Rather Truth Than Fiction: Famous Mythical Heroes And Events That Could Exist - Alternative View

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Rather Truth Than Fiction: Famous Mythical Heroes And Events That Could Exist - Alternative View
Rather Truth Than Fiction: Famous Mythical Heroes And Events That Could Exist - Alternative View

Video: Rather Truth Than Fiction: Famous Mythical Heroes And Events That Could Exist - Alternative View

Video: Rather Truth Than Fiction: Famous Mythical Heroes And Events That Could Exist - Alternative View
Video: 10 Mythical Heroes that Actually Existed 2024, July

Ancient people tended to exaggerate various phenomena, and give a supernatural essence to different events. And of course, this love of magic has led to the creation of many legends that have nothing to do with reality. Nevertheless, some mythical heroes and events may turn out to be more true than fiction. And this is confirmed by modern research and excavations.

The legend of the berserkers

The Vikings were fierce warriors who swam all over the world, including America. And they killed, robbed and took prisoner everyone who met them on the way. These characters were quite remarkable, as, indeed, their gods, so we still make films about them.

But among the others stood out a special caste of Vikings - berserkers. According to legend, these warriors, dedicated to Odin, were able to destroy an entire army in one fit of rage. And this makes them mythical characters, because how can such strong people exist?


In fact, not all berserker myths are fiction. Such wars did exist, and they were extremely strong and enduring. True, this power was not awarded to them by one-eyed Odin, but most likely by a huge amount of alcohol and other potent substances that the warriors took on the eve of the battle. And under the influence of these substances, berserkers fell into their famous "rage" and fearlessly went to many enemies.

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The Legend of the Amazons

According to legend, the Amazons were female warriors, distinguished by their fearlessness and cruelty towards their enemies. Many do not believe in the existence of these warriors. And some generally believe that beardless men were called Amazons. But in fact, tribes of warlike women did exist. And this is confirmed by numerous finds.


So, in the early 90s of the last century, archaeologists discovered 150 graves in which women were buried on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. What is so unusual about this? It's just that these women were quite tall (from 170 cm), which significantly exceeds the indicators of that time. In addition, they were buried with weapons and in the clothes of soldiers. Isn't that proof of the existence of the Amazons?

Great flood

This is one of the most famous biblical myths that tells the story of a global flood sent by God to earth. And this catastrophe was foreseen by one man - Noah, who saved his family, as well as all kinds of animals and plants, by building a huge ark for them.

But there are detailed flood stories in many early cultures. For example, in the library of Agamemnon, the very first written history of the flood was found, very reminiscent of the legend of Noah. And if the ancient Greeks had lawyers, they would have sued Christians for "plagiarism."


There is a good reason for mentioning the Great Flood in various sources. And it consists in the fact that the catastrophe actually happened. And once upon a time a flood really happened in the Black Sea region, as a result of which a water flow equal to 200 Niagara Falls came down. And he completely devastated these lands, and of course, the locals mistook him for the end of the world.

The Myth of King Midas

This is a story that warns of the lust for wealth. According to legend, there was once a king who wanted gold so much that the gods punished him and made him turn everything he touched into precious metal. Not a bad skill, right? But in fact, it became the death of the king, because he turned even food into gold. And as you know, our stomach cannot digest metals, even precious ones. And of course, the ancient king died of hunger and thirst.


But Midas is not a mythical character, because in the photo you see the entrance directly to his tomb. And the king lived about three thousand years ago in the territory that belongs to modern Turkey. True, there is no evidence that he knew how to turn everything into gold. And many historians believe that this myth originated from the fact that Midas liked to dress up in gilded clothes. And there is also an assumption that the ancient king suffered from pathological greed, and for the edification of descendants a legend was created about the sad fate of such a ruler.

Lost Atlantis

Atlantis is one of the most popular myths of all time, which tells of a beautiful, technologically advanced paradise that was destroyed by waves and sank under water. We know the legends about this place thanks to the Greek philosopher Plato. But here's the thing: that mythical land that he described could exist.


Many researchers believe that the fall of Atlantis is actually a retelling of what happened to the Greek island of Santorini, which was completely destroyed around 1600 BC. And the reason for this was the eruption of the volcano, accompanied by a strong tsunami. It was the cataclysms that destroyed most of Santorini, taking with them the Minoan culture, which, apparently, was very developed for its time.

What evidence is there? Atlantis simply described by Plato is very similar to Santorini, including the shade and structure of the rocks. In addition, a powerful volcanic eruption took place here many centuries ago. And this cataclysm could have seemed to the ancient Greek philosopher the "wrath of the gods" with flashes of lightning, fiery rain and a grandiose explosion. And "burial into the abyss" was nothing more than the effect of a tsunami.

But the island is not all gone under water, and if you wish, you can visit the mysterious sunken Atlantis … Or at least the half that is still above the water.

Expedition to Hyperborea

Hyperborea is another magical land where unusual creatures lived. But unlike the angels, elves and Atlanteans, the Hyperboreans were really real! You see, the Romans called the inhabitants of a distant, beautiful and perfect land that way.


According to most scholars, this mythical country was actually China. And for the Hyperboreans, the Romans took the Chinese, who traveled near the Arctic Circle before reaching Rome.

The fall of Iram multicolumn

Have you ever heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? This is a legend about two large and beautiful cities that were inhabited by terrible people. Their sins angered God so much that he sent fire to the cities, because of which they were wiped off the face of the earth. It turns out that the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah had a twin brother - Iram the many columns.

True, it was described in the Koran and was an "instructive story" for Muslims. According to the interpretation of this book, the city was the center of danger and lawlessness. And it was inhabited by genies (also known as geniuses), who look like a cross between angels, demons and fairies. And in due time Allah also destroyed this repository of sin.

How is the city different from Sodom and Gomorrah? Unlike the biblical cities, the ruins of the multi-column Iram have been found by archaeologists.


Its ruins were found in a very unfriendly place - the center of Rub'hali (AKA, Empty Quarter), which is the most empty and most inhospitable place on Earth, similar to the terrain from a terrifying fairy tale. So far there is not a word about whether God destroyed Iram or not and whether its inhabitants were really evil, but we believe that archaeologists will be able to solve this riddle.

Natalia Miroshnikova
