The Study Of Jellyfish, Cryogenic Freezing And Other Crazy Ways To Gain Immortality - Alternative View

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The Study Of Jellyfish, Cryogenic Freezing And Other Crazy Ways To Gain Immortality - Alternative View
The Study Of Jellyfish, Cryogenic Freezing And Other Crazy Ways To Gain Immortality - Alternative View

Video: The Study Of Jellyfish, Cryogenic Freezing And Other Crazy Ways To Gain Immortality - Alternative View

Video: The Study Of Jellyfish, Cryogenic Freezing And Other Crazy Ways To Gain Immortality - Alternative View
Video: The Immortal Jellyfish 2024, October

Immortality has been the dream of humanity since ancient times. And the higher the level of technological development rises, the more real such a difficult desire seems. But the approach of the required leap in scientific progress does not mean that the issue has been resolved. However, some people do not want to wait and are already trying to move into the category of centenarians. In doing so, they sometimes use extremely dubious methods.

Digitizing consciousness

For many, this strange way of avoiding death for some of the rich inhabitants of our planet does not seem so hopeless.


One can understand such an overestimated level of optimism. Americans and not only, who have amassed supercapital, have already tasted all the benefits that previously attracted them. They had fun, bought, experimented with everything their minds were drawn to, and had time to get fed up.

Now they think about the finiteness of their existence and understand that in our progressive age, albeit small, there is a chance of opening the path to immortality. For this reason, successful businessmen who do not want to leave this world are testing various ways to prolong life. Including very strange ones.

An example is Sam Altman, a tech entrepreneur from Silicon Valley. He studied an offer from the startup Nectome and made an initial deposit of $ 10,000.

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The idea that this company promotes is the belief that soon the brain can be fully scanned and digitalized.

But since now such a procedure is not yet available, after the death of investors, the brains of the latter will be embalmed. They will be mothballed and will remain in this state until the moment when technologies will allow a full-fledged transfer of consciousness to a virtual cloud.

Further, when developing highly efficient artificial bodies, digital consciousness can be transferred to one of such shells, and a person will again be able to interact with this world.

By the way, the essence of the idea is very similar to the basic concept of the movie "Lawnmower". Who would have thought that such a fantasy would one day become almost real.

Freeze until better times

A cryogenic camera (in the main photo), which will allow you to ride out the times of technological limitation, is another way to survive death. At least some people with large accounts are confident that this idea is promising.

Despite the objective risks, there were some daredevils who decided to participate in cryogenic freezing projects. They are really ready to put themselves in such chambers and plunge into cryosleep. They react relatively calmly to the fact that this process can kill them.

There are especially fearless individuals who tried this without waiting for a technological breakthrough, but in the end backfired. At the moment, the so-called cryosleep is equated with suicide by hypothermia.

For this reason, such procedures are prohibited in many US states.


As it turned out, Buddhist monks are also not always in a hurry to leave this imperfect material form of reality. There are several sects within the framework of this religion, which are aimed at a transition to a special physical state.


It is about stopping the active process of life and turning oneself into a living mummy. Such a state, according to such monks, will allow them to survive for tens, maybe hundreds of years, while maintaining the basic functions of the body. Key processes in the body will take place, but very slowly, almost imperceptibly.

The procedure itself includes several stages, the first of which is a special diet, combined with a unique training process. All this lasts for many years, and the state of the monk's body gradually changes.

When it comes time to mummify, the person goes into the final form of the diet and drinks an extremely dubious embalming solution.

The result is the sealing of the monk in a completely enclosed space. The only connection with the outside world that remains is a small hole for the air supply.

The camera opens only after a few years so that other monks can check how well their brother was mummified. If the body has not collapsed, then the process is considered successful.

Extract from dogs and guinea pigs

Back in 1889, the scientist Brown-Sequard, who had a good reputation, came up with a very strange way to combat body decay.


He organized entire meetings and spoke convincingly that a major discovery had been made. According to him, soon there will be no need to worry about such health problems as impotence, senile weakness, back pain, etc.

In addition, Brown-Sequard argued that youth will again return to the bodies of the listeners and life will acquire new colors. Of course, the bulk of the scientist's audience consisted of elderly people who sincerely wanted to live again to the fullest.

The essence of the concept was to use a special extract. According to the scientist, to obtain it, you need to take the testicles of a newly killed dog, cut and squeeze the liquid out of them. Then the substance is mixed with water and injected into the body using a syringe. The result, Brown-Sequard claimed, was beyond expectations.

According to the scientist, the extract prepared on the basis of guinea pig testicles gives the same effect.

As a result, the method was exposed, but many managed to significantly spend money.

Gilgamesh's story

This name was borne by the mythical demigod king who ruled the country of Uruk. He was a bright leader and a powerful conqueror. He also loved women and could rape or captivate subjects he liked.


The gods did not appreciate this lifestyle of Gilgamesh and sent another demigod to eliminate him. The terrible Enkidu descended to mortals and entered into a stern confrontation with the proud king.

But the idea of the gods did not succeed, because Gilgamesh and the warrior-demigod sent by them saw something related in each other and became friends. They fought and won together, until the gods, disappointed in their messenger, killed Enkida.

After that, the distressed Gilgamesh set off on a long wandering and in the end realized that true immortality is the memory of the great deeds of their ancestors in the minds of their followers.

"Healing" mercury

Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unite China. Like many great people, he had significant ambitions and did not want to leave this world.


Trying to find a way to achieve this goal, he sent out his scouts throughout the country. Their task was to find a secret way to prolong life. But the necessary information was not received, and the emperor, in despair, began to drink various elixirs, which were made by a famous doctor in the region. The problem was that these mixtures contained mercury.

As a result, the great emperor died at the age of 49.

Blood of the young for the old rich

People with money who have crossed the 60-year mark are often ready for any method in order to prolong their lives.


One of the methods that have gained some popularity is the blood transfusion of young people. The idea came from an experiment with mice, where a similar procedure made it possible to improve the condition of old individuals.

Although the effectiveness of this technique for humans has not been proven, the trade in young blood is flourishing.

Medusa - carriers of the secret of immortality

Some scientists are inclined to believe that it is the study of jellyfish that will find a way to significantly extend human life.


The reason for the emergence of such an idea is simple: there is a specific species with amazing regenerative abilities. This creature is able to peacefully plow the waters for centuries and reverse the aging process after severe stress.

The fact that such abilities do exist, even in box jellyfish, inspires scientists.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no tangible progress in this area of scientific research. Medusa remains almost immortal, but humans do not.

Svetlana Semenchuk
