Observer Effect - Alternative View

Observer Effect - Alternative View
Observer Effect - Alternative View

Video: Observer Effect - Alternative View

Video: Observer Effect - Alternative View

From non-humanities disciplines I have always liked physics. Despite the fact that relations with mathematics and geometry did not add up, in physics I always had a stable four. Apparently, the point is that science is applied, understandable and somewhat akin to language or even literature. Don't ask me why I think so - imaginative thinking, it's so mysterious. Unlike algebra, where I never saw any sense behind abstract addition, subtraction and other actions, physical formulas and problems were always concrete for me. Physics can be imagined, described, even drawn, and mathematics is just a set of soulless and incomprehensible "squiggles".

Quantum physics is doubly interesting science. For me it is a kind of hybrid of exact knowledge and philosophical reasoning, tolerances, conditions, probabilities. Theoretical physics is a fertile field for reflection, debate, unthinkable hypotheses and spontaneous discoveries. For me, as a philosopher and esotericist, this side of life is very interesting. Theoretical and quantum physics provide answers to the questions asked by my colleagues and shed at least some light on the essence of mysterious phenomena.

It is quantum physics that assumes the variability of the universe and the presence of parallel spaces. With its help, you can somehow explain the spatio-temporal oddities that occur from time to time in life.

The basic principles of quantum mechanics even formed the basis of the popular psychological direction.

A simple example, known even to those who are not interested in science, is the famous "Schrödinger's cat". The experiment has been described many times in various sources. If we omit technical terms and abstruse details, then its essence is as follows: for an observer from the side, the cat is in two states at once. He is either alive or dead. Until we open the lid of the box with the cat and the radioactive substance, we will not know. Yes, a radioactive substance for the experimenter is also in two states: either decays or not. The life of the notorious cat depends on it. To put it even simpler, the world around us is always dual. It all depends on whether we "spy" on him or not.

The so-called "observer effect" is based on this statement, examples of which in life can be found. Imagine a frosty winter day. You stand at a public transport stop, buried in a scarf, freeze and curse yourself for not bothering to check the battery charge in the car. The bus has been gone for ten minutes. You are impatiently marking time, go out onto the road, looking out for the ill-fated bus. And he still does not go. You are watching him, do you understand what I mean? Desire to see him, but the horizon is empty. Finally, you cannot stand the torture of the cold, and you decide to walk. And right there, as if out of thin air, a few meters from the stop, the desired bus appears! Coincidence? Not at all. It worked so-called. observer effect. While we gazed sadly into the foggy frosty haze, the world behaved hostilely,as if mocking our torment. As soon as he gave up the useless occupation, he immediately acted differently. Conclusion - the surrounding reality changes depending on whether we "spy" after it or not. The more we want something, the less likely we are to get it. As long as we rush the Universe, impatiently urging it on, it will keep the coveted bus! And if you had checked the battery in time, you would not have been at this stop at all. And if you had checked the battery in time, you would not have been at this stop at all. And if you had checked the battery in time, you would not have been at this stop at all.

Smokers know: in order for the transport that you have been waiting for a long time to arrive faster, it is imperative to smoke. Do not have time to strike a lighter, as the necessary minibus will appear on the horizon! And this is not a joke, I have checked this statement many times. I can rightfully call myself a practical physicist in the field of quantum mechanics! One has only to forget about your request, to get sick of something, as the world instantly realizes our "Wishlist". Indeed, in truth: you just have to get sick! And this is not fantasy - this is how the principle of observing reality works. The cunning Universe behaves like a tiger hiding in the reeds: until it jumps out, you will not know whether it is there or not.

Surely, many have encountered another amazing effect from the field of theoretical knowledge: you remember someone intensely, and this person seems to grow out of the ground on your way. Even if you live in different parts of the city or have not seen each other for several years. We humans seem to attract each other. How charged particles are attracted, separated for many kilometers in space.

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Have you ever thought that we are both observers and cats, closed in a box? On the one hand, you are waiting for a tram at a stop on a winter day, on the other, what would this world look like if you were not in it? And most likely, there are parallel universes where we are not. Or we have chosen a different path in life and will never find ourselves at this stop. Perhaps, in a different reality, we roll out in a personal limousine and observe completely different pictures. We are both researchers and test subjects.

What the fatalists call "fate" is nothing more than the physical likelihood of an event. It is worth taking a step to the left or to the right, as the life line makes a fork, and now the river of events, meetings, failures and victories turns in a different direction.

We observe life through the keyhole of our ideas about it. And how she really looks, no one really knows. The world is as everyone sees it individually. Remember the parable of how the blind looked at the elephant? One got a tail, another got a trunk, and a third got a leg. This is how we are - it all depends on what part of the elephant got, what angle of view we chose - this is how the world will look. The bird and the snake also see the earth differently, and each creature is sure that it is his view that is correct.

That's why I love physics, especially such abstruse one - don't feed with bread, let me talk about secrets and riddles. A win-win position from the point of view of the observer: at any party I am always in the spotlight!