Embroidery - Amulet Of Millennia - Alternative View

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Embroidery - Amulet Of Millennia - Alternative View
Embroidery - Amulet Of Millennia - Alternative View

Video: Embroidery - Amulet Of Millennia - Alternative View

Video: Embroidery - Amulet Of Millennia - Alternative View
Video: CROSS STITCH #44 - EZ Stitch Floor Stand Review (Flosstube January 2019) 2024, September

Multi-colored cheap fabrics iridescent with chemical stains …. Plastic beads on a string made of oil refinery waste … Cheap things … Insincere feelings … Openness to evil winds and dark forces … Defenselessness! Let's look back and look at the powerful ancient millennial heritage of the Slavs - embroidery - the amulet, oddly enough, still lives and still protects. But only those who took the trouble to believe, study and do!

Embroidery is a millennium long amulet

Cheap fabrics of multicolored, iridescent with chemical stains …. Plastic beads on a string made from oil refinery waste …

Cheap things … Insincere feelings … Openness to evil winds and dark forces … Defenselessness! Let's look back and look at the powerful ancient millennial heritage of the Slavs - embroidery - the amulet, oddly enough, still lives and still protects. But only those who took the trouble to believe, study and do!

What amulets are made of?

A charm made with love is a powerful protective force. Of course, amulets must be made of natural materials that maintain a living connection with this world. The most accessible and frequently used material is threads. Woolen, cotton, linen.

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Therefore, the simplest amulet is embroidery.

Mantle of a woman's shirt. Arkhangelsk Province. Border: the image of the World Mountain and the male Deity - the Snake, water. The central motive: the Supreme female deity in a fiery chariot, the rising sun and three dawns - women in labor (M. Kachaeva).

Why is the Arkhangelsk northern tradition so important?

In the far northern region, in the impassable taiga, in the bends of clean cold rivers, the northern Slavs have long lived. There have never been foreign conquerors here, the Christian church hardly penetrated the worldview and culture of these severe hermits, the origins have been preserved here. These sacred knowledge, preserved for millennia, are now shared with you by the Arkhangelsk heirs of ancient knowledge.


Few things can be compared in pristine beauty with hand embroidery. But the most important secret is that the embroidery - the amulet was made not at all for decoration, but for protection from all-pervading evil.

What kind of embroidery is a talisman?

Not all embroidery, even made with love, is protective. A simple set of signs is meaningless, just like letters written by an illiterate person. It is like connecting a computer to the Internet - you can press various buttons with love and good mood as much as you want, but if you still do not do the necessary sequence of actions, you will never get access to this already boundless ocean of virtuality.

So is the protective embroidery! You will not be able to join some higher, not comprehensible for the everyday consciousness, protective spheres, if you do not follow four simple rules.

  • Choose the right pattern.
  • Choose the right color.
  • Determine the right place for protection.
  • Use ritual conspiracies - songs.

Embroidery amulet for girls, girls, women

Use the silhouette of a bird (Mother Sva), the sacred image of the Moon, the powerful energy of the World Tree to protect the little girl from misfortunes. Let it be embroidery in red - a beautiful, strong, energetic color. Let your little girl now attract the power of life, the power of love!


On the embroidery: the Female Deity of the Earth (Mother of Cheese Earth) with Fire-Deva in the depths and the World Tree. (M. Kachaeva)

Use the unseeded field symbol and images of intertwined threads to protect the girl from celibacy. Do this in order to summon the patroness Mother Cheese Earth and the second patroness Makosh, the Goddess of Magic.

Red, blue or green will work well with these embroideries. Even black will protect a girl from loneliness, because this color has never been a symbol of sadness, but, on the contrary, was considered a union with the Mother Raw Earth, protecting from infertility, a powerful protective color.


On the embroidery: the pattern of a girl's shirt. "Orepiy", "Horned", a sign of an unseeded field - a typical pattern on the clothes of a young unmarried girl (M. Kachaeva).

Protection of a woman from the destruction of marriage - crosses and rhombuses of the famous "Russian cross" in red. The "Russian cross" is surprisingly harmonious, in an incomparable designer round dance, the male "crosses" and the female "circles" are combined. This is a powerful talisman that harmonizes relations in marriage.

Embroidery amulet for a boy and a man

The protection of the little boy is hidden in the use of the images of Heavenly horses, the Sun - Yarila, the great patron saint of light warriors, the World Tree, protecting everyone. A suitable color would be embroidery in blue or green;

To protect a man, you need special men's patterns in blue and green.

Blue protects more from death from the elements, green - protects from wounds.


The right place to defend

The most important thing in the protective pattern on the clothes is the closedness of the circle, the protective ring that retains some of its energy, its own biofield inside itself.

Where were these protective circles located?

At the hem, on the wrists, on the shoulders, on the throat. Add a belt tied around the waist and you have a near-energy spacesuit that is impenetrable from outside penetration.

Embroidery rules - amulet

Embroidery is not just a pleasant pastime - it is a ceremony! A ritual that requires a spirit, ritual actions and the fulfillment of conditions.

Now you have everything ready - you are already overwhelmed with emotions and the strongest desire to make protective embroidery for your loved one. Everything is ready for the magic to happen - fabric, threads of the desired color, hoops, needles and embroidery patterns. Attention attention! The creation of magic begins!

Sit where it is light, cozy, and pleasant. Secure the thread for a start without any knots that interfere with the flow of force, and off you go! It is better if you sing Russian folk songs that set the rhythm and mood. Well, do not sing, so listen. Such a wonderful meditative state experienced during the ritual handicraft is difficult to forget! The effect is enhanced if this witchcraft and magical action is performed in the evening and together with other needlewomen. Remember Pushkin's: "Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening …"

You should not think about high prices and problems at work during ceremonial embroidery. Dedicate this wonderful time to your loved one - remember his image, cases, ponder his character and needs, wish him mentally good and happiness.


This article is one of those that we, the Northern Fairy Tale team, want to tell modern people about simple safety rules. Safety and protection not only of the body, but also of life, but also of the future of yourself and your family.

The ancient Slavic people endowed us with this knowledge - and it is no coincidence that clothes with the correct embroidery were passed down from generation to generation, from grandmother to granddaughter!

Let you have a conscious attitude to your life!