What Happens If You Lose Sleep Forever - Alternative View

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What Happens If You Lose Sleep Forever - Alternative View
What Happens If You Lose Sleep Forever - Alternative View

Video: What Happens If You Lose Sleep Forever - Alternative View

Video: What Happens If You Lose Sleep Forever - Alternative View
Video: What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week? 2024, October

Many people are familiar with sleep problems. Someone suffers one night, someone longer, but then, as a rule, everything returns to normal. Usually, this unpleasant situation resolves itself. But what if you couldn't sleep for months or even the rest of your life?

3In 1964, American schoolboy Randy Gardner conducted an experiment that set the record for the duration of wakefulness - he did not sleep for 11 days and 25 minutes. Being in very good shape, Gardner could play sports even in the absence of sleep, but his cognitive and sensory abilities, thanks to which we sense and perceive the world around us and ourselves, gradually decreased. The more Gardner stayed awake, the more irritable he became, over time he began to experience difficulty concentrating, he developed hallucinations and problems with short-term memory. When the student's health was threatened, the experiment was stopped.

But experiments are one thing, and sometimes there is such a thing that experts have called "fatal family insomnia", it ends in failure.

When the disease appeared …

It is believed that this disease was first discovered in the 18th century by a Venetian physician who suddenly fell into a motionless stupor. Later, the same thing happened to his nephew Giuseppe, from him the disease began to be inherited to descendants.

However, the study of fatal familial insomnia began only in the 70s of the last century, when the Italian doctor Ignazio Reuter unsuccessfully tried to help his wife's aunt. Despite all the efforts of the physician, the woman suffering from insomnia practically could not sleep normally.


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Her condition worsened, and a year later she fell asleep, but already with eternal sleep. A relatively short time passed, and similar symptoms appeared already in the sister of the deceased aunt. The inability to provide assistance to relatives, as well as professional interest prompted Dr. Reuter to make a request to the psychiatric clinic, where the grandfather of the deceased women received treatment. The medical history showed that the elderly person had similar symptoms. This result made it possible to assume that doctors are faced with a disease that is in the nature of hereditary pathology.

In 1983, the disease struck another member of the family - this time the wife's uncle, who was the younger brother of women who was struck by a strange disease, fell ill. After the death of the man, there was no doubt that the disease is hereditary. Ignazio Reuter documented the entire course of the disease, and after a sad outcome, he made sure that the patient's brain was sent for research in the United States.

The cause of the disease

It was possible to establish the cause of the disease in the last years of the 20th century - it turned out that in the 178th gene of the 20th chromosome, aspartic acid was replaced by asparagine itself. This leads to the fact that the safe protein molecule changes its shape and turns into a disease-causing prion. Then the prion begins to affect other protein molecules, which are also reborn. As a result, amyloid plaques form in the thalamus (the part of the brain responsible for sleep), which causes sleep disturbances.

Results of a brain scan of a patient with fatal familial insomnia
Results of a brain scan of a patient with fatal familial insomnia

Results of a brain scan of a patient with fatal familial insomnia.

Depending on the mutation, the gene can cause various cognitive disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, such as mad cow disease in cattle, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and fatal familial insomnia in humans.

The disease is inherited by the dominant allele, so if both parents are healthy, then nothing threatens the children (the exception is extremely rare mutations). If one of the parents is sick, then the probability of transmission of the disease by inheritance is 50%. In total, there are now approximately 40 families in the world who suffer from fatal familial insomnia.

The disease itself manifests itself exclusively in adults aged 30 to 60 years and lasts from 6 to 48 months. Since the disease is hereditary, its treatment is, by definition, extremely difficult, at the moment a medicine has not yet been created.

What happens to a sleep deprived person

Fatal familial insomnia has four stages. Their duration is different, the average data will be indicated here:

  • The disease begins suddenly and for no apparent reason, at first there is simply a sleep disorder, which over time intensifies and turns into real insomnia, which is accompanied by panic attacks and unreasonable fears. This stage lasts about four months.
  • In the second stage, which lasts five months, the panic attacks intensify and hallucinations appear.
  • In the third stage, lasting about three months, sleep deprivation causes rapid weight loss and cognitive impairment.
  • Finally, in the fourth stage (which lasts six months), patients begin to suffer from dementia, in which there is a degradation of memory, thinking, behavior and the ability to perform daily activities. Occasionally it is still possible to awaken consciousness, but such flashes of reason are less frequent and last shorter and shorter. All you can do to help a patient is physical and mental support. At the end of the fourth stage, patients fall into a coma, then death occurs.

One of the patients, known as Daniel, struggled with the effects of the disease for a long time. He took vitamin supplements and played sports to improve his overall physical condition. When the vitamins stopped working, Daniel began to take anesthetics, thanks to this he was able to fall asleep for a short time, for about 15 minutes. Once during the treatment he had a microstroke, and he slept for three days.

He even purchased a sensory deprivation capsule. It is an egg-shaped capsule that almost completely limits the visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile sensations of the person who is in it.

This is what a sensory deprivation capsule looks like
This is what a sensory deprivation capsule looks like

This is what a sensory deprivation capsule looks like.

The device invented to stimulate muscle and mental relaxation has done him more harm than good. While in the capsule, in the absence of external stimuli, Danielle began to suffer from hallucinations, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Although Daniel's heart stopped two years after the onset of the disease, he was able to live longer and more efficiently than would have been expected at his diagnosis.