Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View

Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View
Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View

Video: Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View

Video: Who Steals Water From The Sea Off The Coast Of Chile? Who Paints The Sky Purple And Kills The Birds? - Alternative View
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One of the many strange and inexplicable phenomena of recent times has become periodic changes in the color of the sky over a particular region. As a rule, the sky turned either purple or purple.

Officials attribute this phenomenon to "light from greenhouses." Moreover, uncles and aunts talk about greenhouses, who live thousands of kilometers from the place of the event and have no idea where and what greenhouses are. At the same time, the local people who see this light are definitely not idiots and understand that if some industrial object gives light, then this light should appear in the same place all the time. But this does not exist, just as there are no "greenhouses".

However, and nevertheless, if smart uncles and aunts talk about “greenhouses”, we will call this phenomenon “greenhouses”, since the phenomenon has no name yet. And so strangely it somehow happened that in the last few days these "greenhouses" for some reason were turned on everywhere.





Spain, April 14:

Promotional video:

Massachusetts, March 30:

We will not show all the videos from YouTube, because they are monotonous: either purple / purple sky, or purple / purple flashes. Although sometimes the color is very strange:

In general, greenhouse workers are unusual guys, since farmers around the world destroy products that they are forbidden to take into the city, and these are all grown and grown.

If we were talking about a change in the color of the sky somewhere over the Philippines or over South Australia (where it happens most often), one would think about the activity of faults, about some kind of streams of cosmic particles, and so on. Think - and forget, because we still cannot explain the phenomenon. But this is not Australia, but the whole quarantined world. Moreover, at this time in the oceans of this world, the following happens:


A tweet for April 26th, the video was made on a cruise ship, on the deck of which it rained from birds and, as strangesounds writes, the sailors even burst into tears. All this is really very sad, but we are more worried about where and why? That is, what killed the birds and is it somehow related to the purple skies?

Some kind of poisoning or 5G in the middle of the ocean is out of the question. The birds fell on the deck not because the steamer had some secret device that irradiated them with something, but because the birds were simply tired. This is a fact known to ornithologists since the time of the Vikings and from time to time played out in disaster films.

So, if land suddenly disappears in some area of the world, the birds will see the nearest ships as land, on which they will board under any circumstances. And there will be so many birds that their number will need to be measured not even in hundreds and thousands, but in tons. That is, crows, pigeons and sparrows, flying over the disappeared piece of land, will gather in a heap and board a lone destroyer, which will be overturned and sunk.

Something similar happened in this case: exhausted by the usual, as it were, a short journey, the birds saw the steamer and flew towards it, as to an island. But the birds were so exhausted that they fell on the deck dead. Therefore, you need to think about what could take away the strength from the birds, which like this fall not only on ships, but also on the streets - all over the world.


And further, developing the thought, you can ask yourself: if something kills in such huge quantities of birds, then maybe this something can kill people like that? And people will one day turn off in the same way in the middle of the road, in the middle of the street, having no more strength?

It is possible, of course, that the reason for all this was some satellite technology, some HAARP installations, and so on, but such an explanation seems not very likely to us: humans have little strength for this. Moreover, to paint the sky along the way. Therefore, most likely all this is somehow connected with the activity of aliens.

Their ships seem to be very large, kilometers and tens of kilometers long, and given the speeds at which these masses fly, the fields they generate, we cannot even imagine. But, probably, they radically change something in the atmosphere, since even behind a microscopic relative to a UFO plane, the observed exhaust remains.

Most likely, the atmosphere is ionized in the disturbance band following the UFO, which also gives such illumination. Well, since UFOs are mostly in the air, birds are the first to be hit.

This is also a well-known condition to ufologists: a lot of people who came into contact with the "saucers" or simply visited their landing sites began to get sick and died. Sometimes they died just a few days after the incident. And these were meetings with pepelats tens of meters in diameter. And what and how far does a UFO with a diameter / length of tens of kilometers spread around itself?


This wonderful pepelaz was shot in Chile last year. The authors of the photographs are local hunters who often wander in desert areas and have seen everything, including UFOs. But with this pepelaz they were alarmed and surprised.

Nevertheless, the keepers of the lighthouse dismissed the excited travelers and said that they were already so used to the “Martians” that they did not pay attention to them, as to sunrise or sunset there. That is, these things hang around this area every day. Therefore, soon we will get used to such pepelats, to carpets of dead birds, to a pink or even green atmosphere, so we are following the development of events.
