The Human Brain - A Unique Transmitter Of Information From The Higher Mind - Alternative View

The Human Brain - A Unique Transmitter Of Information From The Higher Mind - Alternative View
The Human Brain - A Unique Transmitter Of Information From The Higher Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Human Brain - A Unique Transmitter Of Information From The Higher Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Human Brain - A Unique Transmitter Of Information From The Higher Mind - Alternative View
Video: Неделю готовился к рейду 10 человек онлайн Rust/Раст 2024, October

Everyone knows that people perceive any kind of information, be it sound, image, smell, taste or tactile information received through the organs of touch, and process them with their binary brain. For example, one of the scientifically proven facts is that a person sees not with his eyes, but with his brain. Like any modern fancy computer equipped with artificial intelligence, the human brain, as a biological natural neurocomputer, also works in a binary system and is able to process only two states - there is a signal from one neuron to another, or not, when there is no neuroimpulse. What if the pictures of the world around us in reality look completely different, and our brain, deceiving us, distorting the true picture of the world, draws imaginary details. Why would the brain fool its host?

Scientists today have already unanimously come to the conclusion that the gigantic hidden reserves of the human brain are controlled by some kind of higher inhibition systems so that humanity, which has not yet reached the maximum spiral of the evolutionary spiral of the universe, does not harm itself with unexpectedly opened opportunities. It turns out that by deceiving, our brain protects us. Then another question arises - from what does the brain try to isolate a person?

Some researchers are convinced that this is how the protection of a person from external information and abilities is arranged, for which humanity is not yet ready. And the brain is just a unique transmitter with the help of which a certain invisible Higher Mind guides our life. According to this version, the human mind is a powerful biocomputer with colossal capabilities.

The very origin of the human brain hides many mysteries. For a long time, scientists, guided by Darwin's theory of evolution, believed that its modern life form was formed from a nerve cell as a result of a chain of random mutations of living organisms as a result of the epochal impact of various natural mechanical phenomena. The first brain rudiments in invertebrates appeared more than 550 million years ago. About 65 million years ago, the primitive brain already looked like the brain of modern humans.

Hypnologists say that almost any person keeps in memory not only their prenatal experience, received in the womb, but even memories of past lives. According to them, such information can be obtained from each person during a hypnotic session.

In fact, the human brain remembers absolutely everything that happened at any second of its existence. The information received is stored on an internal biological "external disk" located in certain parts of the brain. Such a huge amount of information physically does not fit on one brain medium. Therefore, our brain plays the role of temporary random access memory, addressing for important information in the "cloud" intergalactic information storage, reminiscent of the Internet on Earth. For example, the latest research by scientists in this area has yielded unexpected results. It turned out that a mysterious space object - an external memory for earthlings can be mysterious, the most unexplored in the Cosmos all-consuming "black holes". They are like electronic conductors through which information reaches the Main center of the universe.

For a day, the human brain consumes tens of times more energy for the production of thoughts than for the work of any other organ. It is known that it only takes 2% of the structure of the whole organism, but it spends 20% of the oxygen supplied through the lungs, and 25% of the energy consumption of the whole organism. And this despite the fact that the human brain never works at full capacity. Therefore, in order to save vital resources, our subconscious mind encourages laziness in every possible way. The brain tries to solve any problems as easily and quickly as possible in order to spend a minimum of energy on its work.

Sometimes at critical moments in life, as a result of external strong influence on a person, in the event of injury and head injury, radiation, coma, a powerful post-traumatic stress factor, hypothermia and other similar conditions, incredible spontaneous metamorphoses happen to individuals. American psychoneurologists gave a general name to all suddenly discovered acquired human abilities - the phenomenon of channeling (from the English "channel" - in Russian, "channeling, opening a higher channel). Channeling is a channel of communication with supernaturals.

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Researchers are confident that there is a channel to the noosphere to the Information Belt of the "Psychozoic" era, where the global knowledge of mankind is accumulated from generation to generation. Such a channel was first mentioned in the oldest manuscripts of the Mayan times. All shamans of the world connect to this communication channel in order to receive valuable information, entering a special state of trance. The ancient chronicles of the Slavs and the manuscripts of the Ioist peoples, the Bible, the Koran, humanity received precisely through this information channel of communication with the Supreme Reason.

He became interested in the phenomenon of the noosphere at the beginning of the 20th century, and then the outstanding Russian scientist V. I. Vernadsky studied it in detail. He was deeply convinced that each person is in close, continuous connection with the Universe. Moreover, not only the Cosmos can influence the personality, but the human mind can also change the surrounding space with just the power of thought.

In Darwin's evolutionary materialism, the concept of human consciousness was completely excluded. The scientist attributed the human mind exclusively only to a biological machine governed by previously established laws. However, none of the scientists has been able to scientifically explain the facts confirming the effect on the brain from the outside.