Land Of Immortals - Alternative View

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Land Of Immortals - Alternative View
Land Of Immortals - Alternative View

Video: Land Of Immortals - Alternative View

Video: Land Of Immortals - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

Legends and myths of many peoples tell about a mysterious country in which immortal people live, who have long solved all the mysteries of life. And there is reason to believe that these legends are based on real facts …


Ancient Tibetan legends say that there is a beautiful land of Tebu (Shambhala) in the mountains, which only a select few can reach. Those who manage to get into it become immortal. The inhabitants of Tebu are wise and beautiful, they know how to travel around the world and to the stars. And the Lord Thee is the god of mercy Chen-re-zi. He closely monitors everything that happens in the world and helps the offended.

Surprisingly, this strange country is also present in Russian legends, however, under its own name - Belovodye. Here is how the Old Believers say about it: “There is such an outlandish country in the world, it is called Belovodye. And in songs about her it is sung and in fairy tales it is said whether she is in Siberia, beyond Siberia, or somewhere else. You have to go through the steppes, mountains, the eternal taiga, all at sunrise, to rule your way to the sun, and if you have been given happiness from birth, you will see Belovodye yourself. The lands in it are fat, the rains are warm, the sun is blessed, wheat grows by itself all year round - neither plow nor sow - apples, watermelons, grapes, and graze in the flowering large grass without end, without counting the herd - take it, own it. And this country does not belong to anyone, in it all will, all truth has lived from time immemorial, this country is outlandish. Granny Afimya was grinding - the armless soldier with medals seemed to say to her: "Belovodye lives under the Indian king." Grandma Afimya is lying, the soldier is lying: Belovodye is nobody's, Belovodye is God's."

The path to Shambhala

All these legends and stories made curious people want to get into an unknown, beautiful and mysterious country. Both legends and myths tell about those who visited Shambhala …

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Some researchers believe that the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu was in Shambhala, where he learned wisdom from the local people, after which he wrote his magnificent treatise "Tao Te Ching". And in his declining years he went to the Valley of the Immortals …

In 1627, the Portuguese missionary Stephen Casella went to Tibet in search of Shambhala. He lived there for twenty-three years and, according to some legends, managed to visit the land of the immortals, because the Tibetan lamas were filled with sincere respect for him and showed him the way there …

The Hungarian philosopher Choma de Keres also went to Tibet and lived there from 1827 to 1830. It is not known whether he visited Shambhala or not, but he indicated in his writings its exact coordinates - from 45 to 50 degrees north latitude, north of the Syr Darya River.

In the 60s, Tibetan refugees fleeing from the Chinese authorities ended up in India, where they published several books. In one of these books

- "Tibetan-Shanshun Dictionary"

- there was a mysterious map that no one could decipher for a long time. Soviet explorer B. Kuznetsov found the key to her. It turned out that the map depicts countries of deep antiquity - the state of Elam, Strasakov, Bactria, Babylon, Jerusalem, Egypt, as well as the coast of the Caspian Sea. In addition, the country of Shambhala is marked on the map …

But getting to Shambhala is not easy. Numerous obstacles are encountered on the way of those looking for an unknown country. Many European travelers cited cases when guides from the local population were ready to die sooner than to lead an expedition along the planned route, if at least part of it turned out to be in some forbidden territory. If the reckless traveler still goes forward, an avalanche will block his path. As soon as he overcomes the obstacle, a landslide or rockfall occurs. If the daredevil does not turn back even here, then in front of him he will find a bottomless abyss that will force him to abandon further travel, for not a single unwanted guest can get to Shambhala …

Roerich's path

The famous Russian artist, prominent scientist and traveler N. K. During his Central Asian expedition, which lasted from 1923 to 1928, Roerich collected a great deal of material about Shambhala. He came to the conclusion about the commonality of the legends about Belovodye, Shambala, White Island. The various names of the country mentioned in the legends testify only to the diversity and vastness of the regions where this legend was spread: India, Tibet, Altai …

However, is it possible in principle for the existence of fertile valleys in the mountain ranges of Tibet? According to Roerich, these are not legends. He wrote that while traveling in Tibet, his expedition more than once came across picturesque valleys in areas where it seemed absolutely incredible to find them. In these oases, lost among the colossal massifs of snow, hot springs gush, thanks to which a variety of vegetation develops violently. And around only ice and rocks …

In his book, Roerich told about one more amazing thing related to Shambhala.

“There are many caves at the foot of the Himalayas, and as they say, underground passages run far from these caves. Some even saw a stone door that never opened because the time had not yet come. Deep passages lead to a magnificent valley. In all the legends about Shambhala there is a common detail: the inhabitants of a wonderful country communicate with the world around them, but for this they do not have to make exhausting walks in the mountains, they use an extensive system of underground roads. The beliefs of the Old Believers say that the kingdom of the righteous is protected by snow-covered ridges, but you can get into it by special passages …”.

Father Sergius's journey

Interesting documents related to Shambhala were found … in the Vyshensky-Assumption Monastery in Tambov. In the old chronicle it was said that during the time of the Kiev prince Vladimir, the Russian monk Sergius wandered around the world. When he returned to Kiev, he told Vladimir about the mysterious state “in the East - the Kingdom of White Waters, the country of justice and virtue. Prince Vladimir in 987 equipped a large detachment in search of Belovodye, led by Father Sergius. But the detachment disappeared without a trace.

In 1043 a deep elder appeared in Kiev, who claimed that he was the monk Sergius. He told about his amazing trip to Belovodye. By the end of the second year of the journey, many members of the expedition died from diseases and tragic accidents. On the way, they came across a desert in which lay many skeletons of people, horses, camels, donkeys …

Frightened by this terrible desert, many of the pilgrims refused to go further. Only two travelers agreed to continue their journey together with Father Sergius.

But a year later they were so weakened that Father Sergius left two fellow travelers in one village and went further alone - completely exhausted and exhausted.

And three months later the monk reached the borders of Belovodye - a lake with shores white with salt. A few days later, two people approached Father Sergius who spoke an unfamiliar language, but at the same time he understood all their words. The monk was brought to the village in which he lived for many, many years, having received amazing knowledge.

But longing for his homeland tormented him, and after many years he decided to return to Kiev. However, little was believed in his amazing stories, and the elder disappeared somewhere without a trace …