For Several Centuries These "savages" Have Accumulated A Lot Of Questions - Alternative View

For Several Centuries These "savages" Have Accumulated A Lot Of Questions - Alternative View
For Several Centuries These "savages" Have Accumulated A Lot Of Questions - Alternative View

Video: For Several Centuries These "savages" Have Accumulated A Lot Of Questions - Alternative View

Video: For Several Centuries These
Video: APUSH Review: Spanish, English, French, and Dutch Colonization (Periods 1 and 2) 2024, July

Over the past few centuries, these Amazonian, Indian or Australian "savages" have accumulated many questions.

They ask, for example, why do you work so much against your will? Are you being held for slaves? We work only when we want, well, rarely if it is very, very necessary, if laziness, we do not work.

Why do your women go to doctors to give birth, are they all sick with you? Why do you need houses for which you have to work for 20-30 years and then still pay for them? Are they made of gold?

Why do you need kindergartens and schools where most children are not interested? Why do you spend so much time and health on making money, so that later they can pay for the expensive treatment of diseases that have come as a result of this hectic lifestyle? Why do you bring up humility and obedience in boys, and in girls you value strength and independence? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Why do you teach your children complex mathematical formulas, but not teach the properties of numerous medicinal herbs, crafts, skills of living in nature? Why make money and buy toys that develop fine motor skills in a children's store when a bunch of pebbles and twigs are always in abundance in every forest glade?

Why be treated with expensive drugs synthesized by pharmacologists, and then be treated for the side effects of these drugs, and then with third drugs to restore the already completely killed immune system, kidneys and microflora of the stomach and intestines?

Don't you know about medicines given by nature? We have Aboriginal Indians, as you call us, dozens of ways to cure, for example, your cancer in the early stages and in just a week and completely free, with tart juice of a banana palm, for example. But you seem to be so zombified that you don't even imagine that this is possible, and you are giving tens of thousands of dollars for complex treatment with dubious effectiveness. In doing so, you cut down the jungle with hundreds of priceless medicinal herbs, depriving your home of thousands of animal species that lived here long before you.

You are strange, they tell us. You are sick at heart, you need to re-establish a connection with nature, with your original spirit. And it's better to start right now.

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