hemisphere and extremely negatively affected the Eastern. The planet's climate became much colder, as the sky was covered by a layer of flying dust for many years.

Consequences of the cataclysm

For a short period after the fall of the meteorite, many species of large animals died out on the planet - mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, mastodons. The weather changes were reflected, of course, on people. Humanity has been thrown back into the past. Ultimately, only a few weakened communities remained on Earth, forced to constantly struggle for survival.

New religion

Many years after the disaster, the dust finally settled and the natural order of things in the communities began to recover. However, the troubles that befell humanity in those years were not forgotten. On the territory of modern Turkey, one of the surviving tribes in memory of the terrible catastrophe erected the world's first temple - Gebekli Tepe.


The terrible cataclysm even changed the very psychology of ancient man. Fear remained in the hearts of the surviving people, and they became more religious. In their new temple, representatives of the ancient tribes prayed to heaven for protection and support in the face of the dangers of the world around them.

And of course, taught by bitter experience, people constantly looked closely at the sky. Near the temple, in a place where one could feel protected, more and more people began to settle. Of course, Gebekli Tepe itself grew along with the population.

New civilization

Years and decades have passed. In the settler community, initially mainly engaged in agriculture, crafts gradually began to develop. The temple became more and more rich and beautiful. Accordingly, the fame of him spread further and further.


Many people, according to some scholars, at that time traveled thousands of miles just to take part in the religious ceremonies of Gebekli Tepe and to get acquainted with the sacred drawings and symbols applied on its stone pillars.


The new religion and culture that arose during the construction of Gebekli Tepe, over time, began to spread throughout the world. More and more people came to the temple. Ultimately, the new way of life moved from the north of the Mediterranean to Africa and Eurasia.

The new civilization flourished. However, nothing lasts forever. Gradually people began to forget about the terrible disaster that had befallen them. New cultural centers began to form on Earth. The star of Gebekli Tepe is extinguished. People changed religion and erected new huge, beautiful and rich temples.

Göbekli Tepe was buried 3 thousand years after its construction. The adherents of the catastrophe theory believe that the servants of the temple bombarded it on purpose in order to preserve the sacred symbols and drawings that remained inside it. For thousands of years, Gebekli Tepe, buried underground, was hidden from the waves of both marauding invaders and robbers of ancient temples.

Message to descendants

In 1994, the walls of Gebekli Tepe saw sunlight again. Twenty years later, the drawings found on the pillars of the Pot-bellied Church were deciphered by specialists.

Most of the symbols in this ancient religious structure, according to some scientists, tell about the planetary catastrophe that occurred in ancient times, which caused a long winter, the extinction of animals and a decrease in the number of people on the planet. For example, the ancient masters knocked out poisonous snakes on the pillars of Gebekli-Tepe as a symbol of the fire that came from the heavens, which destroyed all living things.


Particularly interesting, as some historians believe, is the pillar number 43, located in the temple. On this stone, according to experts, nothing else is encrypted but the specific date of the catastrophe that happened 13 thousand years ago (with a reference point in the form of equinoxes). Thanks to this pillar, scientists have learned many things that completely refute the generally accepted norms of science.

Also, the information received by specialists who studied Gebekli Tepe confirmed the previously existing hypothesis that in the past 20 thousand years meteorites have visited our Earth more often than ever. Adhering to an alternative theory regarding Gebekli Tepe, scientists believe that with their drawings and symbols, its creators wanted to convey to the descendants very important information that space may not be as safe as it usually seems.

Conventional point of view

At the moment, most scientists are still adherents of the uniformitarian theory, developed 200 years ago by James Hutton. According to this researcher, the fall of large meteorites on the Earth is extremely unlikely. And today, many experts adhere to the theory that the last such cataclysm happened many centuries ago and led to the death of dinosaurs. For all the time the existence of mankind, such disasters have not happened.

However, some scientists have recently changed their point of view on the possibility of global cataclysms in the last millennium. Proofs that meteorites during the existence of mankind nevertheless fell to the Earth and brought people a lot of misfortune and misfortune are not only drawings and symbols of the ancient temple of Gebekli Tepe at the moment.

Disaster signs

The fall of a meteorite - in any case - is not an ordinary event. Traces of such disasters on planets persist for many thousands of years. It is possible to determine that a catastrophe has occurred on Earth in a given epoch based on three types of data: geochemical, astronomical and archaeological.

One of the proofs of a meteorite falling on our planet 13 thousand years ago is, according to some scientists, the Gebekli Tepe temple. However, this structure, of course, is not the only evidence of a catastrophe that occurred thousands of years ago on Earth.


Geochemical data, for example, confirm that humanity was once severely affected by a space guest. The fall of the meteorite, of course, leaves traces, including in the geological strata of the earth's crust. It is known that the layers of the Younger Dryas (10730-9700 BC) contain a large amount of nanodiamonds and microscopic magnetic grains enriched with iridium. Also in such formations there is an increased content of platinum. And all these signs are evidence of the fall of meteorites.

There are, according to many scientists, and astronomical facts confirming the visit of the Earth by meteorites in the era of human existence. Such a conclusion, according to some astronomers, can be made, among other things, by observing the behavior of small space objects arriving today to us from behind the orbit of Jupiter.

Lazko Natalia