The Influence Of Magicians, Sorcerers, Clairvoyants And Soothsayers On World Leaders - Alternative View

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The Influence Of Magicians, Sorcerers, Clairvoyants And Soothsayers On World Leaders - Alternative View
The Influence Of Magicians, Sorcerers, Clairvoyants And Soothsayers On World Leaders - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Magicians, Sorcerers, Clairvoyants And Soothsayers On World Leaders - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Magicians, Sorcerers, Clairvoyants And Soothsayers On World Leaders - Alternative View
Video: Real Magicians And Sorcerers #BlackMagicExposed 2024, October

Who is behind any authoritative leader? As a rule, the person who gives him advice has abilities and knowledge, but far from scientific. During World War II, the English magician Aleister Crowley offered Winston Churchill what was the key to defeating Hitler. Whenever he appeared in public, facing the camera lens, Churchill always showed the V sign.

Kings, queens, emperors, heads of government, military leaders … There are many examples of dignitaries in history who were helped by soothsayers, clairvoyants, magicians and sorcerers. And even now there are those who turn to them for help in order to solve the problems that arise.

In ICON magazine, we remembered several leaders who entrusted their lives and political decisions to magicians, sorcerers and charlatans.

Jair Bolsonaro: the influence of Olavo de Carvalho

In his youth, Olavo de Carvalho (born 1947, Brazil) was an ardent communist and also a member of the Sufi sect. Then he became a Catholic and began to advocate ultra-conservative views. Currently known for his provocative, if not defamatory, statements on YouTube and social media.

Olavo de Carvalho is a mentor to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. The São Paulo-based New Age philosopher and astrologer even advised the president on the appointment of some ministers. In addition, Carvalho recently accused singer Cayetana Veloso of being a pedophile. The artist, believing in the principle of separation of powers and believing that the president's patronage would not be able to protect the offender, without hesitation filed a lawsuit against his friend Bolsonar, which would soon be considered.

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Hitler: Hanussen's influence

Eric Jan Hanussen (1889-1933) was an influential Austrian clairvoyant, occultist and astrologer during the Weimar Republic. In the 1920s, he settled in Berlin, where he opened the Palace of the Occult and was a frequent visitor to Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945), who was a little-known political leader at the time. Hanussen helped Hitler develop charisma.

Hanussen trained Hitler in public speaking so that he could capture the attention of the public during party meetings and radio speeches. In return, the magician had access to confidential information, which he used for predictions. For example, he predicted the burning of the Reichstag in February 1933. However, because of this warning, the magician began to interfere with Hitler's supporters, because he knew that ultimately the responsibility for this lay with the Nazis, and not with the ardent Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe. A few weeks later, the body of the magician was found on the outskirts of Berlin. Traces of violence were found on it.

Winston Churchill: the influence of Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947), known by the magical names Brother Perdurabo and the Great Beast, was an influential 20th century English magician who founded the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu, Sicily. He promoted sexual freedom and drug use to achieve enlightenment. He was hunted by both the British authorities and Mussolini's supporters.

During World War II, Crowley wrote a letter to Winston Churchill and offered what, in the magician's own opinion, was the key to defeating Hitler. He believed that the swastika was a cross in motion, and it could be stopped by placing a wedge in its path - V. And although many historians deny that the advice of a magician had an impact on politics, we know for sure that at any appearance in public, when facing the camera lens, Churchill always showed the V sign and that Hitler had indeed lost the war.

King Arthur: Merlin's influence

According to the cycle of legends about King Arthur, the Welsh wizard Merlin lived in the sixth century. Some historians believe that in ancient times any magician was called Merlin, therefore, perhaps, we are not talking about one person. Others argue that Merlin, in principle, was not a person, it is a collective image, the embodiment of different ideals. Be that as it may, legend has it that during the reign of King Arthur in Camelot, Merlin was his adviser.

Merlin was the mentor of the future King Arthur. When he was born, Merlin, in order to fulfill the prophecy, took the boy for himself and raised him as a son. Later, when Arthur grew up, Merlin helped him extract the Excalibur sword from the stone and thus become the king of England. He continued to help the king in Camelot. It was Merlin who advised Arthur to start searching for the Holy Grail and was with him everywhere until he fell in love with the young girl Nimue and left the king's court with her. Subsequently, the beloved imprisoned Merlin in the trunk of an enchanted tree, from where he could not leave, but she could visit him.

Ronald Reagan: the influence of Joan Quigley

Joan Quigley (1927 - 2014) is an astrologer, originally from Kansas City. She is best known as one of the closest advisers to Ronald and Nancy Reagan. For the first time, the presidential couple turned to an astrologer after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. Among other things, her main task was to protect the president.

According to sources close to the Reagans, she played a special role in the White House. For example, in his memoirs, former Treasury Secretary Donald Regan writes: “During my tenure as head of the White House administration, almost any important decision of the Reagans was agreed in advance with some woman from San Francisco, who drew up horoscopes to make sure favorable location of the planets. Thus, many of the decisions made in the United States in the 1980s are becoming clearer.

The Romanov family: the influence of Grigory Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin (1869 - 1916) was a monk and healer. He possessed such unusual healing abilities that even Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself entrusted him with the treatment of her son, heir to the throne, Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov. Like many members of the European nobility, the boy was sick with hemophilia, and, despite the efforts of doctors, no one except Rasputin was able to stop the bleeding that threatened the life of the heir to the empire. Therefore, the empress wanted the healer to be always nearby, and Rasputin was entered into the palaces of the Romanovs. He applied the technique of hypnosis and mesmerism (a method of treatment based on the theory of animal magnetism) in relation to almost all members of the Romanov family. Rasputin's influence was so great that a group of Russian aristocrats decided to kill him. They wanted to end his interference in state affairs,after all, it was at that moment that the empire was on the brink of revolution. Rasputin was poisoned with cyanide, beaten, shot at and thrown still alive into the icy waters of the Neva.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna fell under the influence of the charismatic adventurer Grigory Rasputin and blindly trusted him, despite the suspicions of Grand Duke Alexander, who, although he doubted the strength of the elder, several times himself saw how he saved Tsarevich Alexei. Rasputin was not only a healer, he also had the gift of foresight, so the Russian nobles often consulted with him about the future of the family and country. He also predicted that Russia would face pain and suffering. It is not known what helped him: intuition, luck or magic, but he was again right. Some historians claim that Grigory Rasputin and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna had a love relationship.

Juan Domingo Peron: the influence of Jose Lopez Regi

José López Rega (1916 - 1989), popularly known as the Sorcerer, was an ordinary policeman, idle talker and obedient performer. During the exile of Juan Domingo Peron in Madrid, Jose Lopez Rega often dropped in at his home, who became an "errand boy." Over time, thanks to his passion for the occult and magic, he managed to win the trust of the third wife of the Argentine leader Isabel Martinez de Peron, become a butler and a reliable assistant to Peron.

Jose Lopez Rega monitored the information that Peron received, namely visits, calls and correspondence. In addition, he chanted incantations so that the enemies of the Argentine leader did not approach him. When the Argentine military returned the embalmed corpse of Eva Perón, Lopez Rega performed magical rituals to convey Isabel Martínez de Perón to the charisma of the deceased. When the general returned to Argentina and was elected president for the third time, Lopez Rega was appointed minister of social security. Taking advantage of his position, he created the Anti-Communist Alliance of Argentina, better known as the AAA, which persecuted representatives of the radical left movements. At the deathbed of Peron José Lopez Rega, trying to keep the spirit of the leader, grabbed his ankles and shouted: "Don't go, Pharaoh!"

Jordi Pujol: the influence of the sorceress Adeline

The sorceress Adeline of Galician descent claimed to have been consulted by the former Prime Minister of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, for over two decades. He, in turn, helped her find clients in the highest Catalan society. In an interview with the television program Espejo público (Mirror of Society) in 2014, she stated: "Pujol is a real curmudgeon."

Adeline stated that Pujol consulted with her on political and family matters and underwent certain rituals to protect himself from the envy and bad energy of political opponents. One ritual, for example, consisted of Adeline running a chicken egg down his back. “It turned black because it took away all the bad energy,” the sorceress explained a similar ritual. Perhaps she had some kind of influence. After Pujol stopped consulting with her, he started having problems with the law, and after that, his career began to decline.

Francois Duvalier: the influence of voodoo

François Duvalier (1907 - 1971) - physician and politician. In 1957 he was elected President of Haiti in a democratic election. With the support of the military, Duvalier, who was known by the nickname Papa Doc, became the country's permanent president until his death in 1971. He was succeeded by his son Jean-Claude Duvalier, aka Baby Doc.

Unlike other leaders who resort to the help of magicians in solving political issues, Papa Doc did not need intermediaries. As a voodoo priest, he revived this Haitian esoteric practice and used it to oppress the population and fight opponents. When references to zombies and magical rituals were not enough, Papa Doc resorted to torture and murder. During his reign, more than 30 thousand citizens died, many of whom were politicians and high-ranking officials.

Isabella II: the influence of Sister Patrochinio

Sister Patrocino is a 19th century Spanish nun who became famous for this. that there were stigmata on her arms, legs and body. Therefore, she was nicknamed the nun with bloody wounds. It was only years later that it became known that she was a liar. Sister Patrochinio managed to become a religious advisor to Queen Isabella II, as well as to her husband and cousin Francisco de Asis de Bourbon, who had a cowardly disposition.

From early childhood, Isabella II, sister Patrochinio was in her close circle. The nun gave her gifts, sweets and religious paraphernalia, which won the Queen's favor. She became a religious and political advisor to the monarchs, with whom she shared extremely conservative beliefs, both in the social and political sphere, and in religion. The intrigues of the nun led to her exile, her life was attempted several times, and she was also ridiculed in the newspapers as a dishonest and depraved woman.

Nicolas Maduro: Influence of the Santeria Cult

A few weeks ago, former head of the Venezuelan military intelligence directorate, Hugo Carvajal, said that Nicolas Maduro had spent thousands of dollars to conduct rituals of the Santeria cult. This cult of the leader of Venezuela was introduced by Hugo Chavez, who was carried away by it under the influence of Fidel Castro.

After the death of Chavez, Maduro himself said that the former president appears to him in the form of a bird and gives advice on how to rule the country. However, one should not exclude the fact that many paranormal phenomena allegedly occurring with the President of Venezuela can only be propaganda that is used to slander him. This goal may be pursued, for example, by Hugo Carvajal, because he is a defendant in several court cases and must at any cost win the sympathy of the judges of the United States. Yet journalist Francisco Sanz, author of The Sorcerers of Chavez, claims that “Maduro and his wife Celia Flores are still surrounded by Cuban santeros (priestly) and Babalavos (clergy). The president himself performs the rituals of the cult. According to the journalist, it is not Maduro's opponents or sworn enemies who recognize and assert this,and people from his immediate circle."

Fidel Castro: Influence of the Santeria Cult

The unification of the worship of the gods of black slaves of African descent with elements of Catholicism or Protestantism of European slave traders gave rise to various religions such as Umbanda, Candomblé, Macumba or Santeria, which are practiced in different countries of Latin America, for example, in Brazil, Haiti, the Dominican Republic or Cuba. …

There is ample evidence that since the preparations for the guerrilla war in the Sierra Maestra, Fidel Castro (1926-2016) was an admirer of the Cuban cult of Santeria. This is how his supporters and opponents explain Castro's longevity and luck. It was Santero's amulets that saved him from assassination attempts. When Castro passed away at the age of 90, experts noticed details at the funeral that prove that they were held in strict accordance with the rites of the cult.

Philip II: the influence of John Dee

John Dee (1527 - 1609) - English mathematician, occultist, astronomer, astrologer and alchemist. Charles V, who had heard about the Englishman's talent, tried to make him his courtier, but the negotiations were unsuccessful. His son Philip II met John in his youth when he arrived at the wedding with Mary Tudor. Thanks to her, he had the opportunity to consult with John about his future.

When Philip II met John Dee at the court of the Queen of England, he asked him to draw up a horoscope to find out the future, but at that moment Dee did not mention the Invincible Armada. Despite the fact that Philip II was a deeply religious Catholic, he was fond of the occult art, as the Inquisition called it then. Today it can be considered a pro-science. That is why at the monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, supposedly built on the site of an earthly split, he assembled a group of alchemists who worked on the manufacture of new drugs, chemicals and explosives designed to maintain Spain's hegemony in the world.

Eduardo Bravo
