Experiments To Activate Chakra Energy - Alternative View

Experiments To Activate Chakra Energy - Alternative View
Experiments To Activate Chakra Energy - Alternative View

Video: Experiments To Activate Chakra Energy - Alternative View

Video: Experiments To Activate Chakra Energy - Alternative View
Video: We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future) 2024, September

The advanced Sons of Humanity have known all about chakras since time immemorial. But scholars became acquainted with Indian yoga in the late 19th century after Vivekonanda's speeches at the First World Parliament of Religions (Chicago, 1892). I am impressed by this philosopher from India, a student of Ramakrishna, who not only practiced and talked about the extraordinary abilities of yogis, but also participated in medical experiments for the scientific understanding of these processes.

True, the equipment in those years was primitive, and no significant breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of yoga were made. Just like the Soviet era, it was not possible to deal with Ninel Kulagina's telekinesis, Dzhuna Davitashvili's treatment, and Wolf Messing's predictions. And in our time, I have not seen decent instruments when studying the pyramid at Krasnaya Polyana.

Nevertheless, in order to ensure good health, modern man needs to take the very best from the methods developed by the Masters over the thousand-year history of India and China.

I liked the lessons of Indian instructors explaining that many diseases come from our lack of spirituality. I liked physical exercises that act on the diseased organs, or fill our body with energies. The only thing that annoyed me in these classes was that each of the teachers gave terminology in accordance with Hindu traditions. It seems that you are not attending yoga classes, but at Indian language courses.

According to Indian tradition, seven chakras function in the human body. In the book of V. N. Yuryev's "Universe of Psychics" (1999) already 15 centers for men and 17 for women are given. Each of the chakras is a generator or receiver of energies. Sound, light, taste, mechanical influences, and even a person's thought can make these centers function, and generate the energies necessary for the vital activity of human organs and systems.

We conducted an experiment: in the bathroom for 30 minutes in salt water, the energies of the whole body were released. Then a person meditated on a certain color, trying to saturate all the organs of his body with this color. Nearby lay a notebook and a set of colored markers. On the one hand, it allows one to deviate from a given color gamut, and on the other, to quickly apply on the contours of the drawing those zones where vibrations will be noticed, signaling the passage of energies. The results are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure: 1. Areas of the human body where vibrations were noticed when meditating on a certain color
Figure: 1. Areas of the human body where vibrations were noticed when meditating on a certain color

Figure: 1. Areas of the human body where vibrations were noticed when meditating on a certain color.

I don’t use Indian terminology in principle), and the adjacent areas of the skin reacted to the red color. Additionally, teeth ached (obviously there are neglected problems) and leg areas (chronic injuries of a former professional athlete). Consequently, this energy was required by the center that generates it, as well as sick organs, which regularly receive less of it.

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The orange color well highlighted the sex chakra in the lower abdomen, fingertips, buttocks and again legs. Yellow - solar plexus, and again the muscles of the legs. Green - small heart center, areas near the throat and solar plexus, legs and rectum.

Blue - led to pressure in the throat chakra, in the areas adjacent to it; in the legs. Blue - clear vibrations in the glabellar region, in the region of the heart, and again the legs. Purple - the crown, and separate areas of vibration on the upper half of the head. And unexpectedly for me inside the thighs (obviously bone marrow).

And all these changes are only from mental meditation on color. So every person has free opportunities to improve themselves. It is only necessary to mentally send a bunch of energy of the desired color to the diseased organ from time to time. It should be warned that with regular qigong practice, the human body moves to a higher level of functioning, and diseased organs sometimes require higher-frequency energies than before.

Deep removal of energy for salt water, followed by meditation on certain colors, from our point of view, is a rather informative technology in assessing the problems of various systems and human organs.

The second experiment was carried out with a specific physical impact (sound), at which both the frequency and amplitude of the signal can be measured. Headphones "TDS-4" and a generator of electrical signals "GZ-33" were used. The subjects put on headphones, and when the vibration frequency changed, they verbally indicated those parts and organs of their body where vibrations were clearly felt.

The vibration zones practically coincided with the zones of the first experiment. For example, at frequencies of 38–47 hertz, vibrations in the coccygeal chakra were clearly manifested. 47-53 hertz - led to vibrations in the genital center; from 54 to 4000 hertz of pressure in the solar plexus and heart chakra. In the range of 4000-6000 hertz - sensations in the throat center. 1500-2500 hertz - between the eyebrows; and from 4000 to 13000 hertz in the upper parts of the head. Vibrations were also observed in the zones of chronic injuries and diseased organs. Different subjects had slightly different resonance frequencies with energy centers.

Consequently, a person has a wide arsenal of his own therapeutic effects, both with the help of technical devices and with the help of meditation. And the more energy is supplied to diseased organs (with rare exceptions associated with inflammation and tumors), the faster recovery occurs. The more powerful a person's aura, the more difficult it is for sores to progress.

And yogis knew this several thousand years ago.

But, at the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is wrong to pin all hopes only on the large sizes of the aura. The frequencies at which the healer works are also important. Here I would like to give a conditional classification according to the passage of yoga steps by the inhabitants of India.

The first step is Tibetan yoga, as described by Blavatsky. When the trainees sit down in the cold in the "Lotus" position, and with the help of meditation they tear off the first chakra. Inducing powerful energy flows that melt the snow around the trainees.

One of my colleagues, with whom I attended all courses on Yoga and Qigong in the 1990s-2000s, had the experience of episodic opening of one chakra or another. He described the opening of his first energy center (by sensation) as "having a hair dryer in the back to dry the hair." And a strong stream of clearly felt red, hot energies going up. The next day the Felt-tip test (a simplified modification of the Luscher test) showed my friend's aversion to red objects. It was a signal that a person was going over red energy.

The second stage is the "Chinese" Tao of love ", as well as" Tantric sex ", where the efforts of the practitioners are aimed at developing the sex center.

The third energy center (located with the solar plexus) develops mainly through martial arts and Hatha yoga. The fourth is the heart center, with the cultivation of world religions, and in India with the help of Bhakti yoga (yoga of love). It is the energy of this center (green) that gives the greatest healing effect.

My partner, whom I mentioned earlier, had the experience of opening the heart chakra. This happened at night after meditating in qigong courses dedicated to this particular center. The sensations were unusual, as if the chest had opened, and warm energy filled the entire heart center. There was a feeling of euphoria and extraordinary love for the whole world. Endless love … But by morning the center closed and the extraordinary love gradually passed away.

And some people are striving to constantly open this center, as it happened with Helena Roerich.

Fifth, where the assemblage point of energies is located in the throat center, it trains with choral singing, teaching and cultivating Karma yoga. The sixth stage is associated with the development and accumulation of energy in the eyebrow center, and develops by creativity and invention. It is not for nothing that the Chinese Teachers said: "You cannot be wise with the wisdom of others." And they forced each of their students to look for "Their Way" and their own methods of self-improvement. And, probably, this is correct, since people are all unique and differ from each other in energy, education, upbringing, stable properties of their character, etc.

During one of the qigong practice sessions, one of the men opened an eyebrow center (the so-called "Third Eye"). And the lesson immediately turned into familiarizing this person with the additional possibilities of the vision of energy. And we, who did not have this ability, stood there, bored and terribly jealous.

But then I was lucky to observe the auras of other people myself. This happened after a group meditation of yogis in one of the circuses of Mount Achishkho, towering over Krasnaya Polyana. We meditated standing in a circle on the golden energy falling from above. And after that each of us saw auras around other people - a cocoon of bluish-gray color, reminiscent of cigarette smoke. In general, nothing interesting.

The seventh step is spirituality, wisdom. Perhaps in India these qualities are developed in Raja Yoga.

From nature and parents (at the genetic level), each of us receives a kind of "Project" - "The assembly point of energies." Those energies that are involved in the construction of the human body provide a certain hormonal background, a predisposition to diseases, and its nature. This also occurs in animals. And it is difficult for a lapdog to demand that she develop into a fighting dog and gnaw all her rivals in the ring.

But as a former athlete, I can also cite many examples when physically weak and sickly children trained hard and became champions (including the Olympic Games). Consequently, genetic prerequisites and persistent training are two most important aspects of the development of human energy.

Author: Lubomir Mudry