Telepathy And Communication Channels. How Does Telepathic Communication Arise - Alternative View

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Telepathy And Communication Channels. How Does Telepathic Communication Arise - Alternative View
Telepathy And Communication Channels. How Does Telepathic Communication Arise - Alternative View

Video: Telepathy And Communication Channels. How Does Telepathic Communication Arise - Alternative View

Video: Telepathy And Communication Channels. How Does Telepathic Communication Arise - Alternative View
Video: Telepathy Is Real 2024, September

It is an obvious fact that people are connected to each other by invisible channels of communication. For example, someone calls you, and you kind of feel who exactly. Or you know in advance what the person will say. Or the mother may feel that a child far away from her is having problems.

Coincidence, says science, which was never able to explain the phenomenon of telepathy and called it delusion. Meanwhile, Vedic knowledge is becoming more and more popular, which explains not only telepathy, but also many other "incredible" phenomena.

In short, the scheme is as follows. People on the subtle plane are connected with each other by energy channels through which sensations, emotions, thoughts and even pictures can be transmitted. In principle, there is nothing surprising in this - in the esoteric literature you can find many examples of the use of telepathy.

How telepathic communication channels arise

The telepathic channel appears at the moment when we think about a specific person, and disappears when we stop thinking about him. The presence of a channel does not necessarily mean that both "free network subscribers" will read each other's thoughts, since for this you need to have a certain sensitivity, be "tuned in" to each other, want it and be open to such communication. As soon as we start thinking about someone, contact occurs between us on the subtle plane, but this does not guarantee that a telepathic session will take place; more often than not, we do not even know that it is real, making fun of the very possibility of such communication. This fact can be explained by the fact that subconsciously we are afraid and do not want to be open to telepathic communication,because what if the “subscriber” sees the contents of our mind - all these “skeletons in the closet”? This fear blocks the channel enough to make the phenomenon of telepathy seem fictional, and the rare cases when "thoughts converge" are mere chance.

In general, this note arose as an answer to the question that I was asked in the letter:

“Please tell me about telepathy. If, for example, a person is negative, will it be transmitted to me through this channel? I kind of unconsciously create channels, and they bother me. And it is not always possible to switch attention. Could you tell us a little more about this? (but communicate with the help of telepathy, I do not burn with desire, and I do not know how, probably)"

Promotional video:

Positive displaces negative

From the answer:

The negative will be transmitted to you only if you are inclined to attract it (this depends on your actions in the past). You cannot blame another person if you received a negative from him, even through a telepathic connection, even in real life.

In order not to receive negativity from a particular person, wish him happiness, as sincerely as possible (see the article "The formula for happiness: I wish everyone happiness"). Your outgoing flow of positive is the best defense against incoming negative. Protective prayers or mantras can also help.

Wishing happiness to others, you bring benefit to yourself and to them. But never tell others that you sent them positive, wished them happiness, etc.

There is a book by Klaus Joule "The Messenger", in which he describes the technique of sending love, as well as the results of this practice. Those who still cannot send love, let them use the formula of happiness, wishing happiness to specific people or to all at once. It's much easier, and the effect is no less.

There is a wonderful Vedic seminar by Serebryakov "Secrets of the Mind", as well as lectures by other lecturers, where all these points are considered in detail, and important data are given about the functioning and control of the mind in general. I recommend listening and applying in life - it is very useful.

Fill your channels of telepathic communication with positive content, and all the negative will go away by itself. Be happy!
