Global Flood. Science Comes To Understanding Biblical Events! - Alternative View

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Global Flood. Science Comes To Understanding Biblical Events! - Alternative View
Global Flood. Science Comes To Understanding Biblical Events! - Alternative View

Video: Global Flood. Science Comes To Understanding Biblical Events! - Alternative View

Video: Global Flood. Science Comes To Understanding Biblical Events! - Alternative View
Video: Noah’s Ark and the Flood: Science Confirms the Bible - August 8, 2019 2024, September

Imagine a planet the size of Mars with a hydrogen source inside. At some point, the crust splits along the mid-ocean ridges and the internal pressure brings the subcrustal waters of the Flood to the surface. Calculations show full compliance with modern laws of physics and are consistent with the Biblical text. And they confirm the covenant of God about the impossibility of a new global flood.

"One should not multiply things unnecessarily" (Occam's Razor)

Let's look at the events of the Flood from the point of view of the Theory of "Originally hydride Earth" by V. N. Larin.

In antediluvian times, our planet was half the diameter with a source of hydrogen inside. At some point, the crust split along the mid-ocean ridges and the internal pressure brought the subcrustal waters of the Flood to the surface, covering the Earth with at least five kilometers! Calculations show full compliance with the laws of physics, agree with the Biblical text and confirm God's covenant about the impossibility of a new global flood!

So our consciousness is arranged that when reading the first lines of the Bible, the brain tries to imagine the events of the past and find a logical explanation of the words of Scripture before perceiving them for Faith.

From the lines of the Bible, it follows that water on Earth was originally, which is not surprising, now space probes have found water on the Moon, Mars, the moons of Saturn and Jupiter on comets and asteroids, and this water differs only in isotopic composition.

Promotional video:

Scientists of antiquity found it difficult to imagine the structure of our planet and, moreover, to assume that large masses of water could be under the Earth's crust (albeit in a bound state).

Finally, modern science has come to understand Biblical events!

Let's imagine the structure of our planet in the form of an egg: in the center there is a solid hydride core (hydrogen dissolved in the metal), at the border, H2 degassing with the release of heat occurs; a layer of liquid metal is formed, generating the earth's magnetic field; protein - magma: blast furnace with hydrogen purge; shell - the earth's crust, at the base of which hydrogen meets oxygen, taking it from oxides and oxides, forming deep underground oceans of water.

Geochemical model of the Earth
Geochemical model of the Earth

Geochemical model of the Earth

The existence of subcrustal oceans has been confirmed by recent studies of rift zones, deep minerals ejected by volcanoes and seismic surveys.

Diamond with Ringwoodite inclusion
Diamond with Ringwoodite inclusion

Diamond with Ringwoodite inclusion.

Spectral analysis, which was carried out by scientists led by geochemist Graham Pearson of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, showed that in a diamond crystal found in Brazil, the mineral ringwoodite, containing about one and a half percent water, is "sealed". And it was formed surrounded by water. Ringwoodite is the main component of the so-called transitional zone of the Earth - the bowels located at depths of several hundred kilometers. According to preliminary estimates of experts, these very one and a half percent and "pour" into about ten Pacific oceans.

The structure of the Earth's subcrustal ocean
The structure of the Earth's subcrustal ocean

The structure of the Earth's subcrustal ocean.

The famous American scientist Weiseshan, having analyzed 80 thousand shear waves on hundreds of thousands of seismograms, suggested that water is everywhere under the earth's crust, and that its number is 5 times the entire external water reserve of the planet. Underground oceans, which may be located in the bowels, are marked in red. They were revealed due to anomalies in the passage of seismic waves.

The thickness of the subcrustal ocean
The thickness of the subcrustal ocean

The thickness of the subcrustal ocean.

Seismologists from the University of Oregon, led by Anna Kelbert, have studied and analyzed measurement data accumulated by various groups of geophysicists over the past 30 years, have compiled a three-dimensional map of the distribution of electrical conductivity in the upper layers of the Earth's mantle. The map confirms the presence of large amounts of water in it. But water is not free, but in a bound state, which is part of the crystal lattices of various minerals.

The fact that there is water under the oceans, and in huge quantities, is clearly evidenced by the numerous hydrothermal springs flowing along the mid-ocean ridges. They are called "black smokers" or natural district heating.

Black smokers
Black smokers

Black smokers.

The picture, frankly, is frightening. "Primordial water", heated to 400 degrees Celsius and oversaturated with minerals (mainly ferruginous and manganese compounds), at the outlet of the underwater geyser forms cone-shaped influxes and outgrowths, similar to factory chimneys as high as a skyscraper. From them, like smoke, a hot black suspension pours down in clubs. (No boiling occurs at high pressure at great depths of boiling). Rising to a height of 150 meters, it mixes with the cold bottom layers of the ocean and, by heating them, cools itself.

Hydrogen escaping from the bowels of the Earth through the mid-ocean ridges partially combines with oxygen (because of this, the level of the world ocean is steadily increasing). The rest of it, getting into the atmosphere, at an altitude of 30 km combines with O3, forming beautiful nacreous clouds and "holes" in the ozone layer.

If you look at satellite imagery, it is easy to see that ozone holes are most often formed over mid-ocean ridges, in the polar zones and over hydrocarbon deposits. What are the works of our compatriot, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences VL Syvorotkin devoted to?

What did the Earth look like in antediluvian times?

Our planet was slightly larger than modern Mars. This is confirmed by the coincidence with accuracy of 94% of the continental plates in the mosaic pattern (Otto Hilgenberg's globes).

Hilgenberg globes
Hilgenberg globes

Hilgenberg globes.

There were no modern oceans, since any section of the ocean floor is at least five times younger than the continental plates.

The process of expansion of the Earth is clearly illustrated by the video:

Subtracting the area of modern oceans from the total surface area of the Earth, it is not difficult to imagine the area of the antediluvian planet and calculate its radius (according to my calculations, Rdp ~ 3500 km, 55% of the modern one).

Earth expansion scheme
Earth expansion scheme

Earth expansion scheme.

Our small planet was surrounded by a dense atmosphere with a continuous cloudy layer, which was well preserved in the most beautiful Amber drops.

The antediluvian atmospheric pressure was 2.5 times higher than the modern one, so lizards with a wingspan of 10-12 meters soared easily in it.

Such a worldwide greenhouse contributed to the rapid growth of all flora, which led to an increase in oxygen in the atmosphere (up to 40%). And the increased content of carbon dioxide (about 1%) not only created a greenhouse effect, but also contributed to the gigantism of plants, since the plant receives the bulk of fiber (carbon) in the process of photosynthesis from the atmosphere!

Greenhouse conditions smoothed out the planet's climate: there were no glaciers at the poles and heat at the equator. The tropics were everywhere with an average temperature of about 30-35 degrees. Most likely, there was no precipitation in the form of rain, much less snow, "for the Lord God did not send rain to the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the earth, but steam rose from the earth and irrigated the entire face of the earth." (Genesis 2: 5)

There were no winds either, since there were no pressure drop zones. And if so, then there should be no tree rings in antediluvian wood! Equatorial trees do not have them now!

Fragment of Noah's Ark
Fragment of Noah's Ark

Fragment of Noah's Ark.

The absence of tree rings on the wood of Noah's ark stored at Echmiadzin in Armenia.

It is no wonder that such "Paradise" greenhouse conditions, and even with almost complete protection from the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, led to the development of gigantism of flora and fauna, and more than 10 times (judging by the Bible) the lifespan of all organisms! A significant role in this was played by the absence of the need to consume large quantities of salt, which we, all herbivores, are now forced to do to maintain intracellular osmotic pressure (due to a drop in atmospheric pressure by more than 2.5 times).

The length of the year in antediluvian times

Based on the law of conservation of the angular momentum of our planet, knowing the radius of the antediluvian Earth, taking into account the slight change in mass, it turns out that the length of the day was approximately 7.2 hours. At this rate of rotation, the shape of the planet was most likely an ellipsoid, flattened at the poles. Then it is logical to assume that the force of gravity in the tropical zone was much lower than at the poles, it was inhabited by giant dinosaurs!

Flood events

But at one point, Prosperity on Earth ended! The cataclysm was most likely caused by a cosmic event. Most likely, it was a shock front of cosmic particles (about 1 mm in diameter) formed after a supernova explosion at a distance of no more than 100 light years from Earth.

But, one way or another:

The attentive reader will immediately notice that there were two sources of water for the Flood! And in addition to 40 days of rain, water rushed to the surface from the depths of the Earth. The earth's crust cracked along the mid-ocean ridges like a shattered egg shell. Many volcanoes awoke, spewing magma and steam. "The springs of the great abyss opened up" - subcrustal waters and gases burst out to the surface.

Let's try to imagine the volume of water required for these events: knowing the radius of the antediluvian planet 3500 km, the surface area is ~ 154 million square meters. km, assuming the height of Ararat to be about 5 km (now 5165 m, but it is still an active volcano, it could well have grown by 200 m), we get the volume of flood waters of about 770 million cubic meters. km, only 56% of the modern volume of the World Ocean!

Ararat volcano
Ararat volcano

Ararat volcano.

As we remember, there were two sources of water for the Flood, and even after the 40-day rain stopped, the ocean level continued to rise, and we already understand why:

Consequences of the World Flood

When the water started to subside:

Expansion of the Earth along the mid-ocean ridges
Expansion of the Earth along the mid-ocean ridges

Expansion of the Earth along the mid-ocean ridges.

Due to the sharp expansion of the rift zones of the mid-oceanic ridges, modern oceans began to form, where the waters of the Flood gradually began to leave (in the volume of about 770 million cubic km. 56% of the modern volume of the World Ocean), leaving layers of sand, clay and marine carcasses on the plateaus. inhabitants.

It is clear that the process of the growth of the Earth's diameter proceeded unevenly along the logarithmic curve (y = logax, where a> 1). First, a sharp expansion of the Pacific Ocean, then the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean were formed, and the Atlantic is the youngest growth zone. More precisely, the record of this expansion will be built after studying and comparing the zones of the ocean floor on both sides of the mid-ocean ridges. Based on this data, it will be possible to clarify the age of the Earth and changes in the length of the day and the length of the year.

The skeleton of Noah's ark
The skeleton of Noah's ark

The skeleton of Noah's ark.

After the Flood, the Earth's climate changed dramatically: the seasons became noticeable, climatic zones, areas of pressure drops, winds, precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail appeared. Gradually, with a drop in atmospheric pressure, cumulus clouds replaced the continuous cloudy layer, the blue sky and a rainbow became visible - as a symbol of God's covenant about the impossibility of a new Flood!

Consequently, among the global threats to humanity, there may be tsunamis and floods of very great force, no one excludes a meteorite threat or an eruption of a supervolcano, but due to the fact that the process of degassing hydrogen from the bowels of the earth is constantly going on (Mother Earth slowly releases steam), a great Flood will not happen again! There is no physical ability to cover the modern planet with a 5 km layer of water!

The analysis of possible planetary disasters is exhaustively presented by the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V. P. Polevanov. in the report "What threatens humanity?"

Many scientists and atheists have repeatedly questioned the words of Scripture, but it turns out that the events described there could well have occurred and do not contradict any laws of physics! Humanity acquired this knowledge 30 centuries ago, and science comes to understand these processes only today!

How much "water has flowed under the bridge" since the antediluvian times?

According to "scientific" ideas about 200-250 million years, these are the most ancient dating of the rocks of the ocean floor. But what if the dating of the Orthodox calendar is correct? And outside the window is the year 7526 from the creation of the world and 5870 from the beginning of the Flood? Indeed, knowledge multiplies the boundaries of the unknown!

Author: Igor Dabakhov