Ekoduk - "Green Road" Of Animal Life - Alternative View

Ekoduk - "Green Road" Of Animal Life - Alternative View
Ekoduk - "Green Road" Of Animal Life - Alternative View

Video: Ekoduk - "Green Road" Of Animal Life - Alternative View

Video: Ekoduk -
Video: พธป.วิตถารนัย.๙ทุกขนิโรธคามินีฯ.flv 2024, September

Ecoduct is a road infrastructure construction that is very unusual for Russia.

Such zones are called ecological tunnels / bridges or eco-ducts, and they are built in such a way that their appearance is as close as possible to the natural habitat of the animals crossing it.

Ecoduks help keep wild animals alive and make roads safer for drivers in places where animals can cross the road. And even in Russia there are such.

Highways and roads have always been a place of increased danger, both for people and for animals. And if a person can take care of himself on his own, then wild animals are deprived of such an opportunity when they have to face civilization. Unfortunately, it is difficult to accurately calculate how many animals die under the wheels of cars every year, since not all facts are officially recorded. In 2018 alone, more than 400 collision cases were identified. It is clear that the real numbers are much higher.

To help animals avoid painful death and prevent road accidents, in which people can suffer, they build eco-ducts. Ekoduk is a specially equipped passage for animals across the motorway, disguised as much as possible under the natural landscape of the area. The approaches to it are very wide, so the largest number of furry travelers can safely cross the road. To prevent forest dwellers from being frightened by the sound of cars, eco-ducts are equipped with soundproof screens. Biological transitions can be underground, aboveground and hinged, it all depends on the area where they are installed. Crossings are always built based on the data of ecologists and zoologists, since they should be located on natural paths and migration routes of certain species.

Russia came to the construction of crossings for animals only recently, in 2016. The authorities not only applied the experience of their Western colleagues, but also developed their own rules for their construction, which take into account climatic conditions, geographical features and specific parameters of the area. The very first land-based eco-product was erected in the Kaluga region on the M-3 "Ukraine" highway at 170 kilometers. According to the authors of the project, these places are inhabited by many elks, foxes, wild boars, and roe deer, which now will not run out onto the road, which is very dangerous for the animals themselves and for drivers, and can lead to a terrible accident. Soundproofing is installed on the ecoduk. And so that the habitat was familiar to animals, the bridge was planted with bushes, trees, grass. For this, the top layer was made of black earth soil.

The result is a bridge of only 165 m and a width of 50 m. Now animals can migrate safely, because the track cuts the forest in two. By the way, the project is not cheap - 100 million rubles were spent on this entire structure.

It should be noted that every year there are more bio-transitions in the country, as there is an understanding of their need. In 2019, they promised to build as many as five eco-ducts in the Moscow region. It is especially important that new objects are designed to be safe for humans and animals. They do not harm the cleanliness of the environment and do not violate eco-systems.

Promotional video:

The Narva road tunnel in Primorsky Krai should minimize disruption to the migration routes of the Far Eastern leopard
The Narva road tunnel in Primorsky Krai should minimize disruption to the migration routes of the Far Eastern leopard

The Narva road tunnel in Primorsky Krai should minimize disruption to the migration routes of the Far Eastern leopard.

In Primorye, in the national park "Land of the Leopards" there is a tunnel for animals. He was also planted with grass, vegetation to make the animals feel comfortable. In addition, cameras were installed to watch those who cross the road through the underground passage. But there is only one bridge for animals in Russia. And moreover, it is the aboveground passage that is important for large animals that do not want to go into the tunnel, it is too crowded. Therefore, bridges were specially built for moose, wolves and wild boars.

Animal bridges in Moscow:

Eco-ducks, designed to return freedom of movement to animals, are, most often, artificial building structures made of iron and concrete, but when creating them, they try to bring their appearance and location as close as possible to the natural habitat of the local animal world. At the same time, as the researchers note, eco-ducks are used not only by large animals, but also by all other living creatures - butterflies, beetles, spiders, etc.

An eco-product in the Netherlands is practically indistinguishable from the natural surface of the surrounding forests
An eco-product in the Netherlands is practically indistinguishable from the natural surface of the surrounding forests

An eco-product in the Netherlands is practically indistinguishable from the natural surface of the surrounding forests.

The first such bridge for animals was erected in France, back in the 1950s. Today, there are thousands of such bridges across the planet. The Netherlands excelled in this regard - there are more than 600 such bridges.

It is no secret that any road or railroad cuts the natural migration routes of animals living in this area. Animals frightened by extraneous noise either stop visiting the territory altogether, or die when crossing a dangerous area under the wheels of cars.

To prevent the death of animals and not to disrupt migration routes, special zones are being built around the world where animals can cross a dangerous area without being endangered.

Below you will see ecoduks in various parts of the world, which are intended for the migration of various species of animals: from crabs to leopards.

Now migration does not pose a danger to these crustaceans
Now migration does not pose a danger to these crustaceans

Now migration does not pose a danger to these crustaceans.

A rope bridge over one of the highways in Australia was originally created for the migration of possums & hellip
A rope bridge over one of the highways in Australia was originally created for the migration of possums & hellip

A rope bridge over one of the highways in Australia was originally created for the migration of possums & hellip;

Ecological bridge in Belgium
Ecological bridge in Belgium

Ecological bridge in Belgium.

A small tunnel for turtles across a railroad in Japan
A small tunnel for turtles across a railroad in Japan

A small tunnel for turtles across a railroad in Japan.

Elephants in Kenya cross a tunnel under a highway
Elephants in Kenya cross a tunnel under a highway

Elephants in Kenya cross a tunnel under a highway.

Ecoduct in Singapore
Ecoduct in Singapore

Ecoduct in Singapore.

Tunnel for animals in Finland
Tunnel for animals in Finland

Tunnel for animals in Finland.

In some places along the road there are even posters indicating the direction to the EcoDuk (Wildlife crossing). But this is for those animals that can read.:)

Advertising poster. Canada
Advertising poster. Canada

Advertising poster. Canada.

With the help of eco-ducks, thousands of animals can be saved every year and a large number of accidents are avoided. Despite the fact that bridges of life have just begun to appear in Russia, this trend is yielding positive results and, in the future, will help preserve the ecological balance in the construction of highways.
