Pre-signals From The Future - Alternative View

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Pre-signals From The Future - Alternative View
Pre-signals From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Pre-signals From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Pre-signals From The Future - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

Each of us must have had prophetic dreams. Almost 80 percent of them are believed to be gloomy. What is it? Is it an attempt by some forces to warn a person in advance about the future, or is it the property of human consciousness to foresee especially significant events?

Indeed, we see dreams almost every night, but we do not remember everything, but only the brightest or not quite ordinary ones. And also those who saw in which to one degree or another embodied in reality.

One to one

From my own experience, I can give three such examples. About ten years ago, for six months, I had the same dream several times. I walk into my apartment and turn on the light in the hallway. The fixtures light up with some annoyingly dim light. Even in a dream, it makes me nervous, since I, a person with an electrical engineering education, accustomed to doing electrical work on my own, do not understand why and why I implemented such an extremely inconvenient option.

And some time later, while repairing the entrance hall, I converted the lighting there to point lighting based on energy-saving lamps (flat round "tablet" lamps). So these cheap lamps, when turned on, first lit up with a nasty dim light, and normally began to shine only after warming up (in a minute or a half!). And then it was then that I remembered that obsessive dream.

The next time, in a recurring dream, I walked either alone or with small children in some large, but unfinished apartment. All around on the floor were unplanned planks, the walls were not plastered, through the unwashed glass of the windows opposite one could see some unfinished private houses!

This dream again plunged me into slight bewilderment and excitement! Am I going to leave the city to live in a village in an unfinished house? At that time I had no thoughts of a private house …

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But at the beginning of 2012, at the insistence of our son, we, on the occasion and very budget, acquired a plot of land in the village of Timofeevka (practically a suburb of Togliatti). In May 2014, construction began on a two-family house, which has not been fully completed to this day. In 2017, our grandson and granddaughter were born, and in 2018 I took them through the unfinished premises of the first floor, with a mystical sinking heart, looking through the unwashed window of the hall at the unfinished house of a neighbor opposite. And again the obsessive dream turned out to be almost prophetic, since everything seen in it was almost one to one repeated in reality!

Houses from the subconscious

And one more case. About four years ago, within a month, three times (!), One to one, an equally strange dream was repeated. In my car in the evening (it's not quite dark yet), I turn from Lenin Street to Gorky Street (Tolyatti Central District) and move towards Pobedy Avenue. And immediately on the right side of the movement I see several high-rise buildings-candles (at least 16 floors) of nondescript gray color with windows reflecting the rays of the setting sun!

But even in a dream, I am extremely surprised: in this part of the city there are no high-rise buildings, as, incidentally, there are not so many of them in the entire Central District (Old City). This is the same place near the semi-abandoned Yunost stadium and the old public bath (demolished for many years). But the rest of the street is the same, nothing more!

And six months later, in the area of that same public bath, the construction of the first high-rise began: the place is convenient, since all communications are in place - the sewage system, the boiler room, hot and cold water. And after a couple of years, three more similar houses began to grow like mushrooms after rain. What to do, the notorious "infill development"!

Well, today, no one, including the author of these lines, is surprised by four 16-storey buildings surrounded by five-story Khrushchev buildings. And, by the way, the ventilated facades of new buildings are faced with gray and beige discreet tiles (apparently, so that the houses do not strongly contrast with the surrounding landscape). And again, as they say, "sleep in hand"!

So what happens to us when we have such dreams? Some believe that our consciousness (or subconsciousness?) In certain phases of sleep can travel not only in spaces (astral voyages), but also in time, both backward and forward, thus anticipating future events, something important for the sleeper.

The brain is an information catcher

But in a sense, this is more of an esoteric version of what is happening. There are other versions that provide an almost scientific basis for all these manifestations. According to one of these hypotheses, all variants of future events, being not only and not so much information, but also energy at the same time, create around themselves a kind of field, called by its supporters pre-signals. And the more likely an event is to be embodied in reality and the closer in time it is to its realization, the more powerful its pre-signals. And the human brain, being, among other things, a receiver of information from the outside, only catches and decodes these very pre-signals, embodying in especially vivid dreams only those of them that can mean something for a particular person.

Not bad? Sounds good. But for some reason, not everyone picks up such pre-signals, which means that not everyone sees prophetic dreams. Or, most of us, being purely pragmatists in life, simply do not pay such close attention to dreams, and therefore do not catch (or simply do not notice) the connection between them and the surrounding reality.

Victor Tishakov