Magic, Science And God - Alternative View

Magic, Science And God - Alternative View
Magic, Science And God - Alternative View

Video: Magic, Science And God - Alternative View

Video: Magic, Science And God - Alternative View
Video: Это Blizzard Entertainment 2024, September


A person is an interesting creature, he thinks himself very intelligent, unique and exceptional and loves himself so !!! What the real and exactly the unique and mysterious world does not notice around him. He believes that everything around him is so uninteresting, ordinary and mundane, of course, except for himself, so beloved and exceptional! For example, let's take this person as an example, but only his body, his soul will not be considered, there are enough newspapers, magazines, TV. and the Internet, horror films and horror stories are not included in our task. So this is what a man and all other mammals are made of: right from that very fertilized cell, which is almost the same for all of them. And now a chicken (of different species, colors and "varieties"), a rabbit, a ram and a man, a wolf, a cow and a bull is obtained from the cage, and all of them have different sizes, weights, abilities, etc. We are told thatthat everything is embedded in DNA, and this egg builds everything according to the program embedded in this DNA! And this is where the fun begins! And where did this DNA come from, and who created this very DNA, and the most diverse, and each has its own! And this is the hardest thing! And another question is also interesting, but why exactly she forces and controls the egg. How can she share and how exactly can she arrange all this and build the entire mechanism of building this living organism? And also, why should these eggs obey her? All this, they say, was created by chance - this is bullshit! So it turns out that besides the Lord God there was no one to do this! So religion and science are linked together, because DNA is the most complex thing with which genetic scientists work. And since God created DNA, then here is a direct connection between science and religion. Tserkovnikov,the author does not take into account the clergy. Because most of all they have no education and understanding of everything that is and what is happening, and very limited thinking. And about their psychology, greed, voluptuousness, intelligence is not even worth talking about. And Darwinism is a doctrine, it can be and can be applied anywhere: that, for some small and some areas, and that's it. But man arose, of course, not by Darwinism. But the monkey probably descended from man!But the monkey probably descended from man!But the monkey probably descended from man!

The opinion of the teacher of the church Quintus Tertulian, his thoughts are generally accepted by the church and are obligatory for all church hierarchs, and they support this with great joy and accept his words and views. By the way, almost all other teachers and church fathers adhere to these views. I strongly advise you to read the Patristics, and you will immediately have difficult questions for these clergy. For example, 120 AD, only 90 years have passed since the death and ascension of Our Lord, and the bishops already claim that they are allowed everything, including killing people! This is also written in the Patristics. Another statement of his is interesting, in two versions:

“The Son of God is crucified; we are not ashamed, although it is shameful.

And the Son of God died; this is quite reliable, because it is not consistent with anything.

And after the burial he rose again; this is undoubted, for it is impossible "[2] [3]

“The Son of God is born [crucified] - it is not a shame, for it is worthy of shame;

and the Son of God died - this is absolutely certain, for it is absurd;

Promotional video:

and, buried, he rose again - this is undoubtedly, for it is impossible. [1]

The author is an Orthodox believer and he does not recognize this utter nonsense! How can you be ashamed of Our Lord! And the fact that he was resurrected, how can it not be possible! It is simply a poverty of mind, education and conscience. This is all contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ! This is ordinary hypocrisy and hypocrisy of these so-called priests!

And one more quote that well reveals the baseness and poverty of the spirit of the clergy of the highest rank! "He served us well, this myth of Christ …" Pope Leo X, 16th century

Unfortunately, in this environment there have always been few really really smart and educated people. Except, of course, Mendel (the founder of genetics), teacher and father of the Church of Origen, and a few others. Because everyone who does not think so narrowly and narrowly as they do. They simply burned them, executed them, for example - this is Galileo, D. Bruno and many others. But they have it all because of their great pride and exorbitant money-grubbing! And the believers themselves have nothing to do with them, only one thing, how to cut coupons from them! And to be honest, they cause even greater harm to faith in our Lord! It is they who contribute to the development of atheism and unbelief. Look at how they live and act (live in wealth, gluttony, luxury, lust, debauchery and homosexuality), it is this (their actions, words and actions) that contradicts faith in God! The most interesting thing iswhich has now become well known in the media and the Internet. That there are a lot of Catholic priests from cardinals, archbishops, bishops and others, that they are massively involved in pedophilia. And they are very actively covered by all the highest Catholic hierarchs! And how does this fit with the teaching of the church and our Lord? Interesting yes! There are, of course, real priests, but unfortunately there are few of them, and they are constantly and viciously persecuted by higher hierarchs. According to the author, scientists (there are real scientists, not hereditary ones) are more true believers than these hierarchs! And a very interesting case happened in the 3rd century AD (if the author was certainly not mistaken in the date). One very educated and intelligent man, his criticism of Christianity so annoyed the bishops that they invited him to their place and offered him to become a bishop. He was very surprised and said to them, "But I don't believe in Christ and am against you all?" And they answered him, and you first stand, and then you will see for yourself. He became a bishop out of interest, and what do you think, the criticism stopped and all problems with him were resolved. Which was required.

But that's not all, let's go further by connecting science, religion and magic together! Let's go ahead and take the Bible first. Here are quotes from it confirming that magic, healing, astrology are contained in the Bible. And it is intensively applied there, and the churchmen themselves do not say that this is all from Satan and the application of all this is a great sin. Then it is the Lord Himself who sins, this is what he says and indicates! This means Moses is a great sinner! The son of God Jesus Christ is also a sinner! Here are quotes from the Bible that confirm this. Book, page, chapter, verse number, so that no one has doubts about it. By the way, believers were forbidden to read the Bible (Popes, one of the popes was even a pirate at one time), and all the religious wars in Europe were mainly for the very reasonthat some peoples only wanted to translate it into their own language. And for this they were massively killed and burned as heretics, by the way, true believing Christians who only wanted to read the Bible in their own language. By the way, these very humane clergy (love your neighbor) burned 13 million people at the stake of the Inquisition, of which about 70% were women. All beautiful women were burned, they were considered the offspring of the devil (and they still think so), therefore, until now in Europe, most women are ugly. and if there are beautiful women there now, it is only thanks to the Soviet soldiers that war is war. The gene pool of the clergy has been violated, and for this they still need to be respected? They have done more harm than good.who just wanted to read the Bible in their own language. By the way, these very humane clergy (love your neighbor) burned 13 million people at the stake of the Inquisition, of which about 70% were women. All beautiful women were burned, they were considered the offspring of the devil (and they still think so), therefore, until now in Europe, most women are ugly. and if there are beautiful women there now, it is only thanks to the Soviet soldiers that war is war. The gene pool of the clergy has been violated, and for this they still need to be respected? They have done more harm than good.who just wanted to read the Bible in their own language. By the way, these very humane clergy (love your neighbor) burned 13 million people at the stake of the Inquisition, of which about 70% were women. All beautiful women were burned, they were considered the offspring of the devil (and they still think so), therefore, until now in Europe, most women are ugly. and if there are beautiful women there now, it is only thanks to the Soviet soldiers that war is war. The gene pool of the clergy has been violated, and for this they still need to be respected? They have done more harm than good.and if there are beautiful women there now, it is only thanks to the Soviet soldiers that war is war. The gene pool of the clergy has been violated, and for this they still need to be respected? They have done more harm than good.and if there are beautiful women there now, it is only thanks to the Soviet soldiers that war is war. The gene pool of the clergy has been violated, and for this they still need to be respected? They have done more harm than good.

Getting started:

1. About astrology.

1. The first book of Moiseev. Being. Chapter 1. page 1. Verse number 14.

And the Lord said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, to separate day from night, and for signs and seasons and days and years.

Commentary: word sign.

Sign - (other Rus. - sign, seal) - a phenomenon of nature or an image, a sign, a special omen, predicting, warning people about upcoming, as a rule, fateful events. Perceived by people as a heavenly sign, Divine sending, foretelling … Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

These are exactly what astrology does.

Here is one more proof from the great Soviet astrologer and bioenergy therapist and surgeon S. Vronsky [43,131-135]. He worked for Soviet intelligence. He studied in the 30s of the last century in Nazi Germany at the Institute of Radiology. Later he practiced astrology and treated the Nazi bosses. In particular, the famous Hess, Hitler's deputy for the party (they were even friends with Hess), Bormann became Hess's successor. And on the advice of Vronsky, who calculated his horoscope, he (Hess) fled to England by plane. By the way, that's why he stayed alive, he was not executed. Here are his recommendations for the timing of surgery, but this also applies to healers. The time of the passage of the transiting Moon by the signs of the Zodiac and its degrees, by the human organs is given.

Determination of the transiting moon according to the tear-off calendar or any where there is an indication of the passage of the moon in the zodiac sign. The date and time of the beginning of the passage of the Moon along this sign and also the end of the passage are taken. All this time is summed up and divided by 30 degrees, now you know how many hours and crumples fall on 1 degree. And translate back into the hours of the day. Now you know the right and wrong times for surgery. And this one:

Vronsky's appeal. To all surgeons.

“Dear colleagues and comrades“on the scalpel”, dear students - future surgeons, my dear friends and old acquaintances!

I, a former military doctor and surgeon, appeal to all of you with an appeal to listen to the voice of reason and to the experience accumulated for centuries by those surgeons who, in their hard work, always, if possible, use the rules of astrological science. Beginning in 1970, I passed these rules to many Moscow doctors and surgeons and, thank God, they all work not only successfully, but simply magnificently, all this time the surgeons using my advice and recommendations did not have a single misfire. I myself had to part with the scalpel on January 13, 1943, after being seriously wounded, when both my hands were permanently disabled, when I was permanently disabled. But my spirit conquered the suffering of the body, and my soul helped the perception of the spirit. I did not die physically, spiritually or morally. And although front-line sores make us remember them more and more often, we do not complain, do not lose heart, and still win. I don’t know how it would have been possible alone, but I have friends, very close friends who help me, just like it was once in the camps. My dears, dear, once again, endless gratitude for your sincerity and warmth, and for your selfless help. For all …."

Sergey Vronsky.

When the transiting moon passes through the following zodiac signs and their degrees, surgical interventions in the area of the following parts of the body and organs are excluded.

These tables and quotes are taken from the book by Sergei Vronsky. [43]

When the transiting moon passes through the following zodiac signs and their degrees, surgical interventions in the area of the following parts of the body and organs are excluded.

Note: If you need these tables, they are given in my book, too much trouble to insert here.

This is clear evidence of the existence of astrology and its benefits, for those who do not believe in it, they can check it scientifically. How? Quite simply, statistics. Take any hospital, and check all operations for a rather long time. And check these operations using this method for mortality, if it is more than 60%, then it certainly works, but the author thinks that the percentage of deaths will be much higher.

2. Prophetic dreams.

2. Book of Genesis. Chapter 40 and 41 p. 38-40.

Comments: I will not quote too much, but there are three prophetic dreams come true in a row. At Joseph the Beautiful. And what to talk about, see for yourself almost all divine revelations in the Bible come to people in a dream! And not only in the Bible itself, many different saints also received divine revelations in a dream. Yes, and Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Elements came in a dream, and it was actually a revelation and true! In a dream, a German scientist organic chemist had a more open formula for benzene. And this revelation also turned out to be true! So there are prophetic dreams and there are many confirmations of this. But we are not yet all and do not quite know how to use it correctly. But there are people who can control dreams, and this benefits them. They are the Senoi tribe from Malaysia. And what is most interesting is that they are surrounded by aggressive and very warlike tribes,and this tribe is peaceful and calm, does not bother anyone. But everyone who surrounds them is mortally afraid of them, do you understand what the author is talking about? Lethal for them if they disturb them!

3. The use of magic, repeated by Moses.

3. Book of Exodus. Chapter 4. p. 80. Verse number 1-5. Let me give you a brief summary.

Verse 2. And the Lord said to him, "What is this in your hand?" He answered: "Rod".

Verse 3. The Lord said, "Throw him on the ground." He threw it to the ground, and the rod turned into a serpent, and Moses fled from him.

Verse 4. And the Lord said to Moses: "Stretch out your hand and take it by the tail." He stretched out his hand and took it; and he became a rod in his hand.

Comments: This is about a magic wand, a wand of wizards and sorcerers. Remember the books about Harry Potter, he had a magic wand. Categories: magic staves, wands and wands. And what will the clergy say to this? This is the most magical action with a wand. By the transformation of the rod, into a living being and back. Let anyone try and say that this is neither magic, nor a magical action! All you need to do is to read and understand correctly, paying attention to the meaning of the text.

4. Book of Exodus. Chapter 7 page 83. Verses 10-12.

Verse 10. Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord commanded. And Aaron threw down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

Verse 11. And Pharaoh called for wise men and sorcerers; and these wise men of Egypt did the same with their enchantments.

Verse 12. Each one of them threw down his rod, and they became serpents; but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.

Comments: Now another magician has appeared and also with a rod that can turn him into a snake. But the most interesting thing from the Pharaoh's side came sorcerers (that is, magicians and sorcerers), who did the same with their wands. It turns out that Moses and Aaron can and will also be correctly called sorcerers, and this is the same as magicians and sorcerers. So it turns out that if in the Bible such famous people, called by our Lord himself, were engaged in magic, and at the behest of our Lord himself! So, magic can be practiced and it is not forbidden, but on the contrary is permitted by our Lord himself! And what will these churchmen say to this now! It is written in the Bible and there are the words of the Lord! The main thing is not to harm, and not to harm anyone or anything.

5. Book of Exodus. Chapter 17, page 92 Verses 1-6 Short.

Verse 6. Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you will hit the rock, and water will flow out of it, and the people will drink. And Moses did so in the eyes of the elders of Israel.

And the Lord said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, to separate day from night, and for signs and seasons and days and years.

Commentary: word sign.

Sign - (other Rus. - sign, seal) - a phenomenon of nature or an image, a sign, a special omen, predicting, warning people about upcoming, as a rule, fateful events. Perceived by people as a heavenly sign, Divine sending, foretelling … Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

Comments: Well, here's another magical effect, just hit the rock with a magic staff and water came from there, just the water from their stone flowed out! Moses has more magical actions, but let's take another better.

6. The third book of the kingdom. Chapter 18. Page 389-391. Verses 30-38 I quote briefly.

Verse 34. And he said, Fill four buckets of water, and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood. Then he said: Repeat. And they repeated. And he said: Do the same a third time. And they did it for the third time.

Verse 38. And the fire of the Lord sent down and devoured the burnt offering, and wood, and stones, dust, and swallowed up the water that was in the pit.

Comments: Well, who will again say that this is not magic or magical action! It turns out that the prophet Elijah is a real fire magician, and not just a fire magician. Indeed, in order for the fire to consume both stones and dust, this fire must have the function of a dragon's flame! According to all sources, only the dragon's flame is able to make stones burn, so that they can completely burn out! Well, let's finish with the Old Testament, too much will have to be cited.

And what we see is that religion is represented by the most important book of the Bible (so far only the Old Testament). And all believers in our Lord, both Jews and Christians, that magic, witchcraft, sorcery is one and together with religion exists inextricably and inseparably. And by the way, the author gave not all examples of the use of magic, witchcraft from the Bible. And also a very significant remark, without magic, witchcraft and sorcery, the Jewish people could not have escaped from Egypt and survive in the desert, and of course they would not have gone to their promised land!

Let's move on to the New Testament.

Astrology. The birth of Jesus Christ was predicted by the wise men.

In the Gospel, the word "wise men" means astrologers and wise men. Observing the heavenly bodies, they saw a hitherto unknown phenomenon and, knowing about the ancient prophecy, went to Bethlehem to see the born King of Glory. This is from Wikipendia.

Gospel according to Matthew. Chapter 2. Verse 1-12. Not all are necessary.

Verse 1. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, magicians from the east came to Jerusalem and said:

Verse 2. Where is the one who is born the King of the Jews? For we have seen a star in the east and have come to worship Him.

Here's to you, please, the proof of the application and recognition of astrology given in the main book of believers in Our Lord. What can we talk about here, and let all these illiterate ministers try to object to something. And some of the so-called scientists in their obscurantism. Modern scholars are, for the most part, an unofficial offshoot of the Jesuit order - inquisitors. But they do the same thing, they forbid and do not allow to develop everything new in science! You can't - zya! This is all anti-scientific!

Treatment of the sick. Healing.

Chapter 8. Verse 14. I came to the house of Peter, Jesus saw his mother-in-law lying in a fever,

Verse 15. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her, she got up and served them.

Here is a visual demonstration of the healing used by all healers, psychics. Well, now, what will the obscurantists say, who sing so harmoniously and in unison, the same thing as blood brothers and in spirit too! Gemini are inquisitors.

Purely magical actions, work with the elements of air and water.

Chapter 8. Verse 23-27.

Verse 26. And he saith to them: Why are you so fearful, you of little faith? Then he got up, forbade the winds and the sea, and there was a great silence.

So this is the real magic, work with the elements, which the most ordinary magician, psychic should be able to do. If, of course, he works on himself, and does not deal with the golden calf and fraud.

Further, the author will not give examples, because there are too many of them, I think there are enough of them.

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races." Author: Valery Asadov
