Stephen Hawking Advises Humanity To Leave Earth For The Sake Of Survival - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking Advises Humanity To Leave Earth For The Sake Of Survival - Alternative View
Stephen Hawking Advises Humanity To Leave Earth For The Sake Of Survival - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking Advises Humanity To Leave Earth For The Sake Of Survival - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking Advises Humanity To Leave Earth For The Sake Of Survival - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking: We Must Leave Earth To Survive | Expedition New Earth | Earth Lab 2024, September

The famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking gave an exclusive interview to the TASS news agency, in which he shared his opinion on the future of humanity.

According to the scientist, there are many threats to the continued existence of man on the planet - for example, "nuclear war, catastrophic global warming and genetically modified viruses." The probability of the death of humanity from a collision of the Earth with any celestial body is no more than the danger of the end of the world through the fault of the people themselves, Hawking said.

In order for the human race to continue, it needs to colonize other planets. According to the scientist, he has no doubt that in the next 100 years people will live on Mars, since it is the closest planet-like planet, and its development would require the creation of a truly autonomous colony.

Earlier Stephen Hawking said that in the future, humanity will be able to draw unlimited amounts of energy from microscopic black holes. In the future, the scientist believes that man-made mini-holes will be stored in the dimensions of space-time invisible to humans, which, according to string theory, are quite real.