The Best Healer Of A Person Is His Own Body - Alternative View

The Best Healer Of A Person Is His Own Body - Alternative View
The Best Healer Of A Person Is His Own Body - Alternative View

Video: The Best Healer Of A Person Is His Own Body - Alternative View

Video: The Best Healer Of A Person Is His Own Body - Alternative View
Video: How a wound heals itself - Sarthak Sinha 2024, May

Our body is designed in such a way that it seeks to heal and does the work of self-healing every minute. Even without our intervention. The only thing we still need to do is stop interfering with him.

Health is not only a certain result of a blood test or an indicator of pressure. All of these indicators are created by modern medicine (which has made almost no contribution to human health). Health is not about shrinking the size of a tumor while the patient's life is gone. Health is not an increase in the number of CD-4, while the patient's real immunity is declining and cannot resist new opportunistic infections. Health is a way of life.

Lifestyle changes are not only about "eat less salt", "give your heart a workout for 30 minutes a day" or "drink 2 liters of water a day." We need to reconsider and change our understanding of health

Health is the quality of life. This is a quality life. This is the ability to sleep soundly at night, not feel pain while walking, eat with appetite, have a good memory and the ability to achieve what is important to you (and only to you). Health is the time spent with the family, it is a walk in the forest, it is the ability to rejoice, not to be afraid of the future and to resist stress. Health is all about respecting your body and feeling happy that your body works like a clock. Health is energy that is in full swing, inexhaustible optimism and zest for life.

Modern medicine does not address any of these issues. Moreover, she does not even put them in front of herself. Because modern medicine is not interested in the quality of our life. If you suffer from insomnia, you will be assigned a pharmaceutical chemical that will deafen your body and cause you to pass out. And this will be considered a normal sleep and an acceptable way out of the situation. But will you feel refreshed, rested and full of energy after such a dream? This no longer interests anyone.

Today's society pays dearly with illness and death for the monopoly given to doctors at the beginning of the last century.

Medical tests can be used to diagnose disease, but treatments based on the ingestion of high doses of chemicals are unlikely to lead to the desired health and happiness.

Try to define the concept of "health" for yourself. What is health for you? What sensations, what feelings, what actions mean health to you? Precisely for you, because we have long been using not our own, but borrowed concepts.

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So, if you have faithfully completed my assignment, then most likely you will understand that the pharmaceutical health industry will not add to you. It is something that arises when you begin to befriend your body and listen to its desires.

Now let's see how we can turn on our healing powers again.

Remember a childhood incident. You rush headlong and suddenly fall … Your knees are ripped off, you cry or try to hold back tears. You watch with horror the consequences of your high-speed "flight" and it seems to you that your knees will never be the same again …

But, lo and behold, the wound is already healed the next day. The body has created a protective film through which bacteria do not penetrate and your knee gradually returns to its original form. Skin cells “understand” that there is a need to act and begin to replicate and “repair” the sore spot. A process similar to the creation of neoplasms is started - division and growth, but unlike cancer, this process stops in time. That is, the body knows at the cellular level what and when to do. The DNA in the nucleus of each cell reproduces itself and heals the skin with the help of amazing nanotechnology! (Scientists cannot even come close to repeating this process.) Cells multiply, nutrients are delivered to them through the blood and … healing occurs. And when the wound heals, the regeneration process is carefully stopped.

The most amazing thing in all this is not even that the body includes the process of regeneration and not that the body is able to grow cells, but that all this happens without our knowledge, that is, completely autonomously. This means that we do not need to direct blood to the wound or consciously start the process of cell replication, coordinate the elimination of toxins and decide when to stop regeneration (of course, we have no idea how this can be done consciously).

All this happens without our intervention. These and other processes run in the background in the body and when we sleep. Consciousness dreams, and in our body biochemical processes take place and the transformation of energy necessary for treatment, in short, alchemy occurs.

If all of the above is true, then why don't we heal, why does our health always want to leave the best? The answer is that we ourselves create barriers to our recovery. We misinterpret the symptoms of the disease and take treatments that make the situation worse.

Here we touch upon the causes of the disease resulting from improper lifestyle and external factors (environmental pollution and excessive enthusiasm for medicines, toxic household chemicals, body care products, cosmetics, etc.) and do not touch on deeper layers associated with karma person (no one claims that karma does not exist), because this is not within the purview of this article.

Fact: Many symptoms are actually the result of our body trying to heal itself. For example, most people are chronically dehydrated. They don't drink enough plain clean water. But water is one of the components of blood. When the body does not receive enough water, it tries to reduce the loss of moisture, most of which is lost during breathing. So, in order to preserve this moisture, our body restricts the functioning of the bronchi and creates histamines there.

Histamines make breathing difficult, which means it becomes physically harder for us to inhale and exhale. Modern (Western) medicine believes that this defense mechanism is a disease (asthma) and they begin to treat it, instead of just removing the cause - dehydration. No, in order to prescribe a person to drink more water (this would reduce the formation of histamines), doctors prescribe antihistamines, which cause the bronchial tubes to relax and facilitate the passage of air. This leads to even greater loss of fluid and the state of dehydration is aggravated.

You see, traditional (one could argue with this term, but everyone understands it well) medicine incorrectly interprets the body's call for help and worsens the condition of patients.

Another good example is high blood pressure. Often the cause (one of the reasons) for high blood pressure is too thick blood that does not pass into small capillaries. To continue to provide normal blood circulation, the heart must work with great stress. And this increases the pressure. Again, pressure is not a disease, a symptom. The body tries to push thick blood where it does not go. After all, if access of blood to cells is limited, such cells begin to die off.

Healthy blood does not thicken and flows freely. If a person drinks enough water and eats food rich in fatty acids (for example, omega-3), then the blood thinns naturally and the pressure drops. After all, it is easier to drink water through a straw, and not honey.

Western medicine diagnoses a person with high blood pressure and starts attacking the person's arteries with chemicals. These substances deprive the arteries of tone and artificially make them relax. This “treatment” leads to circulatory problems, because this thick blood jelly, depending on the treatment, cannot squeeze into the thin capillaries. This is why many people who take blood pressure pills start having circulatory problems. In addition to thick blood, they also get too relaxed arteries.

Are you suffering from high blood pressure? Try drinking more pure water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, but water!), Eat raw vegetables and fruits, and also get omega-3 fatty acids with food (found in fatty sea fish - mackerel, sardines, salmon - and some seeds and nuts - walnut, flax seeds). And your blood pressure will return to normal in five days.

In short, our body has a lot more wisdom than doctors, so it's better to listen to the body than to wage war with it (along with doctors).

"Asthma", like "high blood pressure", are diseases invented by doctors. In other words, they do not exist separately on their own. These are simply symptoms that the body is trying to bring its complex system into balance.

To be able to heal again, you need to learn to listen to your body and understand what it wants from you and not to weaken it with chemicals, disfigure it with surgery or kill it with toxic therapies, such as chemotherapy.

If you want to be healthy, stop going to doctors, learn to read the messages of our body and understand the real principles of health.

For example, cancer is a sign that cells are not "communicating" with each other properly. A tumor indicates that the cells are not given a signal to stop multiplying. (A tumor is a cell that continues to divide uncontrollably.) “Normal communication” between cells can be restored by changing diet, environment, state of consciousness and getting enough vitamin D through sunlight and food.

In general, keep in mind that your body wants to be healthy and puts a lot of effort into it. “Symptoms” are just a cry for help, this is an insistent request from the body for help in the healing process. If you are attentive, you will hear what your body is trying to tell you, and if not, you will begin to suppress these symptoms with pain relievers, surgery, or other types of destructive therapies. And keep in mind that most doctors do not understand, have not been trained in how to bring your body back into balance. All modern medicine is aimed at reducing smyptomas. And that's all.

Our body is an amazing creation of nature. The most advanced nanotechnology is built into us - the immune system. Our nervous system surpasses the most advanced computers in the world in complexity and coherence. Our reproductive system is the miracle of reproducing life. Our internal organs store memory and emotions, because those who have received organ transplants also receive memories and emotional experiences from the donor.

In short, we are a wonderful creation of nature. We have such a potential for self-healing that the only thing that can reduce this potential is pharmaceutical products. Most people do this: stun themselves with analgesics; turn off the immune system with chemotherapy; shooting their nervous system in the leg with vaccines and so on. All chemistry-based drugs are unnatural and disable the body's self-healing process. Not surprisingly, after a toxic cocktail, the healing magic disappears.

Try for a week to give up all allopathic (this does not mean homeopathic remedies) medicines, foods with additives, type E, refined foods (products made from white sugar, flour and everything that has been heat-treated not in your kitchen), do not use household chemistry (much can be replaced with baking soda), cosmetics, perfumery and not eating the meat of animals that were stuffed with hormones and antibiotics (and then brutally killed).

Svetlana Belova