The Hunt For The Invisible - Alternative View

The Hunt For The Invisible - Alternative View
The Hunt For The Invisible - Alternative View

Video: The Hunt For The Invisible - Alternative View

Video: The Hunt For The Invisible - Alternative View
Video: We Hunt for TREASURE Inside the INVISIBLE FOREST and FOUND THIS... 2024, September

One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their ability to disappear, becoming invisible to the human eye. Although this contradicts our usual materialistic ideas about the world around us, ufologists around the world have accumulated a lot of facts confirming the existence of "invisible" UFOs.

First of all, these are cases when photographers, filming a seemingly “clear” sky or “clean” area, after the development of the films, find on the frames some formations, sometimes shapeless, and sometimes clear, definite structures.

So, for example, in August 1979 the Riga operator Pipars, being on a fishing vessel in the Greenland Sea, took 12 pictures of the night sky and the dark sea with the lights of the ships in the night. Imagine his surprise when, after developing, he saw in four images a bright elongated glow that occupied almost half of the sky in the frames and gradually changed its shape.

In September 1983, near Ai-Petri, a Rostovite Ryzhkov took five photographs of the surrounding area, and when he developed the film, he was surprised to see in three photographs a large dark object hovering over the top of the mountain.

There are many such examples. There are cases when photographers shot visible objects, but in the pictures they looked completely different from what they perceived visually. For example, in March 1966 in Conisborough, England, Stephen Pratt photographed a single source of orange light slowly moving across the sky. And after the development of the film, there were as many as three objects on it, which had the shape of plates and flew one after another in one line.

There are several versions explaining the invisibility of UFOs and the possibility of photographing them. According to one version, UFOs pulsate at a frequency exceeding the recording capabilities of the eyes, but the camera can record them. Another version explains the possibility of photographing UFOs by the fact that invisible UFOs emit not in the visible spectrum, but in the adjacent one. such as x-ray or gamma frequencies. These frequencies are invisible to humans, but they have the ability to register on photographic film.

There are also more exotic versions explaining the appearance of a UFO on film by the peculiarities of the capabilities of a particular photographer, projecting his ideas, even hallucinations, onto photographic film. But one way or another, photographs exist, and the presence of many explanatory versions suggests, first of all, that the true, only explanation of why and how they are obtained is still absent.

We also have such pictures in the MM zone (Cape Maydel). In May 1992, in the village of Danube, warrant officer Anatoly Turbakov took pictures of his family and friends on the street. He took several pictures in a row at intervals of 5-10 seconds. The weather was calm, sunny, the sky was cloudless. “Zenit-ET” camera, standard photographic film - 65 units. Exposure 1/250, aperture 8. At the time of the photo he saw nothing unusual. But when he printed photographs, then on three of them he found a passing UFO. The photographs were taken one after the other, and during the time it took to shoot (about 10-15 seconds), the UFO moved from the left corner of the frame to the right. If on the ground, then it is approximately 400-500 meters.

Promotional video:

The enlarged images clearly show the shape of the UFO in the form of a hemisphere with the dome down, and under it, as it were, a docked classic saucer. At the same time, in one of the pictures, against the background of the UFO, electric wires pass, which are clearly visible and are proof of the reality of the object recorded by the camera. The trajectory of the UFO flight is through the Danube village to the MM zone.

A. Lukyanets

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