Siberian Lukomorye And Alexander The Great - Alternative View

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Siberian Lukomorye And Alexander The Great - Alternative View
Siberian Lukomorye And Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Video: Siberian Lukomorye And Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Video: Siberian Lukomorye And Alexander The Great - Alternative View
Video: Aristotle and Alexander - The Great Tutor - Alexander the Great ancient history see u in history 2024, September

It was here, in Siberia, to the Slavic ancestral homeland that the great conqueror Alexander the Great came, suffered a severe defeat and took back only 30 thousand frostbitten demoralized ragamuffins out of 135 thousand invincible fighters. Well, just like Napoleon, running across the Berezina.

About falsification of national history

There is reason to believe that the falsification of our history began long ago, long ago. But let's start with Karamzin. This is how N. M. began his "History of the Russian State" Karamzin: “This great part of Europe and Asia, now called Russia, was inhabited from time immemorial in its temperate climates, but by wild peoples, immersed in the depths of ignorance, which did not mark their existence with any of their own historical monuments. Only in the stories of the Greeks and Romans did the news about our ancient fatherland survive. " But these are the very first lines of his four-volume edition, setting, so to speak, the vector of his entire historical work. And this was written in 1804, long before Hegel called the Slavs an unhistorical people.

Why is this disdain for your own people? Was it only because he believed the learned Germans, who in the previous century laid the foundation for Russian historical science in an extremely Russophobic style? Is it only because Nikolai Mikhailovich was "taught bad things" by his friends-Masons? Perhaps both, but the main thing, I believe, is that Karamzin relied on the Orthodox tradition in this matter.

At the end of the 11th century, the chronicler Nestor, in the heat of polemics with the pagans, declared that the Slavic tribes: Drevlyans, Northerners, Vyatichi, Radimichi and others, who had not yet adopted Christianity by that time, “lived in the forest, like every beast”, lived like a beast, they killed each other, ate everything that was unclean, abducted the girls by the water, reproached them in front of their fathers, etc. etc. From here, apparently, came the Orthodox tradition, which consists in the indisputable statement: culture, writing and the unification of Russia became possible only with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

This concept uncomplainingly accepted Karamzin, it was creatively developed, despite the atheistic era in the yard, the Soviet scientist Academician D. S. Likhachev and his school. Likhachev, who received the Hero of Socialist Labor "for an outstanding contribution to Russian culture," wrote: “Culture itself has no starting date. But if we talk about the conditional date of the beginning of Russian history, then, in my opinion, I would consider 988 the most justified. Should we postpone anniversary dates back in time? Do we need a date of two thousand or one and a half thousand years? With our worldwide achievements in all types of arts, such a date is unlikely to elevate Russian culture. The main thing that has been done by the world Slavs for world culture has been done only in the last millennium. The rest are just supposed values."

The beloved disciple of the academician Gelian Mikhailovich Prokhorov went much further and declared: “The Russian people were created by the Orthodox culture. Before baptism there was no Russian people, there were tribes. After baptism, we see the tribal names disappear, the Russian land appears, that is, the Russian people. I declared and went to receive the State Prize. And they gave it for some reason.

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Meanwhile, the denial of pre-Christian history, the denial of the existence of the Russian people themselves before the adoption of Orthodoxy, is the main falsification of our history, bordering on a crime against the Fatherland. The price of this falsification is many millions of lives of compatriots.

Based on our apparent lack of a deep history, Hitler considered Russia a colossus with feet of clay. He decided that it would be quite easy to knock the USSR down and in 1941 attacked our country. Only after receiving a powerful "kick in the ass" did he, one must think, fully feel the power of our "historical legs".

So practice, being a criterion of truth, really showed the presence of deep historical, including pre-Christian, roots in the Russian people. Theoretically, without a deep history, it is impossible to explain either the very appearance of the Slavs in the historical arena in the 6th century, or the highest culture that had formed in him by that time. Even Yegor Klassen drew attention to the fact that the Slavs are far superior in numbers to all other European peoples, that, by virtue of their numbers alone, we can safely speak of the great antiquity of the Slavs, for peoples do not jump out of the snuffbox. All other things being equal, the higher the number of people, the longer they lived on earth.

Nestor's passionate assertion that the Slavs lived in a bestial manner in scattered backward tribes does not correspond to the truth … The Normans, who did not have cities at that time, called Russia Gardariki, that is, the country of cities. And cities are a generally recognized center of culture.

They say that Andrew the First-Called, having visited Russia, was most impressed by the Russian bathing culture, which is a guarantee of health. In the XI century, Anna Yaroslavna, married to the French king, begged her father to take her to golden-domed Kiev, because the smelly French nobles, who had long converted to Christianity, did not know baths and slept on skins without sheets, just like animals.

In 907, the Russian prince Oleg fought successfully under the walls of Constantinople. After the Byzantines closed the harbor with chains, Oleg put his boats, 2,000 in number, on wheels and "in a tachano-rook" formation under scarlet sails moved to the city. It was why the Byzantines were afraid and kiss the cross as a sign of submission and loyalty. There was almost a century before baptism in the Dnieper and Volkhov. In what forest could the Russian people acquire such the highest military culture? No, this culture has been forming over millennia.

And what do archaeological excavations in Veliky Novgorod testify to? Cobbled streets, running water, drainage system, leather shoes with patterned appliqués, chess pieces everywhere. Something unlike the animal life "in the forest, like every animal." Nestor is wrong again. This highest culture of urban life has also been shaped by centuries and millennia of urban life.

The content of the famous Novgorod birch bark letters quite unequivocally speaks of the general literacy of the Novgorod Slovenes in the 11th - 12th centuries. Household records, business orders, love notes, jokes of schoolchildren strongly testify that the use of writing was not the prerogative of princes and boyars alone, but the sheer everyday life of the broad masses. By the way, universal literacy is inconceivable without the highest book culture. Where did the birch-bark books go, of which there should have been innumerable numbers? Have they been burnt in the fires? And who made these fires?

But the main question with writing is this. After swimming in Volkhov, the Novgorodians could not become literate without exception. For tomorrow. Literacy was also prepared by all previous history. And the written language among the Slavs existed long before Cyril, because he himself admitted that before he created the Slavic alphabet, he received the Gospel written in Russian letters in Korsun.

According to the Chronograph of the Nikanor Chronicle, the city of Slovensk, in the place of which Novgorod is located, was installed by the great-grandsons of Scythian and Zardan Sloven and Rus in the distant 2355 BC. And why don't we believe our chronicles? Why do we not believe Pompey Trogus, who wrote in the "World History" that the Scythian king Tanay went on a campaign against Egypt? Because “getting out of the forest and going to Egypt” is unthinkable. But if Tsar Tanai owned a kingdom stretching from Altai and Tanaeva Droga, which is near Tomsk to Thrace, then it will become obvious that our ancestors had statehood long before the birth of Christ. So long ago that Pompey Trogus called our people the most ancient on earth. Ancient Egyptians.

Why then did practice, as a criterion of truth, not compel Marxist-Leninist historians and philologists to believe in the antiquity of the Russian people, in the presence of its deepest historical roots? Because the Orthodox doctrine has been replaced by the Marxist-Leninist one. And what did Marx's faithful companion and compatriot Friedrich Engels (Yankel) claim? “The Slavic peoples of Europe are pitiful dying nations doomed to destruction. In essence, this process is deeply progressive. The primitive Slavs, who gave nothing to world culture, will be absorbed by the advanced civilized Germanic race. Any attempts to revive the Slavs emanating from Asiatic Russia are "unscientific" and "anti-historical." (F. Engels. "Revolution and Counter-revolution", 1852).

So and not otherwise. Any statements about the antiquity of the Slavic-Rus are "unscientific" and "anti-historical". Now our scientists with the full right of "scientificness" defend the non-existence of the Russian people before the adoption of Orthodoxy. Only a penny is the price of this "scientific" attitude, one hollow Russophobia and falsification of our true history.

Where did the Russian land come from?

This question in the new wording "Who are we, where are we from and where are we going" worries the Russian people with the same force. If the peoples lived on the lands on which they were born, no questions would arise. But most of the peoples were born in one place, and later moved to other places of residence. So, the ancient Hittites came to Asia Minor from nowhere. The ancient Indo-Aryans came to the Hindustan Peninsula, and the Avestan Iranians came to the Iranian Highlands from the Eurasian Arctic. The ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians was a certain mountainous island of Dilmun, located in some unknown water area. The famous Czech linguist Bedrzhik the Terrible, tracing the migration route of the Sumerians to Mesopotamia, believed that the Sumerians "descended from the Altai Mountains", and the Tomsk ethnographer Galina Pelikh drew attention to the amazing relationship of the Sumerian culture with the culture of the Ob Selkups. Obviously, the Sumerian Dilmun belonged to the water area of the Arctic Ocean.

The Scythians, who were superior in antiquity to the Egyptians themselves, as the Roman historian Pompey Trog, a contemporary of Emperor Augustus, claimed, created a gigantic empire stretching from Manchuria to the Carpathians. The Scythians invaded Egypt more than once, one of the campaigns, according to Trog, was led by a Scythian king named Tanay. The name Tanay will tell a Siberian a lot. After all, the son of the Tatar prince Toyan, who asked for the mighty hand of the Russian tsar, was called Tanae, and the old road near Tomsk is called Tanaeva. As for Altai, there, according to L. N. Gumilyov, these Tanaevs were "a dime a dozen" among the Turkic khans. But here's the main thing: ancient geographers placed ancient Scythia on the shores of the Kara Sea, calling it the Scythian Ocean.

Here, on the shores of the Scythian Ocean, according to ancient Greek myths and some scientists of that time, the legendary Hyperborea was located, which many modern researchers associate with the ancestral home of mankind.

After the Wends, Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians, waves of new conquerors and settlers were advancing from Siberia to Europe in the same way. Among them are Alans, Goths, Huns, Avars, Savirs, Khazars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians, and finally, the Horde. Among the settlers from Siberia to Eastern Europe were the Slavs. They did not migrate one-time, but went "in portions" as part of the Huns, Avars, Savirs and others, including more ancient peoples. This, of course, is a hypothesis, but there is a certain reasoning behind it and it gives a definite answer to the question of where we are from.

In the book "Siberian Lukomorye" I present the substantiation of Siberian Rus according to Chinese, Iranian, Arabic, Spanish, Germanic, Russian church sources and other data. The volume of the article does not allow me to give all these arguments. I will only say that the Chinese have called the Russians who lived in the neighborhood since ancient times Usuns. There is reason to believe that the famous Middle Empire in the middle of Eurasia was created by them. The Persians called Siberian Rus Artania (Arsania). The capital of Artania, the city of Arsa, is shown on the medieval map of Sanson just south of Lake Teletskoye. The Arabs called her "Russia-Turk". The acts of the very first Ecumenical Councils in the IV-V centuries mention the Tomitan diocese in Scythia. Tomitan - in the Tomeon region on the Tanya river. The Persians and Samarkands called the river Tom Tanoi.

Russian people called Siberian Russia Lukomorye.

Siberian Lukomorye

If the peoples lived on the lands on which they were born, they would be surrounded by only native and quite understandable names. In fact, everything, always and everywhere, is not at all the same. For example, the Indigirka River flows into the East Siberian Sea. Hindus still call the mountains "weights". It turns out - Indian mountains. And where would they come from here if Indians had never lived on the shores of the Arctic Ocean?

Well, let's take Taimyr. After all, the same is observed and much more. For example, the Tareya River flows into the Pyasina River on the right, and many Taimyr rivers have a tar formant: Nyunkaraku-tari, Malahaytari, Barusitari, Syudaveitari, etc. Tareya and tari are nothing more than darya - the Iranian and Indo-Aryan "river", water. (Let's remember the Central Asian Syrdarya, Amu Darya, Karadarya). The replacement of "d" with "t" occurs as a result of the later Turkic influence, about which the Tomsk linguist professor A. P. Dulzon. Rivers with the tar formant are found practically throughout Taimyr, therefore, Indo-Aryans and Iranians once lived here. Another Taimyr river with Indian origin is Khantayka. The Russian people in Mangazeya called the local people the Khantai samoyad, and on the map of the Tobolsk Metropolitan Cornelius (1673), this samoyad is called the Ginda or Gindian,that is, Hantayka is essentially an Indian.

Actually, in the Indo-Aryan Vedas, the abandoned ancestral home is described as a land corresponding to the Taimyr Arctic: a twenty-four-hour duration of the dark season, a very high position of the Pole Star, daily circles that the stars write around it; mountains that stretch from west to east; northern lights. The descendants of the Indo-Aryans, the Evenks, still live in Taimyr and bear the surname Yelogiry - residents of the Spruce Mountains.

The Iranians, unlike the Indo-Aryans, called the mountains Hara, for example, the Byrranga mountains in the Ancestral Homeland, which the Indo-Aryans called Meru, the Iranians called Hara Berezaiti, apparently, the Birch Mountains. In this regard, the familiar to every Norilsk dweller attracts the attention of the Spruce Stone - Kharaelakh mountains. It turns out that from here, from the Haraelakh mountains, Yima led his people to the south ?!

It is extremely important for us to understand this. During resettlement, historians say, every last person never leaves. Usually, parties of young energetic people are sent to new lands, capable of active reproduction, but still a smaller part of the people. The majority stay. There remains a stem ethnic formation. The successors of the "trunk" are the Russians. And, consequently, the place names of the Ancestral Motherland should be replete with Russian names, or revised Russian toponyms. But this is exactly the picture we see on Taimyr.

It is known that when they came to Siberia, the Cossacks were faced with the fact that the names of rivers, mountains, swamps, etc. sounded in the mouths of local residents somehow very much in Russian. In Western Altai and in the north of Siberia, in some places only Russian place names were found. So, on the rivers Khete, Kotue and Khatanga on Semyon Remezov's drawing "Pomorie Turukhanskoye" (late 17th century), only Russian names are shown: Boyarsko, Romanovo, Medtsovo, Medvedevo, Sladkovo, Daursko, Esseiko, Zhdanovo, Krestovo, etc. Of course, one can think that these names were given by the pioneering Russian Cossacks in the 17th century. But what a hitch! Some of the undoubtedly Russian names are present on Western European maps of the 16th century (maps of Mercator, Gondius, Herberstein, Sanson, etc.): Lukomorye, Grustina, Serponov, Terom, etc. These cards were bought in Moscow from officials greedy for bribes,but they were compiled by Russian people, either pioneers or aborigines. It is important that these names are pre-Ermak, that Russians lived in Siberia until the beginning of the 17th century. And, therefore, some of the impeccably Russian place names in Siberia are pre-Ermak.

There are many Russian toponyms in Taimyr. Kazak-Yakha river, r. Talovaya, r. Rybnaya, lake. Glubokoe, Medvezhka, Chest, r. Wolverine. But it is very difficult to isolate which objects were named in the 17th century and later, and which ones have survived from ancient times. It is logical to assume that the more ancient place names were largely reworked by the Nenets, Evenks, Nganasans, Dolgans, Yukaghirs and other local peoples. There are such place names here. For example, the right tributary of the Taz River is called Luceyakha (in brackets - Russian River). It's good that there is a translation on the map, otherwise in this Luceyakh it is impossible to recognize the Russian river. Two more impeccably Russian hydronyms - Nyucha-Khetta in the Nadym basin - Russian Khetta and Nyuchadkholyak - the right tributary of the Popigai River. Nyucha - that's how the Yakuts still call Russians. In the passport of my wife, who received it in Yakutia, in the column nationality is written "nuucha".

This is also the Cape Oruzhilo in the north of Lake Pyasino, the Dzhangy (Money) river in the Kharaelakh mountains, Gudke, Mount Goodchikha. The undoubted revision of these toponyms indicates that they are very ancient. These names were given to geographical objects immediately after the departure of the Indo-Aryans and Iranians, and maybe even during their time in these places. But this is at least the second millennium BC.

There are also many very indicative Russian toponyms in the south of Western Siberia. Near Tomsk there is the Poros River and the Porosino village on it. This name does not come from the pig, but from the Pig. If such a river flowed into the Dnieper, the whole world would know that it was from here that the Russian land began. There is Boyary Mountain, Shuya area. And on the river Kie (is not this the name of Kiev) there is the village of Chumay (Chumatsky shlyakh), the village of Karacharovo, the river Smorodina, the village of Zlatogorka.

In the 16th century, a number of geographical maps were published in Western Europe, including the territory of Western Siberia. These maps, reflecting the pre-Ermak state of Siberia, show Siberian cities with the names Grustina, Serponov, Kossin, Terom. Phonetically and semantically, these names are close to the Russian language, especially Serponov - a new Serbian city, Terom - simply terem. The Russianness of these cities is confirmed by a textual explanation on the map of I. Gondius, where next to Sadina it is written in Latin “urbs frigutus ad quality Tartari et Rutheni confluent”, which means “Tatars and Russians live together in this cold city” or “to this cold city they flock Tatars and Russians”.

The presence of Russian toponyms on the maps under consideration indicates that Russians lived in Siberia “before Ermak”.

Of particular importance among the toponyms under consideration is "Lukomorye". This toponym is found on all the mentioned maps. This name is given to the vast territory of the right bank of the Ob. On some maps Lukomorye is indicated in the river basin. Kossin, which flows into the Ice Sea beyond the Ob. On others it is shown on the right bank of the Ob at the 60th parallel. Of these maps, the closest to the present is the map of the French geographer G. Sanson, published in Rome in 1688. It shows the rivers Tom, Chulym, Ket and Yenisei. Lukomorye on this map is a vast territory from Tom to Yenisei at a latitude of 56-57 degrees. On the map of Gondius Lukomorye is called the Ob region in the Narym region.

Most researchers consider the term Lukomorye to be originally Russian, characterizing the bend of the sea coast. The fairytale tradition testifies to the same, testifying that 30 beautiful knights came out of the sea waves after all.

At the same time, it is possible that the term "Lukomorye" has a completely different etymology. It was suggested by the Tomsk ethnographer A. A. Loktyushin, who believed that the term should be derived from the deepest Indo-European antiquity, from Sanskrit. Loka, according to Alexander Andreevich's version, means "localization", and mara, moraine means "death". It turns out the country of the dead, the country of ancestors, the essence is the ancestral home. It is easy to see that both of these interpretations are easily combined, if we assume that the ancestral home was formed in the bend of the Arctic coast, and later the migrating people transferred this toponym to the Siberian land route.

One of the earliest mentions of the Siberian Lukomorye we find in Sigismund Herberstein's "Notes on the Moscovite Affairs". Herberstein wrote that Lukomorye is located in the Lukomor mountains beyond the Ob near the Takhnin (Taz) river. At the same time, he gave a very curious detail about the Lukomorians: they, de, go into hibernation from November to March. This testifies at least to the fact that Lukomorye seemed to the Russian people as an unusual, amazing, full of miracles, in other words, Lukomorye seemed to be an unknown country, this toponym could not be brought from European Russia.

However, the earliest mention of "Lukomorye" we find in "Zadonshchina". This monument of ancient Russian literature is dedicated to the battle of Dmitry Donskoy with the Horde temnik Mamai on the Kulikovo field in 1380. It is generally accepted that the literary work was written shortly after the battle. On the last pages of "Zadonshchina" it is said that the Tatars, after the defeat, fled to Lukomorye "… Here the nasty scattered in confusion and ran on unbeaten roads in the curvature …". The Mamaev Horde consisted of Eastern Tatars who came from the Volga and from across the Volga from Western Siberia. For example, the ulus of Tokhtamysh, who soon took the Golden Horde throne - here it is, across the Tomya River, almost opposite Tomsk - the village of Takhtamyshevo.

It was here that the "iron lame" Timur came in 1391 to punish Tokhtamysh for treachery. And along the way, he destroyed the Russian city of Karasu (Gración) on the Tan (Tom) River here. And 37 years before Timur and 16 years before the Battle of Kulikovo in the Tomsk Lukomorye, perhaps, the Novgorod ushkuyniks visited. From them in "Zadonshchina" could get the concept of "Lukomorya". It is known that in 1364 the ushkuyniks from Novgorod, led by the governors Stepan Lyapa and Alexander Abakumovich, came to the Ob in a large detachment. Here the detachment was divided into parts. One half went down the Ob to the coast of the Cold Sea, the other went up the Ob. These "upper" ushkuiniks could well have collected information about Lukomorye and Sadin, and maybe visit them.

Being observant people, the Novgorodians made drawings of the lands they visited. “It is hardly possible,” Academician V. I. Vernadsky writes in “Proceedings on the History of Science in Russia”, “it was possible to give geographical descriptions of our chronicles without drawings and maps … The main and most preserved data on the drawing work just concern the northern regions where skills and influence of ancient Novgorod. From here they went to Siberia."

In 1497, the so-called "Old Drawing" was created in Moscow, which later disappeared somewhere. It is known that S. Herberstein and A. Jenkinson used it. We can confidently say that all Western European medieval cartography was based on this map. You can also be sure that the materials of the Novgorod ushkuiniks of 1364 were taken into account in this drawing. Thus, information about Russian cities in Siberia, about the Siberian Lukomorye dates back at least to the XIV century, and perhaps to earlier times. The history of Siberia, in which the Russian people lived, and the Russian urban civilization existed until the XIV century, is extremely interesting.

Slavic ancestral home

Why was Ancient Russia located in Siberia? Because the ancestral home of mankind was located in the north of Siberia, and Siberian Russia is the legal successor of the ancestral home. In the book "Siberian Ancestral Homeland" I give evidence that the ancestral home of the Sumerians, Hittites, Indo-Aryans, Iranians, Finno-Ugrians, Germans, Slavs was located on Taimyr.

Taimyr is a secret world, taking into account the sacred root basis of the ancestral home - hidden, secret, secret and using tracing paper of this basis - secret, and Meru is nothing but the World. Modern Taimyr as a geographical concept covers the territory from the Yenisei Bay in the west to the Khatanga Bay in the east and from the coast of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the village of Taimyr on the southern coast of Lake Khantai. However, the southern border of Taimyr is open for discussion.

The ancestral home in the north of Taimyr was formed quite naturally. This was climatically due to the fact that during the entire Ice Age (about 3 million years), cold-loving animals and the representatives of the human race that hunted them, due to the depth of the snow cover in Europe, were forced to migrate to Siberia with little snow. At the end of the Ice Age, about 12 thousand years ago, cold-loving animals moved north to catch up with the retreating cold zone, and as a result, a huge concentration of mammoths and humans occurred north of the Byrranga mountains. This first concentration launched sociogenesis, which led to the explosive formation of the first civilization.

However, soon due to overpopulation, the population occupied the entire territory of Taimyr, and later the entire Asian Arctic coast. The continued explosive increase in the population led to the separation and departure of the isolated peoples to new places of residence. It has already been said above that the place names remaining in the Arctic indicate that the Hittites, Indo-Aryans, and Iranians left the ancestral home.

The Goths were also evicted from the ancestral home. They are considered to be Germans, although early Russian historians objected to this, referring the ready to the Slavs. The Goths set off on five ships from the Skandza island and settled on the shores of the Gydan Bay, which they called Gotiskandza or Kodaniska.

The stem ethnic formation of the ancestral home, from which peoples separated, leaving for new lands, and which remained on the sacred lands of mothers and fathers were the Slavs. The Slavs are the stem keepers of the language, sacred hymns, rituals, traditions, meaning-making values, especially truth, that is, of all that we call the culture of the ancestral home. The stem formation of the Slavs is the Russian people (this is the question "who are we?)".

The "trunk" has a special, paternal attitude to the "branches", so not a single small nation was destroyed in Russia (remember, for comparison, what the Americans did to the Indians and how the Anglo-Saxons treated the Indians in their colony). That is precisely why the Soviet Union held on to the vital juices of the Russian people, and even fed the entire socialist camp.

In Russian epics, certain Holy Mountains are often mentioned, which gave the name to Svyatogor himself. Perhaps it is these Holy Mountains that can be considered as the Slavic ancestral home? We find confirmation of this assumption in old Macedonian songs.

Almost a century and a half ago, in the Balkans, in the Macedonian province of Bulgaria, the remarkable ethnographer Stefan Ilyich Verkovich recorded a huge number of ancient Macedonian songs. Verkovic was a Bosnian Serb, a Pan-Slavist, knew the Pomac (Macedonian) language well. In 1860 he published in Belgrade the collection "The People's Pesme of the Macedonian Bulgara". In total, he collected 1,515 songs, legends and legends with a total volume of 300,000 lines. From 1862 to 1881, an insignificant part of this collection (about one tenth) was published by him. French linguists, who studied the Indian Aryan Vedas in detail at the end of the 19th century, showed interest in the materials collected by Verkovich. In 1871, the French Ministry of Public Education instructed Auguste Dozon, consul in Philippopolis, who spoke South Slavic dialects,verify the authenticity and archaism of Macedonian songs. Dozon was forced to recognize the Macedonian songs as unconditionally authentic. Moreover, he himself recorded and published in France a curious Macedonian song about Alexander and his horse Bucephalus. Russian Emperor Alexander II became interested in Verkovich's work. The second volume of the Veda of the Slavs was published with the financial and organizational support of Alexander. The assassination of the reformer tsar by terrorists initiated the suppression of the results of the work of Verkovich, who had outstripped the famous Tilak, and for a long time, if not forever, postponed the recognition of the Slavic Ancestral Homeland in the Arctic. Russian Emperor Alexander II became interested in Verkovich's work. The second volume of the Veda of the Slavs was published with the financial and organizational support of Alexander. The assassination of the reformer tsar by terrorists initiated the suppression of the results of the work of Verkovich, who had outstripped the famous Tilak, and for a long time, if not forever, postponed the recognition of the Slavic Ancestral Homeland in the Arctic. Russian Emperor Alexander II became interested in Verkovich's work. The second volume of the Veda of the Slavs was published with the financial and organizational support of Alexander. The assassination of the reformer tsar by terrorists initiated the suppression of the results of the work of Verkovich, who had outstripped the famous Tilak, and for a long time, if not forever, postponed the recognition of the Slavic Ancestral Homeland in the Arctic.

The main statement of the "Veda of the Slavs" is the statement that the Slavic ancestral home was located not at all where the Slavs lived at the end of the 19th century. The Vedas speaks convincingly about the exodus of the ancestors of the Slavs from the Far North from the Northern ancestral home, which the Macedonians called the Land-Land. The edge-land was really on the edge of the Eurasian continent near the Black, that is, covered with darkness, the sea, into which two White (covered with ice and snow) Danube flowed. In the Land of the Land, winter and summer lasted for six months, which indicates at least the polar conditions of this land.

It is very important that in the "Slavic Vedas" there are references to toponyms and "heroes" that are very similar phonetically to Putorana toponyms.

Firstly, the Vedas mentions a certain dragon living in a mountain lake and not letting people through the mountain gorge and lake. The dragon was called Surova Lamia. Not far from Norilsk, in the mountain gorge of the Putorana plateau, there is a lake called Lama. It may very well be that Lake Lama near Norilsk is named after the Severe Lamia.

Secondly, in the Land-land, according to the Vedas, Cheta-land is mentioned (Cheta-land, it is also the Chitian land). The Russian translator of the "Slavic Vedas" Alexander Igorevich Asov considers it possible to call this Chitayan land the Chinese land. In this case, we are not talking about China at all. On the medieval map of Witsen (17th century), the Yenisei was called the river China, and the area between the Ob and Yenisei rivers was considered the Chinese land. Lake Kheta is located to the south of Lake Lama in the Putorana Mountains. On modern maps, the signature near this lake is duplicated in brackets by the name of Kita. The entire north of Siberia between the Ob and Yenisei and to the east is characterized by an abundance of Hittite hydronyms. The transition from "x" to "k" (Khatanga - Katanga, Hitta - Keta) as a result of Turkization is very typical for Siberia and not only for Siberia.

Thirdly, the Harap field is part of the Land's End. The land of Pravda (Shernie-land) was located in the Kharapsk land near the two White Dunais. In the south of the Putorana plateau there is the Gorbiachin river. Taking into account the regular letter transition ("g" - "x", "p" - "b"), in the presence of the "rank" formant, Gorbiachin clarifies the localization of the Kharapsky field and the country of Truth. By the way, to the north of the plateau there is the Gorbita River with the same set of consonants, but without the "rank" formant.

Fourthly, the Vedas say that Divya people lived near the Harap field. They did not plow the land, did not sow, did not engage in any productive labor, lived by robbery and were in fact savages, cave troglodytes. Divas, divi people are known from Russian chronicles and Slavic folklore. These hairy giants were used in battles as indestructible heroes. Nizami wrote about this in the poem "Iskender-name". In Bulgar, Arab travelers saw them on chains. The Tatars gave Yedigei two wild hairy people caught in Siberia on Mount Arbus.

In the East, divas were called devas. Professor B. F. Porshnev, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy, considered the diva-devas to be relict hominoids, Neanderthals who have survived to our time. Nowadays they are called snowmen. The Khanty Bigfoot is called "maigiki", which suggests legendary gogs and magogs in them. Nizami just described them as wild hairy giants who attacked human settlements and robbed them. The discovery of the Gog-Magog hydronymy in the Putorana mountains makes it possible to believe that the Divya people from the Slavic Vedas lived here.

Summarizing the above-described coincidences of the Putorana toponymy with the toponymy of the "Slavic Vedas", we can assume that these coincidences are not accidental. With some degree of certainty, it can be argued that the Slavic Ancestral Homeland, the Land of the Land is Taimyr. Thus, the existence of the Slavic Pole, declared by the local historian from Igarka, Alexander Toshchev, is confirmed.

Macedonian in the Putorana mountains

Alexander in his Eastern campaign was accompanied by the learned Greeks. To determine the longitude of the area, they measured the distances between points using a measuring line. And latitude, they called it "climate", was determined by the height of the sun above the horizon. The measurements were taken at noon on the solstice days.

One measurement showed that a tree 30 m (70 cubits) high cast a shadow 90 m (3 pletra). The sun was 20 degrees above the horizon, corresponding to a latitude of 47 degrees. This is the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Balkhash, the southern border of Siberia. The second measurement showed the shadow length of about 900 m (five stades), that is, it was made not south of Khanty-Mansiysk. It was between these parallels that the true route of Alexander passed.

At the mouth of the river, along which Alexander floated to the ocean, he found a huge sea estuary instead of a delta. Wintering here and suffering terribly from the cold, Alexander's army burned most of the ships.

Of the tribes on his way, the Arimasps met, the most northern people mentioned by Herodotus on the way from the Greeks to Hyperborea near the Rippaean mountains. There were Katai who lived in Altai, and there were Sabaraks. Here, the satrap was appointed Sibiry from the local kings. If the sabaraks "a" are changed to "and", as in Siberia, you get classic Siberians.

In a word, we can confidently say that instead of the Hindustan peninsula, Alexander was in fact in Siberia. It turns out that in the protracted dispute between historians and poets of the East regarding the route of Alexander, the poets were right.

What attracted Alexander to Siberia? Vanity? Lust for power? Desire to take possession of all the gold in the world? The prospect of achieving immortality, as V. N. Demin? Knowledge concentrated in the ancestral home? Or are all these reasons together?

Now, one more weighty consideration has been added to the above. After all, Alexander was a Macedonian, that is, a Slav. 23 centuries ago, the Macedonians remembered their sacred songs much better, and Alexander undoubtedly heard them. Moreover, in those days, the Slavs still remembered where their ancestral home was located and how to get to it. So Alexander the Great came here, to the Putorana Mountains.

But instead of bowing to the graves of their ancestors, falling to the paternal graves, Alexander, a conqueror by nature, clung to the ancestral home with weapons. He really wanted to surpass Semiramis and Cyrus, who had barely carried their feet away from here. Semiramis fled, having only 20 soldiers alive, and with Cyrus, only seven were saved”.

Diodorus reports that Alexander divided the army into three parts. At the head of one he put Ptolemy, instructing him to devastate the coast. For the same purpose, he sent Leonnatus into the interior of the country, the foothills and the mountainous region began to ravage himself. Fires blazed everywhere, robberies and murders took place, the number of those killed was in the tens of thousands. Apparently, from those battles not far from Norilsk, many "military" toponyms have been preserved: the Bataika river and on it the Voinayar area, the Uboynaya river, Cape Oruzhilo, the Mogilnaya and Pokoinitskaya rivers.

The Slavs used the inaccessible Putorana mountains for defense, on the flat tops of which up to thirty thousand defenders accumulated. Two of the several mountains (Aorn and the Sogdian rock) Alexander captured, one thanks to betrayal, the other was taken by storm by the Macedonian youth-climbers, climbing the rocky wall, where they were not expected. Those who fell from the cliff could not be found in the snow, it was so deep. Another peak was called the rock of Horien. In Putorana there is the Oron river and waterfall, as well as the Khoronen river. According to rumors coming from fishermen and hunters, in the 70s of the last century, the Khoronen River carried a large number of skulls.

It was winter. Alexander's army froze. Alexander did not know how to fight the frost. His army fled, just as Napoleon's army fled from supposedly defeated Moscow. Even their losses were exactly the same. Napoleon complained on the island of St. Helena: “I expected that I would fight with people, that I would defeat the Russian army. But I could not overcome fires, frosts, hunger and death."

Curtius Rufus paints the stampede and moral decay of Alexander's army very colorfully: “At the most time of the year, there are such extreme snows that almost no trace of birds or any other animal is noticeable anywhere. Eternal haze covers the sky, and day is so like night that you can hardly discern nearby objects.

The army, led into these vast deserts, where there was absolutely no human help, endured all disasters: hunger, cold, excessive fatigue and despair seized everyone. Many died in the impenetrable snow; during the terrible frosts, many chilled their legs. And they lost their sight: others, dejected with fatigue, fell on the ice, and, remaining motionless, froze from the frost, and after that they could no longer get up.

“It was impossible without damage to people neither to stay in place, nor to move forward - in the camp they were oppressed by hunger, on the way there was even more disease. However, there were not so many corpses on the road as there were few living, dying people. Even the sick people could not follow everyone easily, since the movement of the detachment was accelerating; it seemed to people that the sooner they moved forward, the closer they would be to their salvation. Therefore, the laggards asked for help from acquaintances and strangers. But there were no beasts of burden to carry them, and the soldiers themselves barely carried their weapons, and the horrors of the coming disasters were before their eyes. Therefore, they did not even look back at the frequent calls of their people: compassion was drowned out by a feeling of fear."

Curtius Rufus wondered how it was that the shame of Alexander turned into glory? But the army did not forgive Alexander for this defeat, conspiracies began to mature and in the end he was poisoned.

The victors forced Alexander to disarm. The weapon, according to Nenets legends, was buried near Lake Turuchedo, not far from the village of Potapova. In addition, as an indemnity, Alexander was ordered to "lock up in grief" the Gogs and Magogs, by building the Copper Gate against them, which Alexander did. Since the Divya people (Gogs and Magogs), according to the "Slavic Vedas", lived in caves, Alexander put the Gate in the portal of the main tunnel, through which the Divya people came to the surface. Tunnel place names on the Putorana plateau are available: these are the Tonel mountains, the Tonel lake, the Tonel river and the Tonelgagochar river mentioned above. The Vedas indicate that in the Holy Mountains there were a lot of caves equipped with gates that could be locked with locks. One of the demigoddesses who was in charge of opening and closing the locks on the gates of seventy tunnels-caves in the Ancestral Homeland was named Gruzdina. It may very well be that the city of Grustina, which is present on all medieval maps of Western Siberia, serves as a reminder of this demigoddess.

The Finns, Hungarians and Khanty could pay attention to the perfect coincidence of the names of the Tunnel River in the Putorana Mountains and the Tuonela River from Kalevala. Perhaps there was also the Finno-Ugric ancestral home and the world of the dead?

Slavic chronicles about Macedonian

The Slavic chronicles are full of reports about Alexander the Great's visit to our land.

In the Laurentian Chronicle under the year 6604 (1096 or 1097), you can read that Alexander the Great visited the shores of the Arctic Ocean and here "riveted in grief" evil gogs and magogs.

Here is the text literally: “Now I want to tell what I heard 4 years ago and what Gyuryata Rogovich from Novgorod told me, saying:“I sent my youth to Pechora, to people who give tribute to Novgorod. And my boy came to them, and from there he went to the land of Yugorskaya, but Yugra are people, and their language is incomprehensible, and they are neighbors with samoyed in northern countries. Yugra said to my youth: “We found a wonderful miracle that we had not heard of before, but it began three years ago; there are mountains, they go to the sea bay, their height is as high as the sky, and in those mountains there is a great clique and talk, and they cut the mountain, striving to be carved out of it; and in that mountain there was a small window cut through, and from there they speak, but do not understand their language, but point at the iron and wave their hands, asking for the iron; and if anyone gives them a knife or an ax, they give furs in return. The path to those mountains is impassable because of the abysses,snow and forests, therefore we do not always reach them; he goes further north. I told Gyuryata: “These are people imprisoned by Alexander, the king of Macedon,” as Methodius of Patarsky says about them: “Alexander, the king of Macedon, went to the eastern countries to the sea, to the so-called Sunshine place, and saw there unclean people from the tribe of Japheth And I saw their uncleanness: they ate all filthiness, mosquitoes and flies, cats, snakes, and did not bury the dead, but ate them, and female miscarriages, and all unclean cattle. Seeing this, Alexander feared lest they multiply and desecrate the land, and drove them to the northern countries in the high mountains; and by God's command great mountains surrounded them, only the mountains did not converge by 12 cubits, and here a brass gate was erected and anointed with sucklite; and if anyone wants to take them, he cannot, nor can he burn them with fire,for the property of sunclite is this: neither fire can burn it, nor iron takes it. In the last days, 8 tribes will come out of the Etriva wilderness, and these nasty nations that live in the northern mountains at the behest of God will come out”.

The person who recorded and commented on the story of Gyuryaty Rogovich is none other than Vladimir Monomakh. His "Instruction" is included in the Laurentian Chronicle and, in turn, includes the quoted story. It turns out the following: The Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh in his "Teachings" admonishes the Novgorodian Gyuryat Rogovich that Alexander the Great visited Ugra and the shores of the Arctic Ocean.

Another Russian ruler, who believed that A. Macedonian visited Russia, was Peter the Great himself. Examining the giant fossil bones in the village of Kostenki near Voronezh, Peter stated that these were the remains of the war elephants of Alexander the Great. Later it turned out that the bones belonged to mammoths, not elephants. But Peter remained with his conviction: A. Macedonian was on Tanais.

I. V. Shcheglov in the "Chronological list of the most important data from the history of Siberia", published in Surgut in 1993, gives a message about the campaign of the Novgorodians led by Uleb in 1032 to the Iron Gate built by Alexander. This campaign ended unsuccessfully, as the Novgorodians were beaten by the Yugras, "and few of them returned, but many died there."

V. N. Tatishchev, referring to the Joachim Chronicle, wrote that “during the time of Alexander the Great, three princes reigned among the Slovenians: the first Velikosan, the second - Asan, the third Avenkhasan. And Alexander the Great sent a letter to the Slovenian princes, wishing to own the Slovenian people. Historians do not even comment on this message, declaring the Ioakimov Chronicle to be Tatishchev's invention, while the Nikanor Chronicle, the Mazurin Chronicle, the Czech Chronicle, Martin Belsky in the Chronicle of the World, cite the letter given by Alexander to the Slavic people.

The Polish "Chronicle" of the Krakow bishop Vikentiy Kadlubek, as well as the "Czech Chronicle" (1348), assert the ties of the Slavs with Alexander the Great.

Moreover, in the Polish "Great Chronicle" it is said that a certain master of gold-weaving made Alexander the Great by cunning to leave their land, for which the Poles gave this cunning name Leszek and elected him king. I don't know, when the Poles began to elect kings, I remember the Jews wrote that in the middle of the ninth century, one prominent representative of their tribe refused to become the first Polish king. I also do not know where the ancestors of the Poles lived in the era of Alexander the Great, most likely they "entered" Eastern Europe along with the main Slavic migration flow. In this case, the Polish ancestral home could be located in the north of Siberia, in the same place as the Slavic ancestral home.

Why do we not pay any attention to the words of Monomakh and Peter? Is it only because overseas historians thought differently? And why do we trust the Germans and Greeks more than our princes and emperors? I think this is because our history has been falsified and this falsification has eaten into the flesh and blood of Russian historians. In fact, it was made by the hands of our Russophobic historians.

Some strange company is being selected: Nestor, Bayer, Schlötser, Karamzin, Hegel, Engels, Hitler, Likhachev, Prokhorov, Russian Norman historians and modern Orthodox missionaries (recently during the discussion "Traditional culture: Orthodoxy or paganism?" Maxim Stepanenko heard that the Russian people did not exist before the adoption of Orthodoxy. I would like to know, is this the position of the entire Patriarchate?). Why is it unscientific and anti-historical to talk about the antiquity of the Slavic-Russes, does this harm our interests? The heroic history of our people is the subject of our greatness and pride. We are proud of our victory over Hitler, Napoleon, why shouldn't we be proud of our victory over Alexander the Great?

Nikolay Novgorodov
