The Gulf Stream Is Shifting Eastward In Pursuit Of The North Pole - Alternative View

The Gulf Stream Is Shifting Eastward In Pursuit Of The North Pole - Alternative View
The Gulf Stream Is Shifting Eastward In Pursuit Of The North Pole - Alternative View

Video: The Gulf Stream Is Shifting Eastward In Pursuit Of The North Pole - Alternative View

Video: The Gulf Stream Is Shifting Eastward In Pursuit Of The North Pole - Alternative View
Video: The Gulf Stream Explained 2024, September

Today European scientists have begun to talk about "global warming" on Earth more and more modestly and quieter. And they can be understood, since the inhabitants of Europe and North America are observing cooling rather than warming.

And since all scientific institutions and organizations exist on the money of just European and American taxpayers, environmental scientists still have to somehow explain why the “warming” turned out to be so cold, introducing into their reports more often such a concept as “change climate on the planet”instead of“global warming”.


The most common explanation for the real cooling in Europe and North America due to "global warming" was the following: the warm Gulf Stream, which practically brings the warm climate to which they are accustomed to the European countries and the North American continent, has weakened. And it has weakened precisely because of the warming and massive melting of the Greenland glaciers.

Scientists were suddenly surprised to find that if earlier the "ocean pump" was concentrated west of Greenland, today it has moved to its east. And this confuses researchers. The weakening of the "pump" seems to be understandable, but moving it is not. Ultimately, scientists speculated that earlier salt water measurements and movement were not entirely accurate - that's all. But if so, then the reasons for the weakening of the Gulf Stream become not entirely accurate.


Independent researchers came to the rescue of academic scientists, who explained such a movement of the "ocean pump" by the fact that today the north magnetic pole is shifting in the same direction and with the same speed, they say, this mechanism "dragged" AMOC along, and such cardinal the changes affected the Gulf Stream itself. And if 20 years ago it worked like a watch, washing Europe and North America with warm waters, now it is weakening more and more, and the reason for this is far from "global warming" and the melting of glaciers in Greenland, but some processes (presumably mantle vortices) occurring with the planet itself.

However, the same conspiracy theorists assume that orthodox scientists are well aware of all this, it is just that the data of such studies are not publicly available - and it is understandable why: they simply hide from people much that can cause panic. But if this is so, then soon we will all see global changes taking place with our planet, with our own eyes, since the total shifts of the earth's crust may be commensurate with the expected Apocalypse …

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