The Death Of French Tartary - Alternative View

The Death Of French Tartary - Alternative View
The Death Of French Tartary - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of French Tartary - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of French Tartary - Alternative View
Video: THREE SCARY SECRETS OF PETER THE GREAT. Secrets of the history of Russia 2024, September

Probably there is not a single person whose childhood was spent in the USSR, who would not have read the novels of Alphonse Daudet about Tartarin from Tarascon. But few people come up with a simple question: - “Why did the translators translate the name of the protagonist as Tartarin into Russian, because in the original, in French, Tartarin is written”?

Alphonse Daudet. Tartarine from Tarascon
Alphonse Daudet. Tartarine from Tarascon

Alphonse Daudet. Tartarine from Tarascon.

Today, when the mechanism for forging history has already been identified, practically, thoroughly, the motives of the "reformers" of the Russian language, in which the Tartars turned into Tatars, Romania to Romania, Paris to Paris, etc., become clear, it can be continued indefinitely. This is done so that even at the subconscious level, a native speaker of Russian does not wake up the memory stored in the genes transmitted to us by our ancestors. Indeed, most of the phenomena that cannot be explained with the help of science are usually attributed to ephemeral concepts such as "intuition", for example.

Meanwhile, there is no scientific explanation for the concept of "intuition". It turns out an absurd situation when science itself refers to what, in its opinion, does not exist. However, more and more scientists speak openly about the presence of genetic memory. Recent studies conclusively prove that together with hereditary traits. DNA can contain information accumulated by previous generations. And these “codes”, which are not readable by our consciousness directly, are likely to trigger a certain mechanism of “memories of past lives”, which is attributed to some kind of intuition.

And the most effective key for the "start" of genetic memory is the native language in which a person thinks. True, there is one "but" … Language for this, not everyone is suitable. Only the ancient one, the one spoken by the ancestors. The younger the language, the shorter the link between generations. For example, the grandfather of American actor Anthony Hopkins still knew Russian, his father no longer. Anthony Hopkins no longer knows a word in Russian. But the genes passed on to him by generations of his Russian-speaking ancestors are encoded in Russian, which the famous actor does not know. All. The chain is broken, and there can be no talk of any intuition.

We were much more fortunate in this regard, many generations of our ancestors spoke the same language with us, which is why we so often see images that are quite understandable and comprehensible, with a complete lack of knowledge of the meaning of the foreign word heard. But since the French language is one of the most "Jesuit", it is practically not perceived by ear, because the French write completely differently than they hear. But once we look at the French words written on paper, we can translate a lot with ease. More precisely, to understand the meaning of what is written. As is the case with the name of the literary character Daudet.

Why did the writer call him Tartarin? Accident? I suppose hardly. Even if Alphonse (in our opinion Athanasius) did not realize it himself. But most likely, he perfectly understood what he was writing about. Hidden hints and clues can be found in all three Tartarin novels. You need to start with the fact that the character of the amusing hero is described with undisguised irony, and even a slight mockery, because at the time of writing the novels, the entire European press was filled with cartoons of Russians.

And the behavior of Tartarin fully fits into the idea of Russians, which was widespread in France at the end of the 19th century. But, since his character is a citizen of the French Republic, he, as a patriot, could not join the Russian terrorists whom he meets while traveling to the Alps.

Promotional video:

Meanwhile, Tartarin's hunt for a lion is very eloquently described. In the process, an innocent donkey died, but a lion, he still got it. True, it was a blind lion. Here we see a direct allusion to the complex relationship between Russia and the British Empire. And the conviction that in this confrontation Russia will never win, but all outside donkeys will invariably suffer. And Prince George, from Montenegro, who constantly deceived the gullible Tartarin, and in the end robbed him to the bone, clearly personifies the Balkan countries. The Russian Empire constantly supported them with finances, political and military power, without receiving in return, even gratitude, about which F. M. Dostoevsky.

Is the choice of Tartarin's hometown accidental? Let's look at the map, and intuition involuntarily turns on. These lands, now owned by France and Spain, were formerly known as Occitania. And what kind of country was it?



Official historians tell us that some Cathars lived here, or otherwise - Albigensians, without specifying which ethnic group they belonged to. Were they French? Spaniards? Maybe Italians? But such nations did not exist at the time of the defeat of the Cathars. There were Lombardians, Gauls, Aquitanians, and … Attention! - RUSSILLIANS.

Roussillon sounds like a fusion of the two words "russ" and "lyon". But on the map of France there are a lot of toponyms that are understandable to Russian without translation. Lyon is Lviv, Turin is not a question at all, by the name of the beast that was found only east of the Danube - tour. There is also Tula in Occitania, the mayor of which was, at one time, the current President of France. The city of Lille is also quite understandable without translation.

Coat of arms of the city of Lille
Coat of arms of the city of Lille

Coat of arms of the city of Lille.

The city of Vesele, it is obvious - Vasiliev, and the city of Nevers - Neverov. Grenoble also sounds quite in the Russian tradition. It can be assumed that before the French, it was called GrenoPol (more precisely, Hrenopol), like our Kargopol, or Boryspil.

Occitania today
Occitania today

Occitania today.

It is clear that now the names have been changed, or replaced by French, but who were the Albigensians really? Official science claims that this was such a sect. Probably, this is the only precedent in history when on the territory of a certain country lived not a people, but a sect. By the way, they did not call themselves either Cathars or Albigensians. Calling them like this is roughly the same as if in our reference books about the French it would be written "frogs", and about Italians "macaroni".

According to one version, they got the nickname "Albigensians" from the city of Alba, which was one of the centers of Occitania. On the other from "alba", which means "white" plus GOI. Those. literally, white goyim. But with the "Cathars" the story is very dark. There is still no consensus on this matter in the scientific community. But there is a version that this nickname stuck because the blacksmiths of the Albigensians made a special kind of cold weapon of self-defense. This is a stabbing knife of the brass knuckle type, which was allowed to have for self-defense by the Albigensian monks.

Qatar is a cold weapon of Indians and Albigensians
Qatar is a cold weapon of Indians and Albigensians

Qatar is a cold weapon of Indians and Albigensians.

If we consider this subject from a distance, then one cannot but get the feeling that this is a certain fragment of something technological, the Hindus call it the "Language of God". It is likely that here we are dealing with another manifestation of the cargo cult, when a person misuses something that he inherited from a more advanced civilization. As if a native picked up a piece of a propeller that had fallen on an aircraft island and began to use it as a machete.

This weapon has two important features: - The area of distribution, and the secret of the alloy from which they were made. The fact is that the cathars were most widespread in two regions located far from each other, namely in India, and in the south of today's Europe. Now a lot is known about the Indian Cathars, and this type of weapon is even considered to be traditionally Hindu. The fact that the Albigensians had exactly the same daggers no longer remembers, and this is very important. After all, the people bring the culture of production with them to new habitats, which means that the source of the spread of cathars - daggers, is one in India and Occitania.

The second feature lies in the secret of the steel from which this weapon was made. The fact is that this is not steel, in the literal sense of the word, but a composite material consisting of low-carbon, very pure iron and … Graphite. Truly space technology in the Middle Ages.

And this is not the only technology owned by the Albigensians that was not known to the north of Occitania. See what wonders of fortification and building technologies were known to the Cathars:

Beynak Castle
Beynak Castle

Beynak Castle.

Fortress of Carcassonne
Fortress of Carcassonne

Fortress of Carcassonne.

Aqueduct in the Languedoc
Aqueduct in the Languedoc

Aqueduct in the Languedoc.

Keribus Castle
Keribus Castle

Keribus Castle.

Keribus Castle was the last of the Qatari fortifications to fall. (in 1255 according to the official version). In total, about a million people died in the Albigensian wars.

Abbot and papal legate Arnold Amari (Arnauld Amaury) addressed his troops before the decisive assault with the words that have become notorious: - "Kill everyone, the Lord will know his own": This is the whole essence of the "reformation" and the crusade of Pope Innocent III. So, under the pretext of fighting heresy, "enlightened" Europe appropriated to itself what it itself was not able to create. Now the modern French are proud of the skill of their ancestors, who supposedly created all this splendor. The same probably applies to the castles of southern Germany, which were also built by those who are now contemptuously called the Cathars.

But these are single buildings that have survived and are now maintained in a decent condition. Such famous Qatari castles as Montse'gur, surrounded by the greatest number of legends and mysteries, Fleur Espine, four Lastours castles, a huge Peyrepertuse fortress, Puivert castles, Puilaurens, Que'ribus, Roquefixade, Usson, Minerve, Montaillou, San Jordi lie in ruins., Padern, Durban, Aguilar, Villerouge-Termene`s, Durfort, Termes, Auriac, Coustaussa, Saissac, Ense'rune and many others.

Ruins of the castle of Montsegur
Ruins of the castle of Montsegur

Ruins of the castle of Montsegur.

And this, just irrefutably testifies to the fact that historians are lying, talking about the fact that all this was destroyed in the thirteenth century. See the ruins of Montsegur Castle Do you believe that it can be destroyed manually? Me not. But if Qatar was destroyed at the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries, when artillery already existed, then everything is going well, and there are no questions.

Therefore, I did not make a reservation, recalling the Reformation, which allegedly began only three hundred years after the extermination of the Cathars. All these events took place at the turn of time, soon after the true crucifixion of Jesus, and not 1300 years later, as Scaliger and Petavius announced.

But what did they call themselves? Today, absolutely nothing is known about their ethnicity, as well as in relation to the Venetians and Etruscans, but bearing in mind their worldview, the Cathars called themselves GODS. And this is recorded by many historical sources. But what do we know about the Bogomils?

The most famous version speaks of the exodus of the Bogomils from the banks of the Volga during the campaign of Khan Batu's troops to Kazan. “Volga Bulgars” is a tautology, “oil oil”. Bulgars, these are the Volgars (Voolgari). And most of them migrated to the Balkans, and settled further throughout southern Europe. It is not known whether they built castles in the mountains, or only repaired what existed before, but we can rightfully assume that the Cathars are the Bulgarians - Volgarians - Bogomils.

But there is another suggestion. Katar is spelled much the same as Katay. And the Katay Province in Great Tartary was located on the territory of central and western Siberia. Be that as it may, the kinship of the words Qatar, Cathay, and Tartarus is felt on an intuitive level.

The disagreements between the Bogomils and the papal Catholic Church are also understandable, because they mercilessly criticized Catholics for living in sin, wallowing in luxury, striving for power, and do not allow women to participate in worship and public life. They openly called Catholics "children of the Prince of this world." They denied the Old Testament and honored the Apostle Paul above all. They themselves existed independently, without paying tribute to anyone, and were completely self-sufficient, not needing either financial structures, or the army, or other intermediaries and parasites.

Of course, they carried a mortal threat to the Western world, living at the expense of others, therefore they were doomed from the very beginning.

Well, and in conclusion about the symbolism:

Flag of the County of Roussillon - Languedoc
Flag of the County of Roussillon - Languedoc

Flag of the County of Roussillon - Languedoc.

Doesn't it look like anything? And the St. George ribbon? And here it is even more interesting:

Coat of arms of the commune of Walras Plage in Roussillon
Coat of arms of the commune of Walras Plage in Roussillon

Coat of arms of the commune of Walras Plage in Roussillon.

And here we see a combination of three Slavic runes:

Upper part - Treba, Medium - Support, Lower - Alatyr.

In my opinion, more than enough to consider the history of the extermination of the Cathars - Volgars - Scythians from a different angle, and the whole world history too.

Author: kadykchanskiy