Family Rod - It Is Protection - Alternative View

Family Rod - It Is Protection - Alternative View
Family Rod - It Is Protection - Alternative View

Video: Family Rod - It Is Protection - Alternative View

Video: Family Rod - It Is Protection - Alternative View
Video: Emperor Penguin Mourns the Death of Chick | BBC Earth 2024, September

The family clan, that is, a set of relatives united by one surname, forms an energy-informational formation - Egregor. This egregore energetically involves not only people living at the present time. Energy traces of the deceased members of this surname also remain in it.

The family genus, like any egregor, has certain reserves of accumulated energy. Living members of this genus receive energy support and protection (also energy) from it.

The amount of generic energy that a particular relative receives depends to a greater extent on his relationship with other members of the clan, on the degree to which he fulfills the corresponding role functions (father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, etc.), from the degree of participation of this person in the preservation and continuation, social and spiritual advancement of the whole kind, the solution of his (kind) karmic problems.

Generic connections can be represented as a system of graphs with energy flows between all members of a given genus. If the connection between any two members of this kind is broken, the energy does not pass through this connection, or it goes negative (depressing).

The generic flow of energy to such people is partially weakened, and the connection with the genus is broken to one degree or another. Ties between parents and children are especially important, where mother and son, father and daughter are most energetically “tied”. These connections to a large extent determine the energy supply and protection that a person receives from his kind, which determines the energy background of this person.

In addition, a situation is possible when a woman, when she marries, does not take her husband's surname, which became possible during the Soviet era and is now becoming more widespread. In this case, the woman finds herself outside the clan - she left the clan, but did not enter the husband's clan. If at the same time she gives her children her last name, they may also not receive support from the husband's clan. Since both she and the children will not belong to this genus. As a result, the psyche of such people becomes more malleable to any negative influence (bad companies, the criminal world, sects, zombie), more dependent and unstable. What contributes to the addiction to alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, etc. Children who do not receive the support and protection of the father's clan (both physically and energetically) feel themselves energetically weaker (defenseless) in the school environment, in the yard. They are often offended by others, also feeling their insecurity.

For a full-fledged existence a woman must be energetically connected with a man. A girl is associated with her father, a married woman with her husband. If a woman is lonely, when restoring communication with the generic egregor, it happens that one of the representatives of the genus takes on these energy functions (son, brother, son-in-law, etc.).

The energy supply and protection of the generic forces causes an increase in the human etheric field, and on the physical plane affects the composition of the blood, its nutritional and immune properties, the state and protective properties of the lymphatic system, as well as the state of the vegetative-vascular system. No wonder there is an expression: “own blood”.

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The lack of immune properties of the body is especially reflected in cancer. Therefore, in case of diseases developing on the basis of a weakness of the immune system, it is especially important to restore the connection of a person with the genus.

In recent decades, there has been a significant weakening of childbirth and the energy egregors that they form. This is due to the fact that the number of children in families has sharply decreased. Basically it is one or two children. Much less often there are three children in a family. Girls, as a rule, get married, changing their surname and passing into another genus.

Often the clans cease to exist on the physical plane, that is, they degenerate. At the same time, difficulties arise with the incarnation of the souls of deceased representatives of such genera. In families of a kind, that is, having a family name of this kind, deceased members of the genus can easily incarnate. If a clan has ended and does not have families (with a given surname) capable of childbearing, souls have to queue up for incarnation in families that have family ties with this clan, but belong to other clans. There are problems with incarnation, since in this case the representatives of the genus to which this family belongs will have priority.

Thus, we can conclude: so that there is no extinction of the clan, to maintain its energy, it is necessary to have more than two children in the family, and it is desirable that there be at least two sons. Since the surname is transmitted through the male line, the more sons in the family, the more likely it is that the clan will remain and will continue and develop. When daughters get married, they participate in the formation and development of the husband's clan and at the same time maintain contact with the clan of their parents. The closer connection and mutual assistance is established between kindred families, childbirth, the more confident and protected their members feel, the more successfully the life and development of the younger generation is formed.

If the number of carriers of a surname of a given genus decreases and there are no young men left with this surname who could continue the clan, it is likely that a curse was imposed on this clan (magic, negative program). In this case, the egregor of the clan gradually loses energy and fades away.

Sometimes such a curse is imposed on a person: "Cursed be your whole family", which extends to all kinds, in which his soul will be incarnated in the future. At the same time, inevitably, the soul of the cursed person will incarnate in the same clan on which he himself imposed this curse and will endure all the hardships that he himself once sent (“Do not wish to another what you don’t wish for yourself.” Or “How will it come around, and will respond”).