You Late? Fortunately - Alternative View

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You Late? Fortunately - Alternative View
You Late? Fortunately - Alternative View

Video: You Late? Fortunately - Alternative View

Video: You Late? Fortunately - Alternative View
Video: 丈夫大爆發【大案紀實錄奇聞案匯】 2024, September

When you read about plane crashes, you often hear that there were lucky ones who for some reason did not get on the flight - for some reason they delayed, and for several hours or even a whole day they considered themselves the most unfortunate people in the world. And then suddenly they realized that they were lucky, darlings of fate. So fate itself saved them from death. But is it only fate?

As evidenced by impartial statistics, most of the planes that crashed from the skies and derailed trains were "underloaded" by passengers. Those who did not get on the flight broke their cars, legs, the children had a fever or had a bad feeling, which saved them from certain death later.

This hypothesis was put forward by the US sociologist James Staunton. Back in 1958, he published the results of his study of rail and plane crashes, summarizing the statistics of more than 50 plane crashes since 1925 and train crashes since 1900.

Staunton compared three factors: the number of people involved in the crash, the death toll and the vehicle's capacity. And for comparison, he added to his study the same number of planes and trains that arrived safely.

It turned out that more than 75% filled planes and trains very rarely crash and that, on average, no more than 60% of the available seats were occupied in deadly vehicles.

Then Staunton went to the people who "by sheer coincidence" did not get on their flight or did not get on their train. Many of them had no fatal forebodings, it was just an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevented them from falling into disaster. Someone's relative died, someone sprained his leg, felt pain in the abdomen or weakness. They did not have any nightmarish visions, they were not warned by voices from above. It's just that the circumstances turned out like this …

In 2000, the incredible story of the French flight attendant Isabelle Sar-yan, who was to fly on an Air France flight from Paris to New York, spread around the world. Her plane crashed into a hotel in the French capital shortly after takeoff.

Isabelle promised her son to bring a musical baseball bat from New York, then it was a squeak of fashion in America. But, getting ready in a hurry, Sarian severely cut her finger. Then, while she was treating the wound, it suddenly turned out that the 12-year-old son had a sharp fever. Isabelle got nervous, began to call her mother, asking her to come urgently. She got alarmed, rushed over and, getting out of the taxi, slipped on a tangerine crust and broke her leg. Saryan was forced to call the management of the airline and ask to replace her. Bottom line: this whole chain of events, usual for cinema, but unusual for everyday life, saved the woman's life.

Meanwhile, the stewardess was not the only one who, for one reason or another, escaped death - the Concorde, which carried up to 150 passengers, was barely two-thirds full.

… Five passengers did not board flight 778 in 2006, which was flying from Moscow to Irkutsk, and escaped. The plane crash claimed more than 120 lives. Only those who were sitting in the tail section escaped. And five more passengers, for various reasons, did not take off on that flight …

So, maybe this is not the case at all? Maybe some sixth sense made some not fly, while others - to sit exactly where they were at the time of the accident? They say that in the most difficult cases it manifests itself - in the form of intuition, an inner voice, or a series of mysterious accidents. And it helps to survive. You just need to be able to use it.

Relatives of Irkutsk Valery Struganov were already considered dead - he was not on the list of survivors, and they knew for sure that Valera had to fly on an ill-fated flight. Only the next day did they find out that at the last moment Valery decided to stay for a day in the capital - to take a walk along its summer streets … Why did these five change their minds at the last moment? Each had its own good reason - like a sudden illness. Life is a tricky thing, and I still want to understand what kind of coincidence of circumstances protects us from trouble.

Researchers are trying to "blame" such sudden missed flights, flight delays or sudden illnesses of some secret foresight that our ancestors possessed and which we no longer feel. But a miracle or a foresight made A. Shendrik, who was allowed to choose where to sit (there were a lot of empty seats on the plane), to stay on the chair on which he would not receive a scratch? He was lucky as he sat on the left side of the cabin. The starboard plane touched the building and crumpled it softly. The people sitting there could not survive. And Shendrick was a happy exception.


Miraculous rescues take place not only with the passengers of airliners, there are many of them on the ground. So, in the fall of 2004, Nikolai and Galina Khotko from Belarus went to rest in Egypt. Later they said that something, as if on purpose, disturbed them at the Sharm el-Sheikh airport. They mixed up the bags, waited for luggage for a long time, could not find their bus - and left only next. In short, the couple arrived at the hotel several hours later than expected. But even after that, they did not manage to breathe a sigh of relief: they were no longer expected at the hotel and were accommodated in the room of other people. In the end, they got a room in the far wing, far from the sea, with a minimum of amenities. The vacation was irreparably ruined …

A week later, Galina and Nikolai thanked fate. On October 8, explosions thundered at the Hilton Hotel. 34 people were killed, 105 were injured. And, of course, the most powerful explosion happened not far from the room they had booked. People who got into the room booked for Khotko died.

“The inexplicable saving of the lives of Isabelle and several dozen other passengers of the Concorde looks like an accident against the background of what happened five years ago in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria,” writes the Moscow esotericist V. Guryev. - A mudflow fell on the aul Bulungu. Most of the houses and outbuildings he smashed to pieces. But the number of victims … One person and several cows died.

This is simply amazing: after all, mountains are not tundra, where you have to go to a neighbor for tea for two days on deer or dogs. And not the farmlands of the USA and Canada, where the distances between houses are measured in kilometers. A high-mountain village is always a patch of comfortable land, where houses huddle together like grapes in a bunch. And even if the mudflow had captured Bulungu only sideways, then at least 30 percent of the population should have died. Atut is only one person …

Why did it happen that way? Outwardly, the answer to the question is simple. Someone took their cattle to a distant pasture, and just before the village they brought him lunch. Someone with the whole family went to their relatives for a wedding in another aul, and instructed the neighbors to take the animals to graze with his cattle.

Others were absent for other reasons. And the dwellings of those who remained in the village were not on the way of the mudflow”.

Accident? Guryev does not think so. In his opinion, the subconscious helps people to recognize that trouble is impending. Professor Samvel Grigoryan from Moscow State University explains that randomness is an objective process, a phenomenon influenced by many factors. Science has mathematical theories that describe probabilities, possibilities, and frequency. But there have not yet been any attempts to link accidents and chronic luck with mathematical phenomena. It can be assumed that luck or bad luck is associated with character traits. They determine how a person will act in a given situation - a hot-tempered one will run into, a balanced one will extinguish the conflict. His act affects the outcome of the event. If this is connected with a personality characteristic, somehow formalized by turning it into formulas, to carry out mathematical calculations … But no one has done this so far.

If mathematicians did not study, astrologers did.

They say that all the lucky people can be divided into "lucky ones", who have a strong ascending lunar node in their horoscope, and "lucky ones" - with a strong Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter. "Lucky" people attract good luck thanks to good karma gained in past lives and the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Such people are capable of single-handedly cope with matters that cannot be overcome, perhaps even a whole team. The "lucky ones" always have a bright personality.

The more actively they work to develop and improve their talents and abilities, the wider they stride through life.

One more example. The famous actress Ekaterina Guseva was busy in the musical "Nord-Ost", busy every day. And on the eve of the fateful day - October 23, 2002 - she suddenly took a day off. I just decided to stay at home that evening … She had no business that would tie her to the house, she did not get sick, she just felt an irresistible desire to stay at home that evening. And then, when many people suffered during the seizure of the hall by special forces, I felt awkward for a long time, as if I had survived at the expense of someone else.

Psychologists have their own opinion. They remind us of what else Freud said: a series of coincidences cannot be accidental. If, for example, a housewife constantly becomes a victim of domestic traumas for quite a long time, then bad luck has nothing to do with it. This subconscious mind programs a woman to get hurt. This, they say, is the property of the human psyche - to simulate after one failure another, similar.

The fact is that different people react in their own way to every failure - some negatively, some positively. In the first case, the person asks himself what was the worst in this situation? For example, a girl, having quarreled with a loved one, constantly scrolls his haughty gaze in her memory during a quarrel. This memory hurts her, and, in the end, psychological barriers appear on a subconscious level, preventing her from building new relationships, and a mood of failure appears. In such cases, psychologists advise, as it were, to move away from this unpleasant situation: to remember some situation in which the offender looked funny, sorry, stupid.

Often people are looking for the cause of failure in themselves, which is why their souls grow in self-doubt and the belief that this can happen again. And you ask yourself what new have you learned from this situation and what have you learned. If you respond positively to failure, then you can turn any of them not into a complex, but into a life experience that will help you in the future in a new difficult situation. Anyone can be lucky, but bad luck is just a myth.


Staunton's theory of catastrophes was developed before the advent of computers, but computers did not refute, but only confirmed and detailed it. As in the 50s. XX century, in cases of train wrecks and crashes of airliners, transport was filled by no more than 61%. In cases where air or land travel ended without incident, the number of passengers exceeded 75% of the seats. The fatal difference of 15% is very significant - any specialist will confirm this to you. In terms of statistics, even 2-3% should already make them think about the reasons for the appearance of such a gap.

Staunton didn't stop at statistics alone. He conducted a survey among people who escaped death in all the disasters that he investigated. Here is his conclusion: most of these people did not have a premonition of anything, they were not stopped by a mystical voice. Everything was usually much more prosaic. For example, it's time for a man to rush to the airport, but his stomach is so twisted that he is unable to leave the toilet. Either a relative dies out of the blue, or, going downstairs with a suitcase, he twists his leg. Everything is exactly like with mom Isabelle Sarian. And no one, except for Staunton, pondered the question: why, at the same time as the poor fellow, who had a stomach ache, a few dozen or even hundreds of people felt the same pain in the stomach or such incredible weakness that their legs refuse to walk.

Nobody has answered this question so far. But while we await this answer, we can draw for ourselves one important practical conclusion from what has been said. When planning to fly or travel by train, long-distance bus, etc., try to find out how many tickets for your transport have been sold. Do not become too suspicious, because there are always flights on every type of transport, when there are few people for quite objective reasons, just at this time the majority do not travel.

After Staunton's death, many enthusiasts were involved in catastrophe theory. Among them was the famous writer Stephen King. He began by testing Staunton's theory once again. Here is what he himself writes on the matter: “After I first read Staunton's article, the Magic Airlines plane crashed at Logan Airport. Everyone on board died. When everything is a little

settled down, I called the office of this company. I introduced myself as a journalist - a little well-intentioned lie. He said that we would like to write an article about the plane crash, and asked for information on how many people who bought a ticket did not fly this flight. There were 16 of them. When asked how many latecomers are on average on the line from Denver to Boston, I was told that there were no more than three. And, in addition, another 15 people refused to fly this flight, while usually the number of refusals does not exceed eight. It turns out, although the headlines of all the newspapers shouted: "The plane crash in Logan killed 94 people", they could be read like this: "31 people escaped death in the crash."

King pondered the problem for a long time. If we are all such sentients, he reasoned, how can we not know that the person we love is dead or our house is destroyed? And I came to this conclusion. Our ancestors were tailed, and their body was covered with hair. Their sense organs were better developed than those of modern man. Why did we lose all this? For the same reason that we do not wear glasses and a helmet when getting into a car. After all, we have already outgrown the motorcycle. The time comes, and we outgrow certain things, stop needing them. In the same way, our psychological sense atrophied. What is the use of having it if it is no longer practically necessary? What's the point, sitting in the office, suddenly feeling that your wife was hit by a car, if after a few minutes you will still be informed about it by phone. Only in the most extreme cases does the amazing ability to anticipate trouble or sense it at a distance awakens. And not only in the form of a classic premonition, but also in the form of ailments, bouts of absent-mindedness, fractures of the extremities at the right moment to save life.


American psychologist and hypnotist Helen Wambach has convincingly proved that people can actually foresee and even see the future. Wambach is known for her research on reincarnation, and not so long ago she conducted a series of experiments, during which she sent thousands of people into the future - 100 and 300 years ahead.

Under hypnosis, the participants in the experiments described life and the world around them in 2100-2300. Most of them said that people of the future have overcome diseases and live an average of 200-250 years. Their cause of death is usually not a disease, but a person's own desire to die. Having lived a certain number of years, a person declares that he intends to voluntarily move to another world. Death is peaceful and painless, it does not frighten anyone.

None of the subjects painted their future life in pink. Due to some environmental disaster, the air, according to them, in the future became unsuitable for breathing, all vegetation died. People have to live in cities under protective caps, eat synthetic food, breathe artificial air. Another surprise: less than half of its current population will remain on Earth by 2100. The rest will move to space colonies.

Those who chose the Earth set themselves the goal of restoring the dead flora and fauna, again making the planet suitable for natural life. And by 2300 they will succeed.

- Many of the participants in my experiments, - says Wambach, - said that they work together with intelligent beings from other planets who witnessed the ecological catastrophe of the Earth and flew in spacecraft to introduce earthlings to their high technology and help restore the planet. In general, the future, as people see it under hypnosis, is a world without wars. A world that has understood its mistakes and is trying to get rid of them.

From the above, we can conclude that a person has a much larger number of sense organs than we are usually accustomed to counting. Perhaps the discovery of Wambach could be adapted to anticipate transport and natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc.?..

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