Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View

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Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View
Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View

Video: Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View

Video: Interview With A Dedicated American Jew - Alternative View
Video: Lord Rothschild presentation 8 Nov 2018 Sothebys NYC 2024, September

Below are excerpts from interviews in abridged form, in solid text (to save space).

1976 interview with Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal by Walter White, who for 17 years was the director and publisher of the conservative monthly magazine Western Front in the United States.

Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal is a high-ranking official who has worked in Washington DC as an assistant to the almighty New York State Senator Jacob K. Javits, a billionaire and Jewish. Mr. Rosenthal was 29 years old at the time of the interview.

Shortly after this interview, on August 12, 1976, Mr. Rosenthal was gunned down at the airport in Istanbul, Turkey, under very strange circumstances. The plane that Mr. Rosenthal was on was attacked. Four people were killed, about 30 people were wounded by accidental bullets. However, numerous eyewitnesses have shown that while other people were accidentally injured, Mr. Rosenthal was clearly and deliberately shot.


Media control - country control

Mr. Rosenthal has publicly declared with all clarity that Jews completely dominate the whole world and that they control all forms of communication and information transfer, including in America. When asked how a nation could be invaded without realizing it, Mr. Rosenthal attributed this credit to complete control over information and the media in particular. He boasted of Jewish control over all news. Any newspaper that refuses to be controlled is brought to its knees.

Promotional video:

Mr. Rosenthal said: we are Jews, we are heaping one question after another on the Americans. And we purposefully force opposing points of view to heighten the confusion. And when everyone runs into these opposites, they forget to ask themselves the question of who is causing them. We Jews play with Americans like a cat plays with a mouse.

By controlling the entertainment industry, we set our own tasks, and they are our slaves. When we make their life miserable, we turn on the safety valve and release the pressure, giving them massive entertainment. Television and movies play a vital role in such valves. All programs on television are very carefully designed to appeal to sensuality, but by no means stimulate logical thinking. As a result, the people are zombified in accordance with our goals, and not in accordance with what is happening in reality.

Through fear and intimidation, we castrated society. The masculine principle now exists only against the background of the feminine. There are no men, we have exterminated them. By being castrated in this way, the population became hostile to itself, because it saw no apparent reason for its dire situation. All the thoughts and feelings of the people are not about the future and prosperity, but about how to make ends meet and where to find food.


Zionism and anti-Semitism

When asked if he was a Zionist, Mr. Rosenthal replied that at the heart of this question is the traditional Zionist concept of ALIYA, which in Hebrew means "gathered together" in Palestine, as opposed to "DIASPORA", that is, the Jews scattered around the world. Since 1948, with the creation of the State of Israel, ALIYA (this is a permanent residence in Israel, not just visits), becomes an imperative (requirement, moral prescription, order, law) of Israeli government policy.

The World Zionist Organization is a unique organization with state functions, but taking its strength not from one state, but from seventy-two different states. The main body of this power is the Zionist Congress (like the Congress of the CPSU, but, historically, it is more accurate, on the contrary, the bodies of the USSR were copies of the World Zionist Organization). More than 200 delegates represent contributors from all countries. Between congresses, power belongs to the Central Committee”(Sanhedrin, an analogue of the Central Committee of the CPSU).

Anti-Semitism does not mean the opposite of Semitism. Because there is no such thing - Semitism. And since there is no concept, how can its opposite exist? It is simply a stigma that we Jews use to effectively denigrate and stigmatize anyone who dares to criticize Jews.

Jews are the smartest people on earth. Therefore, if it is beneficial for them to change the name, then they do it. And that's it! They mix with your society to corrupt it. Thus, when the Jews benefit, the non-Jews do not understand that they are all the same Jews, but under non-Jewish names.

There are two different governments in the USSR: one visible and the other invisible. The visible government is made up of different nationalities, while the invisible government consists only of Jews. The Soviet KGB only obeys orders from an invisible government. Jews, communists are organized and trust each other, and the rest only inform on each other. Every five to six years, secret Jewish committees carry out purges, and many non-Jews are liquidated (because they begin to guess about the existence of a Jewish invisible government).

The communists of the USSR have a secret body consisting only of Jews. They completely control the visible Soviet government. It was this omnipotent committee that made the decision to move the world communist center from Moscow to Tel Aviv, from where all the orders now originate.


What did the Jews do in Russia under the yoke of communism?

The journalist quoted the following quotation from Nikolai Bukharin's letter to the London Jewish newspaper "Universal Review". "La Revue universelle" March 1, 1928.

“Yes, Russia is definitely dying. Nowhere at all exists, and there has never been any class of population, in any country, whose life would be worse than in the conditions of the Soviet paradise … We are doing experiments on the living body of the Soviet people, damn it, exactly the same as in an anatomical student-medical student swarms in the corpse of some vagrant. Read both of our constitutions carefully. In both of them it is sincerely written that in fact, we are not interested in either the Soviet Union or any part of it.

What interests us is the universal Jewish world revolution, for which we have always sacrificed everything, including ourselves. Here, in Russia, in our country, where we are absolute masters, we are not afraid of anything at all. A country worn out by wars, epidemics, death and hunger, which are all dangerous but excellent means for our cause, is no longer capable of the slightest protest, not the slightest indignation, constantly being under the vigilant attention of the OGPU and our army. Often we ourselves are surprised at this patience of the people.

You can be sure that there is not a single family in the entire USSR where, in one way or another, we would not have killed a father, mother, brother, daughter, and raped too; son, or other close relatives or friends. And great! Nevertheless, Felix Dzerzhinsky calmly walks around Moscow without any protection, and even at night. When we chided him for such negligence, he just laughed and said: “What? - They will never dare, psya krev! (Polish curse, Dzerzhinsky is a Polish Jew)! And he is absolutely right. They never dare. What a strange country!"

Why are the communists completely destroying the middle, educated class along with their families when they seize power in the country? Mr. Rosenthal: It is a well-established rule to exterminate all members of the previous government, their families and relatives, but never Jews. We kill all police officers, army officers and their families, but never Jews. We know very well that when the government starts looking for communists in their country, in fact, they are trying to find Jews in their country.

You can't fool us. The invisible governments in communist countries have the entire world propaganda machine at their disposal. We control all media, and even your music and stage. We censor your songs long before they reach publishers. We control even your very thinking.


Jewish religion. Judaism

Judaism is a culture that is not even close to being equal in the whole world. Even what you call Christianity is just an offshoot of Judaism. The culture of Judaism is what you actually live in, although you are not aware of it. Your entire civilization is the civilization of Judaism.

A long time ago, when we still wanted to make our way in this world, Jews began to think about how to distract the attention of others from the racial issue. What could be more effective, and at the same time free from suspicion, than declaring oneself as a religious community? We borrowed this idea from the goyim. Belief in life beyond the earth is completely alien to us. For example, the Talmud is by no means a guide for preparing for life in the afterlife, but provides rules for maximum enjoyment in this very world. The Talmud is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating our relationship with non-Jews. Our teachings are not burdened with moral problems, but with "how to get it."

Our life, only from this world, and our mentality is completely alien to the spirit of Christianity, like its founder 2000 years ago. The founder of Christianity made no secret of his appreciation of the Jews, and of the fact that he himself was not one of ours. When He found it necessary, He kicked us out of the Temple, because, at the time, as always, we used religion as a vehicle to advance our commercial interests. But at that time we managed to nail Jesus to the cross, for his attitude to us.

Modern Christians, by the way, practice the party system, and in order to win elections, they throw mud at each other, begging for Jewish votes. They even intrigue with us, against the interests of their own nations.

We can successfully exist among other nations and states as long as we successfully convince them that we are not a separate nation, but just a religious community. Incidentally, this is one of our greatest deceptions.


The power of money

When we asked him how Jews acquire power, Mr. Rosenthal replied: our power is created by manipulating the monetary system. We are the authors of the saying: "Money is power." It is critical for us to turn the national bank into a private one. In America, the Federal Reserve System fits nicely into our plan, since we are its private owners, but the name we threw up suggests that it is, ostensibly, a government agency. From the very beginning, our goal was to confiscate all the gold and silver, which Franklin Roosevelt did for us right away, and replace it with pieces of paper that have no intrinsic value. We did it!

Until 1968, gullible non-Jews could take any paper Federal Reserve dollar to any bank and receive a silver dollar in the form of a coin containing 90% silver for it. And until 1933, any goy could get 90% of gold for the same one-dollar bill of 2.5 ounces. All that we now give to non-Jews are pieces of paper that have no intrinsic value and copper coins, but we no longer give them gold or silver, only paper, but for these fools we call them "securities." We Jews thrive because of the manipulation of this so-called securities, only they are valuable not for non-Jews, but for us, Jews. This is our method, when we take away from the goyim their labor, services and real values, and in return we give them pieces of paper.

By controlling the banking system, we control industrial capital. Through this, we acquired complete control over cinematography, newspapers, radio stations and television. The printing industry, newspapers, magazines have long been in our hands. Most importantly, we have completely mastered the publication of all school teaching materials. Through these levers, we can form not only public opinion, but also the entire worldview of a modern person.


Control over religion.

Religion must be controlled, and we have given a lot of influence to this. By owning the press and printing textbooks, we secure a position of authority on religious matters. Many of our rabbis are professors of theology at Christian schools. We are simply amazed at the stupidity of non-Jews who receive our teachings from our hands and think that they are their own thoughts.

America is truly a country not of Christianity, but of Judaism, and what they preach in their Christian churches is pure Judaism. It is the Christian Church in America that spreads the concept that we are Jews - people chosen by God, and they are simply non-Jews, that is, unelected.

These schizophrenic churchmen protect us Jews to the point that they destroy their own culture. After all, this truth is understandable to anyone who has read history at least a little, because the whole story is the story of the physical destruction of the goyim at the suggestion of the Jews.

Through our infiltration into the church, we have been able to engage unsuspecting Christians in ceaseless wars against each other, which have only always led to poverty, hunger and further extinction, while we count the profits and build up political advantages. Every time someone starts attacking us and tries to draw attention to us, we simply set dull Christians against them, and they attack those who dare, even if they are members of their own families.

Jews do not have to have a finger on every button that is causing the destruction of Christian civilization. In many cases they have enough non-Jewish volunteers for this.

Through the Christian religion we have acquired complete control over society, government and economy. Not a single law was adopted in the state without first promoting it from church pulpits.

We exercise this control over these random people through the church, the media and banking institutions. Their Christian church has long been simply one of the levers through which we exercise our power.

Thoughts and opinions given in the interview are not the thoughts and opinions of the author and may differ.