A Giant Cairn At The Bottom Of The Biblical Lake Kynaret. Who Could Have Built It? - Alternative View

A Giant Cairn At The Bottom Of The Biblical Lake Kynaret. Who Could Have Built It? - Alternative View
A Giant Cairn At The Bottom Of The Biblical Lake Kynaret. Who Could Have Built It? - Alternative View

Video: A Giant Cairn At The Bottom Of The Biblical Lake Kynaret. Who Could Have Built It? - Alternative View

Video: A Giant Cairn At The Bottom Of The Biblical Lake Kynaret. Who Could Have Built It? - Alternative View
Video: Peter Cosgrove - The Military and the Birth of a Nation 2024, September

Human history keeps many mysteries and millennial secrets, which are not so easy to solve! How many years have people inhabited the Earth? What civilizations and technologies could have existed thousands and tens of thousands of years ago? Could people have developed to the modern level earlier, and then practically destroy each other, and then start their development from the very beginning?

Such questions can be raised in a huge number, but getting to the bottom of the truth is quite difficult. I would like to note that it is difficult to reconstruct the events that took place 300-500 years ago, what then can we say about thousands or tens of thousands of years?

According to legends, highly developed civilizations could exist on Earth. Lemuria, Atlantis, Hyperborea. But so far these are only versions and theories and it is not so easy to find evidence. It is all the more interesting to analyze some of the biblical legends and find confirmation that the events described millennia ago could actually take place.


Various ancient structures and pyramids are found under water in various parts of the planet. Often such discoveries become the subject of discussion and debate between scientists, historians, ufologists and ordinary people. One cannot do without disputes in such situations, because everyone is trying to prove their point of view about the events that took place on Earth thousands of years ago.

Recently, a mysterious cairn of stones was discovered in Israel, which is located at the bottom of Lake Kynaret. The building is colossal in size and is located next to the ancient city of Tiberius.

Archaeologists find it difficult to answer some questions regarding this structure. They have no options as to who and when could build this pyramid and when exactly. Moreover, they have no idea about the purpose of the pyramid.

Experts point out that the structure of the structure is quite simple and consists of huge basalt stones that are carefully stacked.

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At first glance, it may seem that the pyramid is nothing special, but what about the weight of the structure, which is more than sixty thousand tons? Even in the modern world, this weight is significant, but what can we say about thousands of years ago, when it seems that there could not be a technique capable of lifting lumps, the weight of which can reach tens and hundreds of tons.

There are quite a few megalithic structures on the planet, the construction of which is difficult to explain from the point of view of the development of our ancestors, if we take into account the traditional versions of scientists and historians.

The height of the found underwater pyramid is about ten meters, but the width is more than seventy. A number of experts noted that the building is twice the size of the famous Stonehenge. Surprisingly, there are quite a few similar buildings on Earth, and how many of them can still be hidden under water or in other places?

The strangeness of this pyramid lies in the fact that it is under water. What technologies could ancient people use to build such structures?


The pyramid was discovered 15 years ago, and experts were surprised by the size of the boulders, which reached one meter and there were no visible traces of processing by any tools. There were no traces of other structures and walls, which also surprised the scientists.

Most believe that ancient people could not build something like this under water and assume that previously there was no water in this place. One of the Israeli experts believes that the pyramid was built about four thousand years, but this is just his speculation.

It is most likely that a civilization with a high level of development could have existed in the region of the Sea of Gaul, but who were these people and for what purpose did they erect such structures? Lake Kynaret is often mentioned in the Bible, so maybe it is worth looking for an answer about the origin of such ancient structures?

It is possible that in the future scientists will be able to find answers about the people who built such structures and for what purpose, but for now it remains only to speculate, which do not always coincide with the official versions of scientists …