Something About The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

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Something About The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View
Something About The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: Something About The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: Something About The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

"Damned questions of ufology": classification of unidentified flying objects - why are they so different? - UFO Crews: Different Races? - The oddities of "close contacts of the 3rd kind." - "Pictograms in the margins". Why can't we read them?

If you are interested in the issues of space exploration, then by all means, at least once, you have come across the topic of UFOs. Unidentified flying objects. Although from "ufologists" (eccentrics, fixated on these "objects") "sane" citizens try to stay away. The sectarians, they say, are psychos, “cuckooed” all over their heads … The state-owned (not bad, by the way) serial The X-Files, directed by Chris Carter, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, greatly contributed to this. One of the main characters, FBI agent Fox Mulder (Spanish: David Duchovny) really gives the impression of being a little crazy guy.

But here I know one group in Russia that hardly fits the definition of "crazy ufologists". This is the Kosmopoisk association, created by the late Vadim Chernobrov during the Soviet era. It included (then still very young) employees of NPO Energia (rocket scientists) and physicists. In addition to collecting information about the UFO phenomenon, they set themselves the task that intelligence and the military-industrial complex (Military-Industrial Complex) of "solid" states had successfully solved before them - on the basis of the information received, RESTORE the UFO design! That is, "copy the technique of a potential enemy", as ours, Americans, Germans, Chinese have done more than once before …

Recently, I have not followed their activities, but I know that at the end of the twentieth century they created the project of the Irma-7 spacecraft, which, according to the creators' plan, was supposed to have phenomenal flight characteristics.

So "Cosmopoisk", by the nature of its activity, is more reminiscent of the famous "Institute of the heritage of the ancestors" ("Ahnenerbe") of Nazi Germany … They also tried to build disk flying vehicles.

Now let's talk about "real" UFOs …

… You can only sympathize with the guys-ufologists. In their databases, they collected hundreds and thousands of cases of UFO sightings (eyewitness testimony, photo and video materials), but the material itself …

Promotional video:

Any skeptic in a dispute with a ufologist, smiling maliciously, asks the same furious question:

- Well, well, let's say everything that you talked about here actually happened. But how do you explain that among the many descriptions of UFOs, you rarely find two the same? After all, if we assume that all these … hmm … "objects" are starships of other civilizations, then it turns out that our Earth is just some kind of "space amusement park" where idlers from all over the Galaxy are striving!..

Indeed, what can you say? According to eyewitnesses, all UFOs are very different from each other! The notorious "plates", balls, "cigars" and cones, egg-shaped apparatus, tori and even "similar to a car trailer"! Sizes also vary: from one or two to tens and hundreds of meters! The colors of the aircraft themselves, the number of lights on board, the intensity of the glow …

Classification of unidentified flying objects is any ufologist's nightmare!

And the description of the crew members of the "flying saucers"! There are classic "green men", and gray "reptilians" and three-meter giants of Aryan appearance, dwarf gnomes …

Here, perhaps, one should envy the enthusiasts of the search for "Bigfoot" and "Loch Ness Monster"! Despite slight differences in eyewitness testimony (which can be attributed to excitement, observation conditions, etc.), it is quite possible to compose a single "verbal portrait" for these semi-mythical creatures! Even the "official scientists" are much more … more friendly to these phenomena, perhaps? Others are not even averse to taking part in discussions on the topic of "Yeti" or "Nessie". But as soon as the representatives of the "official" science know that they are dealing with a "crazy ufologist" - and that's it! Write lost!

And the skeptic does not appease:

- So how can you, my friend, explain such popularity of our planet among representatives of other civilizations? Do they come to us like to some kind of zoo? For them, we are elephants and penguins, which they hunt for - yes ?!

… Well, first of all: not a bad explanation either. Tourism is always tourism, albeit "space". We also have the first "cosmotourists" there. If this is the case, then it becomes clear why the "little green men" are not eager to establish "official contacts" - to meet with the UN Secretary General or with presidents and prime ministers - there is no authority! (Not so long ago, the mass of our compatriots for the summer decreased to sunbathe on the beaches of Egypt and Turkey. But how many of them were eager to meet with Mubarak or Erdogan?) And a possible reason for such a "universal" (pardon the pun) interest … the homeland of our brothers in reason, life is arranged fairly and rationally (in order to carry out interstellar flights, it is necessary to concentrate efforts of the scientific and industrial power of civilization as a whole, and the absence of serious problems - crises,to free up the necessary resources), and then they come to us to see how … how not to live! The idiots who endlessly kill each other. Who are mired in problems: wars, rampant terrorism, social inequality, political correctness and tolerance brought to the point of absurdity, sick ecology …

If our “heavenly brothers” are not so “angels”, there may be other “exotic” types of tourism. Think back to the Hollywood Predator saga. After all, that galactic sadiuga reasoned quite rationally: they (earthlings) are happy to torture and kill each other, and why am I worse? And he even observed a certain “code”: he did not kill, for example, pregnant women and children. He did not touch the unarmed. It's so simple: a guy arranged a "safari" on a planet inhabited by savages …

Secondly, the variety of UFOs can be explained in another way. Imagine that you are on a warm summer night on the Black Sea coast. For example, in the area of Yalta or Sochi.

There are lanterns on the embankment, but what about the sea … If the sky is covered with clouds, and there is no moon or stars, then the sea will appear at first glance as a kingdom of continuous darkness. But only - for the first time …

… Over there, by the breakwater breakwater, a lighthouse is flashing. On the horizon passes the bulk of the cruise ship, with countless lights-portholes. A boat passed closer, shining a searchlight. And at the very shore, the boat is slowly moving: at the outboard motor at the stern, the helmsman smokes - an orange light of a cigarette floats by. Here at the very surface of the water a glowing jellyfish sways … AND NO ONE WILL COME INTO THE HEAD TO SEARCH FOR A COMMON REASON FOR THE APPEARANCE OF THESE FIRE IN THE SEA. HEDGEHOG UNDERSTANDING THAT THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT PHENOMENA!

So it is with the "heavenly lights." It is impossible to "bring to a common denominator" phenomena that have a completely different nature. It can also be optical anomalies in the atmosphere - mirages, "false suns", halos. Or - manifestations of atmospheric electricity, such as "St. Elmo's fire" or ball lightning (scientists have been arguing about its nature for more than a hundred years, but have not come to a single conclusion). Not for nothing, when in the late 80s the topic of UFOs in the USSR was finally opened to the public, all these phenomena were called AY - anomalous phenomena (in the atmosphere).

- But what about the "man-made UFO"? - they will ask me. - With those unidentified flying objects that, according to eyewitnesses, have a solid hull, hatches and portholes, engines and landing supports? On board which contactees were able to visit and even communicate with the crew? (Whether they were "invited" or "abducted" is another question.) Why are these devices so different in color, shape and design from each other?

Well, this can be explained without even resorting to the theme "Earth is a place of galactic tourism". It is possible that all "plates", "cigars" and "balls" were built by the same civilization.

If you are a city dweller, go to a busy highway and try to memorize the brands and colors of all cars that rush past you in half an hour. I am sure you will get lost! They all look completely different, although the essence is the same - a wheeled carriage plus an internal combustion engine. And they are built on the same planet, by the same kind of intelligent beings. Moreover, even cars of the same "family" can be completely different. Like "penny" and "Lada-Priora", for example.

- Yes, but the aliens themselves? - skeptics are not appeased. - Why are they so different from each other? Dwarfs and giants, green and gray … elves and orcs in general.

There can also be several explanations here. As for the differences in height and skin color - yes, we have the same on Earth! Put next to an African pygmy and a two-meter-tall "milky-ruddy" Swede - why not "representatives of different civilizations"?

… By themselves, “contacts of the third degree” raise a lot of questions. Strange they are, these "contacts", frankly. A person is invited (or kidnapped) - he is aboard the "flying saucer". He is told a lot of information about the structure of the ship itself, about the home planet of the aliens (they can even tell about the future of the Earth! For example, the threat of cataclysms.)

Incomprehensible (and unpleasant) medical experiments are conducted with the captive guest. Something like "light torture" or sexual harassment. Tissue samples are taken for analysis, and some "chips" can be sewn under the skin. After this, the unfortunate person is simply thrown from the UFO. (And we will not know about those who were not released - they are listed as "missing in action" in police reports.) It all looks ominous … and not serious. Moreover, the "cultural program" for the captive guests is repeated over and over again. It looks like a cruel child's game. As if "teenage aliens" have stolen a "flying saucer" from adults and are playing "cool star explorers." (By the way, this version is supported by the testimonies of contactees about meetings with green or gray "men" of small, meter, height. Then incidents like the "UFO disaster in New Mexico" can be explained. The situation "stole my father's car and lost control" - our traffic police know it well!

And this repetition of senseless experiments suggests the idea of biorobots with a lost program. The owners of these "dolls" have long been gone - they have fallen asleep in the Bose, or flew away somewhere, but the program continues to operate, hence these idiotic "contacts". Here and the endless variety of appearance of "aliens" can be explained. We also have very different designs at the robotics exhibition - you will not find two completely identical ones! Different firms, different designers - that's all …

About pictograms in the margins

Actually, according to Wikipedia: "A pictogram" is a sign that displays the most important recognizable features of an object, object or phenomenon to which it points, most often in a schematic form."

Modern examples of the use of pictograms: road signs, warning icons, such as "Don't get in - kill!" and “Dangerous! Radiation!" Emoticons and icons on your computer screen. And, even, sorry, symbolic images of male and female figures on the doors of public toilets.

However, these are all examples of pictograms that we humans use. And we will talk about "pictograms in the fields" - strange drawings made by bending ears of corn, which farmers (or - just passers-by) discover when they come to the field early in the morning. As a rule, there are no eyewitnesses to the appearance of these drawings. Although some "witnesses" were mentioned who saw a certain object, similar to a hockey puck or a soup plate, which, flying at the level of the ears, bent them down. That is why ufology has seized on this phenomenon (although from my point of view it is worth talking about a mini- or micro-UFO, judging by the size of the mysterious "flyer").

Representatives of "official" science, as always, are categorical: "It's just someone's joke!"

The pundits were especially delighted by the recognition of two British pensioners: they say, it is they for more than half a century that they have been wreaking havoc on foreign fields at night. The news spread across all the world's media: “Raffle! Raffle! The problem of "pictograms" is closed !!!"

Official science could triumph. Not for long … Because then awkward questions arose. For example, the appearance of pictograms was simultaneously noted in Britain and Australia … Nimble, it turns out, retirees live in the United Kingdom! Independent researchers also pointed to the fact that the appearance of drawings in the fields was noted in medieval annals … No, of course, the British are a strong people, but for jokers to live for several hundred years …

It turns out, the old men, were they just hanging up the venerable public? And why did they have to present themselves as hooligans, pranksters? And such an act cannot be explained by a thirst for fame. Such "glory" with a "minus" sign. To be pointed at them for the rest of their lives on the street? And the pictograms in the world and in Britain itself have a lot of fanatical fans. Offended in the best feelings (these old men have fooled us all these years!), They can stuff the faces of old jokers! The public was at a loss. But then there was a message that one of the old robbers was identified as a former employee of the British special services. For ufologists, everything immediately became clear. The authorities decided to “calm the public”. A cover operation was organized. So they contracted retired intelligence officers (or counterintelligence officers?). At the same time, it is a good chance for "old workers" to receive an increase in their pension!

But I am interested in this question about pictograms in the fields. Hundreds of enthusiasts are trying to decipher them, find out, at least, who is sending us these messages and why? Over the years, their efforts were unsuccessful. And I want to ask: WHY DID YOU GUYS DECIDE THAT THESE MESSAGES ARE ADDRESSED EXACTLY TO US?

Unclear? I will try to explain. Here you came to visit a friend, but did not find him at home. They wrote a note and left it at the door in a conspicuous place. They left, and then the friend's cat appeared after the party. He walked over and stared at the note.

“Interesting,” thinks the mustache. - The note was clearly written to me (I live here!), But why is it so incomprehensible?"

Are cats brainless animals? Don't tell! According to the latest research, animals are much more intelligent creatures than previously thought! They say that even abstract thinking is available to some of our "smaller brothers"! But I'm not talking about that now …

It's just that the situation with the cat is very similar to the problem of drawings in the fields. “We don’t have a“master”? Let, they say, animals are smart, but man is the "crown of creation", etc.? But recently the hypothesis of “underwater civilizations”, “parallel worlds”, “intelligent Earth” has become widespread …

In 1982, then-US President Ronald Reagan "delighted" the world with the statement that "aliens are already among us." To stave off panic, aides to the president announced that the president was just joking, not knowing that the microphone was already on. Strange, however, jokes from the representatives of the world elite.