US Federal Debt Breaks New Record - Alternative View

US Federal Debt Breaks New Record - Alternative View
US Federal Debt Breaks New Record - Alternative View

Video: US Federal Debt Breaks New Record - Alternative View

Video: US Federal Debt Breaks New Record - Alternative View
Video: Janet Yellen Warns Congress of ‘Catastrophic’ Debt Default 2024, October

halturnerradioshow: Those of you who receive government checks every month MUST prepare for the loss of those monthly funds. The federal government's debt topped $ 26 trillion for the first time last Tuesday, when it surged from $ 25,960,547,920,986.11 to $ 26,003,751,512,344.91, according to data released today by the Treasury Department.

This amount of debt is volatile. The government has insufficient funds to pay interest, let alone pay off debt. The United States government is heading for complete economic collapse.

When this collapse occurs, there will be no money to pay for any federal program: there will be no social security, no medical assistance, no food stamps, no social housing. There will be nothing.

On April 7, 2020, federal debt topped $ 24 trillion for the first time.

He then raised another $ 1 trillion in just 28 days, surpassing the $ 25 trillion threshold on May 5.

It has only been 35 days since debt surpassed that $ 25 trillion threshold of May 5, and yesterday came yesterday and debt exceeded $ 26 trillion for the first time.

The chart below shows the date the federal debt surpassed the $ 26 trillion threshold:


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The 28-day rise in debt from $ 24 trillion to $ 25 trillion and the 35-day rise from $ 25 trillion to $ 26 trillion are the two fastest periods when federal debt rose from one trillion dollar threshold to another.


As a reminder, there is only ONE structure in the entire federal government that is authorized to spend money. This organization is called the US House of Representatives. No other branch of government can initiate a spending bill.

Simply put, the people DIRECTLY AND PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for this are members of your Congress.

It would be nice for you to find out who they are, where they live and what they look like, since when the system collapses due to their reckless spending, you can go visit them and ask why this happened.