The Magic Of The Look - Alternative View

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The Magic Of The Look - Alternative View
The Magic Of The Look - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Look - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Look - Alternative View
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Eye contact usually lasts a few seconds, and this is quite enough to get the first impression about a person, to understand what he wants, how to interact with him. But not everyone knows the magic of sight, and therefore they are often mistaken.


Our eyes emit a huge amount of energy, causing a storm of joyful emotions or, conversely, a sharp rejection. This is how, through steady thought waves, we receive positive or negative charges that generate a chain reaction throughout the body. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to control your gaze.

You must admit that it is not particularly pleasant to look into the eyes of a person with a heavy or dull look and it is not easy to communicate with such people. It seems that the interlocutor is hiding something or is hostile. But remember how you felt when you looked into the eyes of the person with whom you immediately wanted to make contact. What attracted you? That's right, the positive energy of the look, touching the soul and causing a lot of positive emotions. Because a charming look is a sign of openness, friendliness, sincerity and reliability.

When communicating with such a person, one feels his interest and understanding. Such meetings are rare, and therefore they are significant.


Promotional video:

Magnetic gaze is, first of all, the ability to concentrate one's thoughts and transmit them to the interlocutor. Not everyone has such a gift from birth, but everyone can master some techniques that will allow you to establish the necessary contact.

It is useful to know that the left eye is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking. Therefore, in business communication, you should look at the interlocutor's left eye - this will inspire confidence. At the same time, it is important to concentrate your thoughts, to give the most concrete message ("pleasant meeting", "advantageous offer"). Do it in a relaxed way, know: looking too closely will create tension. Radiate joy and ease!

Fascination with the eye

The right eye transmits signals to the left hemisphere, which is responsible for sensory perception. If you want to please a person, concentrate on your desire by looking into his right eye. Send the energy of love to your interlocutor, talk about pleasant things from a pure heart. Your task is to follow your good thoughts, react very subtly and naturally to every word of a person, keep him in a good mood, and avoid harsh topics and judgments.


Many have noticed that contemplation of the colors of nature or vivid paintings and photographs of landscapes cheers up. This happens because you pass through yourself the colors of the creative force of the world, and therefore positive energies.

I propose to carefully consider your iris: it directly reflects our energy state. If the eyes are shining, it speaks of good health - physical, emotional, energetic. Sore and dull eyes are a sign of energy exhaustion. Do not allow such a state!

In healing practice, the main method of activating the function of the eyes is eye contact with fire. 15-20 minutes is enough to increase energy resources.

Meditation on a candle flame is very helpful. Sit in a comfortable position. Light a candle and look at the fire for about 3-5 minutes, mentally breathing in the energy of the flame, feel the light and warmth in your heart. Feel how they spread throughout the body, filling every cell of the body. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Smile. Relax. Calm your mind and allow the energy of fire to fill your aura. Continue to inhale for another 5-10 minutes. Enter the state of love: feel a source of bright light in the heart area, feel this energy throughout the body.

Come out of meditation with a feeling of joy and fulfillment.

Discover magnetic possibilities in yourself, use them intelligently and for the good!

Elena MAILI, ethnic parapsychologist, specialist in energy-informational forecasting.