Commands From The Supreme Mind - Alternative View

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Commands From The Supreme Mind - Alternative View
Commands From The Supreme Mind - Alternative View

Video: Commands From The Supreme Mind - Alternative View

Video: Commands From The Supreme Mind - Alternative View
Video: A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, Lesson 8-12 ( Audio EXPIRES July 20th) 2024, October

Some modern biophysicists arrogantly claim that a new phase of life begins and that humans will be able to control their own evolution. That manipulation of the human genome will allow everyone to become healthy and beautiful, to remake their bodies the way they like: to increase their height, change their figure and even add intelligence. And in 10-15 years, this "genetic repair" will turn into a massive procedure. The human genome is intensively "combed" to identify the genes responsible for common diseases. But a simple question arises: what criteria should such an "improved" person meet?

Giftedness Is Associated With Gout

It turned out that only 5-10% of diseases are determined by the work of one gene. For example, the “diabetes gene” only causes disease in 20% of cases, and the “leprosy gene” simply makes a person five times more susceptible to this infection. Other ailments are already associated with several genes, and it is not easy to identify their connections. Many genes act only at certain times in a person's life. For example, genes for growth - in childhood and adolescence, and brain formation - from three weeks to about six years old, limiting the possibilities of manipulation to make a person superman.

Since ancient times, people have noticed a connection between genius, mental disorders and certain diseases, for example, giftedness with gout. It was described by Hippocrates as a disease of the greatest commanders and rulers. The ancient Roman physician Galen considered A. Macedonian and Ptolemy to be gouty. In 1956, the English scientist E. Orowan found that uric acid, an excess of which in the blood leads to gout, is close in its chemical parameters to the stimulants of mental activity - caffeine and pheobromine. If on average there are three gout per 1000 people, then among geniuses this figure increases 200 times! Of course, in addition to illness, one must also have a gift and conditions for its development. Boris Godunov and Peter the Great, Karl XII and August II, Michelangelo and Rubens, Rembrandt and Stendhal, Galileo and Newton, Leibniz and Darwin were the gouts.

Our civilization was driven by people with mental disabilities

Studying the biographies of celebrities, Orowan discovered that very often in addition to gout, genius people have the rarest - once in 100 thousand births - Marfan syndrome, a form of disproportionate gigantism. It is characterized by a thin short body, very long and thin limbs. It is accompanied by the release of catecholamines into the bloodstream - natural substances containing adrenaline, which allows a person to withstand high physical and mental stress. In Marfan syndrome, the amount of catecholamines in the blood is constantly increased. With such a rarity, it would seem very difficult to find at least one carrier of the syndrome among 400 outstanding people. But its owners were US President Abraham Lincoln, inventor Nikola Tesla, writer Hans Christian Andersen, physicist Ernst Abbe, and probably Charles de Gaulle. Constant adrenaline doping is a powerful stimulant of intellectual activity. The doping effect is also exerted by the increased content of androgens in the blood - male sex hormones. This has stimulated mental alertness among historical figures, poets and writers, although the sex lives of celebrities are little known. Apparently, it was not for nothing that the soldiers of his legions called Julius Caesar "the husband of all wives." Peter I and Byron, Pushkin and Lermontov, Balzac and Goethe, Heine and Leo Tolstoy were distinguished by high sexuality. Many famous and brilliant people, considered the pillars of history, had pronounced oddities. Our civilization was created and moved by people with mental disabilities? Looking back at the world around you, at some moments you begin to believe that there is something in this. The doping effect is also exerted by the increased content of androgens in the blood - male sex hormones. This has stimulated mental alertness among historical figures, poets and writers, although the sex lives of celebrities are little known. Apparently, it was not for nothing that the soldiers of his legions called Julius Caesar "the husband of all wives." Peter I and Byron, Pushkin and Lermontov, Balzac and Goethe, Heine and Leo Tolstoy were distinguished by high sexuality. Many famous and brilliant people, considered the pillars of history, had pronounced oddities. Our civilization was created and moved by people with mental disabilities? Looking back at the world around you, at some moments you begin to believe that there is something in this. The doping effect is also exerted by the increased content of androgens in the blood - male sex hormones. This has stimulated mental alertness among historical figures, poets and writers, although the sex lives of celebrities are little known. Apparently, it was not for nothing that the soldiers of his legions called Julius Caesar "the husband of all wives." Peter I and Byron, Pushkin and Lermontov, Balzac and Goethe, Heine and Leo Tolstoy were distinguished by high sexuality. Many famous and brilliant people, considered the pillars of history, had pronounced oddities. Our civilization was created and moved by people with mental disabilities? Looking back at the world around you, at some moments you begin to believe that there is something in was not for nothing that the soldiers of his legions called Julius Caesar "the husband of all wives." Peter I and Byron, Pushkin and Lermontov, Balzac and Goethe, Heine and Leo Tolstoy were distinguished by high sexuality. Many famous and brilliant people, considered the pillars of history, had pronounced oddities. Our civilization was created and moved by people with mental disabilities? Looking back at the world around you, at some moments you begin to believe that there is something in was not for nothing that the soldiers of his legions called Julius Caesar "the husband of all wives." Peter I and Byron, Pushkin and Lermontov, Balzac and Goethe, Heine and Leo Tolstoy were distinguished by high sexuality. Many famous and brilliant people, considered the pillars of history, had pronounced oddities. Our civilization was created and moved by people with mental disabilities? Looking back at the world around you, at some moments you begin to believe that there is something in this.that there is something in it.that there is something in it.

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By eliminating genetic ailments, people can lose geniuses

Genetic engineering, probably, can realize the eternal desire of the powerful of this world - to establish their "innate" superiority over the "lower classes". Only very wealthy people can correct their defective genes. And as a result - the division of humanity into gene castes that determine their occupation and different levels of life. But the connection between personal abilities and genes is rather vague and not precisely proven. The danger is also that the desire to choose the "best genes" will lead to the standardization of humanity and the loss of genetic diversity. For the elimination of some genetic ailments, society can pay with the loss of a rare gift of geniuses. And it is not yet clear what price we will pay for the "wonderful" discoveries of geneticists. This business is dangerous and unpredictable, and violation of ethical standards and mistakes will lead to the appearance of monsters. It is not for nothing that many of the great minds of mankind warned about the inadmissibility of any interference with the human genome, but this does not stop people. Or maybe it's better not to risk it? For example, there is evidence that the music of Mozart, acting on the brain, cures epilepsy, and other safe methods of curing ailments are used.

An organism cannot be built without strategic information

In the world, more and more pronounced freaks are being born, which it is impossible to look at without shuddering. Sometimes absolutely healthy young people die suddenly. According to the hypothesis of Doctor of Biological Sciences P. P. Garyaeva, all these cases, which traditional genetics cannot explain, are associated with wave genetics. For many years studying the causes of sudden deaths, he realized that wave processes dominate in nature, and the carrier of human hereditary information - a gene - a substance and a wave at the same time, like an electron and other elementary particles. That is why it can shape the development of the body. The nucleus of a fertilized embryo cell already carries the entire enormous and complex program of the organism's development. It determines the order of construction of each organ, its shape and size, interaction with other parts of the living organism. If you try to present this program in the form of drawings, formulas and text descriptions, then the largest building on earth will not be able to accommodate it. And nature has managed to squeeze it into a tiny cell nucleus. According to Gariaev's conclusions, information is recorded at the wave level, with electromagnetic and acoustic radiation. At the same time, holograms and "texts" are recorded, which makes it possible to place such a huge amount of information in the core. Moreover, it comes from the outside, from space, and from the inside gradually, as tissues are formed. The gene takes it in and transfers it from cell to cell. Where external strategic information comes from is unknown to anyone, probably from a higher intelligence. It determines the general direction of development of the organism, and information from the inside - specific details. It is impossible to build an organism without strategic information, as proven by simple experiments. Embryos, placed in a metal chamber that distort electromagnetic radiation, appeared ugly and quickly died. Although all conditions were created for the normal development of embryos. Control embryos developed normally in a conventional glass chamber that allowed electromagnetic waves to pass through.

Cells communicate with will

The basis of human life is the metabolism in his body, where billions of different chemical reactions take place at the cellular level. Cells constantly communicate with each other, exchanging signals using electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Each signal is a clear command that determines the course of a process. With the wrong command, he will go wrong, and a chain reaction of destruction of the organism will begin. And we ourselves create such distortions. Radio and television, various electrical equipment and devices create countless combinations of frequencies and wavelengths, among which waves appear that distort the protein "text" of a certain healthy person. The production of energy in his body is blocked, and - death. And doctors have to literally suck its cause out of the blue. Mankind, following the wrong, destructive direction, has only one way of salvation - the biological one, back to nature. She calmly performs those processes that are not available to us. Cold nuclear fusion in our cells, the transformation of some substances into others, a whole series of processes that have not yet been understood by us and fantastic for us. Having studied the mechanisms of these processes and mastering them, you can save the planet from the depletion of its fossils, and humanity - from huge expenditures of energy and solve many other pressing problems. There is even an idea of creating such combinations of "electronic phrases" that would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire. She calmly performs those processes that are not available to us. Cold nuclear fusion in our cells, the transformation of some substances into others, a whole series of processes that have not yet been understood by us and fantastic for us. Having studied the mechanisms of these processes and mastering them, you can save the planet from the depletion of its fossils, and humanity - from huge expenditures of energy and solve many other pressing problems. There is even an idea of creating such combinations of "electronic phrases" that would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire. She calmly performs those processes that are not available to us. Cold nuclear fusion in our cells, the transformation of some substances into others, a whole series of processes that have not yet been understood by us and fantastic for us. Having studied the mechanisms of these processes and mastering them, you can save the planet from the depletion of its fossils, and humanity - from huge expenditures of energy and solve many other pressing problems. There is even an idea of creating such combinations of "electronic phrases" that would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire.not yet understood by us and fantastic for us. Having studied the mechanisms of these processes and mastering them, you can save the planet from the depletion of its fossils, and humanity - from huge expenditures of energy and solve many other pressing problems. There is even an idea of creating such combinations of "electronic phrases" that would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire.not yet understood by us and fantastic for us. Having studied the mechanisms of these processes and mastering them, you can save the planet from the depletion of its fossils, and humanity - from huge expenditures of energy and solve many other pressing problems. There is even an idea of creating such combinations of "electronic phrases" that would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire.which would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire.which would direct the processes in the human body in the right direction. Then we will be able to stop diseases or even reverse the aging process - to fulfill the eternal dream of mankind! The only question is whether this will bring happiness to people and how it will backfire.

Valery Pak