5 Facts That May Indicate The Existence Of Ancient Civilizations On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View

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5 Facts That May Indicate The Existence Of Ancient Civilizations On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View
5 Facts That May Indicate The Existence Of Ancient Civilizations On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: 5 Facts That May Indicate The Existence Of Ancient Civilizations On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: 5 Facts That May Indicate The Existence Of Ancient Civilizations On The Territory Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: History Memes 107 2024, September

Traces of ancient Civilizations are scattered literally all over the world. And the most famous ones are located in Egypt, Peru, North and South America, China and it seems that Russia is deprived in this regard, but this is far from the case. On the territory of modern Russia there are many megalithic structures that are not inferior in antiquity, and some are much older than foreign analogues.

Here are just a few of these megaliths that indicate the clear existence of ancient civilizations:

Mount Pidan and its megaliths

The first in our list are the ruins of the most ancient structure of Mount Pidan (the modern name of Livadia Mountain, height 1333 m.), Which literally means - Boulders built by God.

According to the official version of archaeologists, this is a natural formation, but with a detailed examination of the images, this statement is hard to believe. After all, masonry is clearly traced here.

Ural. Chudskaya mine

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These mines are the memory of the long-gone Chud tribe, who left the surface of the earth and moved deep into the bowels of the earth during the baptism of Rus. Archaeological expeditions at the dawn of the 20th century have found many traces, or so-called Chud mines. But by a strange coincidence, they were then completely destroyed.

One single mine, located within the boundaries of the Chelyabinsk village of Borisovka, has survived to this day in excellent condition. According to geological data, this find dates back to the second millennium BC.

Megaliths of Mount Ninchurt. Arctic

On the territory of the Kola Peninsula, near the mysterious reservoir - Seydozero, there is Mount Ninchurt. Near this place, which in local dialects is called Luyavrchorr - "Mountain at the Lake of Power", in the 19th century a sensational discovery was made. A complex of buildings made of huge blocks was found there, and also hewn steps were found.

This place is popular among Russian tourists, and even they periodically find roads of laid stone, wells and carved blocks of regular shape.

Siberian city underground - Chichaburg

When performing aerial photography of the Novosibirsk region, near the city of Zdvinsk, a strange anomaly was noticed on the shore of Lake Chicha. Upon further study of these images, scientists were simply amazed, because they discovered a city with a total area of more than 12 hectares.

This place got the name - Chichaburg. With further research, it was found that this city had perfectly flat streets, stone and wooden buildings, as well as defensive fortifications. Scientists were also amazed by the fact that the city also had a so-called industrial quarter, which was located far from residential buildings.

A preliminary analysis showed that this city was built in the 7th - 8th century BC. This means that in Siberia there was a developed civilization developing in parallel with the ancient Greek one.

Yakutsk Kurgan

This truly mystical man-made structure is located in the hard-to-reach Khalarchinskaya tundra. Almost nothing is known about this mound, neither who created it, nor when it was and for what purposes it was used. The only thing that is known about it is that it is surprisingly similar to the Patomsky crater.