The Power Of A "happy" Conspiracy - Alternative View

The Power Of A "happy" Conspiracy - Alternative View
The Power Of A "happy" Conspiracy - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A "happy" Conspiracy - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A
Video: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy”? | The Great Reset 2024, September

Of all the deadly weapons that man has ever invented, the most powerful and most terrible is the word. If spears and daggers can leave blood, arrows can be seen at a distance, and poison can be detected and rendered harmless in a timely manner, then a word can kill unnoticed.

In general, all human life, the development of religion, science and culture became possible only thanks to speech. It is not for nothing that the phrase “in the beginning was the word” exists.

The heritage of great people - Confucius, Socrates, Buddha - a person receives through the word. The word creates the future, connects the ages.

In Africa, there is one tribe called the Dogon. The people of this tribe are very different from the rest of the African population - they are taller and much more beautiful. But this is not the main thing. It is striking that many centuries before Copernicus they knew the structure of the universe. The tribe sincerely believes that the world will exist as long as people talk to each other. There is a certain amount of logic and common sense in this. After all, if you imagine that for some reason humanity has lost the ability to speak and complete silence comes, there will be no future: schools will close, agriculture and production will collapse, and as a result, everything will end with human civilization falling apart.

Of course, many are sure that in the world of modern technologies it is not at all necessary to talk, because you can write what you would like to say on a simple paper sheet, or use the now popular social networks. But, firstly, unfortunately, even in such an advanced time, there are still uneducated people who can neither write nor read properly. Secondly, not everyone knows and wants to use the Internet. Thirdly, sometimes you have to say a lot, and it will take a lot of time to write all this, and it turns out that after this occupation, life will pass, and the person will not have time to do anything significant and useful. Thus, it turns out that the word is the basis of modern life, human achievements and misfortunes.

Each word that is pronounced by a person gives a kind of impetus to good or evil. Therefore, you must always remember that the meaning that a person puts into each word he utters determines the quality of this word and its power.

Many people sincerely believe that with the help of words you can change your destiny, get love, wealth and other benefits. That is why they turn to psychics and sorcerers with a request to conduct special rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies.

Among such rituals, one of the most popular is the conspiracy for happiness. There is nothing strange in this, because a person needs a feeling of happiness in order to fully enjoy life. The feeling of happiness does not in any way depend on the character of a person, his abilities and capabilities, or the season. Happiness is not financial wealth, personal ambition, or even luck in your personal life. But at the same time, it is precisely this feeling that makes human life harmonious and complete, endows it with a sense of tranquility and balance. A conspiracy for happiness makes it possible to find inner harmony, learn to live for your own pleasure and enjoy life.

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The happiness conspiracy is a magical ritual that opens invisible energy channels to attract desired events and positive emotions.

There are many rituals with which you can attract happiness into your life. And to perform these magical actions it is not at all necessary to turn to magicians and sorcerers. If you strictly follow the recommendations, then conspiracies can be carried out independently.

Prayers and conspiracies for happiness can be done on oneself. In such cases, a person, with the help of a conspiracy, tries to solve his personal problems, attract good luck and positive emotions into his life. In addition, there are ceremonies for loved ones and family. Depending on what is the purpose of the prayer from the conspiracy, they can be aimed at returning lost happiness or at attracting happiness in the future. Moreover, sometimes people make conspiracies for happiness even when everything is fine in their life, because in this case the ritual will help to maintain well-being and inner harmony and maintain a state of happiness as long as possible.

In order to correctly carry out a conspiracy for happiness, you need to memorize its text. This is an indispensable condition. The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced in a half-whisper, melodic and emotional. It is extremely important at the moment of pronouncing a conspiracy to fully concentrate on your desire and believe that the conspiracy will certainly help.

In addition, in magical rituals to attract happiness, as a rule, personal belongings of a person are used with which he is in constant contact. And in order for the conspiracy to act as efficiently as possible, experts in this field recommend carrying out any conspiracy for happiness during the growing moon, since before the full moon the moon has the power to increase non-material concepts.

However, there are many skeptics who do not believe in all sorts of conspiracies, rituals and other magic. To convince them that the word has great power and influence not only on humans, but also on other living beings, you can turn to scientific research.

Thus, several universities have conducted research aimed at studying the so-called pre-attunement of consciousness. As part of the research, students were asked to look through a large number of ordinary sentences, each of which contained a word that did not correspond to the meaning of this sentence. Students had to find and cross out these illogical words.

Moreover, the words belonged to different groups. In the first part of the research, students were asked to find words that were associated with calmness, slowness, slowness. After the assignment was given, the teachers pretended to be talking enthusiastically and did not notice that the students had already completed the assignment. Therefore, the students were forced to interrupt their conversation, thereby showing a certain incontinence.

At the same time, the research instructors timed the time after which the students would lose patience and interrupt their conversation. After completing the first part of the assignment, the conversation was interrupted after 30 minutes.

In the second part of the study, students were asked to cross out words that were associated with impatience, speed, and audacity. And in the same way, the teachers pretended to be talking enthusiastically. In this case, the students withstood only two minutes, they did not have enough patience for more.

Similar studies, but with different groups of words, gave even more interesting results. So, in particular, one group of students was asked to find words in sentences that cause associations with old age and diseases, and the second - associations to youth and health. After the testing was over, the researchers filmed the gait of the participating students. Participants in the first group left the classrooms with a slow shuffling gait, with hunched backs. The participants of the second group, on the contrary, walked with a springy, energetic gait.

Thus, these studies are vivid proof that the word has a great influence on a person, evokes certain patterns of behavior and emotions in his subconscious. Negative words create a pre-attunement of consciousness to failures and defeats, while positive ones orient them toward happiness and success.

Doctor of biology P. Gariaev, who is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and an active member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, decided to conduct a very interesting study. He created a group of like-minded people with whom he decided to check how obscene words and curses work on living beings. But in order not to injure people, firstly, he took seeds of the Arabidopsis plant for research, and secondly, he created a special generator that intensified the emotional intensity of words spoken in a calm state, and brought them to the extreme limit of irritation. During the experiment, prayers, and conspiracies, and swearing were said over the seeds, after which the result was studied.

After the study, according to Gariaev, very interesting results were obtained. What happened in the end shocked the researchers themselves. The power of the curses that were uttered over the seeds was like irradiation of 40 thousand roentgens, as a result of which chromosomes disintegrated, genes were torn and messed up. Most of the seeds died, and those that managed to survive began to mutate terribly, the plants that grew from these seeds were sick and died prematurely. It is very important, the scientist notes, that the power of sound in this case did not play much, because during the experiment, swear words were pronounced in a whisper, and in a normal voice, and shouting. Thus, the scientists concluded that it is not the power of sound at all, but the meaning of what was said that affects a living being.

Gariaev's research, as well as many others like them, prove that words affect the genetic apparatus of any living being, be it a person, an animal or a plant. And depending on what meaning was put into these words, life will develop in this way. A person will either die or find great happiness. There is no third.
