Characteristics Of Objects - Alternative View

Characteristics Of Objects - Alternative View
Characteristics Of Objects - Alternative View

Video: Characteristics Of Objects - Alternative View

Video: Characteristics Of Objects - Alternative View
Video: K12 Grade 1 - Science: Characteristics of the Things Around Us 2024, September


Sciences are divided into natural, unnatural and unnatural.

L. Landau

The sciences are divided into those permitted by their Lordships. And not allowed, damned smerds!

A. Garin

Properties and characteristics of objects.

This is a specific topic, and it has nothing to do with the occult. This is the other side of the coin. This is a manifestation of the Matrix in our life with you and this is a completely different (different) view of the world and the perception of this world. It is a world of images and objects. And also their actions. The ways of impacts and interactions are considered.

Main characteristics of Objects: FURNITURE, REFRIGERATOR, CAR, COW, MONKEY, MAN.

Promotional video:



The more complex the object and the more intensive its use, the faster and more it gains memory. The more he has the opportunity to express himself in the field of events

7.1.2. Object shape and volume

Many of its properties depend on the shape and volume of an object. If the shape is smooth and has a large surface, then the information is better recorded and stored. And if uneven, then poor recording and storage quality. Volume also affects the quantity and quality of information. The recording takes place in layers and holographically.

7.1.3. Density, plasticity, hardness of the object

The more an object has the ability to pass from one state to another, change plasticity and hardness - the more perfect this object.



Water has the largest field of memory and events, but since it is very plastic, memory is lost after a few days (three days). But if you lay the memory in a plastic state, and then quickly transfer it to a solid state, then the memory field will be preserved (as long as it remains in a solid state).


If on January 19 holy water is transferred to ice, then the memory of the object will be preserved as long as the water is solid. It is enough to throw an ice cube with memory into a glass of water, and then you will receive fresh January Epiphany water and its field of events. Also, other objects made of such materials as: - wax, paraffin, iron, if they are put into memory in a liquid state and transferred to a solid state, then the memory field will be preserved. This way you can get new properties of the object. If we take different metals and put a memory in them in a semi-liquid state, and then cool them down quickly, then this metal product will have new properties, as well as new event fields. But all this must be done very carefully so as not to let out some kind of beast. Wood, stone, metal, wax statues have different memory, small for wood and stone statues,stronger for metal statues. When he passes from a liquid to a solid state, if he prays at the same time, the prayer will be recorded and penetrate into the metal. This is why bronze statues and bells have a strong field of events. But the wax statue gets the strongest field of memory (because it is very plastic). Due to plasticity and memory, moreover, it has a very large field of events. If you put thermal imagers in the museum of wax figures, then at night from the tracking room, you can see how their temperature will rise, in order to increase plasticity and transition to the current state. In Hong Kong, at the office of a large corporation, a meeting was held on the topic of toxic substances and gases. There was only water on the table, the meeting lasted 5 hours. Then an ambulance took everyone who was in the office to a hospital with severe poisoning. But the reason was not found, after first aid they were sent home. They brought memory (poisoning other people with chemicals) into the object's memory field (water), and the water gave out the field of events, and those who drank the water became "fun and good" (joke). Therefore, objects (especially those that are often in contact at home or at work) chairs, tables, wardrobes, beds, sofas, refrigerators, cars, televisions, remotes, etc. … and constantly remember everything in the memory field. But then the field of events already begins to work, and whether it is good or bad depends on ourselves. A mirror, a computer, a telephone, and one more object … belong to objects of a different kind, but they have the characteristics of ordinary objects, but they also have foreign characteristics. If the computer and telephone are still local objects,then here is the mirror and … these objects are completely foreign and very dangerous. They have a very strong field of memory and a very, very, strong field of events. The further you are from them, the better. And if you try to influence them, or use them as some kind of device, then it will still be those horror films that will not seem a little to anyone. And if someone tries to do something, not what is needed, then they will come to him. And the guest consequences will depend on his "righteous deeds"! I strongly advise against trying this! The most interesting thing is that the author many times erased from this article the phrase "here is a mirror and … these objects are completely foreign" the word indicated by dots. And this text appears over and over again. Therefore, the author is forced to leave it, but this is not the author's decision. It is impossible to count the Information, it is already deadly!The author knows this in practice (on his own), you know very unpleasantly and it hurts!


7.2.1. Memory field

Each object has a memory, but it is different both in characteristics and in the strength of the impact.

Weak memory field:

1. Chair, table, wardrobe.

2. TV, refrigerator, piano.

3. Buildings, mausoleums, pyramids.

Good memory field:

4. Cars, planes, watches.

5. Paintings, statues and other creations.

6. Computers, tablets, phones.

Strong memory field:

7. Water, wax.

8. Crystals, mirror.

9. Man, animal.

Objects of the 1st kind.

Their memory (permanent) is written on its surface as if in layers. Every day, a new layer (but if there is no movement around the object, there are no events). If you create a device for reading the memory of an object, then it will be possible to read information and see what happened around this object in the past.

Objects of the 2nd kind.

Their memory (continuously intermittent) is recorded not only on the surface but also on moving parts.

Objects of the 3rd kind.

Memory (static) is recorded along the surface and internal structure of an object, albeit at a shallow depth. But on the other hand, it is thorough and strong (due to large outbursts of emotions), and since the area and volume of objects is large, the field of events is also grandiose.

Objects of the 4th kind

Memory (dynamic - intermittent) is recorded on all parts and surfaces, as well as in the form of jets and vortices (therefore, this object seems to have a living field of events and can be very dangerous). Example: In Russia, one male object was bought by a "Muscovite" (car). After some time he started having problems in all aspects of his life and he had to sell this car very cheaply. Soon his car was returned to him, he sold it again (even cheaper), he was returned again. And when he sold it again, after a short time the buyer came to his apartment, threw the keys and quickly ran away and did not even take the money. He had to fill the car with gas, insert the keys into the lock and leave the car door ajar. But all the hijackers bypassed this car. And to get rid of this car, he moved to another city. The car is standing still, and for some reason no one wants to steal it (especially since there is no one to be indignant)? And the car in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed, it was from this event that the First World War began. He still kills all of his owners. Those who buy it, well, he liked it, the car. And after all, they buy him again and again, and he kills his owners again and again.

Object of the 5th kind.

Memory (permanently static). Throughout the square and the internal structure, it is completely saturated with emotions, feelings and information. The field of events is very strong, it can completely absorb (literally eat the original object).


The artist painted a person - he dies after a short period of time, he draws the next - he also dies, once again draws another, and he dies. Such artists were in Russia and abroad. Moreover, they are very famous and well-known, and the field of events can periodically turn on, transferring the original object completely to itself (inexplicable incidents) in different cities.

Objects of the 6th kind.

Memory (dynamic). These objects (computers, telephones) have memory in the form of vortices and jets, it behaves like a living one. She can be offended, angry, and to be honest (the author has noticed this more than once), she has a female character. Therefore, computers, tablets and smartphones often conflict with their owners, because everyone knows that one woman always has a negative attitude towards another woman. This is the whole point. Her field of events is strong, but soft in its action. It is not hostile to a person, unless, of course, to reach the object too much (it tends to help, leaving the person to decide for himself).


My friend had a small HDD (hard disk), the author decided sitting at the computer to give him his big 850 Mb (this is 90 years). The next day, he turned on the computer to erase the information and give away the HDD, but it is already 100% not working (it was a pity the author was not). But the hard disk drive (HDD) took offense at the author and committed suicide (this is not a joke). By the way, this has happened more than once, and with other computer components. Second example: (I won't explain how and why). My friend was typing text on my computer for several days, then it was necessary to print it (editor of "Word and Deed"). We launch the editor, open the text, the text appears, and before I have time to give the command to print, the first line after it, the next, and so on, and that's it! No text! I go to Norton Commander 5, look through (via F3) - the text is in place,I go back to the editor and repeat all over again. I erase the editor, put it over again, and again everything repeats again, I thought the virus, I banished it with an antivirus: - everything is clean. I do everything again, the editor is new, I try to print, and again the same picture. Other text prints fine, copied the text to him on a floppy disk. I asked the programmers: - no one could explain how this could have happened (but the author knows who is to blame for this and why it was so). As always, the reason is in the woman.who is responsible for this and why it was so). As always, the reason is in the woman.who is responsible for this and why it was so). As always, the reason is in the woman.

Objects of the 7th kind

Memory (inkjet). The object is plastic, therefore the memory is recorded on the strings, and the strings are multi-dimensional and therefore can contain a very large amount of information and, accordingly, a strong field of events, but not durable. If turned into solid (frozen), then durable

Objects of the 8th kind.

Memory (permanently - static 2k). The memory is recorded on the surface and in the internal structure of the crystal, as a result of the peculiarities of the crystal structure as well as density. Then a very large amount of information is recorded and, accordingly, a very strong field of events. Crystals very strongly and quickly react to emotions and feelings. Crystals have a feminine character, a very correct approach is needed.

The head of Eniology from Rostov said that he was at a plant where crystals are grown. So they noticed that when the operators are women, the crystals grow much faster.

Objects of the 9th kind

Memory (here and not here) is inside - outside. Memory is inside a person (or rather above the head), and the other part is in the noosphere (in the database). Therefore, the possibility of including the event field is overlapped by the opposite event fields. One needs heat in summer, another needs cool weather, and another needs frequent rains (and lo! The end result is known to everyone!). More precisely, this is stated in the article "The Law of the Origin of Mind" in the section individually - collective mind

7.2.2. Object memory field

The object, when it is assembled, created, reproduced, begins from this moment to record the events occurring around it (within the line of sight), multiples of its volume and the complexity of its internal structure. Depending on the type of information recorded in the object's memory, the manifestation of the Event Field is possible, but in a very limited impact.


Killer cars. The higher the complexity of the object (computer, phone, tablet) and the intensity of its use, the more likely it is to be included in the field of events and the frequency of its inclusion.

Examples of memory and inclusion of events (local).

These three cases took place in Moscow.

1. I received an e-mail that this woman needs to go to the robot tomorrow by bus, metro, but not by her own car. She drove her car and had an accident.

2. The writer (also by mail) received a letter that tomorrow he will receive a fee and that he would put it in a jar, in a stocking, under a mattress, but did not carry it to the bank. The writer put it in the bank. The next day, there was a default.

3. The man (also by mail) received a letter to insure the apartment against fire, which he did (unfortunately, he was the only smartest of the three who received such a message). Two weeks later, the neighbor fell asleep drunk with a cigarette in his hands. His apartment and his neighbor were burned down. The insurance company has launched an investigation into this case. It turned out that the letters came to the computer from the same computer. That is, in order to prevent and warn him, he had to send a letter to himself (the local field of events turned on). As in a fairy tale, two clever and one fool! There are a lot of such examples. People are all so smart, but for some reason there are enough puddles for almost everyone!

7.2.3. Event field

With a certain impact (touch, open, hack) which must be indicated. A whole avalanche of events, incidents and actions of various kinds takes place, in certain places according to a given code.

From mythology, this is Pandora's box. The most famous inclusion of the Event Field is the Second World War. The action to turn on the event field was the opening of Tamerlane's tomb. There is another example spaced in time (approximately) by 150 years. This is the introduction of troops into England. This was what Napoleon and Hitler wanted. The troops were pulled up to the English Channel, the next day the order was to be received to start the crossing and the offensive, but in the morning Napoleon and Hitler, for some unknown reason, cancel the order for the offensive. The inclusion of the field of events was the gathering of 12 people (for performing prayers and rituals) on the night of the offensive into the water of the strait. Under Hitler, these were the descendants of those people who, under Napoleon, entered the water of the strait. This is only a small part of what has been and will be. The field of events is very strong for crystals (different crystals, especially precious and semi-precious). Everyone knows the action of the so-called cursed diamonds and other stones. This is the action of the event field that triggers the object's memory. And the memory of an object is influenced by the action and attitude of other objects, both positive and negative (what I put in, I got it with interest). The event field is a very strong memory, embedded (in a special way, but not always) in an object, which is activated by touch, opening (Pandora's box), opening (Tamerlane's tomb) after which this event field is activated in a special way. From the beginning, the object goes into the past (several years ago or decades ago) and changes the past according to the plan of the event. An example of the Field of Events (it was predicted): - if you open the tomb of Tamerlane, then there will be a big war, so when the Mausoleum was opened, the field of events started working: - went into the past and created Hitler,arranged funding for his military machine by American, British, Swiss banks (I wonder who were the owners of these banks and corporations that fed, nurtured and armed Hitler, who was his real owner?) and launched a military campaign on June 22, 1941. And when the mausoleum was closed, a turning point immediately came in the war, although these banks continued to cooperate with Hitler all the time, right up to his death, these banks are still participating and organizing the persecution of Russia at the present time, although they have always done this at all times … They have always tried and did it, destroyed and destroy now, all progressive regimes that wanted the benefit for their country and their people. Therefore, all these world corporations need only raw materials and resources of any country in order to only plunder other countries and peoples. And these peoples must live in poverty, hunger and disease and must pray for these countries, which allegedly bring them so-called freedom and democracy. Because these freedoms and democracy help them to plunder and destroy these peoples and countries, and they thrive. And with this crap, no one and never will believe in their supposedly pure and bright feelings and thoughts!

7.2.4. Memory of a solid, living material object.

You can write down your thought or some of your feelings, emotions in the memory of the object. How to do it, what is better recorded, or what is better and longer lasting, and what works best.

7.2.5. Memory of a liquid material object. For example, you need to enter (write down) certain information for further use. What is good that you will always be pleased to remember it later and feel and experience again, at least a little - a little again!

Author's comments. Mercury as a liquid and metal is not from our space. Although it is present on an equal footing with other elements and metals. And it is widely used in industry, medicine and cosmetics, especially widely used in past centuries. But, in no case can it be actively used in experiments, experiments, because it threatens with very unpleasant consequences, both physical and material. But also arouse the interest of representatives of that other space. But this will have very bad consequences of various kinds. As, for example, what these grief experimenters will have, a large amount of mercury appears in the body, which will lead to a deplorable state of his body, torment and death. There are receiving mercury antennas (which are very easy to detect, the interesting thing is that they are only used for receiving,not transfer!). But the experiments on the use of the transfer ended up very deplorable.

7.2.6. Memory of thought, soul.


7.3.1. The energy of an object cannot exceed the informational limit of this object. With a significant increase in the amount of information, energy also increases greatly.

7.3.2. The more negative in the object, the less its energy potential. The negative destroys and destroys the object.

7.3.3. The energy of an object strongly depends on its density: - the higher the density of the object, the more its energy (that is, the denser the object - the more in a unit of its volume the amount of accumulated energy).


Crystals, Gold.


7.4.1. Information value of an object flash drive 2 GB. The worker, pilot, scientist have different sizes.

7.4.2. Information occupancy and significance of the object: The flash drive is 1.5 GB full. A person does not read anything, is not interested in anything, informationally he is empty, a very low possibility of use, he has little value. For a scientist, it is higher.

7.4.3. Information density: Low: for those who read light reading, watch soap operas, listen to pop music. Medium: Those who read serious literature listen to serious music and films. High: a sentient being.

7.4.4. Object information limit The flash drive has a volume of 2 GB, it depends on its structure, in fact, its capacity is always slightly less. Man: - it depends on his way of thinking, perception of images and categories, as well as on the size of structurally abstract thinking and perception, as well as on the type of his mind, its structure and the ability to connect to different categories of the information field. And also from the category of informational admission.


7.5.1. The lifetime of an object is local (as a whole), for objects with low information density it is much less than for objects with high density.

7.5.2. The lifetime of an object is relative (broken), for objects with a low information density it is higher than with a high one.

7.5.3. Lifetime is absolute. For example: the age of protons in a given location and layer.


7.6.1. The probability of the existence of an object (this probability is higher for a worker than for a scientist, and for a scientist is higher than that of a pilot)

7.6.2. The likelihood of object decay - local value (for a scientist it is higher than for a worker)

7.6.3. The probability of decay is an absolute value (for a pilot it is higher than for a worker, for a worker it is higher than for a scientist)


7.7.1. The value of the object

Each object considers itself the most valuable and good than other objects. But this is a false opinion, because all objects are equally valuable, but as if in a different currency, it depends on his spiritual pillar (potential). As a result, different possibilities of their use

7.7.2. The uniqueness of the object

The uniqueness of each object is an objective reality. Each object is truly unique, but in its own way, with its own unique properties, shades and color (and smell). Regardless of who he is, a janitor or an academician, and even if a person feels and feels insignificant, and if the world around you considers you insignificant, they are fundamentally wrong. But you don't need to take offense and take revenge on them, you need to be above that. People are like a large flock of macaques (unfortunately, when there are many of them, they become similar to macaques, even in appearance). Go to the zoo, to the monkey house, and observe with cold, sober eyes the behavior of two flocks (monkeys and humans). The comparison will certainly not be in favor of a bunch of people (see how they react and observe the people who came to see them). You don't have to prove your uniqueness to anyone, except yourself. You have to prove it only to yourself: that you are intelligent, unique and brilliant, in the most extreme case - that you are talented. Because GOD created you in his own image and likeness, you are a creator and must create something unusual, because you are a creator as the Lord, who is Your Father and Creator. Create because you are intelligent, and you have a “divine” spark of God in you. Pay no attention to people's opinions. Remember how they screamed, crucify him (Jesus). For people - this is the norm (they hate everyone, especially those who are somehow different from them). When there are many people, they always behave like a herd of macaques. Create because you are intelligent, and you have a “divine” spark of God in you. Pay no attention to people's opinions. Remember how they screamed, crucify him (Jesus). For people - this is the norm (they hate everyone, especially those who are somehow different from them). When there are many people, they always behave like a herd of macaques. Create because you are intelligent, and you have a “divine” spark of God in you. Pay no attention to people's opinions. Remember how they screamed, crucify him (Jesus). For people - this is the norm (they hate everyone, especially those who are somehow different from them). When there are many people, they always behave like a herd of macaques.

7.7.3. The importance and use of the object

The importance of the object is initially the same. But over time, it starts to vary greatly. The more an object has an opinion about itself, the less its importance and benefit.


The importance of the two facilities is a plant director and an accountant. Who is the most important director or accountant? Who is more useful a director or an accountant? It depends on the object itself. If he thinks that he is the navel of the earth, then his price is 1 kopeck. Pride writes off all the positive qualities of the object and turns everything into negative, and its benefit becomes even less. The importance and usefulness of an object depends only on the object itself. Regardless of rank and rank, the peacock is very beautiful, but! and a parrot too. The importance of a person does not always coincide with the opinion of people. They always appreciate the dead, what can you do if all people, one way or another, are necromancers. The main thing is to be sure that you are creating something real, something valuable and doing it for them, for people. And waiting for gratitude from people is at least stupid, senseless and unworthy.


7.8.1 Psychological compatibility of objects

Compatibility of objects in terms of energy, information, chemical (smell, etc.), producers, area and habitat. This action applies to all objects. There are compatibility lists for flowers, crystals, plants.

But compatibility affects very different objects. Electronic objects of different types and kinds are incompatible and have a very bad effect on each other, this applies to electronic and mechanical objects. Furniture from different manufacturers also sometimes interacts negatively. And it affects a person very strongly, but he almost always ascribes this to anything, but not to real reasons and objects. Furniture of different shapes, styles, types, manufacturers, geographical origin and location have a strong influence. Electronics, flowers and crystals also affect (various jewelry, rings, rings, chains). Thick gold chains especially play a negative role, remember the 90 years, when different tough guys (especially in tracksuits, often former athletes), or new Russians wore thick gold chains around their necks. But there is also astrological compatibility (only fire signs can wear gold), and besides this, gold very strongly accumulates negative information (and its carriers had enough of it). And it must be very carefully and constantly cleansed of this negative, rings with stones, this is also very dangerous. And for clarity: remember all those cool guys with golden chains, are they still alive, how long have they lived, and how many of them are still left, analyze them for yourself! And the biggest disgusting and abomination is wedding and anniversary gifts. How many misfortunes, diseases, alcoholism, divorces and deaths they brought: - it is not to count! The largest is 5.10 percent donated for joy. See for yourself, if the gift breathes with warmth and good mood, then this is a good gift. And if he is unpleasant to you, and especially if he is cold:- then you yourself must know where it belongs. Example: - a woman turned to my friend for help, her husband died and for some reason she felt very bad, my friend found out that he was killed specifically because of the apartment (amusing his son), with the help of gifts. He told her to collect all the gifts in a bag and throw them into the trash can. She put on gloves in the evening, and it was those gifts that he advised her (not all) that she began to put in her bag. Suddenly, a black cat appeared, which began to get underfoot and interfere with her (she did not have cats in the house). She says she herself would not believe anyone, but I saw it all myself. And so she went out into the street, threw it out, went through all the containers in different places and returned with a bag (with gifts). The next day he scolded her and asked to throw her out,but in the evening she again walked with her bag and came home with a full bag. The next day he advised her that if she could not throw it out again, let her give it to her neighbor for the night. And in the morning he will throw it into a container. She did just that. I gave it to a neighbor (her neighbor was over 70 years old and lived alone), after 10 minutes they started ringing at the door for a long time and persistently and even knocking, but the woman did not answer (she was advised not to let in for three days, and not to answer calls). In the morning she opened the door, the bag was near the threshold. Finally, she carried it and threw the bag with gifts into the container, which the old lady next door was afraid of, she did not find out. More than 5 years have passed, the woman is alive and well. The compatibility of different types of objects with each other, no one has yet investigated this and did not do it on purpose, although it would be necessary, (furniture with furniture, furniture with a person,plants with furniture and appliances, crystals with plants and appliances, and in fact crystals also enhance the properties of the impact of other objects). And this, after all, affects a person and his health and destiny. Which tree was used in the manufacture of furniture, as well as the religion, culture and psychology of the people, where this tree grows. Information is always superimposed on everything, and not all information is useful to a particular person. It is especially dangerous to bring souvenirs from different countries, because you do not know what it is and what it is for!and not all information is useful to a specific person. It is especially dangerous to bring souvenirs from different countries, because you do not know what it is and what it is for!and not all information is useful to a specific person. It is especially dangerous to bring souvenirs from different countries, because you do not know what it is and what it is for!


Australia has the sacred mountain ULURU (Ayers Rock). Around it there are posters warning: You cannot take pieces of this mountain (pebbles), because it is very dangerous. It brings unhappiness to the house, and to this person. The posters warn about this very convincingly! But a man is, the same man, one word! These stones are taken, here are the fools. And then, after a while, all as one send back by mail, these pebbles (when the roasted rooster bites). And where are the brains? (in fact, of course you know where). And they have already received adventure, and in full. Fun! It is not clear why it is imperative to learn from your own! It hurts!

7.8.2. Object psychology

Objects have the most varied psychology and even quirks. Also, character and emotions are masculine, feminine and neutral.


1. Computers, tablets, smartphones and cell phones. Impulsive character:

compatible with objects - with men; not compatible with objects - very often with women (but this is logical). 2. Baroque and rococo furniture. Lightweight and slightly loose: Compatible with objects - with women, with VIP; not compatible with objects - male (traditional). 3. Car (except for trucks, those are men). Narcissists, arrogant with pretensions: compatible with objects - with VIP; incompatible with objects - with those who do not want them (to manage them). 4. Mirrors. These are the same things. Smart and mysterious. Dangerous and enticing. Like femme fatale. This is a whole world, only where? Is compatible with objects - with intelligent beings, and with those who have a complete brain chain of communication; incompatible with objects - dangerous for women, and for a male with female manifestations. 5. Jewelry, earrings, rings, rings, bracelets, tiaras, crowns, chains,pendants and other products made of gold and silver. Especially with gems: compatible with objects - zodiac compatibility, with VIP, but not always. You have to think if you want to live; not compatible with objects - with the wrong person, zodiacal incompatibility. 6. Buildings: Sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels, restaurants: compatible with objects - mainly VIP, women: not compatible with objects - with retirees, and with ordinary people. 7. Buildings - Offices, Administrative: compatible with objects - with VIP, women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 8. Villas, mansions, country cottages (houses): compatible with objects - with a man, especially with women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 9. Wardrobes, compartments, dressers.if you want to live; not compatible with objects - with the wrong person, zodiacal incompatibility. 6. Buildings: Sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels, restaurants: compatible with objects - mainly VIP, women: not compatible with objects - with retirees, and with ordinary people. 7. Buildings - Offices, Administrative: compatible with objects - with VIP, women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 8. Villas, mansions, country cottages (houses): compatible with objects - with a man, especially with women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 9. Wardrobes, compartments, dressers.if you want to live; not compatible with objects - with the wrong person, zodiacal incompatibility. 6. Buildings: Sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels, restaurants: compatible with objects - mainly with VIPs, women: not compatible with objects - with pensioners, and with ordinary people. 7. Buildings - Offices, Administrative: compatible with objects - with VIP, women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 8. Villas, mansions, country cottages (houses): compatible with objects - with a man, especially with women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 9. Wardrobes, compartments, dressers. Managerial: compatible with objects - with VIP, women; incompatible with objects - with ordinary people. 8. Villas, mansions, country cottages (houses): compatible with objects - with a man, especially with women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 9. Wardrobes, compartments, dressers. Managerial: compatible with objects - with VIP, women; incompatible with objects - with ordinary people. 8. Villas, mansions, country cottages (houses): compatible with objects - with a man, especially with women; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 9. Wardrobes, compartments, dressers.

Little, very little, there is not enough space, I told you that I have no free space!

compatible with objects - with women; not compatible with objects - with men, but you can allocate a little space so that you don't bark and whine too much. Purse.

The more it is filled, the faster it is released. Especially when there is a “beautiful doll”, the wallet turns into a physical “black hole”. She can absorb a villa, a summer residence, houses, factories, men (many), sometimes yachts! And the owner of the wallet, this happens more often!

compatible with objects - women; incompatible with objects - women. 7.8.2. WITH A MALE CHARACTER

1. Refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine.

Nordic character. Work, work and work again:

compatibility with female objects; incompatibility with objects - stoves, ovens, ovens. 2. Trucks. Character is calm, balanced: compatible with objects - men; not compatible with objects - with women, 3. Stools, benches.

Nordic character, balanced:

Compatible with objects - with men; not compatible with objects - with VIP. 4. Empire style furniture.

Well-fed and smug:

compatible with objects - with VIP; not compatible with objects - with ordinary people. 5. Aircraft, ships, tanks. The character is solid, do not climb, but you will touch, you will be beat: compatible with objects - with men and men; not compatible with objects - with women and children. 6. Buildings - Industrial. Compatible with objects - with all men, except women; not compatible with objects - with VIP. 7. Buildings - State and service.

The character is arrogant and contemptuous. He knows that everyone in it is temporary workers, as they came and will go:

compatible with objects - with "smart" objects, with a "decent" society, not compatible with objects - with ordinary and normal people. 8. Safe.

Do not come, I have nothing, empty, I said empty!

compatible with objects - a man, with a man without complexes; incompatible with objects - especially women. 9. Purse.

When full, then a beaver, and if not, then some kind of trifle, pot-bellied with bald head, and even gets confused underfoot, so inappropriate, and the smell (not Chanel # 5):

compatible with objects - with a man; not compatible with objects - with men. WITH A NEUTRAL CHARACTER

1. TV sets, tape recorders, radio receivers.

What they wanted (turned on, searched, switched) they got it, but they don't care:

compatible with objects - with everyone and everything; not compatible with objects - except for neighbors and opponents of what you are passionate about 2. Table and grandfather clocks. The character is calm, but when they bother very much, they can joke very harshly: compatible with objects - with all; not compatible with paranoid objects. 3. Wristwatches.

The character depends on the manufacturer, design and filling:

compatible with objects - with all, but reacts to the energy of a given person; incompatible with objects - with those who treat them carelessly. 4. Airports, Stations.

The character is noisy, hooligan, reckless, and everything seems to be on the drum for him, what will happen to you:

compatible with objects - adventurers, dishonest ones, crooks and cheats; not compatible with objects - with unhealthy people, nervous. 5. Buildings - Hospitals, morgues.

Patient, they know that everything goes according to a strictly scheduled queue, everything in its own time, everyone will come, some at once and some later, but still, everyone will come, but at different times. Don't forget that we are patiently waiting for you all!

compatible with objects - with everyone and everything, (food of healthy people); incompatible with objects - with healthy ones. 7.9. PSYCHOLOGY OF MULTIPLE OBJECTS. CROWD

Most are always right, even if they are all fools (often people behave in this style, it's easier and more convenient). A textbook of psychiatry for secondary schools, the publishing house "Education" in 1971 indicates that 75% of people suffer from one or another mental disorder. According to the WHO, 70% of people are schizophrenic, and their data is always underestimated, but the result is the same. It turns out such a picture, if the majority of crazy people (to put it mildly, they do not always think and act correctly and well), then they are always right, and they are normal people, and then normal people are always wrong and they are schizophrenics or people not worthy of respect. Approximately, where there is a group of 10 people, 7 with deviations, and 3 normal (or even simpler of three people, 2 with deviations, and 1 normal), remember Russian fairy tales, the father had three sons two are smart, and the third is a fool,(but in a fairy tale, it turns out that it is the fool who is smart, as in life), the fairy tale shows the real world of fools (crazy) and smart

When a person has no talent, intellect and the so-called mind. Then he tries to cover this absence with "Creative searches and experiments." Because he has nothing more behind his soul. And so these homegrown creative personalities bring scaffolding to the stage in Shakespeare's tragedies or arrange crazy dances of nudists! And this is presented as a mighty creative pursuit! And the most interesting thing is that the directors protested that they were not allowed to use obscene language in their films. They say this limits and kills their creativity! This is already a diagnosis: the level of thinking, psychologists, morality is the level of the plinth! The plinth of these directors!

All creative intelligentsia and decent society believe that they are so smart and intelligent. That it is possible for them to understand what other people are never able to understand what they understand! And when, after watching a film, a play, a picture, they argue how everything is done with such a deep meaning that it is so difficult to get to the bottom of it, but they could! This is, for example, Malevich's painting "Black Square".

“Such clearly expressed tendencies consist in an unusual concept of approach to life and reflected in the artist's work. They show us the anguish of life …”. A. Rub

This is called intellectually - creative insanity!

Most like-minded fools

A. R.

This is called looking for a black cat in a dark room where she is not really there. And when you watch these films, performances, pictures and think "but the king is naked!" And it turns out that they are constantly acting characters of the fairy tale "The New Dress of the King".

“That would be a wonderful dress! thought the king. - Put on such a dress - and you will immediately see who is sitting out of place in your kingdom. And I can also tell the smart from the stupid! Yes, let them make such a fabric as soon as possible!"

All discoveries around the world and at all times. They did just those whom everyone around thought was idiots, so you don't need to pay attention to the opinions of others, let them monkey if they want, because they are not enough for a lot. When Niels Bohr and his brother were schoolchildren, and they rode the bus with their mother, everyone around them felt sorry for their mother, because the children looked like complete idiots. Niels Bohr is a Nobel laureate, and his brother became an outstanding physicist. And YOU do your job and achieve results, and do not rely on recognition and evaluation of your work during your lifetime. This is simply not possible, people are necromancers. Now, if you die, then there is a small likelihood of your confession, but during life it is impossible, as it is! How can you be smarter than them, but never. When you die, then maybe we'll think about it, is it worth it? Considerthat it works always and in everything among people. Humanity is a large herd. But they must be loved, although it is often unbearable. And he cares about them in spite of everything, they are all the same people. What not what, but people. And you cannot judge them, not when, and under no circumstances! Do not judge and you will not be judged!


7.9.1. Objects change their characteristics over time.

There are changes in density, structure, sometimes there is a transition to crystals (graphite to diamond). There is also change

7.9.2. Object - a person during his life goes through several stages of change, as an object.

From birth, a person has a certain shape that smoothly flow from one to another, and so on throughout life (many different forms). Our ancestors knew this and called it their origin from a certain object, ancestor (bear, wolf, leopard, eagle, etc.). Totem. And this is no coincidence. This happens constantly and gradually. That is, each object (at this stage, a person), depending on its characteristics, can occupy and stop at one object. Finish your development by taking a certain form. There is an explanation for this. Different people have different times of return to Earth, from several years to several centuries. There are facts and evidence that some people come to earth (between human incarnations), transform into animals, insects and even objects. There is different evidence for this,one of them the author himself listened to a magnetic tape, where a person went through all these stages, over 150 years in the past. Therefore, they have very bright and juicy characteristics of the animals that they were.


1.the man when he was born had the characteristics of a bunny, 2. at school age he had the characteristics of a kid, Another example:

1.sparrow. 2.starling. 3. Eagle.

Another example:

1. teddy bear. 2. wolf 3. tiger.

And this happens with all objects throughout life. Man takes different forms, characteristics, different objects. The object changes its shape, totem (animal), every 12 years. It only happens once before. When he turns 7, then at 12, and so every next 12 years. Until it finally takes its final form. And it can even be "fairy tale characters", unicorns, dragons, satyrs, centaurs, elves, etc.

But these objects cannot be reincarnated physically, only internally (by the biofield). Having finally assumed his final form, a person must fulfill his task, which is assigned to him in this life. A person has all the properties and characteristics of this object (wolf, tiger, bear, jackal, fox, skunk). But we must also take into account the sign of the zodiac. Especially if the date of birth is close to the beginning or end of another zodiac, then the characteristics of that zodiac must also be taken into account. Let me give you an example: A journalist came to Africa to one of the villages where the people of this village were twinned with crocodiles. When he approached the head of the village and asked him that really every villager has a personal crocodile brother. He replied that it was true. “Can I see your brother-in-law” asked the journalist. The headman turned to the river and shouted something. After 5 minutes, a huge crocodile crawled out of the river, went up to the headman and looked at him, and it was clearly written on his face "What did you call?" The headman bent down to him and said something quietly to him. The crocodile lay down on the ground and dozed off.

When a child is born in the village, young crocodiles have joy, they look forward to when a new person chooses a crocodile brother. After some time, the baby is brought to the river bank and left there so that he chooses a brother. Crocodiles crawl ashore to the child and wait for whom he will choose his brother. The journalist watched as the children played in the rivers with their crocodile brothers, swam on them, and together, huddled next to each other, sunbathed in the sun. It was an unforgettable sight!

These villagers were crocodiles in their inner form.

It often happens that a person is even outwardly and psychologically similar to his totem. A person can sometimes, even physically, take the form of his object, but this requires a lot of energy and willpower, there are numerous confirmations (werewolves) in different countries. In some countries, this is a common phenomenon (not a massive one, of course), but it is hidden and hushed up in every possible way, since there are numerous human casualties. In Europe it is, regions in Romania, Hungary. But there is a danger of being stuck in this guise forever, as happened with Indra when he incarnated in a pig. He was forced to return with great difficulty, he really did not want to, so he liked it there. There is an interesting case on this topic. The man walked through the forest, and he had to cross a stream 30 paces long and ankle deep. And he was in a ravine overgrown with bushes. And when the man went down the path to the rivulet, he saw that a bear had descended from the other side at the same time. Either drink water, or fish. They saw each other and froze in surprise. Then the man made an unexpected action (later he could not explain why he did this). He assumed the pose of a dog and suddenly began barking at the bear. The bear fell into a stupor, there was just a man, and suddenly there was something. A bit of a dog and something, sort of from a man. Then the man, unexpectedly like a dog with his hind legs, began to throw away the sand and, with loud barking and obscenities, rushed across the river like a dog at a bear. The bear crouched down in surprise, and a bear disease happened to him. And he got up and quickly rushed away from this incomprehensible beast, watering the bushes with feces. The man ran to the shore, but did not go further, everywhere there was dirt, feces and smell. He got up, turned and calmly walked back home with a feeling of a winner. Draw your own conclusion.


7.10.1 Object thinking with the addition of totem thinking

There is a beast in every person. Totem. Only intelligent beings (all 4 stages) have no beast inside. The psychology, character and behavior of a typical representative of the beast naturally leaves an imprint on this person. But besides this beast, there is also a generic (Totem) beast of the clan, tribe and people. Which are also superimposed on this person. And also it is necessary to take into account the provision which is stated in 4.9.2. Therefore, a particular person turns out to be a wild cross between a beast. But if you want to deal with this person, it is desirable to take all this into account, unless of course there is a desire. Why, ABOS WILL CARRY OUT! If there is a pig quality (this is dirt), then he was and will always be dirty. A pig, she is a pig, she will always find dirt, and that cannot be changed. And so in everything and always. You also need to take into account the system of relationships of totems (Zoroastrian) developed by the astrologer Vadim Levin. System (calendar) of brothers and enemies. It is simple and very accurate. If you use it, you will always know for sure who can betray and set you up. For the Aryan peoples, a more accurate and correct system of astrology and totems. This is Zoroastrian. But oddly enough, the Chinese animal system operates for 60 years. And it corresponds to our everyday life. This action is a very strange and interesting effect - "official acceptance". The author has not investigated and is not going to study this effect. But the author knows exactly what he is, by his two manifestations in our sublunary world. There are, of course, more of its manifestations in our world, but the author is not interested in this yet. The first is that we all have adopted the Chinese calendar, and it works. And he really is a bull in character, and a dog is a dog. What can you do here. Zoroastrian will only act when we all accept it. It will then be better and more correct for our life and destiny. Especially for the state and Egregor. And the second manifestation of this effect is in the date of birth. That is, some people have a real date of birth, and there is a fictitious one, which is in their passport. So they will have a fictitious fate, according to a fictitious date. What does this mean, I will give an example. My friend had, such was the story. By the present date, he should have a different fate, and he would have lived for a long time. And according to the fictitious date (passport), the term of 43 years, and it happened, he died exactly on time on the fictitious (passport) date. When he was 42 years old and he was already sick,the author advised him to put his affairs in order just in case (he had a business with a partner). When he died, his widow, her sister and mother (mother-in-law) were able to leave to move to Greece with this money. The astrological horoscope also needs to be done on a fictitious date of birth, otherwise it will not work. For a correct understanding of a given person, his psychology, thinking and other characteristics. It is necessary to create a Totem (animal) horoscope. But for this, you first need to draw up a methodology and calculation of such a horoscope. Here it will be more mundane and much more useful for people, for practical use than astrological. But an astrological horoscope is also needed, but with practical application in the life of a given person. But this, unfortunately, depends only on the literacy, experience and intuition of the horoscope compiler. Especially from his intuition.

7.10.2. Thinking of the object with the addition of thinking of the national mentality

The so-called national mentality is superimposed on the object's thinking. And he arises from the father - the founder of this people, we will call him the first ancestor. The character, thinking, psychology and actions and deeds of this first ancestor determine and superimpose on all his offspring, people. And the karma of this progenitor, which arose from his actions and deeds, is imposed on the whole people and is constantly strengthened by his descendants. How does the progenitor of any nation arise? Among people, a person is born with a character different from other males of this nationality, and with a very strong sexual potential! And then his first offspring (also several generations) should also have strong sexual potential. Differing from the people around them, psychology and their actions. Even in appearance, the progenitor left an imprint on his offspring and future people. Of course, geographic location (plain, steppe, forests, mountains), food, climate play a role in this. As a result of all this, a people emerges. But the first 100 people (the first ancestor and his offspring) are not yet a new people. The new people will start with 101 people, of course this is all conditional, it is so. And then comes the history of this people, which leads to the flourishing or death of this people. If the people are wise and not aggressive, and few in number, then they are usually swallowed up by another not quite developed people, numerous. These are the Sumerians, Etruscans. And an aggressive people, even after the destruction of their state, still remains to coexist. These are Assyrians, although their language is Armenian now, but there is a reason for this. If the ancestor of the people was very greedy,small trader. I could not look even one step ahead because of my greed, this people was doomed to destruction, despite their contribution to civilization. This is the state of the Phoenicians "Carthage". This state and the United States are essentially one and the same state, only separated in time. And the United States will repeat the fate of Carthage. Real merchants enrich and contribute to the prosperity of their people. But not petty and greedy. The very first ancestor, strictly speaking, cannot be called the first representative of this people. Because he is a representative of the people from which he came. The people originated from the first ancestor, they have their karma, character, psychology, thinking, behavior and everything else. But as a people it is formed only when the population reaches over 100 people. And in this people all the advantages and disadvantages of its founder take root. And all this becomes the rule of behavior, thinking and psychology of this people. And he also separates other peoples from himself, they are alien to him and the attitude towards them is different. Most often negative and contemptuous. Within the people, some laws are in effect, and for other peoples (aliens) others. If the first ancestor was kind, strong, courageous and from him came a people who, having become numerous, lived, developed and did not interfere with other peoples. Then he had a different karma, more favorable, but then it must be difficult. According to the law of the Absurd, there must be a balance. But if the direct ancestor was a bum and cunning, then from him came the people of eternal bums. Karma cannot be changed or avoided (although, as "professional magicians" say, it is elementary for them), it can only be worked off. Stupidity and stupidity in Africa, there are laws that cannot be changed. Whoever it is. And no amount of arguments and approval will help. Especially when he claims that he has such a high level and he has such a high position in the hierarchy of light. That one can only burst into tears from emotion, happiness and idiocy! Of course, in every nation, there is a very small part who do not like the mentality of their people, and they do not want to live like that. This is the legal right of their choice. But there are peoples who do not have the ancestors and founder of this people. That is, different groups of people, different nations living in a certain territory. Where they have cross-pollination from different neighbors, as a result of raids and the temporary conquest of this territory. The result is a hybrid people, and if they have adopted more of the worst traits from their inseminates spruce, then what happened is what happened. Their egregor is not quite normal,shifted to different sides (to the sides inseminates spruce trees) and does not have clear orientations and values, except for negative ones. True, if two or three peoples (but of course not all the people themselves, but only some of them, then a part, one of the tribes), unites with another tribe. That turns out to be a normal people, not a hybrid. In Europe, this is Bulgaria, where one of the Kazakh tribes moved many years ago, and also the people of the black Bulgars moved there (from the territory of Tatarstan). Here Egregor turned out to be mixed at first, later becoming homogeneous. By the way, it is very dangerous for the people if they begin to appropriate the dignity of another nation. And to say that they are his descendants. All this will lead to very sad consequences for this people. Up to decay and dispersion. But even worse, if someone starts to say that they are the founders of all peoples. Then he can simply cease to exist and dissolve, despite all the efforts of his representatives. These are very dangerous games, with great consequences! The Matrix really doesn't like such jokers!

7.10.3. Thinking of an intelligent being

An intelligent creature thinks in completely different categories than a person. The main criteria and desires of a person are based on the satisfaction of his instincts, and psychological desires: power (sadism, humiliation of others), vanity, narcissism. A person thinks unreasonably and often (too often) is not logical, in almost all respects. For him, the main thing in life is pleasure, and almost always to his own detriment. At the same time, he always has a double standard, for everything that is possible for me, that others cannot do, and have (things, money, values).

An intelligent being thinks logically and intelligently. Even if it is in the human body. Correct logical and reasonable thinking is always and everywhere, and also continuous. It is a stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 creature. The 4th stage, when faced with a person, is not of interest. Therefore, the thinking, actions, and deeds of an intelligent creature are not always clear to those around him. They do not fit into human logic.

For women, sentient beings are a great punishment and curse.


He looks good, Yes, green - no ripe berries:

You will set your teeth on edge immediately."

They can’t understand them, it’s beyond their powers and capabilities.

For women, rational beings are defective, unfit, sick (castrated or impotent) and not interesting males. They cannot be used normally. You can't take anything from them! This is not a man! This is a Gentleman and such a decent man! What a nightmare!


7.11.1. Radioelectronic receiving and transmitting devices of the object

All living and (as if) nonliving has the same atoms, molecules in different compounds and molecules. But in different proportions and compounds. And therefore, they, manifesting themselves in chemical reactions, release energy and electricity. Therefore, all objects receive and emit various kinds of energy. In vertebrate objects, the spine is the energy column through which all the energy of the vertebrate subject flows. And if any contact between the vertebrae is broken, then the transmission of energy throughout the column is disturbed. Those organs of the subject that are on the transverse line, then they just receive energy from this vertebra (this is of course conditional). But if there is a violation of the conduction of the energy column of the spine, or even worse, a rupture (or a very large resistance to the flow of energy). Then there is an accumulation of energy,in one part of the subject's body and a lack of energy in another part of the body, this causes disruption of the object's body. As a result, some organs, where the lack of energy begin to malfunction and fail, and where the excess of energy begins to overexcite and behave inadequately. The hair in the head part of the object, together with the spinal column, act as a receiving-transmitting antenna. Therefore, cats bite the tips of their whiskers to their kittens, and they lose spatial orientation, and cannot run far from their mother (cat). In women, it is their hair, the longer, the better the connection quality. The shorter, the worse for a woman, but fashionable! If we restore the permeability of energy in the spinal column, then many diseases can reduce their influence and effect. Also along the spinal column, there are two canals, one on the left and one on the right. One by one the energy flows upward, and the other downward. That is, a person will be healthier, why not completely healthy, this already depends on many other reasons, in particular on the correct thinking, actions and speech (especially speech!). It's very hard. And also the object must learn to consume energy when it lacks it from the environment, food, air, trees, stones, sun, ocean, storm, blizzard. For some objects, the disease comes from an excess of energy, they need to either throw it off (ground the energy), or direct it to a good cause. It must be remembered that both a strong discharge (death can occur) and overcharging are harmful to the battery. The battery can short-circuit, overheat (boil), and fail, also death. We are all energetic objects, and the laws of work are the same, do not think that we are something special.

7.11.2. Interaction of energy, intellectual and spiritual potentials of the object. In this case, the object is a human being.

All objects have several permanent systems that are closed in time. This is a family, school, university, work, friends. Each closed system has its own laws. Energy potentials in a closed system must be equalized, that is, from a large charge must pass to a smaller charge. Law of physics. All objects (people) are physically and energetically equal in their structure to batteries (in cars, devices, tablets).

21.4.1. Honey traps are very common for men and a little for men. What it is: this is when a woman purposefully chooses a man as her goal for strictly defined purposes. There is no smell of love here.

1. The first type of honey trap. This is when a woman on assignment from the special services


Sciences are divided into natural, unnatural and unnatural.

L. Landau

The sciences are divided into those permitted by their Lordships. And not allowed, damned smerds!

A. Garin

And in them the same charging processes and work on power delivery take place, similar, only slightly different in (chemical) process and composition. Therefore, a closed system is interested and makes sure that the energy - charge is the same for everyone, the law of physics, the equalization of potentials. Therefore, the environment (society) is interested so that no one stands out with anything, so that everyone is the same. She is interested in low energy potential of objects (people), first of all, for medicine and the medical industry, profit is above all! There are many patients, this is very good and beneficial. For many of them, conscience and honor simply do not exist. There are, of course, with conscience and honor, but very small, very, very few. Intellectual potentials are aimed at negating each other, it is like two identical electric charges, the law of physics. A closed system of intelligent charges has a lattice of distribution, relative to each other, at the same distance (as in a crystal), from each other and maintains an equilibrium system. And if the intellectual potential of a high charge suddenly appears, then the closed system seeks to restore equilibrium. And for this she needs:

1. Push out this awkward high level PI. This is done with pleasure and great zeal by the management, especially colleagues, they are real professionals in their field.

2. Destroy it completely, the NKVD, the KGB, the media, reports, rumors and gossip.

3. Reduce his PI to an acceptable value. His family and relatives (especially his wives) help them very well in this, they do it very effectively, persistently and purposefully.


Experience is what you get

when you look for something completely different

T. Dewar Spiritual potentials are rare. They are often simply ignored, or considered inferior objects, unworthy of attention from other objects. They are considered not as dangerous objects as intellectual potential, but on occasion and when possible, they will do the same. But intelligence services are always very attentive to them. Much stronger than terrorism and crime, and they spend more time, effort and money on them.


Religious beliefs are a great excuse to do nasty things to people

R. Aldington

7.12.1. Effects of S. P. I. P. on the object The impact of a specially constructed information field on an object of the human race to create a controlled object.

It is easier to manage a society if it lacks spiritual potential, low intelligence, and weak energy. For this, there are a number of programs developed at different times and by different states. Fascist Germany (still used), in the USA by various institutions and organizations (they are now widely known and published). A lot of money has been allocated for this, and it is still allocated. These are various awards, grants, investments and contributions to cultural heritage, and projects of different nations. National (different countries) media and TV are heavily involved in this, as well as many writers, artists, poets, directors, showmen, pseudoscientific figures. Moreover, they indulge the lowest tastes and instincts of people, justifying this by the fact that it is now interesting and fashionable! Therefore, they incorporate sex, pornography, violence and swearing into films, books!The more stupid and dumber a person is, the better and more he will bring them profit! Moreover, in this they certainly try to attract various nationalists and fuel their national aspirations. And they also throw various facts to the “Scientists” to warm up nationalist ideas and religious teachings. You can see on the Internet how many "Dear People" glorify the United States and the West, and try very hard to adopt from them everything, by the way, everything, only the worst. They need a person to stop thinking and feeling at high damage. There is evidence of this, just look at what is being done with education, medicine and culture. And also watch films, songs, TV programs. Interestingly, many of them think that these are their thoughts and views. And they do not suspect that they are just dolls, puppets who speak other people's thoughts, inspired by them. Which was put into their "in such highly intellectual heads" by a stranger and evil, "Uncle Sam" (of course, paying well for their work, venality), under the guise of a struggle for democracy and freedom. And they are like parrots (and parrots have brains and a conscience) repeating about "freedom and democracy." Impact of different forces.

Hundreds of thousands of crimes and murders are committed in the world every year. Moreover, neither the criminals themselves, nor the investigators, nor relatives and friends can understand the reason why he did this, because it is not typical for him! Impact of the Matrix.

The criminal had no motive and reasons to commit this crime, he does not understand how and why he committed it. One of the several explanations for this is, this is the handiwork of the Matrix. The point is that there are people who can make very serious temporary disruptions to events in the world of the Matrix. Or create chaos and disruption to the sequence of events. Therefore, these people must be erased from the plan of events. She selects a person for whom the time has come to pay off karmic debts. And by adjusting events, he directs to commit a crime (to erase a person from the plan of events). From the point of view of the Matrix, all these actions are legal and justified. The one who has come to pay for his past sins has paid. The one who was supposed to harm all of humanity and the Matrix was decommissioned and scrapped. Everything is fair and honest. Smaller and more routine control cases,performs the Order of the Nine and the rest of the various types and types of orders of the Matrix. Elimination of unwanted people.

Some people have an obstacle in the form of specific objects (a person). Therefore, they attract different types of specialists. Which in different ways introduce a specific person to the task of eliminating interference (elimination). Moreover, the object itself is not even aware of this task. And when the command is given, he will carry it out. Much has been written about this, a lot has been shown in different films. This is not something mysterious and secret. One famous American actress, the CIA has introduced, if I am not mistaken, as many as 5 personalities in her. And when she was given the command to turn on some personality, she was on a CIA mission. And then I didn't remember anything about it. It came out when she got married, and her husband discovered it. Damage to humanity by evil spirits …

This is already the handiwork of the most evil forces, through temporary introduction into a person, with full control of his consciousness. This is possible only with those people who do not have a spiritual pillar, potential. They have weak morals and few human values. Therefore, they are easy to possess and manipulate.

7.12.2. Object immunity and mental abnormalities and diseases

In the United States, they caught a serial criminal who killed many people, the evidence was overwhelming and convincing. But the killer said that he was absolutely innocent of these murders, it was done by other individuals who were in him. Psychologists, psychiatrists, criminologists, investigators and other specialists were involved. Indeed, it has been proven that all these murders were committed by other individuals who confessed to everything, and provided evidence confirming this. It was attended by 27 other personalities who did all this. All specialists, as well as the court, confirmed that the accused was innocent. But so that these persons present in him did not commit crimes again, he was forced to be sent to a psychiatric hospital.

This suggests that not all cases of so-called mental disorders are diseases. Officially, the Catholic Church has recognized that there is the invasion of alien souls and impure forces into a person. And she has specialists who professionally deal with this matter (expulsion). The Orthodox Church is also doing this. But this is not given to everyone, it is a very big and hard work. The fact is that the stability of an object (in this case, a person) depends on its good state of the energy of the spinal column, and spiritual potential. The paramount and main thing in an object (a person) is its spiritual potential (a pillar)! The Bible says about this that when a person's soul is empty, the devil takes over there. This is a free retelling of the words of Jesus Christ. New Testament.


Experience is what you get

when you look for something completely different

T. Dewar

When you study an object, then to obtain accurate and reliable information. You should have minimal impact on this object. That is, it is the application of the Heisenberg Uncertainty in the macrocosm. A combination of physics, biology, energy and magic together.

7.13.1. Object tracking

When it is necessary to make observations of some object (person). Then the following rules must be observed. It is necessary to relax and not think about the object of observation.

Imagine that you are an empty vessel, and without walls. You cannot look directly at the object. Look away from the object. That is, you cannot influence the object. If we look directly at the object, then it will try to change its direction of movement.

7.13.2. Look at the aura of a person (object) It is necessary to relax and not think about the object of observation. Imagine that you are fog or just air. You cannot look directly at the aura of an object (person). Look away from the object. Only then will you see the real aura of this person. One cannot imagine in advance what kind of aura he might have.

Because then you will introduce your ideas into his aura, and you will have incorrect information. You will distort your information.

7.13.3. Heisenberg's uncertainty When it is necessary to obtain data on the location of a particle (for example, an electron), then we cannot get the speed. Since we are acting on an object, in this case an electron. By receiving data about its location, we affect its measurement, changing its speed. This is certainly not entirely accurate.

This is manifested in what was said above, Heisenberg's uncertainty in relation to man.


7.15.1. Numerological characteristics of the object

Any object is ever born. And it has a numeric appearance time code as well as its name or production name. This is the numerological characteristic of this object. To do this, you need to calculate your data for collaboration, and determine the numbers that suit you. Then calculate the name and determine the purchase number that you need. That is, you need the date of purchase, and you can choose it yourself, but it is imperative that in the store you put this date in your passport or warranty card. That's all, you can use it. But keep in mind, no one will give you any guarantees, no matter what, and not when, because it is impossible. The reason for the failure, and repair can be any, and even the most unexpected. But it is always necessary, if there is an opportunity for this, to provide yourself with the best conditions for your life, then it is better to do it. But all this is at the discretion of the person himself! After all, a person always knows what is best for him to do. And every person, without exception.

Any person always has two things, one is always not enough, but the other is always a lot. What are these things? Money and mind.

A. Garin

7.14.2. Astrological characteristics of the object

Astrological characteristics of such objects as a person, a clock, a wardrobe, a table, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a telephone, a car are the same and similar. As created, created, assembled and prepared for sale, having a title (name), as well as the date of birth, creation, staffing.

When the product passport contains the name of the product (this is like the full name of a person), and also use the date of its release from the factory (as the date of birth of a person). But we do not need a classic horoscope for the compatibility of this object with the data of the person who bought this object. And the calendar of "Friends and Enemies" by the astrologer by Vadim Levin. There you just need to determine the difference in years between the object and the buyer, and what kind of difference it is even or odd. It's very simple but effective.

If there is no date of its release, then it is necessary to use the numerological characteristics of the object. Why it should be used. The fact is that if you have an incompatibility with this object (product), then it will always work poorly, often break and even harm. Of course, all this can be ignored, but it works, and whoever wants to live as always is his business and his life.

7.14.3. Premature incapacitation of an object.

Unfortunately, objects are susceptible to being incapacitated by emotions by women, and any (there is nothing to say about men, they quickly fail). And the most interesting thing is that the more intelligent the object (meaning its electronic filling), the faster they break down or refuse to work with a woman. That is, the woman says that the computer does not work, you sit down and look that it is absolutely serviceable and working normally. It's just that the woman got him so bad that he doesn't want to work with her. Nightmare, but true. But the glands are easier than the man.


7.15.1. The energy characteristic of an object (resistance) depends on its direction.

For example: The current strength will be different (of course very insignificant) in the wires that go in different directions. Least of all will be changes that go in the direction of the expansion of the universe. Most of all, the loss will be for those who go to the center of the universe. Or against the rotation of the universe. On our planet, the rotation of the Earth must also be taken into account, the current loses more when directed in the direction of the Earth's rotation, and vice versa. It is also necessary to take into account the direction of the current strength along the magnetic fluxes to the poles. To one pole it loses less, and vice versa.

7.15.2. The energy characteristic also changes from the shape of the object.

For example, there is a right and left spiral, and so if you let the current go along different spirals (right, left), then the value will be different. Also, it will flow along one spiral, too, in different ways, if you start up current from the center of the spiral, in contrast to if you start it from the end of the spiral. How to check it.

It is necessary to use a material that does not change the resistance when it is bent. You need a conductive material that, when bent, does not change its properties (resistance to electric current). Take two identical rods, tare them to the same resistance, and also make it so that you can then connect to them already prepared calibrated wires with measuring exemplary devices. Two sets. In advance, make two matrices with a right and a left spiral, for these rods. Insert these rods into one in the right spiral, the other in the left spiral. And place both spirals in impenetrable magnet-electric chambers. And start measuring the resistance of these spirals at different spatial positions, while receiving different values of the current.

7.15.3. When whole objects move in space in different directions (from the center of the Universe), this affects their characteristics. By several parameters.

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races." Author: Valery Asadov