"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. The Second Part - Alternative View

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"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. The Second Part - Alternative View
"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: "Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: Coma Miracle (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

Continuation, start here.


There are no stone trees? Photo of an excavated stone tree:


While people are energized to write in the comments, as they heard in school and on TV about the so-called petrification processes, I propose to move on to a more reasoned discussion of what we stated in the previous chapters. Sand is sawdust. Deserts are recycled wood.

Here are the well-known logs of timber in Arizona:


Moreover, there are quite a few of them:

Promotional video:


But this is still the tip of the iceberg. After all, if you look closely, what do we see all over the area around these trees? That the entire plateau is littered with punishment waste and crumbs from this tree:


Isn't that impressive?


But this is also the tip of the iceberg and pales against the background of what is nearby:


This piled mountain, this is recycled wood. We look at her closer:


But let's look even further:


And here we see already large areas of timber mining from semi-precious stones. We see from these burns, to the retreat of punishment and grinding to dust.


On the first chapters, a lot of controversy caused and I would like to discuss some points. The first is the remark “if sand is sawdust, then how is glass made of it”. The remark is absolutely correct - but if sand sawdust from a tree with semi-precious stones, and we see that yes, this is so, then there are no contradictions here. The second point, they say, the sand is not sawdust, but a dump. It is also true in a way. What is a dump? This is what the fuck off. What is sawdust? This is what is sawed and more often associated with wood. And what did we see in this colored desert? That they dumped recycled wood! In general, this film … its first beginnings were about three years ago and then Yura Shatokhin voiced one chapter and now a new attempt to finish it. The purpose of the film is to show different points of view that they are all right about something. But not to the end, and people do not want to broaden their horizons and see a broader picture, instead they sew into a point of view and arrange single combat with each other, although everyone is partly right. This is as an example - we have a table. What is he? The carpenter says it's made of wood. The artist sees it as brown. Painter varnished. Etc. And what, some of them are wrong? You are all right in your own way.

The third point is where this technique went. It's one thing people write with interest and ask themselves this question - this is very correct. Another thing is when someone is trying to demand something. Was it reasonable people raised? First, no one owes you anything. Secondly, from where can someone know about it? You can only see the traces and use them to make a chain of researchers and reflections, as thinking people are supposed to. For example, firstly, we see the industrial scale. Secondly, what knives an industrial harvester should have in order to saw such a tree:


It is clear that the saws and hacksaws would look down and break. But we see not only sawing, but also calibration from bark and grinding dust. Moreover, there is not much bark waste, mainly sawdust from the core, as happens at sawmills. That is, what kind of sawmill it was, we cannot even imagine. But it is clear that ours are not even close.

The third point is what are the smallest wood waste. Nothing is visible less than these wood burns:


That is, this is the smallest, otherwise branches of the size of our trees would come across. So this is not a waste of a tree, but of knots. There are more:


There is no smaller one.


Official science says that these are "fossilized trunks of araucaria" and these trees did not have twigs. But so and so, be it trees without branches, there should still be some branches at the edge, as any trees have. Plus, we see what a huge scale of recycled wood … was there a whole jungle growing with wood made from semi-precious stones? What does official science generally say, how did these trees grow like that or turned out? Quote:

The petrification process takes place underground, when a tree is buried under sediment, but does not deteriorate due to lack of oxygen. The mineral-rich water flowing through the sediment brings the minerals into the plant cells, and when the lignin and cellulose break down, a stone remains that repeats the original shape. At the same time, all organic substances are replaced by minerals (often silicates, such as quartz), and the original microscopic structure of the tree is preserved

Can you believe this? Of course not. After all, our eyes show a completely different picture - huge dumps of wood made of precious minerals on the surface and without any soil! Can you imagine such a volume of buried forest so that it transforms into crystals, and then dug up and sawn to such dust, which we see in dumps and so that there would be no extraneous debris in the form of clay and black earth?

Considering the big tree version, where is the semi-precious stone stump? Wikipedia tells us the composition is quartz. We enter into Google "large quartz deposit" and see the following picture:


Look at these quarry volumes! Are we sure we dug? As for me, it is very likely that a giant tree was uprooted here, and we only extract ant remains in it, that is, roots.

Since we figured out what the colored desert is in Arizona, let's travel with this analogy to other places on our planet.



This desert is located in Israel. We see traces of the same dump. And now we look here:


What do you think it is?


Yes, all the same petrified trees! Here's the bigger one:


As you can see, it is difficult to distinguish from simple stones if you look closely. We read the first available description:

The Negev is famous for its Craters (makhtesh). Eight craters are known in it. Five of them are in Israel. Large Crater or Crater Hatira. Its length is 14 km, width - 6 km, depth - 410 meters. Why is the name Big Crater, while the Crater in Mitzpe Ramon is much larger (40 km). The secret is simple. Large Crater, located near the Small Crater. They were discovered much earlier than Ramona Crater. It took a while. For people to look at the surface of the planet from space and compare the size of the craters.

What interests us in this description is again that we know nothing about the World. Not in geology, not in structure, even a crater was discovered recently. Also, if we rename the crater to the word quarry, then we have not only similar words, but also eight places where giant trees were uprooted and cut on the spot. From that, the craters themselves and the disproportionate ones are 14 km long and 6 km wide. If you are curious, ask what colored semi-precious stones are still mined there.


Still curious stone mushrooms grow there.


There is a lot of conflicting information about America in general. It was discovered, according to the official version, five centuries ago, and before that, wild Indian tribes lived there. From this point of view, the mainland for the arrival of Columbus was supposed to be in impassable jungle with century-old trees from five to ten centuries. How many people does it take and how long to master, equip at least one region of Ukraine? And we are talking about the whole continent, about which I only learned about history five centuries ago. But the reality is that large areas of the mainland are deserts, quarries and dumps. Moreover, such a scale that we cannot afford today. But when you start reading the descriptions of official theories and generally accepted ones, you generally see some kind of absurdity. For example, Red Rock canyon in Nevada. What do our eyes see?


Smooth surface of the soil, on which the dump of mountain, that is, wood, mining was piled. And what does the official say about it? We read:

Red Rock is a nature reserve located about 25 kilometers from Las Vegas. It is a unique natural monument. 600 million years ago, the canyon was under the ocean waters.


And now tell me, using the vocabulary of scientists from Anthropogenesis, who is an obscurantist, a dreamer, a researcher in quotes and Ran-TiVi in this situation? We read scientific Fantasy further:

250 million years ago, the earth's crust began to rise, pushing salt and gypsum formations out of the water. The outcropping of sections of the former ocean floor caused the rocks to acidify and they acquired a fancy red color. Thanks to him, the canyon got its name.

Well, dating, 600 million years ago, 250 million! We are looking at another dump in the Valley of the Virgin, located all in the same Nevada, which was Vsevada 600 million years ago, since, according to scientists, there was water all around:


The picture is the same - dumps of recycled wood. The fact that this is a dump of wood is evidenced by the larger pieces of what the official sources call petrified wood scattered along the bottom of the valley:


They also curiously describe these wood heaps:

About 20 million years ago, this area was covered with forests and received more than 50 inches of precipitation annually. These opal branches of an ancient tree were buried in volcanic ash from eruptions that occurred 12 to 20 million years ago, when tree branches disintegrated into the ground, leaving hollow castings that were later filled with silica solution as streams of hydrothermal water seeped through the ash layer.

This is how it is not a bit biased, for a century and a half, buildings on many floors have been under the so-called "cultural layer", but here whole dumps of flint wood have been lying on the surface for 20 million years and have not gone underground! As they say, the mind cannot understand science and do not allow it to be tested, they say, you just need to read it and, like in religion, believe.


Someone objected that if the deserts are sawdust from the mountains, which were trees, then why are they not near the mountains. It's a strange question, of course, because there are many deserts near the mountains. For example, the Gobi Desert - there are mountains and a huge dump of sand sawdust. People are constantly asking such questions, as if they are clinging to a straw, just to find something that can refute us, so that they can breathe deeply "wow, even though the TV didn't lie to me about it." But! as a rule, they demonstrate even more how much, thanks to school and television, I do not know anything about the World and how afraid they are to learn at least something.

There are clean sand sawdust in the Gobi Desert. Pure sand, it seems to me, is the core of a tree made of semi-precious stones. From that waste of a stone tree in such dumps we will not find much.


But the colored dumps, this is the processing of branches and twigs. From what colored desert we do not dig, as a rule, we find traces that these are dumps of wood. The same picture is in the Gobi. There is clean sand, but there are also colored dumps. Is there any waste from stone wood?


It turns out yes, and the Mughals have been mining it there for a long time, firstly, stone wood is used for medicinal purposes, and secondly for crafts, for example, a snuffbox:




They say that petrified wood jewelry has various beneficial properties, according to legends. They give their owners longevity and health.


Petrified wood is also used unusually in the interior:


You can make objects from it - large countertops and various decorative elements, souvenirs, as well as use it in jewelry - mainly beads and various inserts were made from it.


In the 1960s, the Soviet geological party "Colored stones" found a petrified tree in the Gobi Desert on a scale suitable for industry, but the color was only brown-cinnamon. But, despite this, there is extremely little information on the Gobi fossils on the Internet.


If you try to translate the Bulgarian expression "To beat the stones" into Russian, then the closest thing in meaning will be a stone forest. This is the name of the area located just east of Varna.


Before tourists arriving here, a fantastic sight opens up: huge stone idols exceeding human height (some of them reach 7 meters in height), either stand alone, or in some intricate pattern, and sometimes in a circle. From a distance they really resemble a forest, only a stone one. Actually, there are plenty of such places in Bulgaria, but this is considered the largest and most famous. Some scholars have long believed that the "Stone Forest" is the creation of human hands. Recently, however, an increasing number of scientists are inclined to believe that Mother Nature herself created it this way.

Some of the stone idols have names: "Family", "Lonely", "Throne" and others. The central composition of columns has a more circular shape. The most mystically-minded visitors strive to approach it without fail. Indeed, in these places there is a belief that by touching such a stone you can remove all the accumulated negative energy from yourself, as well as heal from many diseases. The area of the "Stone Forest" is approximately 7 square kilometers.


I agree with official science that this stone forest is a miracle of nature and naturally it has grown.


But why geologists attribute the stone forest to their own personal processes, it is not entirely clear. According to them, the Lena Pillars is a geological formation on the banks of the Lena River in Far Eastern Siberia. The pillars rise 150-300 meters and consist of alternating layers of limestone, marl, dolomite and shale. Giant columns are located in Yakutia, not far from Pokrovsk. Each of them contains a large amount of organic remains. They were created, according to geologists with a black belt, the erosion process, the weathering process, the freezing process, the thawing process, as well as the difference in the processes of areas and temperature.


This Tanzanian monument is located on the Mbeya road 20 kilometers south of the city of Iringa.


In ancient times, people lived in Isimil, which is apparently something suspicious for official science, and now you can still find ancient tools and weapons there, well, there is a digging stick, a chasing stick, a stirring stick, a combing stick … But the most impressive view here, of course, is the view of the sandy columns, standing like the silent guards of a bygone era.


The pillars stand in a row throughout the 2 kilometer gorge, the height of each of them is about 6-9 meters. The site was found in 1951 by Professor McLennan during his trip from Nairobi to Johannesburg. I want to emphasize that here we have learned about the gorge recently. Of course, research as such was not carried out. And when is the school curriculum written describing geological processes that have never been studied? How is a researcher different from a propagandist? The researcher investigates, the propagandist tries to fit the freshly warmed so-called miracle of nature to any excerpt from the written and approved literature, it is not clear when and by whom. I want to put one more emphasis, there are researchers and propagandists in both camps, but, alas, the latter are winning.


Davolja Varos (translated as City of the Devil) is, for geologists, an unusual formation located in Southern Serbia on Mount Radan, near the city of Kuršumlija. These mushrooms consist of 202, as official science called them, terrestrial pyramids, or "towers". Each of them is 2 to 15 meters high and about 4-6 meters wide at the base.


How do geologists describe them there? Yes, as always, do not go to the fortuneteller, soil erosion and volcanic activity. Since 1959, Davolja Varos has been under the protection of the state, and in 1995 the Government of Serbia declared it one of the main natural monuments of the country.

Stone mushrooms are amazing.


Two springs flow at the foot of the towers. The Davolja Spring Water (translated as Devil's Water) contains very acidic water (ph 1.5), while the Crveno Vrelo (Red Well) spring contains water with a high mineral content. Davolja Varos was nominated for the Seven New Wonders of Nature campaign.



Cappadocia was also discovered essentially recently in a densely populated region of the planet.


It is also surprising that this region was opened to the public after the so-called discovery decades later. In addition to mushrooms and other rocks in the Kapadokkiye there is a resemblance to the termite mound of mankind, where people bit into the rock itself, making not only surface caves, but also whole underground complexes.


Cappadocia is located in the center of the Anatolian Region in Turkey. Recently discovered - how does official science describe it? Yes, everything is also created as a result of erosion of wind and water, as well as due to volcanic activity.


Quote: “Eruptions in the mountains of Cappadoccia continued up to four thousand years ago. As a result of the eruptions, a layer of soft volcanic tuff, 150 meters thick, was formed in the valley at the foot of the mountains. Erosion from the river, mountain waters and strong winds has formed unusual geological forms in the tuff layers, called "Hoodoo" or "Fairies from the Chimney." They got their name because in their shape they look like giant mushrooms."

Continued: Part 3

Author: Snowfall Bullets
