Combat Psychics Of Russia: The West Was Frightened By The Super-soldiers - Alternative View

Combat Psychics Of Russia: The West Was Frightened By The Super-soldiers - Alternative View
Combat Psychics Of Russia: The West Was Frightened By The Super-soldiers - Alternative View

Video: Combat Psychics Of Russia: The West Was Frightened By The Super-soldiers - Alternative View

Video: Combat Psychics Of Russia: The West Was Frightened By The Super-soldiers - Alternative View
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The West became interested in the material published a few days ago in the central publication of the Russian Ministry of Defense "Army Bulletin" that the Russian troops have already trained fighters who can, with an effort of thought, shoot down computer programs, burn crystals in generators, eavesdrop on conversations or disrupt television and radio broadcasts … This was reported by the British edition of The Sunday Times.

“Russian special forces have used parapsychological combat techniques in the Chechen campaigns. The command was interested in how it is possible to "remove" information: to reveal the enemy's plan, the composition of the forces and means involved. Metacontact, in particular, allows obtaining reliable information. This technology was developed by the Soviet military in the mid-1980s,”says the sought-for article in a Russian magazine authored by military expert Nikolai Poroskov.

He points out that in general, these techniques are called "parapsychology".

“It was owned by the Egyptian and Babylonian priests who governed the state, the chosen warriors. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the special services also showed interest in this science. In Germany, in the 1930s – 1940s, there was the Ahnenerbe (Heritage of the Ancestors) Institute. In the USSR, about the same years, the laboratory of the NKVD of the Chekist Gleb Bokiy successfully worked,”the specialist writes.

The analyst claims that parapsychological techniques allow a person to master superpowers - not to consume food and water for a long time, to be on a water diet when water replaces food, while not sleeping for days, while maintaining vigor.

In February 2017, the CIA archives were declassified, containing more than 13 million pages of documents. In addition to standard analytical reports and reports on the agency's activities during the Korean and Vietnam wars, unexpected materials were also found in them. In particular, the US CIA in 1988 resorted to very unusual methods in order to scout the situation on Mars, reports RT.

One of the documents of the published archive includes a report on a session of the so-called remote observation, during which a psychic, using his abilities, tried to "see" places that were impossible to observe with conventional methods. Subject described a dust storm and hurricane that he said was the result of a geological disaster. Once again "traveling" in time at the direction of the agent, he spoke of "large smooth objects, walls and corners" of enormous size, which he called megaliths. He also saw several huge pyramids.

“There are many different rooms inside. But they don't have any furniture or objects, they are just a functional hibernation space. Can't determine, very raw information; I see storms, terrible storms, and sleep during storms,”the specialist shared his impressions.

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Further, the psychic followed a group of inhabitants of the planet who are trying to find a new place to live, but find themselves on an even more volatile celestial body with volcanoes, seismic faults and strange plants. The agent asked to establish contact with one of the aliens, but the subject replied that he did not make contact, since the psychic seemed to him only a hallucination.

A year earlier, The Washington Post wrote that the Pentagon intends to use new exotic weapons to contain Russia and China. As told by representatives of the US military department, they intend to use the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning to create robotic weapons, "man-machine squads", as well as powerful super-soldiers with reinforcement elements.

In their opinion, such high-tech systems are the best way to combat the innovations introduced by the armies of Russia and China.

“This is how we, I hope, will make our war nets more powerful and sow uncertainty in the minds of the Russians and Chinese if they ever decide to fight us. This way we can win the war using conventional means. In my opinion, this is what non-nuclear deterrence is all about,”said US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work.

In the Pentagon, this concept was called the "third countervailing strategy" by analogy with the two previous strategies during the Cold War, reports the NSN. For the first year, the USA themselves have shown an exceptional interest in collecting data necessary for the development of non-contact weapons, FAN quotes the words of political scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Kubyshkin.

“The United States is collecting biomaterial from Russians for its research in the field of biological proximity weapons. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is all about biological and biochemical laboratories. The United States has been conducting extremely complex experiments with obtaining new materials for several decades,”the analyst concluded.

Rafael Fakhrutdinov