Old, New Physics - Alternative View

Old, New Physics - Alternative View
Old, New Physics - Alternative View

Video: Old, New Physics - Alternative View

Video: Old, New Physics - Alternative View
Video: This result could change physics forever 2024, September


This is such a light, and concrete irony in relation to mastodons.

These are the actions of some leaders who dared to appropriate the Lord's rights to the Truth!

"We will crucify them and cast them into the abyss of these sinners! Those who dared to think differently than WE think! And just think, they dared to encroach on the most sacred thing in this world! On our Views and our Authority."

Yes it is, old and new physics. New physics (already the third in a row) appeared in the last century, and has already existed for more than 40 years, so in terms of age it is already old, but in spirit and content it is new, and it will remain so for a very long time. There is a ban on all new knowledge established by high officials from science. Apparently they are in great difficulty with something. And that's why they are so diligent that they do not let anything new. Because with such small and very modest intellects. They cannot understand anything new, and they do not want everyone else to know about it! Only such statements are allowed: "it can be" or "or it is possible", but to say exactly what and how it is already impossible. Example: There are hundreds of studies and thousands of articles written on dark matter! And how can you talk about what is not,and there was not when! This is absurd. Typical intelligent delirium, to look for something that does not exist, and where there is no when and what is not. Like how beautiful Malevich's painting "Black Square" is.

"But how much he put his thoughts and images into the same place, unfortunately not everyone can understand this, except of course us, real hereditary intellectuals in the seventh generation and members of a decent society!"

A. Garin

Look, the optical and virial mass of stars, quasars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies should always be the same. And when scientists calculate these values, they get a big difference between them, which should not be properly. But the whole error of these calculations is precisely “that it can have such a seemingly significant value,” meaning the age of the Universe is about 14.4 or 15 billion years. I emphasize "it may seem to have." And the value of the Hubble constant depends on the age of the Universe, with the help of which all this is calculated. Not the order of the Lord, you know. The age of the universe has long been known and precisely: 291,604,086,700 years. And if, on the basis of this age of the Universe, we calculate the Hubble constant (and in one formula, when calculating, it is necessary to replace the coefficient 1/30 by 1/60), then we obtain the same values of the optical and virial masses of stars, quasars,galaxies, galaxy clusters. And there is no dark matter, and scientists are working so hard, working on this problem! But, in fact, it was possible to solve the problem of dark matter even without dynamic temporal physics! All that had to be equated to the virtual optical mass (let us take the Coma cluster of galaxies, from which it all started at Zwicky) and calculate the Hubble constant. And then, with this new Hubble constant, make new calculations for all other astronomical objects. Make an additional clarifying correction, and the whole problem of dark matter would have been closed long ago. Good Lord! And one more point, the question is often raised of how our Universe will develop, expand infinitely, or there will be other options. And all this will depend on the average density of the Universe, that is,how it will differ from the critical density of the universe. So the average density of our Universe is exactly equal to the critical density, exactly the same formulas. And this density is equal at the moment = 1.7475 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3, and the mass = 1.857 * 10 ^ 57 grams, and the radius = 2.758 * 10 ^ 24 km. When the age of the Universe is 500,000,000,000 years, then its mass will be =, 1845 * 10 ^ 58 grams, its radius = 4.7303 * 1024 km, and the average density = 1.001 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3. There is a direct relationship (expressed by the formula) the more the mass of the Universe, the less the mass of the protonWhen the age of the Universe is 500,000,000,000 years, then its mass will be =, 1845 * 10 ^ 58 grams, its radius = 4.7303 * 1024 km, and the average density = 1.001 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3. There is a direct relationship (expressed by the formula) the more the mass of the Universe, the less the mass of the protonWhen the age of the Universe is 500,000,000,000 years, then its mass will be =, 1845 * 10 ^ 58 grams, its radius = 4.7303 * 1024 km, and the average density = 1.001 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3. There is a direct relationship (expressed by the formula) the more the mass of the Universe, the less the mass of the proton

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Second example: Geophysicists are divided into two hostile camps, Mobilism and Fixism. Mobilism explains one half of the problems of geophysics, and the other cannot. And Fixism explains that which Mobilism cannot explain. But he himself cannot explain the problems that Fixism explains. It's just some kind of nightmare, and how can scientists work in such an atmosphere? One says that the continental plates are moving, and the other says that the vertical salts of the Earth are moving, but this is certainly a little oversimplified. And in fact, the still prominent Australian geophysicist W. Kerry claims that our planet is expanding, and gives 15 confirmations about this in his book, but he does not know the reasons for this. But it's actually very simple. Yes, our planet is expanding, so take and inflate a balloon, and then draw a globe on it. And start to inflate it further and you will take away how all the continents begin to diverge (continental moves), and if you release air, the continents will begin to approach. And by the way, the layers of the planet also move (vertically). This is actually so, and the reason for this is that elementary particles (proton and electron) expand over time (which means that the planet expands), but since they also lose their mass, a temporary mass defect occurs 1- second and second kind (which is similar to a nuclear mass defect, that is, a nuclear explosion) but the effect is very soft and gentle, but two, three orders of magnitude more powerful. Our planet is just heated by a temporary mass defect of the 2nd kind. And a temporary mass defect is like a difference in the mass of a proton according to the level of occurrence of the layers of the planet, the lower the layer, the greater the mass of the proton, and the less radius,and his age is naturally less. This is all determined and calculated by the Victorian transformation formula (replaces the Lorentz transformation), which links matter, space and time into a single whole. Already 5 billion years have passed on the surface of the Earth, then only 5 million years have passed in the center of the Earth, the difference in the layers of the planet in time is only three orders of magnitude. And when magma begins to rise to the surface of the Earth, then a temporary type 1 mass defect comes into effect. When magma rises to the surface of the planet, the mass of the proton begins to decrease rapidly, transferring all the energy to heating (increasing the temperature) of the magma, and the flow of magma begins to rapidly increase in its volume, and what does this affect the gentlemen?which connects matter, space and time into a single whole. Already 5 billion years have passed on the surface of the Earth, then only 5 million years have passed in the center of the Earth, the difference in the layers of the planet in time is only three orders of magnitude. And when magma begins to rise to the surface of the Earth, then a temporary type 1 mass defect comes into effect. When magma rises to the surface of the planet, the mass of the proton begins to decrease rapidly, transferring all the energy to heating (increasing the temperature) of the magma, and the magma flow begins to rapidly increase in its volume, and what does this affect gentlemen?which connects matter, space and time into a single whole. Already 5 billion years have passed on the surface of the Earth, then only 5 million years have passed in the center of the Earth, the difference in the layers of the planet in time is only three orders of magnitude. And when magma begins to rise to the surface of the Earth, then a temporary type 1 mass defect comes into effect. When magma rises to the surface of the planet, the mass of the proton begins to decrease rapidly, transferring all the energy to heating (increasing the temperature) of the magma, and the magma flow begins to rapidly increase in its volume, and what does this affect gentlemen?then a temporary type 1 mass defect comes into force. When magma rises to the surface of the planet, the mass of the proton begins to decrease rapidly, transferring all the energy to heating (increasing the temperature) of the magma, and the magma flow begins to rapidly increase in its volume, and what does this affect gentlemen?then a temporary type 1 mass defect comes into force. When magma rises to the surface of the planet, the mass of the proton begins to decrease rapidly, transferring all the energy to heating (increasing the temperature) of the magma, and the flow of magma begins to rapidly increase in its volume, and what does this affect the gentlemen?

Tritium example: All this orgy with the collider and the search for new elementary particles. There are no new particles, there are only a few of them: a proton and an electron, a photon and two types of neutrinos, and that's it. True, there are also so-called excited particles (all other particles belong to this section), but this is not entirely normal (remember yourself when you see something, so beautiful and perfect, in its natural form! Will you be normal and calm?) … You can't always be excited as a secondary and additional background, then yes, but that's all. Each of you can calculate all the formulas of dynamic temporal physics on the basis of the school curriculum in physics and mathematics. Just over knowing what to look for, and where to start, and what exactly needs to be taken as a basis, it's all so simple and uncomplicated. The most important thing in a person is his curiosity and curiosity and thirst for new knowledge and desire to explore existing and be a seeker of Truth! Feel like a reasonable person and a creator! And of course observe the (real) ethics of a scientist and a person! Do no harm to anyone with your research, and do not appropriate or steal strangers! May the force be with you! Try and suddenly you get something more new and entertaining, the author will only be glad of your success in learning and exploring our, your world!something newer and more entertaining, the author will only be glad of your success in learning and exploring our, your world!something newer and more entertaining, the author will only be glad of your success in learning and exploring our, your world!

Sincerely the Assads. Go for it!

Below are the data of calculating the parameters of the Universe by 9 parameters. Calculations were made according to the formulas of dynamic time physics. This is a good example of what this new physics can do, and this is the smallest part of it. The fact that all this data is accurate, you can check it all very easily. If you are familiar with physics and mathematics, you should know about the control points by which the entire calculation is checked. I will only list a few of these points, the rest if you need to find yourself. The first point is the Problems of hidden mass in clusters of galactaks (dark matter), the critical mass formula, the derivation of the Avagadro constant, and so on.

At the time of the birth of the universe

1. Mass of the Universe = 1.539 grams * 10 ^ -5 grams.

1. Apeiron mass = 1.539 * 10 ^ -5 grams

2. Time of birth of the Universe = 7.6234 * 10 ^ -44 sec.

3. Density of Apeyron = 3.0786468 * 10 ^ 92 g / cm ^ 3

3. Density of the Universe = 3.0786468 * 10 ^ 92 g / cm ^ 3

7. Number of Apeiron (plankeons) = 1 piece!

For 1 second.

1. Mass of the Universe = 2.019 * 10 ^ 38 grams

2. The radius of the Universe = 2.9979 * 10 ^ 5 km.

3. Density of the Universe = 5.9678 * 10 ^ -5 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 1.539 * 10 ^ -5 grams.

6. The density of the proton = 1.2407 * 10 ^ 91 g / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons = 1.31222 * 10 ^ 43 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 1.503 * 10 ^ 10 cm / sec ^ 2.

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 70.74 rad / year

For 1000 years.

1. Mass of the Universe = 6.369 * 10 ^ 48 grams

2. Radius of the Universe = 9.4605 * 10 ^ 15 km

3. Density of the Universe = 5.993 * 10 ^ -23 g / cm ^ 3

4. The mass of the proton = 4.88 * 10 ^ -16 grams.

5. Hubble constant 10 ^ 9 km / s per Mpc.

6. Proton density = 3.639 * 10 ^ 28 g / cm ^ 3

7. Number of protons = 1,305 * 10 ^ 64 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 0.4765 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 3.88 * 10 ^ -8 rad / year

For 100,000 years.

1. Mass of the Universe = 6.369 * 10 ^ 50 grams

2. The radius of the Universe = 9.460 * 10 ^ 17 km

3. Density of the Universe = 5.993 * 10 ^ -25 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 4.88 * 10 ^ -18 grams

5. Hubble constant 10 ^ 7 km / s per Mpc.

6. Proton density = 3.639 * 10 ^ 20 g / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons = 1,305 * 10 ^ 68 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 4.765 * 10 ^ -3 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 3.88 * 10 ^ -9 rad / year

For 1 million years.

1. Mass of the Universe = 6.369 * 10 ^ 51 grams

2. The radius of the Universe = 9.4605 * 10 ^ 18 km

3. Density of the Universe = 5.993 * 10 ^ -26 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 4.88 * 10 ^ -19 grams.

5. Hubble constant 10 ^ 6 km / s per Mpc.

6. Proton density = 3.639 * 10 ^ 16 g / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons 1,305 * 10 ^ 70 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 4.765 * 10 ^ -4 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 1.227 * 10 ^ -9 rad / year

For 1 billion years.

1. Mass of the Universe = 6.639 * 10 ^ 54 grams

2. The radius of the Universe = 9.4605 * 10 ^ 18 km

3. Density of the Universe = 5.993 * 10 ^ -25 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 4.88 * 10 ^ -22 grams

5. Hubble constant 10 ^ 6 km / s per Mpc.

6. The density of the proton = 3.1102 * 10 ^ 14 g / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons = 1.305 * 10 ^ 76 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 4.765 * 10 ^ -7 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 3.88 * 10 ^ -11 rad / year

For 100 billion years.

1. Mass of the Universe = 6.369 * 10 ^ 56 grams

2. The radius of the Universe = 9.4605 * 10 ^ 23 km

3. Density of the Universe = 5.993 * 10 ^ -31 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 4.88 * 10 ^ -24 grams

5. Hubble constant 10 km / s per Mpc.

6. The density of the proton = 4.3164 * 10 ^ 16 grams / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons = 1.305 * 10 ^ 80 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 4.765 * 10 ^ -9 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 3.88 * 10-12 rad / year

Now (291.6 billion years)

1. Mass of the Universe = 1.857 * 10 ^ 57 grams

2. Radius of the Universe = 2.7587 * 10 ^ 24 km

3. Density of the Universe = 1.7475 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 1.672 * 10 ^ -24 grams

5. Hubble constant = 3.3236 km / s per Mpc.

6. Proton density =

7. The number of protons = 1.111 * 10 ^ 80 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 1.6339 * 10 ^ -9 cm / sec ^ 2

9. Rotation speed of the Universe = 4.2232 * 10 ^ -13 rad / year Avogadro constant = 6.022045 * 10 ^ 23 mol ^ -1

10. Mass of a virtual particle of vacuum = 2.75343 * 10 ^ -26 grams.

11. Avogadro's constant = 6.022045 * 10 ^ 23 mol ^ -1

For 500 billion years in the future.

1. Mass of the Universe = 3.1845 * 10 ^ 58 grams

2. Radius of the Universe = 4.7303 * 10 ^ 24 km

3. Density of the Universe = 1.001 * 10 ^ -32 g / cm ^ 3

g / cm ^ 3

4. Proton mass = 9.76 * 10 ^ -25 grams

5. Hubble constant 2 km / sec / Mpc.

6. Density of a proton = 2.22 * 10 ^ 15 g / cm ^ 3

7. The number of protons = 3.065 * 10 ^ 82 pieces

8. Absolute acceleration = 9.530 * 10 ^ -14 cm / sec ^ 2

9. The speed of rotation of the Universe = 9.162 * 10 ^ -13 rad / year

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races." Author: Valery Asadov